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Forums / The hangaround / Your addicted to VU when...

Your addicted to VU when...
19:32:35 Mar 16th 12 - Mr. Tensa:

866. When you walk 2 miles to get to the library on an almost daily basis.

16:50:37 Mar 20th 12 - Mr. Human Slave Driver:

867. When you enjoy doing naughty kinky rapey type things to your slaves.

05:03:33 Mar 21st 12 - Mr. Palpy Confused:


When you are momentarily distracted by a tic change and some rebel kids and a wookie blow up your deathstar...

09:39:16 Mar 22nd 12 - Mr. Human Slave Driver:


You're addicted to VU if you are addicted to star wars. Somehow.

10:29:12 Mar 22nd 12 - Emperor Palpatine:

I am not addicted to Star Wars....I AM Star Wars.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Author of the book " Wookies make better slaves, at 125 gold each"

15:55:07 Mar 22nd 12 - Mr. Human Slave Driver:

868. You're addicted to VU when you have the Emperor title... and a Mr. title at the same time. Very confusing. 

18:30:27 Mar 22nd 12 - Mr. Palpy Forum Troll:

you can call me simply " Mr Emperor"..I really don't mind

21:06:02 Mar 22nd 12 - Mr. Human Slave Driver:

869. You're addicted to VU when you don't mind being called "Mr Emperor".

870. You're addicted to VU if you're a Palpy Forum Troll.

871. You're addicted to VU if you take what I say seriously :)

I am the Emperor. Vive l'Empereur!

06:54:42 Apr 1st 12 - Mr. Epic Fail Incoming:

872. You're addicted to VU if you continuously troll Emperor and Star Wars (addict) in the Are You Addicted To VU thread.

873. You're addicted to VU if you get on during class only to whip out a calculator to figure out the raw OP and DP of your most powerful army.

19:07:07 Apr 1st 12 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax):

Be careful Palpy. Remember you was written out of the story at.... let's call it age... age 6.

And that one of your bodyguards (Mara Jade) actually "got" Luke.


17:18:43 Apr 2nd 12 - Mr. Dorforc:

866. when u leave, come back, leave, come back...troll, do a solo suicide mission, leave, come back, troll, leave, come back and everyone still wonderin wtf is zetard.

19:19:11 Apr 2nd 12 - McMax (Mr. The Roc Star):

Heck Markus. We all do so.....

But I'm sure humans never (ok.... seldom) gets wiser. And most of us IS actual human - at least sort of humans........ I know Jolly Jumper (a horse) plays chess......

20:48:17 May 22nd 12 - Xerxes (Mr. Xerxes The Almighty):

877. Your addicted to VU when it's the first and last thing you do in your day.

20:56:10 May 22nd 12 - Sir Violator:

878:   when your more anxious about the next tick instead of your next hit!

21:45:47 May 22nd 12 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus The Deserter):

879: (probably a repost) When you quit, come back, quit, comeback, quit, and come back again.

02:23:03 May 23rd 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

880: When you revive old threads.

04:54:32 May 23rd 12 - Sir Dark Magician Who Cantusemagic:


When you name your kd faggotville, but turns out to be froggoville. Because of the censor. Again.

14:20:10 May 23rd 12 - Ms. Vaire Arien:

This thread is still around???

21:53:43 May 23rd 12 - Xerxes (Mr. Xerxes The Almighty):

I revived it after a month and before that it was like 3 months, every so often it gets revived

05:29:14 Dec 19th 13 - Mr. Sacredone:


when you remember the first 'your addicted to vu'

07:01:38 Dec 23rd 13 - King Charley Deallus:

Mr. Charley II

18:52:18 Apr 21st 08
395. When you choose to not to write a paper worth 3/4ths of your class grade only to sit on the forums until 4 in the morning, drinking, and eating a sandwhich, which just happens to give you food poisoning and you throw up until 5am before falling asleep

Ha! Found my first post in this thread.  Ah the memories.  Back when I couldn't spell worth sh!t.

