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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 73

Fantasia 73
04:03:46 Feb 16th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Either way, the facts are is that cheating got stopped that era, and zerks got pounded into the dirt. 

04:24:29 Feb 16th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

If I recall, you needed two ~15 man kingdoms to 'pound us into the dirt'. 

And you contributed very little afterwards from the looks of it, only another 200k kills for the era.
  1. The Ancient Flavius Valerius Konstantinus of The War Gods Inn (Orc)
    Had 349,235 land, 571,951 troops and 24 science points. Killed 300,803 soldiers, won 13 of 22 battles and captured 12 cities.

08:40:46 Feb 16th 21 - Exalted Knight Salamon:

Just to be clear. I already know PDC is okay with cheating, he is just lucky the dev doesn't intervene anymore. We have seen him and MAD coordinate a halfling to feed him gold via plunder a few eras back, aka feeding. Guy lost anyway, thanks to Holy's great teamwork. It's too bad we have now more people taking his mantle and following the same. Truly toxic to the game.

09:24:25 Feb 16th 21 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):

PDC and Ivanho are well known cheaters at this point....but the fact that vets like JLT, Kool, Kobu, Jennaside would support this blatant cheating is what surprised me the most.


09:49:23 Feb 16th 21 - Princess Joan of Arc:

We already know he has an army in the city, we bumped him, we tp'ed the city as with others as well (Cityblock/aol,etc), we had our eyes on him since as with others (esp the hidden ones). It was just a matter of time unless you guys do something since you had equal opportunity to take that city out of the equation as it was nearer to your cities than ours, but instead we had to risk an army to get it. I really don't see why you need to whine about it? Obviously that city proved to be a an asset but not without risk. We were willing to do something about it, and we did, then you cry..  same as previous era where you guys whine why we bypass your blocker since it is supposed to block and hence armies should not bypass it. From my Pov, it looks like you guys want everyone to play your own single-minded game set by your own single-minded rules, when someone comes in and play it creatively you accuse of cheating just because it isn't part of your single-minded universe.

So you bounced his army
Teleported the city with the army away
You knew he had 5k Naz in there. 

The gameplay from Exponentz is something I would not do thought
To send a 100k Mages army with 700 Naz to attack 5k Naz army inside a city
Its just something I would not do.

I am probably not on that level, I would not think 700 Naz with Mages can defeat 5k Naz inside a city. I consider myself a decent Troll player, but I guess I don't understand Orc gameplay. I just find that to be dangerous, given he has peasants and he can train Mages. Your eits from earlier show he had mages, so don't know how you knew he would not have them, then he did not have when we eits, other than 5k Naz. 

I am not an elite VU player, but I would never send 100k Mages to fight 5k Naz, even if I had the ability to teleport the city away when coming in close. Its just way too dangerous to get that close to 5k Naz.

09:51:16 Feb 16th 21 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):

You're 10x more elite than these cheating pieces of shit, Jas!

11:16:46 Feb 16th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

We are not supporting blatant cheating, if we had seen any proof of actual collusion, we'd condemn it like you are. The facts are, (even given the name of the army, which is unfortunate), there is no actual proof that Exponentz did anything outside the spirit of the game. This has all just been a glorified witch hunt; what happened to innocent until proven guilty? What happened to the American Dream.

I will break my silence with the issue of feeding PDC few eras back when I was Halfler. That was my idea and I message PDC multiple times about it. He actually don't want to do that, but I was able to convinced him. So the blame for that should be mine. However, no words of mine can convince anyone that he was innocent because he agreed to it.

Honestly, it was my protest against how OP Orcs are. Imagine, I have the most powerful army that time but it was annihilated within the same tick. 600k Advents gone there. I was frustrated, that's why I asked DPC to plunder me. Since, even I can muster much bigger army that era, it will just be useless as they will be annihilated again by those OP Orcs.

You might say that I should just play Orc also. However, that's not my play style. I consider playing an OP race as a cheat itself. That's why you can see me playing Humans almost all the time as it is the most balance race around.

Given that, I would like to ask an apology from everyone. Although, as a war enthusiast (may it be a historical or fantasy), I always believe that it is all fair in love and war. But since people are calling for moral code here, then let it be.

With all these, I'll try my best to adhere to those moral code that others are requiring.

