Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 62

Fantasia 62
21:32:14 May 5th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Nothing like a little mid era xp feeding to liven things up

22:56:12 May 20th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Been quiet here. So anywho.. abydos are cunts, Freds a knob and would you abytwats please stop running away, im trying to kill you.

20:15:58 May 26th 19 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Anyone care to cast arma?

09:07:58 May 28th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Can anyone recall if MAD and Abydos have fought an OOP war is say the last decade?

13:30:49 May 28th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

dont you remember that we have a perma nap so we can abuse bugs in peace and kill the game? 

17:04:09 May 28th 19 - Sir Merlin The Mage:

You should take that as a compliment Bling

Means there is a kingdom making them nap every era in order to compete.
Its actually sad considering a portion of Aby members are also FW members, kingdom that never has any diplomacy. 
FW is hated cause they are good, better than others
Aby is hated cause they are weak and nap.

17:41:55 May 28th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

side note :- we dont actually have any naps and rarely have naps its a running joke because bling thinks the whole map naps against him ^^

17:44:41 May 28th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

no Osi, the running joke is you. 

17:51:06 May 28th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

witty comeback 

17:59:37 May 28th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

i dont do witty, i do .. go fuck yourself cunt faggot

18:57:18 May 28th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

like the time you teleported a city with probably the strongest army on the map right to your core. genius.

06:49:38 May 29th 19 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

hey bling stop nagging !!!

we r only 3 players playing in mad , after four plagues casted on us.
and u want us to war the whole map.

and for your information, we dont have any nap with abydos, we just have a war with you because we landed next to each other, and abydos dont want to attack 3 players from Mad.

06:51:04 May 29th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

shut up Fred or I'll oop your ass again and you'll be sulking for the next 4 eras

07:25:07 May 29th 19 - fred (Mr. Fred The Terrorist):

again ?! u never did , u just talk and talk ...

07:41:31 May 29th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

i took you and the rest of mad twats out solo playing in hanky's fake abydos kd.

15:11:11 May 29th 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Martell):

Aby napping mad - Check

Bogdan bug abusing - Check
Homo erotic commentary - Check 
Aby napped mad - Check 
Retelling of soloing all the KDs - Check
Bitch cunt faggot - Check

Ha! Classic blong

19:37:12 May 29th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

See the kd numbers growing... its not cause they like me.. 

Its cause Abydos are cunts
and Mad are smelly cunts.

10:01:01 May 30th 19 - Sir Mclovin:

We all really hate Bling. But we have Stockholm syndrome.

12:32:00 May 30th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

yeah, that Bling cu.. oh wait.

13:15:26 May 30th 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Martell):

Remember that time you took out the combined forces of LGC and DB with a single naz army?... Ahh the memories, Bless!

14:01:39 May 30th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Remember that time i wiped 8 merged armies of 1.8 million troops out with a scout army.

Ignis, close your eyes

14:29:49 May 30th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius VII):

THAT was before I joined VU. Have never seen that thread before. Well some changes HAS been made since those good old days :big-grin:

But why does this remind me of the early days of MS Windows?!? Look here:

Windows fejlkoder
WinErr: 001 Windows loaded: System in danger.
WinErr: 002 No Error: Yet.
WinErr: 003 Dynamic linking error: Your mistake is now in every file.
WinErr: 004 Erroneous error: Nothing is wrong.
WinErr: 005 Multitasking attempted: System confused.
WinErr: 006 Malicious error: Desqview found on drive.
WinErr: 007 System price error: Inadequate money spent on hardware.
WinErr: 008 Broken window: Watch out for glass fragments.
WinErr: 009 Horrible bug encountered: Only God knows what has happened.
WinErr: 00A Promotional literature overflow: Mailbox full.
WinErr: 00B Inadequate disk space: Free at least 50MB.
WinErr: 00C Memory hog error: More Ram needed. More! More! More!...
WinErr: 00D Window closed: Do not look outside.
WinErr: 00E Window open: Do not look inside.
WinErr: 00F Unexplained error: Please tell us how this happened.
WinErr: 010 Reserved for future mistakes by our developers.
WinErr: 013 Unexpected error: Huh?
WinErr: 014 Keyboard locked: Try anything you can think of.
WinErr: 018 Unrecoverable error: System has been destroyed. Buy a new one. Old Windows license is not valid anymore.
WinErr: 019 User error: Not our fault. Is Not! Is Not!
WinErr: 01A Operating system overwritten: Please reinstall all your software. We are terribly sorry. (snicker)
WinErr: 01B Illegal error: You are not allowed to get this error. Next time you will get a penalty for that.  (that is one I really love /McMax)
WinErr: 01C Uncertainty error: Uncertainty may be inadequate.
WinErr: 01D System crash: We are unable to figure out our own code.
WinErr: 01E Timing error: Please wait. And wait. And wait. And wait...
WinErr: 020 Error recording error codes: Additional errors will be lost.
WinErr: 042 Virus error: A virus has been activated in a DOS-box. The virus, however, requires Windows. All tasks will automatically be closed and the virus will be activated again.
WinErr: 079 Mouse not found: A mouse driver has not been installed. Please click the left mouse button to continue.
WinErr: 103 Error buffer overflow: Too many errors encountered. Additional errors may not be displayed or recorded.
WinErr: 678 This will end your Windows session. Do you want to play another game?
WinErr: 683 Time out error: Operator fell asleep while waiting for the system to complete boot procedure.
WinErr: 625 Working Error: The system has been working perfectly for the past ten minutes. Please reboot.
WniErr: 902 Screen Error: The system is working perfectly, Windows is not lying, your monitor is wrong.
WinErr: 72a Crucial Halt: Hang on, WHAT was that?
WinErr: 72b Memory Error: What? Tell Windows again.
WinErr: 39c Disk Error in drive a: Although your disk is in perfect condition (Windows just formatted it), Windows didn't like it any more.
WinErr: 983 Hard Disk Error: The files on the hard disk were neatly arranged and fully optimised, so Windows had to mess them up and put a couple of hundred .TMP files all over the place.
WinErr: 294 BlackMail Error: Send $200 to Gates or your computer will get so messed up it will never work again.
WinErr: 394 Memory Error: You have been attempting to run this on a Pentium 200 with 128 MB of RAM. That is not good enough.
WinErr: 872 Windows can't be bothered doing that.

