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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 73

Fantasia 73
20:25:27 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

To start off, I wouldn't be posting this without the other party permission. I feel like this would be more productive for everyone to get back or focus on the issue (if indeed this is) rather than go on being sidetracked by other issues and resort to  name callings.

Feel free to voice in your opinions on the topic.

You (2/18/2021 12:27:48 AM)
Hey Joan,

This is still my response to your latest post in forums, not sure if you have read it since you are still repeating the same response. So you see, we never planned on torching the city/army, we were there to literally ownage it with a safe army to take it out.

@Joan - the last Eits we showed, feb4 11k Mus and 2k nazguls, but before that he had 88k mus with 7k nazguls feb3 ever wondered how that happened? That was weeks ago. Like I said, we were monitoring the city, and it was just a matter of time, we had no intention of burning that city. It was litterally an ownage/free nazgul waiting to happen. The question would be how, since it was IN YOUR part of land. You had weeks to do what you want with that city, but didn't do anything.

Sending 100k mus was common sense. It was basically a fetch army, why ownage it afar with no way of having it safely out? Isn't ownage it while we have magic army nearby makes more common sense? Do we really have to spell out each common warfare tactics we do?
Princess Joan of Arc (2/18/2021 12:32:16 AM)GOODBAD
The city has 5k Naz in there.
How did you know he does not have bonus turns to jump to Mages?
How did you know he would not force march to 100k Mages to slaughter it?
How did you know it would stand there to get ownaged?
Princess Joan of Arc (2/18/2021 12:32:50 AM)GOODBAD
I mean I am not trying to be rude
Was just curious to know the response
Did he go inactive?
You (2/18/2021 12:43:47 AM)
We were already monitoring that city since last week of Jan, that time expo tried to take it out but was bumped, since then we haven't had the time to bother since it was in your side of the land, and alot of cleaning up to do in the south, but we had our eyes on that city then.

We don't know but what we know, he doesnt have anymore city left (his city was an armory). 3 weeks time, he still hasn't quit or resigned, and you guys just left it alone. So what you expect us to do then? It was a strategic location, we could have tp'ed it again over and over you know, but we didn't want to risk to going further away than we can reach. We even had discussion on which orc would want to take it, (pdc, kool, demogorgon, etc) this was all 3 weeks ago. So tell me how this is feeding. Koop was an enemy/glad. He lost all his city, his last army was bumped to his armory which we tp'ed, we tried to take it out but got bumped, he aotd his last Mus back to 5k from 2k, since then he has been inactive or maybe just watching Fant.
Princess Joan of Arc (2/18/2021 12:50:38 AM)GOODBAD
well like I said in the last paragraph
the main issue for me was the army he sent...
was just too suspicious thats all...

In retrospect if Exponents sent any other army, just a little bit more Naz, the whole situation would be different, nobody would even consider feeding. A simple 3k Naz 100k Mages would be totally ok to attack 5k Naz inside a city. Does not even matter that it was called Free Naz, because Exponents can't control what enemy calls his armies. It just gives impression that he knew those Naz would walk out to get ownaged, thats all.
You (2/18/2021 1:00:00 AM)
I wouldn't train 3k naz just to get that army, I would even send less 500. You see, we know the nazgul was in an army, we could just teleport the city, and his 5k nazgul will be in the open, we could just ownage that as well, but the problem is, you would see that and as expected, you will freeze/roff it so we cant get it. So sending a not so invested army like 500 nazgul with 100k mus was the most efficient use of our time/gold. We were never out to torch that city, as it was ownagable in its state, again it was just a matter of when and how to take it out safely.

This is probably where the difference lies, we have strategy rather than going all about this in brute force.
Princess Joan of Arc (2/18/2021 1:45:44 AM)GOODBAD
Well we are different in that way.

I personally think sending 3k Naz with 100k Mages to attack 5k Naz.
You think its tactically better to send under 500 Zerks and 100k Mages

I have been playing the game +15 years
And I do not understand how is your way better.

But I guess I am not on the level of Zerker players.
You (2/18/2021 1:56:54 AM)
3k naz is better merged together with the main army, rather than wasting 3-5 RL days training 3k naz compared to half a day 500 naz over to a city, we can ownage anytime with or without the naz. The MUs are what really mattered, not the naz, the naz are just for protection against the fast t3 units (riders, knights etc).