P.S. Geez, I  just remember. Goku of Dragonball was a cheater when the people feed him with energy and beaten Freeza. Damn that Goku, such a cheater.

14:46:37 Feb 16th 21 - Percy (Sir Percy The Science Checker):

From an outside perspective, when many other respected players are all calling you out for supposed cheating, and only those who are charged with the act claim “there is no evidence”, maybe there is evidence and you just don’t care to admit it? 

The issue I see isn’t whether Ownag’ing the “Free Nazgul” army is cheating in an of itself, that’s a facet of the game. However, coordinating with a dead enemy to take all his free troops to bolster your efforts against other enemies is considered feeding. Given what went down to get said nazgul (both armies meeting at a certain spot, where the 5k naz could easily kill the 700 naz and MUs) to get ownaged is highly planned between the two parties. There is no denying that. No sane player moves 700 naz and a ton of MUs except to Ownage, and the 5k naz doesn’t move on that army, sit there and not attack while have 100% chance to slaughter, just to have the army go away. Had the army been named literally ANYTHING else and was seen moving to attack a city and was ownaged at range (not by the person he is prepping on), I think this is an entirely different conversation, as it was “taken as a part of war”. As it happened, it was “taken as a part of a planned feed of another player”, which is where you seriously crossed the line. 

Most players abide by some sense of morale code that says this action was dead wrong, which is the issue in question. Some (like most of Zerkers, sadly) dont, which is why you don’t see the issue, but doesn’t mean the issue doesn’t remain. 

14:57:46 Feb 16th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 how do you know there was collusion? you still dont seem to get 1 point.. pdc and co went after this guys army for like 3 weeks. why did it take so long to get an army that as you said was colluded. when the guy could have just given them in less than 1 tic.. this is the point you people still dont seem to get...

14:58:32 Feb 16th 21 - Captain Joes Rugged Rub:

Lmao Ryan I 100% you that era 🤣 halflings don’t really compete against orc at the end. But roles reversed I would not have had fed anyone. You cost me an era win over that 🙄 you were gonna feed me 🤣

15:07:56 Feb 16th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

@Joan - the last Eits we showed, feb4 11k Mus and 2k nazguls, but before that he had 88k mus with 7k nazguls feb3 ever wondered how that happened? That was weeks ago. Like I said, we were monitoring the city, and it was just a matter of time, we had no intention of burning that city. It was litterally an ownage/free nazgul waiting to happen. The question would be how, since it was IN YOUR part of land. You had weeks to do what you want with that city, but didn't do anything. 

Sending 100k mus was common sense. It was basically a fetch army, why ownage it afar with no way of having it safely out? Isn't ownage it while we have magic army nearby makes more common sense? Do we really have to spell out each common warfare tactics we do?

P.S. we know he has no more Mus left after his last aotd, and cannot train anymore as showed in previous post of computation.

15:29:21 Feb 16th 21 - Percy (Sir Percy The Fallen):

I do agree to that point to an extent: an army of 5k naz should be RoF’ed to the dirt if it’s an enemy. The issue is the coordination between the two to meet in the open field and have the Ownage happen. If you deny this, you would assume they both “happened” to path army to the same spot and sit there until the Ownage happened. Which is more likely?

Strategically hunting the enemy is totally fine and well within the nature of the game. Coordinating an Ownage for feeding purposes is not.

15:41:25 Feb 16th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Im amazed that percy and sal also dont have the brains.

1- if we were feeding. Why would we make it obvious and name it free nazgul. To let everyone know?you're clearly being played by koops and you fell right for it. 

Dont you see it in the movies what happens when everything seems to be too easy?

2- why the heck do we need to teleport that city when its just beside our mage cities and u got no vision

3 - why was the ownage done 3 ticks too early l utside ownage range. if there was collusion?
That was a lucky cast from an mc with 5k mages and 1k mts 

4. We know the naz is in an army not in the city. I wonder if your smart enough to know that.

5. Try to find a single message between koops and expo or me. Have zeta investigate. If u fi¹nd a single collusion message. Id gladly quit the game

6 you guys dont seem to understand a simple chance of luck. We managed to see him moving at that specific time

7,even bogdans accusation of the mp scipt was a simple chance of luck. 