14:35:46 May 30th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

I was banned back them by overzealous mods... I think Osi was one of the bitches back then. Could never beat me so banned me. So looped the modem and carried on

14:44:30 May 30th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

you realise only zeta can ban people right ^^

20:24:50 May 30th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

you were his little tell tale bitch, bitch

20:55:44 May 30th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Erdogan):

oh noes! being called a tell tale bitch for reporting cheaters as a moderator :D 

coming from the guy spamming the forums with false accusations of cheating rofl 

not that i ever reported you, you were a nobody lol. Only player i ever reported for cheating was Penguin ^^

20:57:46 May 30th 19 - Mr. Bane:

Wasn't banned for cheating, I don't need to cheat to beat you. I just show up and you run like a bitch

21:16:30 May 30th 19 - Sir Merlin The Mage:

It would be sad if Bling would get forum banned.

Imagine what it would be like then.
Complete silence for weeks/months?

Most veterans do not write on forums other than when they are being called for something. 
Imagine if Bling did not trash Aby, would there be anything to read?

Moment Bling gets banned or decides to quit forum trashing, it will be the moment forums died.

21:18:17 May 30th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

apart from the sound of Osi sucking Bran off

22:24:26 May 30th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

"Wasn't banned for cheating, I don't need to cheat to beat you. I just show up and you run like a bitch"

you don't seem to be beating much?

22:25:42 May 30th 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Stop running away ffs. Stand and fight. We gone around this mountain 3 times

23:14:46 May 30th 19 - Mr. Black Knight Templar:

I'm loving the way Bling entertaining us  faggots. Keep it going ;)

23:48:09 May 30th 19 - Princess Aisha:

If we lose this era its on me, I take full responsibility for losing the western front that I was supposed to be defending. One of the worst tactical decisions I did in this game, knowingly let myself be bounced into a sieged city like an id1ot.

I apologize to my team and promise to make it up next era. 

01:27:14 May 31st 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Nah, i blame it on Osi for sucking.

02:03:46 May 31st 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Seems Aisha got Bling's skill.

02:04:56 May 31st 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Shut up sewer and go farm some more

05:40:22 May 31st 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Martell):

Remember that time blong cast ownage on ever army on fantasy for the era win?

Ahhh the memories! Bless!

06:43:14 May 31st 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Remember the time Osi landed on a mountain and couldnt get down. My shit happens, yours is made up.

07:08:33 May 31st 19 - The Real Josh (Archangel Martell):

My shit did happen tho.

Iv read it straight from the Chronicles of the best VU player in history and mostly the smartest man alive.

The bling!

So get good bogdan stop cheating and ask blong for a lesson.

Osi, Stop mass napping and fight like a man you rat dog cunt faggotlord

Bran your a cunt.

Did I miss anyone oooh great overlord blong?

09:43:36 May 31st 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

finally ...Josh pulled his brain out his arse

10:20:56 May 31st 19 - Sir Mclovin:

Forum trashing is a part of the allure of VU isn't it? But it's getting a bit old, can we come up with some new drama instead of dragging up stuff from the stone age? 

We need:
A) Someone who jumps kd and kills the entire core of their prev kd. Or a scandal of simmilar proportion.
B) Some new abuse that is real and gamechanging that someone can exploit. Everyone should then scream at Zeta to fix but it will take months so in the meantime we flame it out.
C) New and up to date slurs, like "Bling you are the Trump of VU, you type so much bc u have small hands" or "Osi is like a secret Kardashian, nobody knows why you are famous but we're still all hyped for you gender correction surgery"

OKK; go ahead and start peeps.

10:24:52 May 31st 19 - The Real Josh (Mr. Genos):

Mr. Bling Feckers:

finally ...Josh pulled his brain out his arse


10:31:37 May 31st 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Osi's a tranny kartrashian??

Ok, I'll join Abytwats next era and then promise not to trash their core.

11:06:06 May 31st 19 - Sir Mclovin:

Also, Bling, I got this info via email that there are these special pills you can take so that your.... hands... are enlarged. Want me to forward it?

11:14:04 May 31st 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

nah, cocks already 8 inches. hands get any bigger and i'll look really odd.

11:38:58 May 31st 19 - McMax (Battlemage Digitus Tertius VII):

As for C). That is already so - and Trump knows it I'm sure.

Else Bling should tell him (Heeeeyyyyy Trumpy man - I know you are sexy but I'm better. And I don't pay for it.......) something like that.

12:38:47 May 31st 19 - Sir Mclovin:

Blings cock is 8 cm? That is not so bad. I heard Osi is good in bed, but only if you use gender-neutral dirty talk.

12:52:35 May 31st 19 - Mr. Robotpants:

Sir Mclovin:

I heard Osi is "good" in bed.

Define good ;)

20:56:35 Jun 1st 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

22:07:17 Apr 15th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:
We are cunts with souls stained by Satan, we penetrate arseholes with a strap on so we don't catch your aids, you'll have to kill us twice this era

I can't believe what came out my mouth.

Bling you need to bring your army back to the core and attempt to save your friend's ass's i'm back with a strap on

20:58:01 Jun 1st 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

This strap on is atleast 8 inches

Do you like it slow or fast?

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