Forums / In game politics / Kingdoms Scores

Kingdoms Scores
05:57:32 Dec 28th 09 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:

Kingdom of Fate

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Fate36Sir Feanor100
Brotherhood of the Wolf13Wolflord Karac99
Hybrid Theory2Mr. Kaizen71
Fight Club21Mr. Boombastic3
Royal order of Claidmore6Mr. Benji1
Heavenly Persuasion7Sir Erythnul The Wanderer1
Lightning Hearts12Mr. Edd1
Electric Monkeys5Mr. Douche Larouche1
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste6Mr. Trolli1
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans33Sir Binh The Elven War3
No Pulse18Mr. Lille Skutt3
Brethren Forever17King Khain Dragonborn3
Gladiators16Mr. Gladiatorul2
The Federation8Sir Uther Pendragon1
Planet Hollywood13Mr. Bruce Willis1
Bear Machines 5Mr. Bear Banger1
Stupid TeRRoriST5Mr. Scream0
Hemorrhagic Pneumonia1Mr. Hexister0
Kingdoms in Starta
Domination29Pirate Suqah120
Kingdom Berserk22Mr. Arch Shade99
Dark5Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm1
Death List5Sir Uroril1
Luny Park4Mr. Naughtypants1
Boo4Mr. Spook1
Aurora10Mr. Integration1
StormKnights of Old2Mr. Rudvike of Mandor0
Dendarii Mercenary Corps2Mr. Camel Rider0
Nibiru2Prince Sprout0
ATM 2Mr. Inactive Era0
Death Emissary2Mr. Sett0
Fallen Warlords1Mr. Ballsax0
Lakers2Mr. Koby Bryant0
Dark Light3Mr. Samual of Rohan0
The Noobs1Mr. Kal0
Dragon Empire2Ms. Jade White0
The Imperial Kingdom2Mr. Nash IV0
Crimson Knights2Mr. Balberak0
the hezi alliance2Mr. Henderson0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Revelation28Mr. Roxbury309
Randum Teh Pokemon5Mr. Random115
Guild of the Fallen17Toaster Struddle106
JUICY4Commander Aligreat1
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame4Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The First1
The A Team1Mr. Ants0
Grid2Mr. Gijoe0
raging demons1Mr. Hanchock0
Shadows2Lady Alethia Dathlamir0
TriForce1Mr. Zaxou The Wise0
Bane2Mr. Bulwark0
Five Stars1Mr. Weakling0
Two Jelly Beans3Mr. Yellow Bean0
Kingdom Of Artemis2Mr. Tak0
Merchants Of Death2Mr. Shadowz0
PUTU2Mr. Tungus0
Death Everlasting2Necromancer Meh0
Fallen Angels4Prince Bartimaeus XIV0
Immortals2Mr. Abysmalchasm0
hunger strike force2Mr. Bloodshed0
Insane Asylum1Mr. Landry0
Seloc World1Mr. Seloc0
Show No Mercy2Mr. Mighty Alanon0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Mad Against Drugs17Mr. Aloysius54
The Ravage Regime10Sir Black Heart53
Music19Sir Gilth3
Phi Factor12Mr. Mavich2
Sol Invictus6Duke Polydeuces1
Black Flag3Mr. Hamish0
Eternity1Mr. Bizonkiller0
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Kingdoms in Talents
Kingdoms in Midgard
Kingdoms in Latha
Kingdoms in Fensteria