But i guess u guys think you are gods pf the game. Anything u say is true. Even the blatant collusion for feeding from glad and pengiun. You are fine.

Like i saod hypocrites. Even tantalum was trying to river jump early era. You seem to ignore it.

Btw do u think u  would have been able to rof it. If it was planned that 150k mages would have been already there merged to the 5k naz before u even saw it.

15:43:22 Feb 16th 21 - Mr. Kool:

there is no rule saying we cant ownage that army..  there is no moral code or policy about it..

15:53:24 Feb 16th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

Yes, you guys could have, but didn't since it was well in your territory. The city/army was there since the last days of Jan- first week of Feb with no Mus, Like I said, it was literally an ownage waiting to happen, beats me why you didn't take care of it, now blame us for risking to get it.

16:04:36 Feb 16th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

How about we play alittle gamble.

Ill give u My login
Exponents give you his login
Koops give u his login

Go through the messages.

If you find a single message

Ill commit suicide.

If u dont. U, sal, stewie, aisha and everyone  saying we fed commit suicide..

Its called harikiri for japanese samurai to redeem your shame

How about it? Do you dare?

You might think we delete the message. Then ask zeta to confirm.

You forget we have a lifelong war with glad. Ill hunt his kd down evry era as you.

16:10:47 Feb 16th 21 - Captain Joes Rugged Rub:

I dont know PDC I was there to watch you get killed the era of scripts. And there is no logical way you could have been on to refresh and recast MP before the attacking mage could cast. It’s not logical. And if you call BT and sponsored turn use luck so be it. I was about to 100% your army this era but you and Expontz magically BT’d the blocker as I was sitting down (both at the same time set a city and bt’d as I had just sat a city down to chain) to take sals 200k then when I finally got back to my 200k you were both 4 ticks out and magically at tic change my 200k was gone. Even with FM you were always “lucky”. 

16:16:34 Feb 16th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

@joe it only takes 1 sec to refresh and 1 sec to cast mp if you prepare in advance. same thing with aotd. its almost impossible to catch someone atoding if they do it right. but you can still catch it. 1% chance is called luck. same with losing at 99% cast and attack.

it doesnt mean that you cant do it. we cant.

i was lucky to see being dispelled at that specific moment. so ii recasted. 
i knew bogdan was on. so i was refreshing every second. you should have seen the face of my wife.

PDC, don't be ridiculous.

You're a pro at this already. Why would you use in-game logs? Use Discord!


Anyway, to be serious though (since others have chirped in now). The issue now is that PDC and a select group of zerks have been verified in:

City Swapping

Warehouse Feeding


Troop Feeding

Market Feeding

XP Farming

You now have the reputation in the VU community that you cheat, and these claims aren't coming from noobs like me. They're not coming from KDs that "lost". People like Sal, Percy, and Jas are staples in the VU community and have a hard moral compass. They're not people who comment just to mess with people, or make false claims because they feel upset that they lost.

PDC, you're a cheater. It's a shame too because you have such great activity and such a raw war aggression that we want to respect you, but all of your accomplishments are tarnished by the shadow of your disgrace.

To everyone else. Kool, JLT, Exp, Mav, ect...I haven't been around long enough to make that definite statement about you. I do know though that the above schemes take multiple people to do. Some require a second KD (we're all looking at you Aloy).

Maybe some of you knew about the above, maybe some of you contributed to those schemes, I don't know, but I do know that you are the "upper echelon" of the zerk KD, and by associating/defending PDC's actions (even if you personally did not contribute to these actions directly) you are complicit in that cheating as it directly benefits your own goals.

16:28:46 Feb 16th 21 - Mr. Kool:

  i am not defending all of his actions, only the ones that we feel are not cheating like this...  it was clearly a case of 3 weeks, or so of chasing that guy down.. also discord? that thing is crap i only joined recently to say hi to a few friends.. we use skype.. as for koops who the hell is he anyway? we dont even know the guy


16:30:40 Feb 16th 21 - Captain Joes Rugged Rub:

Lmao I could see the wife being the same as my girl 🤣 “wtf why is that damn game so important”🤣🤣

So Kool, you're not defending all of his actions? Only the ones that you feel are not cheating?

Meaning that you don't approve of other certain cheating actions, but you choose to overlook them?

