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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / ADMIN, put some effort into it

ADMIN, put some effort into it
22:33:41 Dec 2nd 08 - Mr. Angelrobot:

Well Zeta has to do something to the tileing I know that much : ) (and thats all i'll say for now so go on with those fights it was amusing lol )


22:49:31 Dec 2nd 08 - Sir Epyon The Halfling Nub:

Mr. Samulis The Magnificent


12/2/2008 3:59:37 PM

If you guys don't like how the game is, then DO all the programing, send it to him, and ask him to test and install it. It's that simple, if you want to change it, become a programmer and do it!

Spend less time talking and fussing, and more time DOING.

You want a new map? Make a new map.

You want a update on pictures? Make a update on pictures.

You will then see how much work it is to be a programmer, countless codes, countless hours sitting drawing and drafting, dozens of questions from people.

wanna kiss Zeta's ass some more? you obviously don't know how any of this stuff works. I'm not saying that I do, but at least I can recognize this so that I don't act pedantic about something that I'm ignorant about

Zeta IS changing the game, he is moving as fast as a 3 man team of developers can, and he is
only 1 man!

he's been "changing" the game for a while now and no improvements have been made. arma was useless to begin with. how does getting rid of it help? it seems like Zeta chooses 1 thing each era that is "wrong" with the game and takes the easiest approach to "fix" it. walls are bad? delete them. arma sucks? delete it. dwarves are overpowered? make them suck (yeah they were overpowered, but now they're just crap). countless suggestions have been made but Zeta rarely shows feedback. I just want Zeta to put more effort into VU

00:31:20 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

thats what i've been saying, since i joined its just seemed like a slow dismantling and sabotaging of the game.

@ Samulis-Yeah i kinda ran out of steam on my Path To Darkness game but its a very different situation.

  1. Im 13, 14 in february...Responsibility isnt exactly expected of me...
  2. Why should i bother if im not even going to get any cash from it?
  3. I had to update it every day.
  4. I've had a constant headache for 10 months every second of the day, work isn't exactly something I enjoy, and the only reason i played this game was to give me something to do when I'm stuck at home and too ill.
  5. I'm at school.
  6. Low attention span, I generally get an idea, spend ages on it in a single day, then forget about it.
  7. What admins been doing is removing old features of the game, or changing old features, not really adding anything new.
  8. Only has to do any work on the week coming up to the end of era.
  9. Has potential to get A LOT of money from this game.

01:44:22 Dec 3rd 08 - Duke Arzun:

I've had a constant headache for 10 months every second of the day, work isn't exactly something I enjoy, and the only reason i played this game was to give me something to do when I'm stuck at home and too ill.

Uhm.... you might wanna go see a doctor...

03:39:25 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Pilosa:

I hope he chooses soon, because if I'm waiting for nothing, and if VU is never going to change, then I'd rather know now so I can move onto a different game., but I want to hear it from his mouth.  I'm tired of assuming that it will get better, if it's going to happen, tell us.  If not, tell us, we need to know.

sounds something like what my ex said before she dumped me

04:08:25 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Kegstand Mcfarland:

Hard part of making code available to people is the possibility of it leaking to mroe people which it always done then next thing ya know you got people warping across the map in one turn and spitting out 1k nazghouls per turn etc. Might not be the exact scenario but you see where I am going. Happens to any game where players are allowed a bit too much freedom with code etc.

the big question here if for Zeta, does he work on this as a full time endeavor or is this a hobby. If it is a hobby then toss back some of the things peeps want. If it is full time then theres thousands of things that can be done to ensure your game taking off faster and you getting paid better. Regardless of what peeps think or want that hard fact is there are no test servers so anything he implements is trial and error. Maybe make a lower sever into your trials and implement all kinds of whacky shiz there, you will see soon enough what does and doesn't work.

The game is drawing new players and alot of them come from word of mouth advertising just like with any non mainstream product...So if you folks want more peeps start playing more browser games and tell peeps about this one. I learned about Astro Empires from a coworker and then while playing it I met Roxbury and Binh who then told me about this game, I then recruited my wife and my best friend and his wife etc.

Want to make some phat cash charge people for multiple account use... Sure it puts a bit more power into one persons hands but hey thats what Kd's are for. Nothing wrong with it expect maybe on the lower worlds but I seriously doubt it would change the face of the top 3 worlds that much and if anything it would force people to work together better.

04:13:21 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Kegstand Mcfarland:

So many typos my apologies.