PS, we do not plan to cast ownage from the 100k mus, our MCs are all over the place, we have range to cast teleport/ownage on that city and/or 5k nazgul army since January, we just needed an MU army close enough to provide magic cover.

PSS, you would learn alot, we have alot more fun creative ways of playing (not cheating as what others suggest).

PSS, cool.. you prolly used to belonged to those LGC/Holy scums side of the community before right? Prolly start around that time as well, 15+ yrs ago. =)
Princess Joan of Arc (2/18/2021 2:02:24 AM)GOODBAD
My thought is 5k Naz would easily kill 100k Mages 500 Naz that got close
That is what would happen in 99% of cases

Not a 5k Naz army coming out of the city and waiting.
Then your 500 Naz 100k Mages army is better for sure.
But from my 15 years of experience 5k Naz armies don't come out and wait to get ownaged.

No I am not in Legacy part of VU
They probably were around 15 years ago
But that is when I was starting so I never joined any of these...
Later on when I became average, they were gone
So I was part of kingdom called Rebirth

You (2/18/2021 2:08:20 AM)
True, but Joan you keep on forgetting, we have that 5k nazgul in range, we were not afraid that 5k will take out the 500 naz, as we can freeze/ teleport/ ownage it anytime, and that really is the plan, as soon as the 100k Mus army gets near (2 or a tick away), we teleport the city > ownage the army and merge that army to the Mus.

Also not to mention it had been 3 weeks already he is in there alone in his last armory city with nothing, so we do not expect any active activity from that person. It literally was just a matter of time.

Good, would have taken you as one of them whining fools. =)
You (2/18/2021 2:35:27 AM)
Anyway, the forums is getting out of control, do I have your permission to post our entire conversation in public forums (with no censure) or you can do it. Hopefully it helps both parties understand what really happened and judge themselves without having being sidetracked to other issues and name callings?
Princess Joan of Arc (2/18/2021 3:00:55 AM)GOODBAD
Sure if you want
Don't really see what we solved here

My thinking is the same
You should not go at 5k Naz without a better force
Unless you know something we don't know :)
You (2/18/2021 3:15:46 AM)
Yes, I do not want to make any generalized statement on whose right or wrong, or how we should or shouldn't do things, would want it open for people to judge and make their own assessment, makes a better world for people to engage.

but people being people, they are prolly going to take something here out of context and focus purely on those and all the wrong things learned.

With that, i'll end our conversation unless there are other more things I could help clear up for you. Thanks and it has been helpful, knowing how our enemies think, though we had a pretty good idea already having warred with you a couple of times. =)

20:57:06 Feb 17th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Spoke with a few people about this^

None of us believe your revisionist history.

Maybe if you said all of that before the 2 day long reason (VU Community) vs. name calling (PDC, Mav, JLT, Kobu) forum-palooza, but at this point the whole VU community knows that PDC is a cheater, and that a number of Zerks are complicit.

21:03:22 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

We actually did, you are just too.... smart!

08:22:32 Feb 15th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):
The real question is why he was fed. Could it perhaps be the final desperate act of a player who's death was inevitable,  who's army was guaranteed to by ownaged, to name it as such, just to invoke the inevitable "someone is cheating" response from you?

Maybe the only one being played here is you, and poor Exponentz' name is being dragged through the mud because someone with an ill informed view has decided he's cheating?

But at least you'll keep fit with all the exercise you're doing Jumping to conclusions.

15:39:43 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Kool:
it took 3 weeks to get this guys naz not 1 day or so... his city was constanly getting ported around the area it was a planned move to get those naz, in the end i guess he gave up.. your (konstant and wardogs) abit like the frog in the well that sees the sky. then thinks they can see everything... oh btw i had nothing to do with it... although if i had magic 7 those naz would have been mine and i was asked ages ago if i had it too...

23:37:29 Feb 15th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry: (EITS)
Hes a clue for u. If ur smart you'll understand it. If your as stupid as bogdan, glad or stewie then good luck
17:21:29 Feb 3rd 21 Death God Please Dont Cry:

People of Koops from Mr. Koops

22:50:43 Feb 4th 21 Death God Please Dont Cry:

People of Koops from Mr. Koops


23:44:14 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Mavech:
Lol, you'd think we'd let our dying enemies have gold? Else prove to me then how long you can train 5k nazgul with a 10k city.