09:51:52 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Osama Bin Laden:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Planet Hollywood 19 Mr. Bruce Willis 61
Gladiators 15 Mr. Gladiatorul 58
The Federation 8 Sir Uther Pendragon 51
Brethren Forever 18 King Dragon of Wrath 41
Hot Inactive Veterans 33 Sir Binh The Elven War 27
Bear Machines 5 Mr. Bear Banger 0
Hemorrhagic Pneumonia 1 Mr. Hexister 0
No Pulse 11 Mr. Lille Skutt 0
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Fate 35 Sir Feanor 88
Hybrid Theory 3 Mr. Kaizen 35
Lightning Hearts 13 Mr. Edd 34
Brotherhood of the Wolf 14 Wolflord Karac 21
Heavenly Persuasion 6 Sir Erythnul The Wanderer 0
Electric Monkeys 5 Mr. Douche Larouche 0
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste 6 Mr. Vytautas Didysis 0
Royal order of Claidmore 6 Sir Mcmax The Knight 0
Fight Club 21 Mr. Boombastic 0
Kingdoms in Starta
Kingdom Berserk 22 Mr. Arch Shade 71
Domination 29 Pirate Candybeard 69
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 2 Mr. Camel Rider 0
Nibiru 2 Prince Sprout 0
Luny Park 4 Mr. Naughtypants 0
Boo 4 Mr. Spook 0
ATM 2 Mr. Inactive Era 0
Death Emissary 2 Mr. Sett 0
Aurora 10 Mr. Integration 0
Fallen Warlords 1 Mr. Ballsax 0
Lakers 2 Mr. Koby Bryant 0
Dark Light 3 Mr. Samual of Rohan 0
The Noobs 1 Mr. Kal 0
The Imperial Kingdom 2 Mr. Nash V 0
Crimson Knights 2 Mr. Dandy Lion 0
the hezi alliance 2 Mr. Henderson 0
Dark 5 Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm 0
Death List 5 Sir Uroril 0
StormKnights of Old 2 Mr. Rudvike of Mandor 0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Revelation 28 Mr. Roxbury 86
Guild of the Fallen 17 Toaster Struddle 52
Randum Teh Pokemon 5 Mr. Random 25
raging demons 1 Mr. Hanchock 0
Shadows 2 Lady Alethia Dathlamir 0
TriForce 1 Mr. Zaxou The Wise 0
Bane 2 Mr. Bulwark 0
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 0
Two Jelly Beans 3 Mr. Yellow Bean 0
Kingdom Of Artemis 2 Mr. Tak 0
Merchants Of Death 2 Mr. Shadowz 0
PUTU 2 Mr. Tungus 0
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 4 Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The First 0
Death Everlasting 2 Necromancer Meh 0
Fallen Angels 4 Prince Bartimaeus XIV 0
Immortals 2 Mr. Abysmalchasm 0
hunger strike force 2 Mr. Bloodshed 0
Insane Asylum 1 Mr. Landry 0
Seloc World 1 Mr. Seloc 0
Dragon Empire 2 Ms. Jade White 0
Show No Mercy 2 Mr. Mighty Alanon 0
The A Team 1 Mr. Ants 0
JUICY 4 Commander Aligreat 0
Grid 2 Mr. Gijoe 0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Stupid TeRRoriST 7 Mr. Osama Bin Laden 100
Mad Against Drugs 17 Mr. Aloysius 38
Relentless 1 Mr. Destroyer 21
Black Flag 3 Mr. Hamish 14
The Ravage Regime 10 Sir Black Heart 11
Music 20 Sir Gilth 0
Sol Invictus 6 Duke Polydeuces 0
Eternity 1 Mr. Bizonkiller 0
Phi Factor 12 Mr. Mavich

09:52:18 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Osama Bin Laden:

Oh where winning how sexy :P

10:12:26 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Breeza The Fcked Bomber:


10:49:02 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Slade:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Revelation29Mr. Roxbury100
Guild of the Fallen17Toaster Struddle62
Randum Teh Pokemon5Mr. Random23
raging demons1Mr. Hanchock0
Shadows2Lady Alethia Dathlamir0
TriForce1Mr. Zaxou The Wise0
Bane2Mr. Bulwark0
Five Stars1Mr. Weakling0
Two Jelly Beans3Mr. Yellow Bean0
Kingdom Of Artemis2Mr. Tak0
Merchants Of Death2Mr. Shadowz0
PUTU2Mr. Tungus0
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame4Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The First0
Death Everlasting2Necromancer Meh0
Fallen Angels4Prince Bartimaeus XIV0
Immortals2Mr. Abysmalchasm0
hunger strike force2Mr. Bloodshed0
Insane Asylum1Mr. Landry0
Seloc World1Mr. Seloc0
Dragon Empire2Ms. Jade White0
Show No Mercy2Mr. Mighty Alanon0
The A Team1Mr. Ants0
JUICY4Commander Aligreat0
Grid2Mr. Gijoe0
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Fate35Sir Feanor95
Hybrid Theory3Mr. Kaizen33
Lightning Hearts13Mr. Edd32
Brotherhood of the Wolf14Wolflord Karac20
Heavenly Persuasion5Sir Erythnul The Wanderer0
Electric Monkeys5Mr. Douche Larouche0
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste6Mr. Vytautas Didysis0
Royal order of Claidmore6Sir Mcmax The Knight0
Fight Club21Mr. Boombastic0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Planet Hollywood19Mr. Bruce Willis72
Hot Inactive Veterans33Sir Binh The Elven War64
Gladiators15Mr. Gladiatorul54
The Federation8Sir Uther Pendragon47
Brethren Forever18King Dragon of Wrath38
Bear Machines 5Mr. Bear Banger0
Hemorrhagic Pneumonia1Mr. Hexister0
No Pulse11Mr. Lille Skutt0
Kingdoms in Starta
Domination29Pirate Candybeard84
Kingdom Berserk22Mr. Arch Shade65
Dendarii Mercenary Corps2Mr. Camel Rider0
Nibiru2Prince Sprout0
Luny Park4Mr. Naughtypants0
Boo4Mr. Spook0
ATM 2Mr. Inactive Era0
Death Emissary2Mr. Sett0
Aurora9Mr. Integration0
Fallen Warlords1Mr. Ballsax0
Lakers2Mr. Koby Bryant0
Dark Light3Mr. Samual of Rohan0
The Noobs1Mr. Kal0
The Imperial Kingdom2Mr. Nash V0
Crimson Knights2Mr. Dandy Lion0
the hezi alliance2Mr. Henderson0
Dark5Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm0
Death List5Sir Uroril0
StormKnights of Old2Mr. Rudvike of Mandor0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Stupid TeRRoriST7Mr. Osama Bin Laden92
Mad Against Drugs17Mr. Aloysius48
Relentless1Mr. Destroyer20
Music20Sir Gilth14
Black Flag3Mr. Hamish13
The Ravage Regime10Sir Black Heart10
Sol Invictus6Duke Polydeuces0
Eternity1Mr. Bizonkiller0
Phi Factor12Mr. Mavich0
Kingdoms in Armageddon
Kingdoms in Talents
Kingdoms in Midgard
Kingdoms in Latha
Kingdoms in Fensteria