See this has become much, much bigger than the naz feeding. As Jas said, ultimately it doesn't matter, but what does matter is that every era PDC and (some) zerks are either caught or called out for cheating by extremely reputable people.

Don't you see how that's a problem?

We've never played together Kool, so I don't know what you're like personally, but I have heard many good things about you from others though.

16:48:00 Feb 16th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:


exactly what she said. lolz.

16:51:01 Feb 16th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 The warehouse feeding sorry i did not know about it.. there is simply no excuse.. but this thing about the ownage you guys are adding 1 and 1 and finding an answer of 5.. no matter what we say you will always say one thing, and we will say the other..

 we know we did nothing wrong, the guy was losing his army period.. nothing was going to stop it happening.. also we dont need to justify it to you. but you guys just love to point fingers at us. you are not in our position to see what is haappening when we are warring...

 You can only making assumptions based on a few things you have seen.. that guy was a glads enemy. we dont need to show him or you any moral vu etequite.. why didnt we burn his naz or kill his army? BECAUSE IT WAS FREE NAZ..

 Who made the rule saying we need to kill it? there is no vu 101 policy stating that.. only a fool would kill an easily ownable army..

16:56:59 Feb 16th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

Looks like Konstants going to top the most dumbest person in VU community. Since he can't think any more dumb arguements on the issue at hand, go resort to previous issues which we also have rebuked but no matter what you say, people are going to believe what they want to believe especially in their single-minded universe.

Anyway, we already said our piece on this issue. Feel free to bring it up again in the future when you cry.

If you still have any more questions how or why we did it, feel free to send me a pm via VU and I'll respond. My brain is hurting trying to respond to idiots here.

You can believe whatever you would like Kool, but you're in the dark as much as anyone else about this, so you're speculating as anyone else.

None of the actions described make sense without feeding collusion unless both Koops and Exp are both really, really bad players.

If not for your flawed, but admirable, loyalty to PDC, you too would be on the side of the VU community.


Mav, you have yet to rebuke a thing. All you, JLT, and PDC have done is call everyone "stupid" in a litany of ways. The worst part is that you're not even creative about it. 

That's another thing that's tangential, but unrelated: how is anyone else on zerks ok with the literal hissy fits they throw. If PDC, JLT, and Mav (who seem like the core cheats in the group) are innocent, why not calmly explain their situation?

At least as much as Kool tried to do. Don't you see Kool? Where there's smoke, there's typically fire. Maybe we're right this time, maybe we're wrong, but we have been right enough times in the past to get the right to point fingers at PDC, JLT, and Mav.

17:12:07 Feb 16th 21 - Percy (Sir Leslie Groves):

As I’ve said, my opinion was an outside perspective based on what I’ve read here. Konstant has given a fairly detailed account, backed by others comments, and that’s where my thoughts came from. The only defense I’ve seen from zerks has been name calling, which I don’t view as a defense, so sided (and still do) with Konstant and Co in this matter (not that it matters at all lol). I have not been able to witness these actions myself, so cannot say for certain this “is cheating” or “isn’t cheating”. 

However, most cases of cheating can easily happen within the game limitations, what constitutes cheating is in the eye of the beholder. To quote an old US supreme court justice (when asked whether an image constitutes porn or just suggestive imagery) “I’ll know what it is when I see it”. Aspects of the game are written off as “bad” based on perception, same as in everyday life. This means different things to each person. That’s my comments on this here: one side views is as a negative (and has valid points), the other side has a neutral/positive view (and has valid points). 

I agree this isn’t a clean break of rules (as there are none for this) just old codes of conduct, which of recent have been torn to shreds (even before this incident).


Also @joe and @pdc, my girl HATES this game too 😂😂

17:29:58 Feb 16th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

basing your views from an idiot makes u an idiot.

have a few steps back then look at the entire picture then make your outside views.

if you arent willing to bet your life based on your own words then dont talk.

i am. are you? why you keep going around. if i give u my credentials, are you willing to commit suicide if you are wrong?

17:57:15 Feb 16th 21 - Sir Aloysius XCV:

I did not expect that whiners will reach my humble kingdom.


