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Forums / In game politics / I quit VU #2

I quit VU #2
07:31:21 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Earth:

Then delete the offtopic posts or move them but keep it open for ontopic discussion!

07:59:52 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Crissxcross The Mad:

what still arround ??

- phhh

08:10:45 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Gtfo out

" I quit " normally means, Im leaving soon

08:24:12 Jul 23rd 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

You are being asses.

I don't know what happened but if a player got deleted without reason/proof then this is just another step to VU-tyranny.

08:28:43 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Grivi, there is proof

He admits it too, so your an ass :P

Penguin = Water

09:11:20 Jul 23rd 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Penguin from Fantasia? And if he admitted to it, what is all this fuss about?

09:13:53 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Yes Penguin from Fant

And he admitted to it, but they are blaming Osi for it
Apparently he threatened ZeTa he would quit Mod if ZeTa didnt delete Water

Which he didnt, he simply told ZeTa to do a multi sweep and then found out that Penguin was Water, so he told ZeTa, ZeTa deleted him

09:20:46 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Old Greg:

When are you quiting then?

09:25:03 Jul 23rd 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Isn't Penguin still playing in Twilight?

09:31:35 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Crissxcross The Mad:

yep, burned his houses recently :D

10:32:55 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

you burned houses :D zerofool burned all city lol :D
but one thing is that osi knewd long time ago i was water, and he told only then when i got 10k nazzies to ban me.. he wouldnt told to zeta if i wouldnt made 10k nazzies...

10:34:17 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Valentine:

WOW!! I quit VU Episode 2! Hahaha..


Waiting for the best part soon. Where is Earth and his buddy against Osi! Tam tam tam!!


12:08:14 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

Dark Lord Osiris


7/23/2008 1:28:57 PM
Thread locked. This thread is not for posting *beep* pics or talking about the pros and cons of multiple accounts, if you wish to talk about being allowed multiple accounts their is a suggestions thread about the subject.


You're a dumb fool Osiris.

Many parts of the thread were talking about you abusing your power as a mod to force Zeta to delete Water the moment Water became a threat to you and Retribution with his 10 K nazguls. What you did there was politics... politics that you are using on the game creator and that you are using to abuse your position to protect your own interests to the detriment of other players.

You locking that thread is a second example of you abusing your power.

You are lucky you are able to pull this stunt in a game where you have substantial influence. Try pulling this stunt in real life dude. You will get squashed pretty swiftly - karma never forgives.

12:35:19 Jul 23rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

He got deleted for multiing. Osi was only a mod for 3 days so he couldn't have done it before. Water wouldn't have been deleted if he hadn't multied.

12:41:43 Jul 23rd 08 - Prince Insomaniak:

aaaand...then there was this thing about a multi which isn't allowed as stated at game sign-up at the first that was the first fault made...everything else doesn't matter...

now fek off with all yer whining about Osi you bunch of prissy little princesses and play the game in a fair way...

which means NO multi's, no matter what worlds thay end up playing at...and especially no matter what ZeTa says about it...we all know he's a bit thickheaded and "out of this world" when it comes to improving his own game

as for trying stuff in reallife...I'd love to see you lot multi in reallife and get "deleted" for go play the game little kiddies...

12:53:52 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker:

then just leave already...

13:34:53 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Oxygen:

i personally found it particularly interesting that water was the only multi identified. usually there are many many more, which means this wasnt a true multi sweep and was more of a manual deletion of one player that posed a threat

13:36:30 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

is he still here??? A lot of hours ago he said he would quit :S

13:37:31 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

oh, I was wrong, you said it a day ago already. srry :)

13:38:13 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker:

he was multying wasn't he? then shut up, stop trying to clear the wrong doing of your kingdom mate by acusing another person of it, HE WAS A MULTI!!! end of story

13:59:02 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

but he is *beep*ed for reporting now, he could report me before but he reported now as i made 10k nazzies hes an playing *beep*... even when stalin knew i was multi last era he didnt report me when my army was demolishing his core... and osi got scared and reported me just now because of those nazzies... hes *beep*ed whinner that is afraid to play.. yes im multi i toked the risk and i got deleted.. but in not nice way... osi is prick hes a fag and thats all. stop licking his ass condihno

14:05:38 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker:

and? next time don't multi!

and at least spell my name right, you *beep*ing bird that can't fly, it's Condinho

15:25:07 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

I love the way Retribution clowns are trying to divert the topic :)

They keep on trying to say that Water was deleted for being a multi.

What they are trying to hide is that Osiris, who:

i) knew Water / Penguin was a multi from the start of this era (if not 2 eras ago);

ii) didn't bother to report that Water / Penguin was a multi to Zeta at the beginning of this era;

iii) realised that Water was going to be a severe threat to his and his kingdom's butthole once he knew Water was getting 10 K nazzies;

iv) thought that Water was being fed;

v) said he will do everything in his power to get Water deleted;

vi) thus only then reported to Zeta that Water was a multi; and

vii) threatened to quit as a moderator if Zeta didn't delete Water for being a multi.