*beep* toss a link into an email and send off mass listing to all your contacts business or not, throw one out at yer office. Anyone who played Stratego, Risk, Axis and allies, dungeon Siege, Stronghold, Civ or any game like such will most likely draw to this easily. Anyone working in an environment with access to the internet would be drawn to this just from sheer work laziness/boredom lol. Easy to play at work yet still get yer *beep* done :)

04:16:40 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Kegstand Mcfarland:

Another thing, I ended up trying out several games just from seeing banner adds on WoW, Astro Empires etc. If you want the pop to grow you need to compete with what seems to be a fast growing industry and that my friends is the #1 killer of small games...better competition.

kk done my *beep*s lol...gnight

04:28:49 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Look at yourselves, flaming the Admin! It is madness I say! Madness! *Samulis jumps out the window screaming about how all the vets have gone insane*.

Forums were not made for flaming, Flaming was made for forums.

I came... I saw... I flamed the pants off of some 'new-players'.

On a clearer note, your flames are like matches in the rain... they don't stop a determined defendant. If you guys are so >:( this game smells, then go and pout to someone that can do somthing... like yourself!

Stop talking... Start Doing.

If you have had a education in Computer Engineering, then mabye you can make some good draft ideas and send them to ZeTa (remember, he lives in sweeden, where they make sweedish fish, so ask for a bag of those).

04:46:07 Dec 3rd 08 - VU Admin:

Sure, I could spend more time working on the game, but it's not like adding boats would make 10,000 people immediately start playing the game.
I have a day time job as a programmer and when I come  home from work, sitting down in front of the computer and continue coding is not the first thing that comes up in my mind, I rather try to stay away from the computer.

I do spend a lot of time working on the game though, but you do not see every thing that I do.

05:41:25 Dec 3rd 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

VU Admin


12/2/2008 11:46:07 PM
I do spend a lot of time working on the game though, but you do not see every thing that I do.

Knowing my attention is probably something obvious...I usually don't say anything since I have been around only six eras.  I am mainly still here because I want to role play...but that is just me.  VU gives me something to do in my free time...

06:44:43 Dec 3rd 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

VU Admin


12/2/2008 8:46:07 PM
Sure, I could spend more time working on the game, but it's not like adding boats would make 10,000 people immediately start playing the game.
I have a day time job as a programmer and when I come  home from work, sitting down in front of the computer and continue coding is not the first thing that comes up in my mind, I rather try to stay away from the computer.

I do spend a lot of time working on the game though, but you do not see every thing that I do.

Holy cr@p! Zeta revealed something about his life! I guess I need to reveal something too...

My name is Septim...and I'm a sp@maholic!

07:39:44 Dec 3rd 08 - The Architect:

Alright, I can understand that.  The last thing I would want to do would be to sit in front of a computer after a long day of work and listen to someone like me gripe about what is wrong and what should happen. 

My question to you, Zeta, is this:

What can we, as the players, do to help improve this game at a more rapid rate? 

Is there anything we would be able to do that would make it easier to implement some improvements so that you don't have to sit in front of the computer when you come home any longer than is necessary to input some code?

07:47:49 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

    I'm just deleting everything I was going to say here and backing up architect^

  btw I know some programmers. though I'm sure you wouldn't want to release your code :(

12:53:07 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

but cant you at least put back some of the old codes? I mean, you must have saved them somewhere?

oh yeah and @Arzun

I HAVE SEEN A DOCTOR! I'VE BEEN TO THE DANG HOSPITAL 1BILLION FREAKIN TIMEZ!!!! Atm theyre trying out al these pills which arent even meant for under 18s to take, they dnt work tho...

13:19:55 Dec 3rd 08 - Duke Arzun:

I agree with Arch, if there is anything that can be done to progress the game further, then I will try and do so. I'm a student so I have lots of free time on my hands when I don't have to work or study, there is alot that the players of VU could do to help VU.

17:20:51 Dec 3rd 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I would be willing to help...preferably RP related, but I can do something XD
Student ftw

17:30:40 Dec 3rd 08 - Sir Wilber:

You've told me alot of your personal life zeta and I know how stressful a busy life can be. Which is why I ask, can you allow someone to buy into VU? Doesn't have to be a majority shareholder, just a partner or minor shareholder.

18:44:18 Dec 3rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

or a volunteer ...

18:49:39 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Hilario:

I can code something.

19:27:12 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Headaches are caused by LACK OF WATER AND MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF STRESS... so drink some more water each day and go on vacation every once in a while... why don't you go on a walk through nature really slowly and look around at all the pretty things? They say it works!

Anyway, I like how Zeta posted right after me and you all stopped flaming. :) mabe he was some hidden power!

