Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 46

Fantasia Era 46
12:10:42 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

seems like it lol :P

12:19:08 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

I wish that was the case... :D

15:13:35 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol canīt resist, its just perfect:

"You wish!" XD

17:15:06 Apr 28th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Looks like RoC is down to its last breath. Congrats to everyone in Fate and Fear (except kool, he can't spell cool). Good luck Nova!

04:00:41 Apr 29th 10 - Sir Targaryen Dragonkin:

Nothing like a vacation then coming back to find your last cities are underseige by fate 0_o

06:48:12 Apr 29th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

Thanks Cao Cao. =)

08:22:26 Apr 29th 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

well if nothing else Roc are good sports.

08:46:17 Apr 29th 10 - Sir Ozymandias:

good work Fate especially Nova and Mzzery (for killing me, a huge thorn in their side...)

08:51:18 Apr 29th 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

Lord Cao Cao


17:15:06 Apr 28th 10
Looks like RoC is down to its last breath. Congrats to everyone in Fate and Fear (except kool, he can't spell cool). Good luck Nova!

I must also admit I would have been rather surprised if RoC had survived a full age on Fantasia already the 2nd time we start here.

So congrats from me too - both to the kingdom who wins and to those who survives. May your Gods be with you.

21:15:57 Apr 29th 10 - Mr. Love:

Sir Mcmax The Troll

   "So congrats from me too - both to the kingdom who wins and to those who survives. May your Gods be with you."

well thank you, i will need it. ^^
though i dont think it would help a lot

21:43:03 Apr 29th 10 - Mr. Nobody:

hell they killed me off fast lol they r tuff players congrats fate and fear

OMG its Z

22:58:25 Apr 29th 10 - Mr. Salamon:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Fate30Sir Feanor259
Forget Everything and Run29Sir Binh The Miner193
Guild of the Fallen30Mr. Rage125
Hematolagnia21Mr. Aligreat100
Dont Fear The Paddle5Endless Muggings22
Royal order of Claidmore15Prince Kevdwayne9
wetwibution1Mr. Hell Spawn2
Havok20Mr. Plokoon0

23:13:21 Apr 29th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Nobody at least you weren't their target. They came back with a vengeance for us. :P

02:41:02 Apr 30th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Destroyer:

lol great job fate and fear really appreciated our slow systematic death

03:45:21 May 1st 10 - Lord Deno:

Want a tissue ?

05:11:54 May 1st 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Deno, did you make a mess again!?

11:34:41 May 1st 10 - Mzz Mzzery The Cannibal:

13:09:46 May 1st 10 - Prince Toki Wartooth:

I think next era will be interesting.

13:11:09 May 1st 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

why do you think that?

13:26:27 May 1st 10 - Prince Toki Wartooth:

well soldier of the paddle.. isn't every era?? =p

14:57:22 May 1st 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

no they tend to either be boring or frustrating.. nothing of interest seems to happen just the same old flame wars that happen over and over and over.

15:16:59 May 1st 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Flame wars?  Fire?  Call the firemen!

19:43:31 May 1st 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

Giving Away Free Spankings, Please Message Myself or Endless for Options

04:53:44 May 2nd 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Hmm, free spankings. What's the catch?

04:56:02 May 2nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

I think next era will be interesting.

Already organising a GB? :)

05:14:36 May 2nd 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

Then you could come on the forums qq'ing about having to fight more players than you napped total, right? ;)

05:34:43 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

No. Catch Cao Cao..if you mean about the part where we slit your throat and feed your blood to the paddle god.... other then that no catch

05:35:57 May 2nd 10 - Sir Raistlin Darkmagi:

i might be interested in seeing this "paddle god." btw whoever posted it nice santa song earlier in era. thought it was funny.

Also anyone mind tellin me how gotf is holding atm?

05:37:21 May 2nd 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

last i knew they were dieing am i right?

05:45:58 May 2nd 10 - Lord Deno:

Hey wait. This was the gang bang era where all kds on Fanta tried ganging up on us. Next era you are suposed to actually war eachother a little bit and cut us some slack. 

05:46:57 May 2nd 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

hahha gatta be sh!t to get cut some slack ;)

07:08:05 May 2nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Then you could come on the forums qq'ing about having to fight more players than you napped total, right? ;)

Isn't it about time for a new insult? That ones long since become just plain pathetic :)

07:29:43 May 2nd 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Your name is too long, and you spelt biatch wrong. Also the should not be capitalized.

That better?

07:45:05 May 2nd 10 - Lord Deno:

Wow. Is that suposed to be humor in the country you come from ?

07:45:51 May 2nd 10 - Mr. News Network:

I heard that fate were super lame....

09:47:29 May 2nd 10 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXVI:

wait is there like only fate and fear pretty much left standing in fant without anybody mithering them?

09:53:36 May 2nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

No, there's not. GotF, Hema and HM are still kicking.

12:23:14 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Hema, like.. that shop ?  I might have to go to Fantasia and get me some hot saucage!

Fantasia sucks! Mantrax is for the real kool kids klub.

12:47:22 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Love:

ye, if your too pssy to try to play on fant

and yes we are still kicking back, at least we're trying to ;)

12:51:10 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

We are anything but dying lol :P

13:12:13 May 2nd 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Ademo: That one never gets old, no matter how hard you try :->

I recently discovered, that i like the FATE odour tho... always had a thing for fresh kitty... *lick*


13:23:02 May 2nd 10 - Endless Muggings:

 I thought it was Ali spreading the STD <3 around?

14:04:19 May 2nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Ademo: That one never gets old, no matter how hard you try :->

Yes I know. I understand it's hard for morons to think of original content.

14:35:25 May 2nd 10 - Prince Toki Wartooth:

sounds like the gb is in order

14:50:36 May 2nd 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Oh look, its Mielonub... :P

15:13:45 May 2nd 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Why bother with new, original content, when it's like throwing pearls to swine... :-> And besides, when you come up with a fresh routine regarding gameplay we will come up with fresh ways to insult you... and thats a promise :)

15:42:54 May 2nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

The fact that you keep spewing out the same repetitive garbage shows just how ignorant you are. Not only are your insults wrong, they're also unoriginal and boring.

When you come up with something new, people might actually give a shit about anything you say. Until then you may as well just type 5 lines of "blah blah blah", cus trust me, that's all anyone sees when you post.

15:45:03 May 2nd 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Actually, thats all YOU see :) We can't help you having a lack of intellect, heh

15:45:53 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Ademo's a poopyhead! :P Am I original?

15:49:59 May 2nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Yes cus it obviously takes a lot of intellect to blurt out "lol nap whores u suck!!11!" over and over again like demeted parrots..

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