Nope we are :P

11:11:45 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Fate 35 Sir Feanor 287
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste 6 Mr. Vytautas Didysis 100
Hybrid Theory 3 Mr. Kaizen 99
Brotherhood of the Wolf 14 Wolflord Karac 96
Lightning Hearts 13 Mr. Edd 96
Fight Club 21 Mr. Boombastic 52
Royal order of Claidmore 6 Sir Mcmax The Knight 0
Heavenly Persuasion 5 Sir Erythnul The Wanderer 0
Electric Monkeys 5 Mr. Douche Larouche 0
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Planet Hollywood 19 Mr. Bruce Willis 266
Hot Inactive Veterans 33 Sir Binh The Elven War 193
Gladiators 15 Mr. Gladiatorul 162
The Federation 8 Sir Uther Pendragon 143
Brethren Forever 18 King Dragon of Wrath 114
No Pulse 11 Mr. Lille Skutt 1
Bear Machines 5 Mr. Bear Banger 0
Hemorrhagic Pneumonia 1 Mr. Hexister 0
Kingdoms in Starta
Domination 29 Pirate Candybeard 253
Kingdom Berserk 22 Mr. Arch Shade 197
Aurora 9 Mr. Integration 1
Dark 5 Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm 0
Death List 5 Sir Uroril 0
StormKnights of Old 2 Mr. Rudvike of Mandor 0
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 2 Mr. Camel Rider 0
Nibiru 2 Prince Sprout 0
Luny Park 4 Mr. Naughtypants 0
Boo 4 Mr. Spook 0
ATM 2 Mr. Inactive Era 0
Death Emissary 2 Mr. Sett 0
Fallen Warlords 1 Mr. Ballsax 0
Lakers 2 Mr. Koby Bryant 0
Dark Light 3 Mr. Samual of Rohan 0
The Noobs 1 Mr. Kal 0
The Imperial Kingdom 2 Mr. Nash V 0
Crimson Knights 2 Mr. Dandy Lion 0
the hezi alliance 2 Mr. Henderson 0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Revelation 29 Mr. Roxbury 302
Guild of the Fallen 17 Toaster Struddle 188
Randum Teh Pokemon 5 Mr. Random 70
The A Team 1 Mr. Ants 0
JUICY 4 Commander Aligreat 0
Grid 2 Mr. Gijoe 0
raging demons 1 Mr. Hanchock 0
Shadows 2 Lady Alethia Dathlamir 0
TriForce 1 Mr. Zaxou The Wise 0
Bane 2 Mr. Bulwark 0
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 0
Two Jelly Beans 3 Mr. Yellow Bean 0
Kingdom Of Artemis 2 Mr. Tak 0
Merchants Of Death 2 Mr. Shadowz 0
PUTU 2 Mr. Tungus 0
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 4 Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The First 0
Death Everlasting 2 Necromancer Meh 0
Fallen Angels 4 Prince Bartimaeus XIV 0
Immortals 2 Mr. Abysmalchasm 0
hunger strike force 2 Mr. Bloodshed 0
Insane Asylum 1 Mr. Landry 0
Seloc World 1 Mr. Seloc 0
Dragon Empire 2 Ms. Jade White 0
Show No Mercy 2 Mr. Mighty Alanon 0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Stupid TeRRoriST 7 Mr. Osama Bin Laden 373
Mad Against Drugs 17 Mr. Aloysius 146
Relentless 1 Mr. Destroyer 60
Music 21 Sir Gilth 43
Black Flag 3 Mr. Hamish 39
The Ravage Regime 10 Sir Black Heart 32
Phi Factor 12 Mr. Mavich 1
Sol Invictus 6 Duke Polydeuces 0
Eternity 1 Mr. Bizonkiller 0