So by your logic it would mean Koop an "experienced" player started to play with Glad (or Holy) can't remember. On the sole purpose of feeding us? maybe their whole KD did, they really didn't lose, they just fed us, you know. Like I said, idiots be idiots.


Take note, your original/and only argument was Koop trained those Nazguls and fed to us, but after we rebuked your accusation that those Nazguls was already there before, you just went on with your... other smart arguments!

but no matter what we say, you hear another thing just like Kool said, 1+1 is  always going to be 5 for you. Interested to know what this other "VU community" thinks, if this is feeding or not.

First, you're focusing on the word "trained". I never said they were trained specifically for you. If I did, go find it please.

Second, none of your actions make any sense strategically. I did accede that zerks might be just THAT bad at strategy, but, alas, no one accepted that claim.

As we stated above, it makes zero sense for 500 naz + 150k MUs (a value of ~2k Naz) to walk towards 5k naz just to get slaughtered.

1. We saw Koops move out.
2. We saw Koops camping, waiting to be ownaged.
3. Koops had no MUs in his army
4. Koops' army name was "Free Naz"

Blatant. Cheating.

Third, none of those things above are explanations. At all. Not even a little bit. Your long convo with Jas is an explanation, but it's revisionist at this point at best.

As to what the VU community thinks (a light selection):

1:55:38 Feb 13th 21 - Princess Joan of Arc:

Owner:Mr. KoopsKingdom Banner
Size:11981 building(s).
Kingdom:*No Kingdom*

Even made an army called "Free Nazguls" lols...

Free Nazguls from Mr. Exponentz

Its a pretty obvious case of feeding. 
My main question about this is WHY.
Why tarnish such a good and impressive era from you guys?

04:46:04 Feb 15th 21 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):


Blatant cheaterz. 

They will continue to cheat even after getting caught red handed by multiple players. I remember Glad showed full proof of their cheating as well, which resulted in one of the players getting banned
11:46:00 Feb 15th 21 - Sir Atilla The Hun:

Ownage on armies trying to enter our core to burn our stuff is different from moving 5k Naz toward 100k Enemy Mages Army and waiting over there to get ownaged. 
11:53:54 Feb 15th 21 - Penguin (Mr. Roxbery):

i nominate Kobuskan da cheat of the year!
09:29:21 Feb 16th 21 - Percy (Sir Percy The Fallen):

I do agree to that point to an extent: an army of 5k naz should be RoF’ed to the dirt if it’s an enemy. The issue is the coordination between the two to meet in the open field and have the Ownage happen. If you deny this, you would assume they both “happened” to path army to the same spot and sit there until the Ownage happened. Which is more likely?

Strategically hunting the enemy is totally fine and well within the nature of the game. Coordinating an Ownage for feeding purposes is not.
17:00:29 Feb 16th 21 - Exalted Knight Salamon:
He isn't crazy, you guys are just disappointing. Stooping low to win at any cost regardless of the consequences. That consequence being that sooner or later you won't have any opponents, they will just leave.

00:34:53 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Eugene Francis of Savoy:
Seeing that for some reasons Bersekers and Mad started explaining a bit and not be just arrogant people as they usually try to be, I'd like to add that the fact that you've cheated a few times is obvious (the wh feeding which was known and mentioned a lot of times, the city donations between players several eras in a row, the resources feeding which was heavily defended by pdc until zeta banned it). 
The other cheating accusations might or might not be true, but considering you are always hiding behind arrogance and the fact that zeta doesn't really care, it just makes everyone think lower and lower of you. 

The verdict has been made and you are guilty.

PDC and the inner circle of zerks cheated before. From city swapping, to WH feeding, to multis, to XP farming, to market feeding, and now to troop feeding.

21:35:12 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

Lol, like i said, someone was bound to take something out of context and focus purely on that, why don't you post the entire text from Joan? See below the entire thing. So stop misleading the VU community with your narrow single-minded views.

14:55:38 Feb 13th 21 - Princess Joan of Arc:
Koops, ex member of Gladiators, probably wanting to quit the game or something, has decided to train 5k Naz and give them to Exponents

Owner: Mr. Koops Kingdom Banner
Size: 11981 building(s).
Kingdom: *No Kingdom*

Even made an army called "Free Nazguls" lols...

Free Nazguls from Mr. Exponentz

Its a pretty obvious case of feeding. 
My main question about this is WHY.
Why tarnish such a good and impressive era from you guys?

