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Forums / In game politics / Starta Plague

Starta Plague
20:32:53 Jan 29th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

So are there someone who gonna admit who casted it?

21:09:25 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Kearn:

I don't know, but our operations there are forfeited now.

21:14:10 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIV:

Is it possible that it crossed worlds from Fant?

21:14:46 Jan 29th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

Nope. It was started at the center of Starta.

21:18:16 Jan 29th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

I blame Cat the Swift!!! :P  Smelly cat brought the plague ;)

21:43:25 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

it was me... casted it sorry... i have a hidding troll cities and have magic lvl 10 as troll, so i will be cast some more, these troll mages can do a better plague cast than elves when at lvl 10 :)

22:13:34 Jan 29th 10 - Sir Cat The Swift:

aww Saiyan, why you do tht mate? :(


knew yi had sumhn up yer sleeve. hehe :)

22:15:35 Jan 29th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

actually, my army had it, i made it scout size and crossed it over. no idea if it actually worked..

22:23:35 Jan 29th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

I've never had plague :).

Has it reached Gladiators yet? If so, it might reach me :p.

03:47:23 Jan 30th 10 - Mr. Arch Shade:


04:16:36 Jan 30th 10 - Sir Moonshine:

I am guessing Struddles

18:46:19 Jan 30th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

nah wasnt me I havent casted that in about 4 era's Though I may again at some point.

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