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Forums / In game politics / Come on into Chat

Come on into Chat
11:53:25 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Bagstros:

Guys I have noticed that only Mif and me get into Chat (I know Dak has a problem with the format and can't get into chat)  But we need to learn to talk among the other players and among ourselves.  There is no messaging done among the leaders of Jester and it is confusing players.

11:56:33 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Sun:

what is confusing.

12:10:40 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Cros:

Chat sux.

12:13:00 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

lmao :D

12:14:03 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Bagstros:

Dang it sucks when you accidently post in the wrong forum.  And chat doesn't suck if people are in it but you need the players to be in it for it to be beneficial.

12:16:44 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Peace War And Suffering:

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha well done bags lol.


12:19:37 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

Vu has a mirc channel wich is the main place for VU chat.

channel: #vu.

12:31:41 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Mijamoto Mushashi:

what ghouma said ;-)

12:40:04 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Bagstros:

Guys I was talking about talking among kingdom in kingdom's chat

13:11:11 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

irc has the same thing and a whole lot more

13:13:11 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

nice way to reveal kingdom's lack of communication :(  very subtle.

14:37:11 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Bagstros:

Oh trust me we have communication but this was not intending for this forum it was done by mistake on wrong forum.  The lack of communication was about what was happeneing right now in VU.

14:43:05 Jul 18th 07 - Ms. Noadea:

It has finally come to my attention that I do not know anything about anybody here on VU.  Thanks Bagstros, for showing me the way.  Therefore, we all need to get on main chat and talk to our heart's content!  jk

14:48:22 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

Nice cover up guys. ;)

15:01:54 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Bagstros:

LoL well we did have good communication until late in VU we are being harassed by several kingdoms so communication is key and with several players going on vacations and such it has hurt us.

15:21:25 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Deadly Doughnut:

If everyone just now realized that Jesters have communication issues you are not very well in the loop.

17:30:19 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Peace War And Suffering:


17:58:44 Jul 18th 07 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:

Wait...the kingdoms name is Jester..?

20:30:17 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Who are you?

20:33:40 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Bananahallow:

use this :D

20:46:50 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I do, they don't. ppl of VU, Spam Jesters mailboxes till they see the light! (don't spam mine)

20:54:02 Jul 18th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Thanks for the link =)
    I mean...uhh...why the heck would you post that...everyone already knows it.....uhh..yea........

03:58:17 Jul 19th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

i guess this is the best place to communicate. guys, attack phi! and falcons! and carnage! and mirror! those are the orders! go get em guys!

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