There were talks about you guys cheating in several eras prior, and this era was quite exciting and interesting, without any sight of cheating, and then this crap happens.

Why does this have to happen every era, when you guys do something foolish?
Sure, the guy probably suggested it himself, but still its a clear case of feeding.

Quite a shame...


We have answered that. No stories were changed, we maintain the same one since as you say 2 days ago. City/army was ownageable. We provided proof (eits,dates,battle history) that it was all a matter of time, the fact that you chose to ignore the city/army INSIDE your territory, beats me.

Is that my name Mav? 

It doesn't matter how he had the naz (that was always your fetish), what matters is:

As we stated above, it makes zero sense for 500 naz + 150k MUs (a value of ~2k Naz) to walk towards 5k naz just to get slaughtered.

1. We saw Koops move out.
2. We saw Koops camping, waiting to be ownaged.
3. Koops had no MUs in his army
4. Koops' army name was "Free Naz"

No one buys your revisionist history. If you made coherent arguments at the start, maybe, but at this point it's 2 RL days too late.


Guilty of City Swapping!

Guilty of Warehouse Feeding!

Guilty of Market Feeding!

Guilty of XP Farming!

Guilty of Multi!

and now...

Guilty of Troop Feeding!

Even while you're winning, some zerks can't help themselves, but to cheat (without any reason to). That's how ingrained it is with PDC and his cronies.

21:48:32 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

So you finally understood that Koops didn't train them then? Whew finally after 2 days. So how is casting ownage is considered feeding now? Just because we sent out 100k Mus to it while his army was out?

We could have done this on January (3 weeks ago) we already know his nazgul was in an army, like I said to Joan. We can teleport the city, leaving his army exposed with no Mus, and just ownage his 5k nazgul that time. Simple as that. Why bother sending 100k Mus to it? Again the city is IN YOUR side of the territory.

21:58:48 Feb 17th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

As we stated above, it makes zero sense for 500 naz + 150k MUs (a value of ~2k Naz) to walk towards 5k naz just to get slaughtered.

My bad, I thought this was clear:

1a. Exp sent 150k MUs + 500 naz when Koops wasn't out.
1b. We saw Koops move out (as Exp's army was approaching) 
2. We saw Koops camping, waiting to be ownaged.
3. Koops had no MUs in his army
4. Koops' army name was "Free Naz"

Get over your fetish Mav:

10:11:55 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Yiishun:

Sigh, I wish I could train 5k nazgul with a 10k city... someone teach meeeee.

Idiots be idiots.

10:26:47 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Seriously Mav?

That's your excuse for their actions? That someone can't train 5k naz with a 10k city? As if you can't train those naz earlier in the era? or have gold stored up from earlier in the era?

22:02:35 Feb 17th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Before you say, "sToRY ChAngE!!!"

20:35:24 Feb 14th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

That doesn't even make sense.

Why would he make an army called "free Naz"?

Why would that army have 5k Naz and no MUs?

Why wouldn't he just wait for exponentz to come in and be slaughtered?

Why would he send that army out right as Exponentz was coming in?

Why would Exponentz send an army that has 140k+ MUs, and almost no other units?

This was coordinated. This is blatant cheating. 

You have confirmed all of Holy's allegations, and all of Glad's allegations. You have now proved to all of VU that you can't play this game without cheating. Who knows what else you guys do at this point.

22:03:02 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 Your right WE CHEATED.. our guys sat there for 3 weeks fighting glads etc, in the end all that was left with 1 guy, that has NO INCOME, MAGIC SUPPORT and 1 ARMOURY left.. his army eventually got ownaged by our guy and a supporting army (which he had no chance of doing anything to because we had 2-3 mages circling him at all times) came over and said WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM.. ill be escorting you back to the BERCHEATZ headquarters, where we can hatch more nefarious plots so the forums can run wild....

 And there you have it guilty as proven... BerCheatzinthehouse..


22:15:20 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

If you don't know the answer to this, despite soooo many clues, then I give up. I won't try to explain anything to you anymore. Its basically the same thing you did in Zeta with your 300k zerk vs my 80k zerk, where I slaughtered it.

As we stated above, it makes zero sense for 500 naz + 150k MUs (a value of ~2k Naz) to walk towards 5k naz just to get slaughtered.

Are there any other from this "VU community" have any more compelling argument regarding the topic? All I see is Konstant just qouting himself.

