Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 62

Fantasia 62
20:11:05 Apr 9th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

After 6 eras of Bling complaining about the spawning spots, I guess this one will give us all great pleasure by playing it.

Alba spawned inside our core and F3ckers, Abydos and MAD share the same battlefield, as our cores boundaries connect in a 1x1x1 battleground.

Should be fun.

20:15:06 Apr 9th 19 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie Griffindor):

Bling, even after using 7 trillion BTs, just got absolutely outplayed by Bogdan OOP. Fun indeed :D

20:20:03 Apr 9th 19 - Sir Edi The Great:

What makes you think Bogdan uses less BTs?

At least Bling does not use bugs like Bogdan does... there is a reason why he always wins and is far superior to other players...
But does not matter we will still put up a good fight, you have your naps and cheating to try to win it, we will give our best to win as well
Good luck you all

20:31:28 Apr 9th 19 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie Griffindor):

I doubt anyone in Abydos has ever bought BTs lmao

NAPs and cheating? That sounds more like the old Albatrash kingdom I used to shit on

20:32:17 Apr 9th 19 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie Griffindor):

And please enlighten us further about how Bogdan abuses bugs :)

21:07:39 Apr 9th 19 - One Punch Man:

Saw Alba's lineup and asked why they even bothered,

21:11:45 Apr 9th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

I got bored of Bogdan putting out farmers, so self bounced.

Makes my income shoot up. Have no fear, I will own Abydos solo.

22:31:39 Apr 9th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

So the rest of your kd is going to leave the battlefield?

23:18:12 Apr 9th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

naz on the way. 

12:05:14 Apr 11th 19 - Lord Caedus:

Love the vitriolic rhetoric aimed at Albatross. It's why I stay. <3 haha.

19:41:20 Apr 11th 19 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie Griffindor):


06:04:14 Apr 13th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Dark Lord Osiris

The evidence is overwhelming

16:49:31 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Aby getting wiped 

21:11:46 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

I feel like i've been waiting for an oop war with feckers years, i was too busy going awol in real life to concentrate on landing, i landed about 24-36 ticks late, if i landed with you guys, you'd have been dead by now, Rawr

Just as i'm ready to fight now with advantage, we're all about to die, my penis isn't as big as bling's i can't kill you all solo but if i worked with my team at the start we may not have been in this situation, think yourself lucky, i'm not right in the head :D

21:34:42 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

I pointed my penis at Abydos and you got fecked. Job done.

21:36:06 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

If I landed on the first tick you'd be accusing me of buying bt's and market feeding by now, which i might do out of spite now and then tbh, anything to draw a little more blood

21:39:25 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

We're all actually just taking it easy for a while in Abydos  letting you build some moral, so you don't quit the game crying like little girls from gettin trampled over all the time, don't pick a fight with us at our most active

21:49:56 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

We havent even unleashed the wrath. Abydos still dont get it... its not that the players who joined like me, its that they hate Abydos and your cheating methods more. I might be an asshole, but you lot are a bunch of cunts.

22:07:17 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

We are cunts with souls stained by Satan, we penetrate arseholes with a strap on so we don't catch your aids, you'll have to kill us twice this era

22:10:46 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Becareful with your black magic, talking shit like your a knight in shining armoury

22:11:45 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Replace cheating with skill and devotion you mad man

22:15:44 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Ignis Haflvor:

22:19:49 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Image not working ignis

22:19:51 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

I aint no knight in shining armour. Just say it as I see it. No one for Abydos to hide behind. 

22:25:49 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Ignis Haflvor:

22:34:06 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Ignis Haflvor:

A active forum is more fun:) Flame on and let's us specters enjoy.  Anyone want some popcorn.

22:35:12 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Congratulation's on defeating us oop. The odd's we're against us

00:06:34 Apr 16th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Venator):

Who let Hanky out of the psych ward?

12:19:03 Apr 16th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

18:34:42 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

I pointed my penis at Abydos and you got fecked. Job done.

15:14:31 Apr 19th 19 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Well this is Awkward.

Theophilus of Mormont. Checking in. Not Mantrax. Totally alone.

Cheers all. I'll supply the market. 

06:09:07 Apr 27th 19 - SFD (Duke Bishpleased):

*walks in!.. realises im not in the RP tavern, Walks back out doing the windmill* (not the acrobatic kind)

00:39:14 May 1st 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Hows the epic war between MAD and Abytwats going?

15:31:34 May 4th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

How many more for your mob guild to be complete?

15:47:23 May 4th 19 - Cao Cao (Duke Cao Cao):

Big words from the guy who is literally having roxy build magic cities for you ;)

15:54:06 May 4th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

As long as people are pissed at the constant Aby/MAD bullshit of naps every era, there will always be a middle finger in the sky, and my mighty penis pointed at you ready to give you a the best fecking era of your life. You created this dislike, not me. Im just wandering through the worlds swinging my dick in my hands.

16:54:25 May 4th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

how did that work out for you the last 3 eras?

17:44:49 May 4th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

We showed just what farmy bitches you lot are.

17:50:36 May 4th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

by losing 3 eras in a row? please continue to show us! 

18:00:04 May 4th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

You lot are a one trick pony who's only player Bogdan regularly abuses the game dynamics. Get Bogdan to play any race but farmed up halfer that abuses XP, you lot would not have featured in the last 10 years. You are a joke.

18:06:41 May 4th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

well i mean you only have to look to the era before last when bogdan was an elf..

18:08:47 May 4th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

your tactics are the same, a farmed up halfer to win. Nothing more. When Zeta strips the halfer abuse out of the game, its back to amateur hour for Abydos, as it has been for 15 or 20 years. 

18:11:57 May 4th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

As long as zeta makes dwarves good again so we can go back to our original tactic of stacking dwarves, we did pretty well in amateur hour so im okay with that. 

18:15:15 May 4th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Take Bogdan dick out your mouth before talking please, we cant understand your mumblings about being a short ass farmer.

18:29:07 May 4th 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Avenger):

Who is Feckers star player?

18:44:39 May 4th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

im just the pornstar player. we leave the heavy lifting to JLT

18:47:54 May 4th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

And wipe Hanky's lovejizz from your mouth before attempting to converse with any fecker, you not worthy of them.

19:01:52 May 4th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Odi rocks on guitar hero if thats what you mean. We had a whole guitar hero band thing going on until Ignis tried to belt out Bohemian Rhapsody and Cao smashed the lamp with a misplaced drumstick twirl. We still never seen the kd cat again after Ignis hit his high notes.

19:07:03 May 5th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

So, you became a mob guild because abydos and mad are allied forever, Cao?

21:18:56 May 5th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

nah, just collectively batshit crazy

21:25:12 May 5th 19 - Mr. Kvothe The Bloodless:

I'll be honest..I applied to abydos but they didn't accept the application so I joined feckers... So maybe feckers are just more accepting of people ;)

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