Therefore, in conclusion:

i) Osiris abused his position as moderator within the 3 days he was moderator;

ii) Osiris would most probably abuse his position again against any other threat to himself and his kingdom; and

iii) ass licking is good for health - it prevents gods like Osiris from getting you deleted :)

Yum!!! :)

15:29:47 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

And let's do this one more time!!!

Mr. Water


7/22/2008 5:25:49 AM
<Penguin> yey i got banned
<lewatha> he's pissed... what do you expect?
<Penguin> why should he be pissed?
<lewatha> he thinks the immense troop count elements currently have is being fed.
<lewatha> which I'm starting to think too.
<Penguin> lol
<Penguin> u saw yourself 8500
<Penguin> i hadnt any troops before
<Penguin> i farmed
<Penguin> saved money
<Penguin> 90M gold
<Penguin> 5M to raze buildings
<lewatha> 8500, sure, but that's 85mil as an orc you should have had, not including mages
<Penguin> i was saving for like 60 ticks
<Penguin> its so easy
<lewatha> he'll do everything to get you deleted... even said he'd quit his mod job is zeta doesn't delete multis.


<Penguin> yey i got banned
<lewatha> he's pissed... what do you expect?
<Penguin> why should he be pissed?
<lewatha> he thinks the immense troop count elements currently have is being fed.
<lewatha> which I'm starting to think too.



<lewatha> he'll do everything to get you deleted... even said he'd quit his mod job is zeta doesn't delete multis.


Where's the little scumbag Osiris hiding now? :)

15:29:57 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker:

since i don't multi i won't be deleted

PS: i won't respond to the rest of what you said, cuz discutions with people like you lead to nowhere, you only care about your opinion, doesn't matter what others say... so byebye

PPS: oh yeah, earth, weren't you going to quit? then why make a second thread? just want to see where this flaming leads to? oh ok...

15:31:45 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker:


16:02:09 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. The Beginner:


if what I read is true, that chat looks very bad on osiris. it does look like he was only getting water deleted at a time convenient to him...

16:16:31 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Carbon:


Yes Sir!!! Mr. Ass Licker Sir!!! Please continue licking my ass Sir!!! :P

16:18:56 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Helium:

The reason was "Water have been fed". But the fact here was no feeding. Osiris still have threated VU Admin that he will leave moderator post if he's not right and the water will be not deleted. So the fact is that Osiris reason wasn't right - so Osiris, leave your post by yourself. I can't trust you as a moderator. Many of us can't.
This would not happen if Osiris were in another world than water, but now he used his moderator powers against his enemies.

16:36:09 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Samulis:

true, thusforth, enforcing improper legalities upon those who he does not amat, a true offence to the ideoligy, that is more wrong than the first. If you are right about threatening to leave his post, then it is blackmail, I am afraid. Either that, or mutiny, both, punishable by decapitation by the british navy of 1642.

17:02:31 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Would you guys shut up? He multied, and was punished. No matter what reason he was checked for multis, he should still have been banned. Anyway, you can't ban someone for feeding.

17:18:42 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Atreides:

Guys, I don't give a *beep* if he had 10k nazzies. That doesn't make it ok to multi. And it doesn't make it wrong for someone to report him. So what's the problem?

17:28:18 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

I think Zeta just needs to come in and tell everyone to shut the hell up -_- or else this will go on and expecting an "I quit VU #3 and/or 4" soon least everyone has the decency to not post pictures -_-

17:29:32 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

17:29:58 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

ban revenge from FORUMS!

17:35:07 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

all of you need to relax. he multied and was deleted for it. its DONE!

now drop the subject.

17:52:50 Jul 23rd 08 - Duke Argyle:

Sure one man army, but the debate is not about one persons deletion, it's about a moderator using his forum status to make things happen ingame, if it wasn't for that, the discussion wouldn't exist.

We don't care about water beeing deleted, one era there was 30 accounts on the deletionlist for "too many accounts".

I think this is outrageous, what Osiris did is not ok, and I think it should be punished.

17:54:01 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Penguin


7/23/2008 12:29:58 PM
ban revenge from FORUMS!
Yeah he posted pictures -_-

17:55:55 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Pathomatic:

the other thread had slowed down and almost died.  If he hadnt closed the topic there probably wouldn't even have been continued discussion.  Closing the topic just gets everyone even more upset about osiris mixing his personal game play and any mod powers he has.  Had anyone else closed it, it wouldn't have been a big deal.  Him closing it however just justifies everything that has been said so far about him.

17:58:53 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Wtf are you taling about?