19:40:02 Dec 3rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

I came... I saw... I flamed the pants off of some 'new-players'

You are some of the 'new players' ...

20:33:43 Dec 3rd 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Anyone ever heard of...coincidence? Sorry Samulis, but your head is getting WAY too big right now...

21:26:53 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:


21:46:13 Dec 3rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

can give you - ones?

22:06:45 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

samulis dat aint even rly think that wud solve a 10 month headache (-_-) ? Yes that is the cause for SOME NORMAL headaches, but this aint normal, an this was cus a PE accident.

22:47:43 Dec 3rd 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

...brain damage? Bad thing...

22:58:04 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

it isnt brain damage, its post-traumatic injury or sumtin like dat, but yeah i had brain scans to make sure i was alrite.

01:50:05 Dec 4th 08 - Master Cloutier:

Well I would love to buy this game of him.. The reason why would be simple...

1. I know how to code (and yes it is not as easy as you guys seem to think)
2. I have the time to put into it
3. I have many ideas of what to add (33 to be right on the spot)
4. These add ons I would do would bring people to the game
5. All of these things would make a lot of you guys/girls happy and very few mad.

Remember all these thing I would bring to this game if It was sold to me.

A few things that are small would be a custom profile page for each players. This would have on it Medals that players have won from having played 38 eras or hell just one era. The player would get medals for the best kingdom and strongest army. I have many more things I would add. Including kingdom page would change. ( like bring king/queen/knight etc back) For those that remember it. Ya I know my player says Iv been here since era 30 but Iv been around since era 6. I went by the name of mcdeath87. It got deleated after I stopped playing for a year. But Im back. lol

Well anyways I could make so many improvements to this game that I think you guys would love. Also I may just bring walls back. But would be a lot harger to get. Think about all this and let me know what you think.

Post them here or if you want email me something at

02:07:03 Dec 4th 08 - Master Cloutier:

I just had another great idea. I have been stabbed in the back hundreds of times by making a NAP or MAP with other kingdoms so one thing I would add to the game would be so kingdom leaders can make a peace treaty so any kingdom with a NAP or MAP cant attack that kingdom. This would be good to have. Also there would be a 24 hour notice before a war can happen after deleating an peace treaty. So do you guys like this idea. This would be a very complicated thing to add, but it would be worth it.

02:07:40 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Angelrobot:

medals... sounds like my achievements suggestion....

02:44:43 Dec 4th 08 - Duke Arzun:

I really don't think Zeta is willing to give up part of his game, hell, I'd be pretty angry if he did. But I would 100% be willing to invest into VU, maybe not so close to Christmas, but certainly sometime soon. This game has great potential, and any one would be lucky to be a part of it.

03:12:32 Dec 4th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Maybe "Give up part of his game" seems not quite the way to phrase it.  You could just work with Zeta on it...maybe like a partner or just support person? He wouldn't have to give up anything if he had the final say...

03:17:02 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

  maybe he could find someone that was good enough at coding and set up some way where he would be able to trust him (zeta having to confirm any improvements).
     Honestly the programming for games like Vu isn't rocket science, I know a few people that work on harder stuff every day (for a living).

03:17:37 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

 and to think that I'm banned from the sugg and improvements forum ^ xD

03:47:10 Dec 4th 08 - Master Cloutier:

Well The main reason why I would want to buy it would be so I ould earn money and not work for free. The things that I would add to the game would bring in donations like crazy. This im 100% sure on because Iv played many games and talk with a lot of people all around the wold, both young and old. Everyone wants differant things and there are some ways that can please very few and others that will please most everyone. Im certain that everything I would add would bring imn a profit but not so sure you all will like them..

03:52:17 Dec 4th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Then you would probably be the last person I would want owning a game I've been playing for five years, and hope to play for a lot longer, as it is the only game I play. I don't want someone owning the game that would rather make money then to please those who play. "I'm certain that everything I would add would bring imn a profit but not so sure you all will like them.." Sounds great...

And stop adding your yahoo everytime... it's getting annoying.

04:11:28 Dec 4th 08 - Master Cloutier:

The yahoo is my sig.its always on there.

And im not trying to make money but the more members the more updates and the more space the game needs. So Ill need to update the server. And I already own 2 games, and I make money on them.

04:38:42 Dec 4th 08 - The Architect:

There are no automatic sigs on these forums, for it to be there you have to type it every time...

Anyways, I think having anyone buy the game from Zeta is not the right move, we just need people who are willing to step in and help in some way, whether it be financially or otherwise.  But before we figure that out and what is needed, we need to hear if it is even possible from Zeta.