23:20:12 Feb 16th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Troll of The Five Real):
To everyone else. Kool, JLT, Exp, Mav, ect...I haven't been around long enough to make that definite statement about you. I do know though that the above schemes take multiple people to do. Some require a second KD (we're all looking at you Aloy).
Is WarGods losing? Im hoping and believing that they should win. Because there will be no one reporting their abuse-of-game-mechanics, if it's in their favor.

C'mon, guys, stop involving others who are just playing the way that you can't seem to understand. Prove the schemes you are speculating before making another, you guys just want to sound cool.

Aloy, in helping PDC cheat you're every bit as bad as PDC.

We weren't mentioning you only because you're kinda irrelevant these days. I just wanted to make sure that people remembered your role in PDC's cheating ways.

Is that what we've come to? Is that the argument that you're making now?

We can't understand City Swapping, WH Feeding, Multis, Troop Feeding, Market Feeding, or XP Farming?

I assure you we all understand those tactics very well, and that's exactly why we're calling you and PDC out.

20:53:54 Feb 16th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Can sombody remove this lunatic

23:00:29 Feb 16th 21 - Exalted Knight Salamon:

He isn't crazy, you guys are just disappointing. Stooping low to win at any cost regardless of the consequences. That consequence being that sooner or later you won't have any opponents, they will just leave.

23:05:14 Feb 16th 21 - Sir Aloysius XCV:

Bunch of whiners, I see. 

This Konstant is really an epitome of STUPIDITY. Aloy was never been part of that cheat. I never said that my KD knew what I did during that era. It was my idea alone. I never shared it to anyone else. Only me and PDC are the ones knew about that. I already claimed that it was me, why would you still drag MAD to it?

You can call out to Aloy to kicked me out of MAD because of it. However, having only 3 members now and the oldest member of MAD, I don't think he will kicked me out. Haha

Konstant noun. idiot, stupid, brainless, whiner

@Joe, was this you?  I'm really bad at recalling names in this game. haha. If it was you. That was your fault. 😂😂🤣🤣

Thursday - 216 days ago

All troops in Farmers Unlimited have died.
Farmers Unlimited lost a battle against Opnieuw from Captain Conspyre. We lost 3 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 3206 Pony riders, 67062 Illusionists, 94173 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
Farmers Unlimited won a battle against Eventually from Captain Conspyre. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 428 Pony riders, 8962 Illusionists, 12586 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 27970 of our soldiers got injured.
Farmers Unlimited won a battle against Sorry Mate from Captain Conspyre. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 570 Pony riders, 11922 Illusionists, 16742 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 37206 of our soldiers got injured.
Farmers Unlimited won a battle against Shababoo from Captain Conspyre. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 771 Pony riders, 16133 Illusionists, 22654 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 50347 of our soldiers got injured.
Farmers Unlimited won a battle against Teletubbie from Captain Conspyre. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 994 Pony riders, 20804 Illusionists, 29214 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 64925 of our soldiers got injured.
Farmers Unlimited won a battle against Dezedan from Captain Conspyre. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 1285 Pony riders, 26888 Illusionists, 37757 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 83912 of our soldiers got injured.
Farmers Unlimited won a battle against Hoi V from Captain Conspyre. We lost 2 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 1586 Pony riders, 33195 Illusionists, 46614 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 103595 of our soldiers got injured.
Farmers Unlimited won a battle against Welcome from Captain Conspyre. We lost 2 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 1959 Pony riders, 41003 Illusionists, 57579 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 127963 of our soldiers got injured.

23:42:30 Feb 16th 21 - Percy (Sir Leslie Groves):

Konspyre (and its naming derivatives) is Jasper, who is currently not playing, and hasn’t for his second era in a row now.

06:34:53 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Eugene Francis of Savoy:

Seeing that for some reasons Bersekers and Mad started explaining a bit and not be just arrogant people as they usually try to be, I'd like to add that the fact that you've cheated a few times is obvious (the wh feeding which was known and mentioned a lot of times, the city donations between players several eras in a row, the resources feeding which was heavily defended by pdc until zeta banned it). 
The other cheating accusations might or might not be true, but considering you are always hiding behind arrogance and the fact that zeta doesn't really care, it just makes everyone think lower and lower of you. 
The really sad part is that there aren't really so many players remaining and if you think about it, about half of the players playing in fant basically openly support cheating atm, so you don't know if and when they will cheat every era.