882. when you go back and find the first post you made in the your addicted to VU when thread

04:44:21 Dec 24th 13 - King Charley Deallus:

883. When you get so caught up in remembering said first post that you forget to add the f*cking number in front of it and actually feel slightly embarrassed that you forgot.

05:23:03 Dec 25th 13 - Mr. Paper Thick:

884. Its your sons first Christmas eve and Im here typing this post right now.

05:27:57 Dec 25th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Sir Xerxes The Pimp):

885. When you look forward to logging onto VU more than opening your Christmas presents.

10:29:33 Dec 25th 13 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Zerker):

886. When you play VU even in your dreams.

11:23:39 Jan 25th 14 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

887. when you know what binh is talknig about (fyi the maps in my dreams are better....just saying)

06:56:31 Mar 13th 14 - Venomz (Mr. Bought Your Stuff):

888. When you bother to read all 887 previous addiction signs and still come up with a new one, like saying you're addicted to VU when you spend most of the day reading back the VU Skype chats cause you don't want to miss out on anything.

14:18:29 Mar 13th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Sister Fister):

889. when you are looking forward to teaching your kids to play

17:52:06 Apr 26th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Entwood):


08:53:20 May 9th 14 - Mr. Zek:

890. You get off your girlfriend in the middle of .....because you saw the clock and its the next tic . sec babe ill be right back .

11:50:33 Nov 28th 14 - Penguin (Clown Nuclear Penguin):

891. When on your birthday you come back to play VU

17:37:31 Nov 28th 14 - LukeTheDuke (Legatus Ambrosias Arilyonis):

892. When you realize all the legacy players were Zeta playing his multi accounts.

893. When you start to theorize about VU conspiracies.

06:33:38 Dec 30th 14 - Mr. Barney:

894. When you account for half of the forum posts on the forums

06:43:25 Dec 30th 14 - Mr. Soccerguy:

895. When you account for the other half of the forum posts on the forums. :)

07:38:28 Jan 28th 15 - Spud (Mr. Spud The Illusionist):

896, Even after Being gone for years, you always come back to the forums and see who still lives.

06:45:34 Feb 1st 15 - Mr. Soccer Balls:

897. when you still dream of cooking spud in a ROF even though he hasn't played in years

23:40:03 Feb 5th 15 - Kevin (Mr. Gonzo II):

898. When you check VU from your phone every 10 minutes and wonder why nothing is happening then you realize that the tick hasn't changed yet.

20:36:34 Apr 3rd 15 - Mr. Garret Jax:

899) You suddenly feel really sick, you look up, the Tick!! Then you just know the bad feeling meant you lost your big army/city you were worried about....can't be the 5 day old sushi you just ate, it's all about the game!!

18:41:45 Oct 28th 15 - Mr. Morty:

900.  u try to res your account again after 6 years...cant remember make new acc!

20:20:47 Feb 24th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):


23:03:33 Mar 20th 12 - Mr. Palpy Confused:


When you are momentarily distracted by a tic change and some rebel kids and a wookie blow up your deathstar...

21:43:44 Jun 20th 16 - Mr. Xanatoid:

01:38:28 Jan 28th 15 Spud (Mr. Spud The Illusionist):

896, Even after Being gone for years, you always come back to the forums and see who still lives.

Damn straight Spud.

16:12:58 Jun 21st 16 - Mr. Peregrin Toke:

When your wife accuses VU of being your side ho.

00:23:41 Jun 22nd 16 - Mr. Vegeta:

898. When, 9 years later, you finally try #13 on this list, and are shocked that something actually does happen

23:25:47 Sep 25th 16 - Mr. Coolcat:

when u have been banned forever and randomly log in one day and and find out your ban has ended. 

09:35:02 Feb 11th 17 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie):

904. ...when you scroll through all 19 pages of this thread to see how many names you still recognize. 

18:21:51 Apr 2nd 17 - Prince Pesterd:

When you come back to VU when you forgot this game existed....

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