05:51:31 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

       zeta doesn't need to sell it, he needs a crash course in managing a successful game (this is really not meant to be offensive, but some there are some really basic things he could do that would bring in hundreds of new players)     and someone to help him out with code.
    I think it's pretty clear that Vu could go a long way, it's pretty addicting, especially for those that like strategy games, and the computer requirements are pretty basic.

05:56:18 Dec 4th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

He is doing it in his free time...he probably could just use someone to do some work for him(That he wants of course) when he is tired from work...

06:03:37 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

One suggestion I have is put in an introduce-yourself  forum, this is basic for most games, players often get frustrated learning a new game early-on, and the sooner they are acquainted with the community the more likely it is that they will be okay with asking for help, and be active on the forums, and once you have them active on the forums, they're way more likely to stay.
    Here's a quote for you:

 Vogel says an MMOG is foremostly a place for people to gather. “That's what communities are,” he says, adding that they are “a place to vent passionately,” too. People play because they want to be listened to.

What MMOG owners need to learn, in order to maintain control over their marketing, Vogel suggests, is to better manage the relationships they establish with their community, especially the outspoken members

  -Rich Vogel, VP of Product Development at Sony Online Entertainment
 Vogel, is most famous for his work with games like Star Wars Galaxies and Ultima Online.

     Once again we know you don't have much time, but if you don't have time to alter the game, at least take the time to bring yourself in more customers.

07:09:31 Dec 4th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Thanks Epyon ;)  You showed him. 


12:42:22 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Blast of Darkness:

i think rather than geting a vu player to do it (which rly isnt clever...) admin should get one of his work-colleagues to help, or somebody like that who he can trust, and lives in the same general area so they can meet an talk bout their ideas etc. I'm sure he'd be able to find at least one work colleague willing to help for mayb..I dunno, 10% of what the game brings in? It'd be worth it in the long run.

17:56:55 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Killer:

No offence, Cloutier, but I'm really glad you're not doing anything in this game other than play it. Not breaking a NAP? Come on... Just because you've been stabbed in the back a few times, it's a adds a nice(maybe not for the receiving end) element to the game. I'm sure that's not your only bad idea.

Anyway, I can completely understand why Zeta doesn't want to work with sombody else on this game, they could steal it(alright, admittedly this would be very tough, probably), but most of all, he'd have to deal with whoever it was saying what he should do with the game, and that would might get even more on Zeta's nerves than you bickering folk, and I am very glad that he's not selling it, the game would probably be pretty crap then.

Also, changing the game in most ways could turn off a few players, and one would have to think carefully before doing these. Sure, Zeta has probably made a few mistakes, the walls for example, and maybe the dwarfs(they got what was coming to them), but the walls were buggy and too powerful. They should be implemented again, but weaker and without the bugs.
However, there are some things that really could be added, and would be very unlikely to turn away any players whatsoever, a better tutorial being one(it's seriously crap. If I had a cent for every new player I (tried to) helped through the tutorial, well... I wouldn't have a lot more money, about 40 cent). I can under
stand not wanting to do the work though, even if Zeta wasn't a full-time programmer.

Anyway, I love this game for what it is, not for its potential. Sure, some improvements could be made, and I have to admit I preferred when the dwarfs weren't nerfed so severely(I hate dwarfs, but most of them changed to halflings, that's what annoys me). I did get pissed off with those walls though, the crosswalls, not the defence, even if it was too strong. Also, screenshots of the earlier game looked far more interesting(I don't know when it was, way back. Not the walls or any of that recent stuff, I've been around for that), but there were probably bugs.(The screenshot with the steel, anyone know that? visualutopia.oldscreen2 or something like that. It wasn't actually a map or anything, just a news pic or something. I've bookmarked it before, but it vanished :S )

23:06:34 Dec 10th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

Anyone whos played this game for a while knows that the admin spends 5 mins at the end of each era, changing the features that take the least amount of effort to do. Talk to the forum mods and they say zeta doesnt give two *beep*s about the player base.

Im saying that by just putting some effort into the game, it can be 10x better, and 10x people can find it and play it. Which would be a good thing.

If you want google tricks to get more hits to the page, to try and fool yourself that hits equals players equals a good game.. then why not just write "SEX NAKED BLONDE ASS STRATEGY GAME" in the game description. That will give a ton of google hits, I promise.

23:39:27 Dec 10th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:


20:23:00 Dec 11th 08 - Sir Wilber:

*Clicks the link and returns to VU*
ffs, dammit.

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