Do please, find a hole and die

99% of you lot don't even know what happpened and how
You are just jumping on the *beep*ing band-wagon

Unless you are Elements or have been directly affected by whats happened
Gtfo and shut up

18:07:55 Jul 23rd 08 - Duke Argyle:

Sir Gonzo, anyone is free to take part of the discussions on the forum of Visual Utopia.

Now punish Osiris for his doubtful moderatorship!

18:14:18 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Its Revenge !

anyone is free to take part of the discussions on the forum of Visual Utopia

True, but unless they know what they are talking about they shouldnt take part

18:15:36 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Valentine:

Woot! Argyle has joined the show.. :D

18:30:31 Jul 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

ok lets see if the retarded carbon and co can learn.


What they are trying to hide is that Osiris, who:

i) knew Water / Penguin was a multi from the start of this era (if not 2 eras ago); <--- 1 no i didnt i only knew penguin was in ele last era no idea which one he was and yes i did ask for a multi sweep last era too.

ii) didn't bother to report that Water / Penguin was a multi to Zeta at the beginning of this era; <--- asked for a multi sweep pretty much strait away and again i didnt know water was penguin.

iii) realised that Water was going to be a severe threat to his and his kingdom's butthole once he knew Water was getting 10 K nazzies; <---- didnt know he had 10k nazzies untill after i asked for a sweep and after i posted that water as penguin.

iv) thought that Water was being fed; <--- no not really lew was just messing with you.

v) said he will do everything in his power to get Water deleted; <--- i never said that either.

vi) thus only then reported to Zeta that Water was a multi; and <--- if i knew 100% of any other multis i would report so whats your point?

vii) threatened to quit as a moderator if Zeta didn't delete Water for being a multi. <--- no i never ever did that so again another lie.


You seem to be taking the fact that lew messing with you for a couple of lines = mega vu conspricy.


Path, there was a mods talking about closing it so i didnt just decide it on a whim.

Argyle you really have no clue or grasp on anything.

let me tell you this. 1. im semi active in game 2. im not doing anything in ret 3. so what if he had 10k nazzies? im not playing i couldnt care if i died and its not like ive never died before? infact ive already died this era did anyone get deleted erm no?

18:32:01 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

wow long threads...

18:32:11 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker:

doesnt matter what you think osiris did, or what he did, zeta is in charge, and he banned water for multiing and not for feeding and that is proven that he did...

18:35:13 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Atreides


7/23/2008 5:18:42 PM
Guys, I don't give a *beep* if he had 10k nazzies. That doesn't make it ok to multi. And it doesn't make it wrong for someone to report him. So what's the problem?

And Elements are not that much weaker just because of that (I know for sure).

What they seems to be most pi.sed off is, that their reputation might suffer (when they know what reasons other have to do as they did when they did so, then I also know what they think - reasonable, don't you think so.........).

And it does - not because that a puny multi have been banned. That could happend for any kingdom.

But because of their efforts to blame someone else. Someone who - maybe much too late - reported, that he had knowledge of&nb*beep*ulti. Actually, that could be me - I know for sure a leader of one kingdom in this world (Mantrax) was multi last age in another kingdom on Zetamania. I should have reported it - but...... that was last age.

And your reputation also do suffer due to Mr. Earth. Making a thread with such a title once - saying to quit - is one thing. It's ok to be upset.

But to repeat it when the old thread is closed - using the same title - to continue, that is simply too stupid.

18:37:20 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

I think the interesting thing with this is the fact that Zeta - to my knowledge - never before has deleted anyone for having accounts on different worlds. He has even said to ppl that it is "ok". Either way this is a rulebreak that Zeta has always seen through the fingers on.

So, I asked Zeta why he deleted Water and this was his response:

[22:47] There was some ppl complainging, so I had to make an example

Yes I'm bitter, but this really was a huge setback for Elements, we had 14 players and now we are down to 13 while fighting kds many times our numbers.

19:06:35 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Gravity:

I have no multi right now, no. (not active anyways, all of them are "dead" and have "been dead" all era) but I've had active ones in the past (on different worlds of course)... never has it been a problem, and I've been "scolded" by Zeta, and by Moderators... and told not to do that (but I did have reason)... so nowadays, I've stopped and I haven't ever done it again...  Only one other account has not been deleted, and its just placeholding a reputation for an old character as I have fun with Elements for now...

so, quite frankly, its a prime example of a "subjective rule" not that it needs to be enforced, but, to enforce it as an example on a single player is a bit of a unfair ruling.

honestly, for it to be worked out right, it needs to be enforced to the fullest across all servers, all players, in all kingdoms...

not just 1 player here, or 1 player there.

THAT, or not enforced at all, and just "allowed".... there can't be a middle-ground or subjective reasoning... 

Its simply just not fair to those that get "made examples of...."
Thats the main argument here.

19:16:17 Jul 23rd 08 - Lord Oya:

just lolz....

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