22:22:52 Feb 17th 21 - Sir Atilla The Hun:

It is actually quite sad players of Beothuk Evil Oops, realistically one of the better kingdoms this game ever had, Kool and Jenna now support cheating. 

Reputation in this game no longer holds any value

22:33:12 Feb 17th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

So Atilla, what is your argument about this topic then? Aside from throwing some cheating chant who has no idea and not even a single compelling argument raised about the topic?

If you maintain the same strategic sense as Konstant on why send 500 naz with 150k Mus against 5k Naz with no Mu, come play in Zeta, I'll show you.

Konstant noun. idiot, stupid, brainless, whiner

07:42:18 Feb 18th 21 - Sir Atilla The Hun:

Mavech, its difficult to argue with someone who holds on idiosyncratic belief that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, look back in the thread, only people supporting this are a few Zerk members, while everyone else (members of multiple kingdoms and mostly vets of the game) claims otherwise. If you claim something and everyone else something else, could it be that you’re wrong?

Mr. Mavech:

So Atilla, what is your argument about this topic then? Aside from throwing some cheating chant who has no idea and not even a single compelling argument raised about the topic?

If you maintain the same strategic sense as Konstant on why send 500 naz with 150k Mus against 5k Naz with no Mu, come play in Zeta, I'll show you.

08:05:16 Feb 18th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

What everyone? All i see is Joan throwing the first accuse of Koop training the 5k to feed us which started tthe whole thing (who again we disputed and presented evidences) and then Konstant. You and the others (penguin, stirlin, sal, bahamut, bogdan, stewie) haven't contribute any compelling arguments even slightly related to this topic.. 

Percy did voice out his opinion. So i guess that is everyone then? 

Stop generalizing and misleading others in thinking you are the victim and we are the culprit. The number of vets regardless of Kd actually outnumber the number of vets who cant see this play. So far i only see Joan, konstant and now you.

08:30:03 Feb 21st 21 - Mr. Koops:

Wow imagine I got really famous doing something that doesnt really mean anything. I just thought that 5k nazguls would be a waste since I got no prod cities left so I released all MUs and put all nazguls in an army, named it "Free Nazuls" so even the dumbest of dumb person would instantly know that an ownage is a no brainer. I got no resources left but I was even planning to build a 90k guardtower city and wait for someone to take it and have brain damage. 

Koops has literally confirmed feeding Exp those nazguls.

How would Exp know that, that was Koops intention without any sort of communication? Koops only sent out that army as Koops was getting close.

You can't make this up people. There should be a double permanent ban on both Koops and Exp.

I say PDC too, but that's for all of his previous cheating. 

Wow imagine I got really famous doing something that doesnt really mean anything. I just thought that 5k nazguls would be a waste since I got no prod cities left so I released all MUs and put all nazguls in an army, named it "Free Nazuls" so even the dumbest of dumb person would instantly know that an ownage is a no brainer. I got no resources left but I was even planning to build a 90k guardtower city and wait for someone to take it and have brain damage. 

19:46:52 Feb 21st 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Mav, every single person who comments on here who has even an inkling of doubt against you guy gets lambasted by being called stupid.

Not a lot of people want to deal with that. Especially in a game.

That's of course your intention though.

You guys are pathetic.

19:59:50 Feb 21st 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

The whining continues

20:04:07 Feb 21st 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

1st.  We have actual proof from the horses mouth that Exp cheated. You are as bad as the cheater himself at this point by supporting him.

2nd. Don't touch shit that you don't want to stink.

12:54:40 Feb 21st 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Mister small brain again, pfff, dont you have something better to do? 

***Why thanks for reminding me Kobu!!!

As we stated above, it makes zero sense for 500 naz + 150k MUs (a value of ~2k Naz) to walk towards 5k naz just to get slaughtered.

1. We saw Koops move out.
2. We saw Koops camping, waiting to be ownaged.
3. Koops had no MUs in his army
4. Koops' army name was "Free Naz"
5. Koops confirmed that he gave the troops to Exp
6. No way Exp. would have known Koops was giving away free troops without collusion 

No one buys your revisionist history. If you made coherent arguments at the start, maybe, but at this point it's 2 RL days too late.


Guilty of City Swapping!

Guilty of Warehouse Feeding!

Guilty of Market Feeding!

Guilty of XP Farming!

Guilty of Multi!

and now...

