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Forums / In game politics / JOIN MY KD AND DOMINATE

21:17:08 Feb 3rd 10 - Pirate Candybeard:

Since Augh's retard bunch is leaving, we have a few spots open! We're planning to decrease our membersize to about 15-20 members, so a small kingdom but with active players and lots of warfare!

We have:

- A sexy leader
- No player called Revenge
- a great bunch of players
- lots of talks about penis sizes on irc
- much more!

Join now!
(we're better than Augh's kingdom!)

23:11:09 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Edd The Lazy Bum:

lol can i join?

09:07:07 Feb 5th 10 - Pope John Wayne:

- lots of talks about penis sizes on irc

What sizes are we talking , just checking if I need to get the penis pump out. :p

21:28:49 Feb 5th 10 - VU Admin:

Topic locked.

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