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Fant 24
21:11:03 Mar 18th 14 - Mr. Lock:

21:12:54 Mar 18th 14 - Mr. Lock:

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"

I feel like this war can be explained like this :D

Good job Binh and Bounce, was fun :P

21:14:38 Mar 18th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

cheaters dont prosper

21:28:23 Mar 18th 14 - Mr. Lock Says:

I could bring up a comment that would hurt you here lol

Why are you so mad about the fact that you never will beat me?

22:04:24 Mar 18th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

didnt i just force you to restart?

22:10:00 Mar 18th 14 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Stirlin, I expected better from you. Don´t be a bad ´winner´ of an era that nobody will remember :)

22:16:16 Mar 18th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

its not us who has egg on our faces

22:19:29 Mar 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

I might leave PooF's . . . we aren't allowed to cast any Dragon's or feed :'[

22:43:35 Mar 18th 14 - Mr. Big Bounce:

21:12:54 Mar 18th 14 - Mr. Lock:

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"

I feel like this war can be explained like this :D

Good job Binh and Bounce, was fun :P

Thanks ::)

23:18:15 Mar 18th 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

[22:15:24] Josh Reedle: I probably would shag u Swifty
[22:15:33] Josh Reedle: more
[22:15:39] Josh Reedle: I'd make sweet tender loving to you

looks like vals been rubbing off on reedle. now reedle wants to give me a rub.

fucking poofs

00:57:46 Mar 19th 14 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Monkey):

Looks like lgc has done it again

10:11:01 Mar 19th 14 - Wilberforce (Mr. Roxburys Sex Slave):

Not playing Fant, but ty Swifty.

[18/03/2014 22:19:25] Josh Reed: if you weren't of questionable sexuality, you were a closet fag who's uncomfortable with your sexuality

10:56:32 Mar 19th 14 - Valar (Mr. Joar Addam Nesossin):

We all know Swifty will come screaming out of the closet in a fabulous explosion of glitter and song eventually.

I'll be waiting.

11:25:36 Mar 19th 14 - Mr. Spankylicious:

The only thing Swiffers is coming out is the basement, but only once a month or so. The sky scares him. :)

13:50:47 Mar 19th 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

05:18:15 Mar 19th 14 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:
[22:15:24] Josh Reedle: I probably would shag u Swifty
[22:15:33] Josh Reedle: more
[22:15:39] Josh Reedle: I'd make sweet tender loving to you

looks like vals been rubbing off on reedle. now reedle wants to give me a rub.

fucking poofs

Well, it looks like Wilber's attempted courtship of larger-than-normal sized women and underage girls must be going badly if he has to turn to the fairer sex to satisfy his desire to be needed and lusted for by another person.....

Word of advice Wilber. If you want to become a lot more attractive to the ladies (heck, even the "ladyboys"... they too, have minimum standards), you need to have prospects. And having prospects means getting a proper education (like say, a university degree or a highly-recognised vocational qualification), getting a stable, long-term job with a good progression path, getting out of the lowest tax bracket and having a decent income, playing less games, and finding a way to get your own property instead of making your landlord richer month by month. Boasting that you can afford to buy Diablo III on your own or writing useless, unproductive stories on masturbation and Hungry Horse does not impress anyone (unless that person's name is Pure, Quiet One, Raistlin, Cobra or Arzun).

So far, I've seen 5 years of uselessness from you, Wilber. Am I going to see another 5 more years of the same? ;)

14:18:45 Mar 19th 14 - Wilberforce (Mr. Roxburys Sex Slave):

Here he is, my number 1 fan with more pointless speil in an attempt to troll someone else half the world away while pretending he has better things to do than play VU and browse forums pretending to be successful. Want me to send you more autographs for your mantelpiece TBL?

Which is opposite to your fake backstory TBL? (Puts on his best Chinese accent) Oh Mr Low. You so good lawyer. You such rich. You much successful....You own and brag about cheap car? You brag about borrowing brother's D3? You upload facebook photos of you wearing cheap clothes? Oh.
You're fooling nobody babe. However, unlike you, I don't need to pretend to have everything going for me. Au contraire, it's actually helped me become the fantastic and modest man I am today and on the way, through charity work, I've worked and had meetings with the rich and famous. Will I ever be a blue blood? No. I'm a common man, and you pretending to be anything more than a Nike factory worker is nothing more than a fool's dream.

Keep on masturbating over me TBL, it does nothing for you but look like an idiot, a liar and a hypocrite.

14:28:57 Mar 19th 14 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Bad Bell Mate):

Hate to come to Wilbad's defence here, but he's actually training to get an NVQ and was recently sent a virtual rose by a (admittedly second rate and vastly inferior to Foxes) pop singer in a rejection tweet.


He's going places. Wembley, for instance.

15:06:14 Mar 19th 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):


This is why I can never resist taking jabs at you every time I come back to these forums, Wilber. You are a perfect plaything for my amusement in the way you not only bite the bait so easily, but you respond so perfectly as to demonstrate how intellectually, mentally and morally bankrupt you are.