Guilty of Troop Feeding!

Even while you're winning, some zerks can't help themselves, but to cheat (without any reason to). That's how ingrained it is with PDC and his cronies.

23:54:17 Feb 21st 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Back in my day, they called spawning on the map and not being allowed to have allies  and getting hit first 'Feeding'.

Konstant noun. idiot, stupid, brainless, whiner

01:52:04 Feb 22nd 21 - Mr. Koops:

Dude, guy's having a serious mental breakdown, relax man as I said this doesn't mean anything. Nobody can tell me what I can and cannot do with my army especially when I'm untagged. Speaking of which does any kingdom in Fantasia have space left for me to join before the next era starts, I can carry my own weight I mean as the guy said I was able to train 5k nazguls with a single non-prod city which is totally hilarious, I guess he was farming for too long that he isnt even aware what's happening on the map.

02:27:28 Feb 22nd 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

1st. As I asked Mav, go find where I said you trained them in 1 day.

2nd. Who wants a cheater like you? Even Glads didn't want you. Go join your cheating friends so that you can even further confirm that you colluded with them. 

3rd. You Just admitted to cheating.

Wow imagine I got really famous doing something that doesnt really mean anything. I just thought that 5k nazguls would be a waste since I got no prod cities left so I released all MUs and put all nazguls in an army, named it "Free Nazuls" so even the dumbest of dumb person would instantly know that an ownage is a no brainer. I got no resources left but I was even planning to build a 90k guardtower city and wait for someone to take it and have brain damage. 

Dude, guy's having a serious mental breakdown, relax man as I said this doesn't mean anything. Nobody can tell me what I can and cannot do with my army especially when I'm untagged. Speaking of which does any kingdom in Fantasia have space left for me to join before the next era starts, I can carry my own weight I mean as the guy said I was able to train 5k nazguls with a single non-prod city which is totally hilarious, I guess he was farming for too long that he isnt even aware what's happening on the map.

So you're saying I can go, train 30k naz, and since I "don't want them to go to waste", can give them away to someone? That's called feeding = aka cheating.

How much more proof do you need Zeta??? Permanently ban Exp and Koops. We don't need cheaters, who even blatantly admit their collusion/cheating, in this game.

02:52:37 Feb 22nd 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

30k Nazgul, ooo, yes please Konstant, i'll take them off your hands.

Konstant noun. idiot, stupid, brainless, whiner

05:50:15 Feb 22nd 21 - Mr. Mavech:

23:26:47 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):
Seriously Mav?

That's your excuse for their actions? That someone can't train 5k naz with a 10k city? As if you can't train those naz earlier in the era? or have gold stored up from earlier in the era?


it's so fun seeing Konstant making him look so dumb everytime. 

PS, we don't call anyone out, just you.. after having several people explain and you still don't get it. Go ask "your" VU community to defend you.

10:32:07 Feb 22nd 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Crixus Prime):

Sounds to me like koops made a choice on his own and bersekers took advantage of this.. why wouldn't they?

No collusion, no cheating.. maybe bad sportsmanship to help the enemy but not cheating.

16:39:02 Feb 22nd 21 - Penguin (Mr. Roxbery):

"02:52:04 Feb 22nd 21 - Mr. Koops:

Dude, guy's having a serious mental breakdown, relax man as I said this doesn't mean anything. Nobody can tell me what I can and cannot do with my army especially when I'm untagged."

right.... ok imma drop next era in fanta as an orc, and handout some free nazz to war gods in! 

06:08:28 Feb 24th 21 - Mr. Kool:

zerkers vs warzergz?

06:42:03 Feb 24th 21 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Stirlin vs beo 

08:15:07 Feb 24th 21 - Mr. Kool:

come join zerkers stirlin we have not played in the same team for years?

08:44:21 Feb 24th 21 - Mr. Kool:

oh you joined the zerg kingdom... such a shame.. numbers vs skill (wink wink)

10:11:47 Feb 24th 21 - Sir Thranduil:

Thats funny, complaining people getting together to fight cheaters, and then even suggesting cheating is skill. Made me laugh, thanx!

12:52:11 Feb 24th 21 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Beserkers looks too much like beo for my liking koolio 

19:12:56 Feb 24th 21 - Mr. Kool:

hahaha some idiot thinks we are complaining.. wtf are you anyway? its a joke between old friends stick to being an idiot

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