12:55:09 Feb 17th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Haha thats funny. Youre the one caught feeding with pengiun , city swapping with actual proof of collusion 2 eras ago. Hoping to steal the win of the era u didnt deserve

Did we hear  anything from konsrant? How about percy? Stewie? Salamon? Aisha?

You and your moral high ground and excuses.

While doing it your self.

13:55:19 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Eugene Francis of Savoy:

I've explained at that point also, that 1. we had no relations and 2. I knew it wouldn't change anything related to hoh, it was era end, initially I wanted to ignore him, but after he attacked us I took some of his cities.
You are the only one obsessed by winning the era, if I win it it is ok, if not it is also ok for me, but I guess you are just trying to blame others so that you can excuse the fact that you keep feeding.

14:42:12 Feb 17th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Explain explain. Lol. You and your double standard

So if u dont have relations u can feed by your logic?

We are at war with glad and get blamed for feeding naz ? 

We didnt have any collusion but u did.

17:06:37 Feb 17th 21 - Princess Joan of Arc:

That situation was a little bit different, but in reality it could be considered as similar. 

At first Holy lost the war against us, then we slowly moved at war against Zerkers and Gladiators who were allied. In my opinion we would have beaten Zerkers if Glads did not farm their large Naz armies, and technically have been crucial for your alliance to win the war. Have we given more attention to Glads earlier, maybe we would have defeated them, but would probably not have enough to beat Zerkers. 

Penguin was the only Holy member that wanted to continue playing to fight Gladiators. So we let him build up. By the time he built up we already lost the war, and as final battle he decided to go against Bogdan. But Bog knew it was over and even refused to fight Peng, but then Peng engaged them first. 

The main problem with Penguin losing his cities to Bogdan was basically that was he was that way closer to era win, and therefore PDC even wanted to end NAP so he can win it. If Bogdan was nowhere close to first position I don't think that would be a problem.

In retrospect if Exponents sent any other army, just a little bit more Naz, the whole situation would be different, nobody would even consider feeding. A simple 3k Naz 100k Mages would be totally ok to attack 5k Naz inside a city. Does not even matter that it was called Free Naz, because Exponents can't control what enemy calls his armies. It just gives impression that he knew those Naz would walk out to get ownaged, thats all.

18:24:36 Feb 17th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

What a bunch of crap

See zerks? This is what you do. Communicate, and explain. People are apt to believe when people are trying to explain in a logical way.

You guys? Insults and nonesense.

You've lost all benefit of the doubt.

18:47:58 Feb 17th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

you call us cheater. ii wonder whos trying to river jump??

@konstants. your too stupid to understand our explanation and kept ranting.

explanation, even clearly cheating clears it up? lol. like i said. stupid

18:59:15 Feb 17th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

19:00:15 Feb 17th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

You would know all about river jumping, PDC.

That said, if you pointed it out to our leadership when it was occurring, we would have fixed the issue. We have some very new players in the game still who don't know all of the unwritten rules.

That said, you don't want to go down this road PDC. You guys are avg. at best even while cheating, imagine if the whole Fanta map started doing what you do. Clearly Zeta doesn't care anymore and is happy that cheaters are driving away even more players that the game simply cannot lose.

I understand why you cheat though. You're a player with very little skill who heavily relies in activity and cheating. 

I am sorry for anyone you know in real life because if this is how you act in a game? Telling people to kill themselves to prove they're right (what!?), telling everyone they're stupid, and continuous cheating, then you must be an extremely unpleasant person to be around/work/live with.

19:32:14 Feb 17th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

lolz. your so funny :))

it just shows that i stand by my word, unlike you who changes his story everytime.

try reading your own posts again. if you have a pea size brain you might see it. unfortunately, you dont even have that.

and if i suck at this game. i wonder what that means for you? and the rest of VU?

fyi. my life is great. and people around me are great. cause they all have brains :)
i dont associate myself with brainless idiots like u

The Ancient Flavius Belisarius (2/17/2021 6:29:10 AM)GOODBAD
You should called this army: "Crying Konstantly". If you're going to mock, at least do it right.
haha its spelled Constantly. did you ever go to school?

20:18:31 Feb 17th 21 - Exalted Justice Bahamut:

chat is spicy, forum hasn't seen this much action all lockdown 🤣

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