I've always questioned why Dark Blood, DOA and Legacy tolerate you. Nay, they even elevate you to leadership positions. It is absolutely shocking the way some very smart people (Binh, Aligreat, etc.) seem to think that you are deserving to be a piece of their puzzle, but I guess even elites need their submissive, pliant, yes-men type lapdogs once in awhile. Ones that will happily jump up, wag their tail and smell their own shit at the slightest command. Ones that will never disagree, criticize or ever pose the slightest threat to its "master". Ones that will always be there to give their masters confidence and comfort, even if such confidence is false and such comfort misplaced.

Which is the cause of many a strategic mistake and downfall of such illustrious players and kingdoms BTW.

Where I am concerned, I am happy to admit a few things. I am happy to admit that I not only borrowed my brother's Diablo III, I also borrowed his Starcraft 2 as well. I absolutely do not see any reason to get games myself when they are so readily available on hand, and I do not even play them that extensively anyway.

I am also happy to admit that I wear cheap clothes (and I enjoy it too). As a matter of fact, I make it a point to ONLY shop for clothes when there are deep discounts available. My philosophy is that if the clothes are nice and they make you look good, no one can tell whether you are wearing $10,000 Hermes or $100 dollar Uniqlos. And besides, no amount of money spent on clothes can ever make them look good and expensive if you yourself are unable to pull off the necessary "look". On the other hand, even a 4 foot midget with the right confidence, brains and attitude can look 10 feet tall (and this is where Tyrion Lannister and Game Of Thrones absolutely rocks).

So not only are you an intellectual, mental and moral bankrupt, Wilber. You are also a superficial bigot of the highest level. And again I wonder why Binh and Ali tolerate someone like you. Looks like even the greatest of men (and women) have their flaws too.

Finally, when it comes to accents, this is what I will say when I put on my Chinese accent: "Children, you see that man? His name is Josh Reed. He is the perfect example of the person you will become if you do not work hard, you do not have proper goals, if you are not honest, if you lack integrity, and if you have no principles. You have a choice in your life and in this world. You can either choose to be happy, successful, accomplished and able to achieve your full potential and grasp the opportunities heaven bestows upon you. Or you can choose to be like Josh Reed."

And I'm sure that even with my thickest Chinese accent, my words and meanings will be clearly understood :)

P.S. That's good to hear, Swifty. At least for once, Wilber is starting to take some steps in the right direction. He might only be at the 500 meter mark of a 46 kilometer marathon, while the rest of us are already at 20 kilometers and surging ahead, but at least its better then him not even crossing the starting line! :D

15:16:21 Mar 19th 14 - Valar (Mr. Joar Addam Nesossin):

I'll be the first to admit to enjoying a bit of drama but TBl the above posts are really uncalled for, way to personal. =/

15:27:51 Mar 19th 14 - TheBornLoser (Mr. The Dung Beetle):

Its just something between Wilber and me, Valarion. We have a long history of mutual distaste, disdain and contempt for one another, so I tend to become an immature little boy flinging mud and sand in the sandbox whenever I encounter him.

Just pay us no heed :)

22:30:37 Mar 19th 14 - Wilberforce (Mr. Roxburys Sex Slave):

Mmm love it when you talk dirty to me TBL. It really turns me on how you waste your time trolling the forums of a game you don't play, looking for me. That being said, I worried (hoped) that you were recently on a plane to China, but alas, like a cat I once gave milk to, you keep coming back. Was going to make some jokes about Typhoid and you not being able to afford a plane ticket but I fear the reality of the jokes might actually be a reality to you, and you know me, I don't like to get personal!

Morally, intellectually and mentally bankrupt I may be, but to continue the GoT references is Hodor ever truly unhappy? No and like him I am naive and dumb enough to not realise when life is bad! I'd much rather be a stupid, air head with no morals than be a fairly intelligent man lying to himself.

I don't need to go to University to do what I aspire to do, and to have done all the amazing things and meet all the wonderful people I have in my life. Can you say the same? I sincerely doubt it. Perhaps Mark Parker might come down to your factory one day. Perhaps not though.

Val, don't pay TBL the joker and his forum antics any attention. He's over-compensating for his small penis. I hear it's small by even Asian's standards.

23:57:43 Mar 19th 14 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Monkey):

the words hurt my eyes, i need to boost the font size, getting old

00:00:44 Mar 20th 14 - Zond (General of Vus Tactics):

val, one day u will marry. and go through this right here. this bromance between them. 

02:40:08 Mar 20th 14 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Monkey):

I cheated and then I got mod abused

13:57:35 Mar 21st 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

If anyone can cast Arma, now is the time. 

As Halfer, I can't - unless you let me SS you (and that would be feeding).

That was cool! Teleporting my 200k city outside our core. :D

06:13:58 - Our Mayershine colony got teleported!

12:25:36 Apr 9th 14 - Mr. Poof Patrol:

Just quietly..

Congrats Binh. Great era from you, was a pleasure to play with you again.
Also hon mention to Bounce and Stirloin, dishonourable mention to Cobra for being a dirty Roro

13:23:28 Apr 9th 14 - Ms. Daenerys Targaryen:

<3 you too Jet.

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