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Virginia Tech Shooting in US
03:34:47 Jun 16th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

In my opinion the VT shooting would have been a lot less devastating, if after the first person he killed. half the room stood up and pulled out a gun ( having a concealed weapons licenses of course) and shot the guy.

Also a guys not going to pull out a gun to rob someone when he knows that person probably has a gun themselves and he has no advantage, but hey...thats just my opinion.

08:21:20 Jun 16th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

"Also a guys not going to pull out a gun to rob someone when he knows that person probably has a gun themselves and he has no advantage, but hey...thats just my opinion."

But what about that high-strung lady with a gun in her purse who is willing to whip it out and squeeze the trigger in a sudden fit of panic, or fear, or anger?  And let's say this lady is a bad shot and manages to pop a bystander in the head.  And the criminal fires and kills the women, and begins to shoot others because now he too is high-strung and scared.

There's really no good solution : /

13:28:49 Jun 16th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Its better than having one manic have the only gun; killing as he wishes, and no one there to stop him until he's killed  30 people.

15:25:19 Jun 16th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

Killings such as in VT are rare.  The amount of single gunshot-related  deaths by far exceeds big mass killings.

18:37:17 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Shadowflash:

"my last post wasnt for real lol but i know a country that can beat america and it's china. the chinese have about 468 million of sections ( groups of soldiers) and usa only has about 67 million"

but america has cooler toys to blow stuff up with.

-to everyone-

you cant relate gun ownership to mass killings. like others have said if you want to kill someone youll find a way. he could have just as easily threw a couple of pipe bombs into the rooms. so by your logic we should ban pipe and all things flammable.    my dad and i have like 8 guns at our house. and no one has died because of it. also as others have said if you ban it others will suffer the consequences. ive seen people with uzis and aks (which are illegal). if the public didnt have guns then no one could do anything about it. (dont even mention the police. they literally come an hour or two after we report a shooting)

i read in an article that one of the countries in europe has most people carrying guns around everywhere they go. no one has a problem with it and remarkabaly their crime rate is lower than all its neighbors with gun bans.

19:47:52 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Dwolf:

What needs to stop is the harrasment and the calling names and the treating people bad, whats so good about being mean?

Just getting a girl friend, a wife, and a life, and a family, teach that family right, and dont let your kids grow up to be wanabe gansters that shot people to join a gang, you see I saw this little kid at school, a 6 grader, i was in 8th grade, he was talking about what he needed to do, and what he did to get inside the 13th street gang, a guy made him suck his thing and the put a cup under it and drink what came out... and the kid still fascinated about joining, if we tach our kids right, by giving em a wooping at the right time, and being compasionate at the right time, they will grow up to be people, not *beep*s, or not biches, or not anything that keeps them from being a real man or a real woman.


06:23:11 Jun 20th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

Ideally, that would work, but we're talking about life here.  Parents have kids before they're ready, and become abusive, negligent, or just generally bad parents.  And of course, with one bad kid there's becomes victims...

19:23:30 Jun 20th 07 - Mr. Sakaal:

When almost nobody has a gun, every now and then you can get some mad man shooting from 5 to 30 people in some mad killing spree. Maybe you get a few such events per year, let's say 5 for example. That makes the bodycount about 5 x 30 = 150 max per year.

If almost everyone had a gun, the madman could only kill maybe 0-10 before someone took him out. The madmen don't care if they get killed so we would still have at least the same 5 madmen. The bodycount from them would be say 5 x 10 = 50 per year tops. However, because almost everyone now has a gun, also the other madmen who didn't have one before would now be going in killingsprees. Let's say we have 100 more madmen with a gun now, which would make maybe at least 1000 more bodycount per year. Also the not-so-madmen, who get upset for some random reason, would be producing individual victims, so maybe we have 10000 more people killing maybe 1 more each.... The bodycount would be... well... huge.

So, yes, the first 5 madmen would kill less, if all their targets shot back. However we would have thousands more new incidents, mostly smaller ones, but still much much more incidents.

The statistical probability of an innocent bystander getting killed by random gunfire would most definitely rise if everyone was carrying. You fix 5 problems, and you make 50000 new problems. Nicely done, Arthion.

03:12:12 Jun 21st 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

However, not every town or state has those new 45000 problems spring up.  Mature people who can handle guns have proven to lower gun-related violent crime (or even crime in general) in cities of states.  Yes, there are new problems like the occasional kid shooting themself or an *beep* hitting his own foot when cleaning out the barral, but most would agree more small injuries are better than a few but fatal wounds.

However, some towns will gain the new problems.  So why the difference?  Several factors.  One is gun training.  Another is gun licensing, who is allowed to buy them and who isn't.

So will taking away all firearms lower crime or raise it?  It really depends on the location and the factors involved there.

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