11:30:31 Dec 28th 09 - Fire Lord The Suicide Bomber:

No we are  again

01:28:34 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Kingdoms in Starta
Domination 29 Pirate Candybeard 1840
Kingdom Berserk 23 Mr. Arch Shade 1089
Crimson Knights 2 Mr. Dandy Lion 195
The Imperial Kingdom 2 Mr. Nash V 127
Dark Light 3 Mr. Samual 100
Dolore 2 Mr. Carugax 76
Electric Monkeys 3 Mr. Douchetoyou 52
Dark 5 Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm 0
Death List 5 Sir Uroril 0
StormKnights of Old 1 Mr. Rudvike of Mandor 0
Dendarii Mercenary Corps 2 Mr. Camel Rider 0
Nibiru 2 Prince Sprout 0
Luny Park 4 Mr. Naughtypants 0
Boo 3 Mr. Spook 0
ATM 1 Mr. Inactive Era 0
Death Emissary 2 Mr. Sett 0
Aurora 9 Mr. Integration 0
Fallen Warlords 1 Mr. Ballsax 0
Lakers 2 Mr. Koby Bryant 0
The Noobs 1 Mr. Kal 0
the hezi alliance 1 Mr. Henderson 0
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Fate 35 Sir Feanor The Lazy 2231
Fight Club 21 Sir Loin 533
Lightning Hearts 12 Mr. Edd 498
Brotherhood of the Wolf 15 Wolflord Karac 429
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste 6 Mr. Vytautas Didysis 402
Royal order of Claidmore 8 Sir Mcmax The Knight 168
Heavenly Persuasion 4 Sir Erythnul The Wanderer 0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans 33 Sir Binh The Elven War 2130
Planet Hollywood 26 Mr. Bruce Willis 1799
Brethren Forever 18 King Dragon of Wrath 551
The Federation 10 Lord Uther Pendragon 432
Gladiators 17 Mr. Gladiatorul 393
Bear Machines 5 Mr. Bear Banger 169
No Pulse 8 Mr. Lille Skutt 0
Hemorrhagic Pneumonia 1 Mr. Hexister 0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Revelation 30 Mr. Fordius 2407
Guild of the Fallen 19 Toaster Struddle 868
Fallen Angels 4 Prince Bartimaeus XIV 188
Leper Knights 3 Sir Lazuras of Acre 175
Dragon Empire 4 Ms. Jade White 145
Insane Asylum 2 Mr. Landry 130
Randum Teh Pokemon 4 Duke Random 127
JUICY 4 Commander Aligreat 82
hunger strike force 1 Mr. Bloodshed 16
The A Team 1 Mr. Ants 0
Grid 2 Mr. Gijoe 0
Shadows 2 Lady Alethia Dathlamir 0
TriForce 1 Mr. Zaxou The Wise 0
Bane 2 Mr. Bulwark 0
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 0
Two Jelly Beans 3 Mr. Yellow Bean 0
Kingdom Of Artemis 2 Mr. Tak 0
Merchants Of Death 2 Mr. Shadowz 0
PUTU 2 Mr. Tungus 0
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 4 Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The First 0
Death Everlasting 2 Necromancer Meh 0
Immortals 2 Mr. Abysmalchasm 0
Seloc World 1 Mr. Seloc 0
Show No Mercy 2 Mr. Mighty Alanon 0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Music 28 Lord Gilth 1931
Mad Against Drugs 21 Mr. Aloysius 823
Stupid TeRRoriST 9 Mr. Osama Bin Laden 723
Relentless 6 Mr. Destroyer 371
The Ravage Regime 10 Sir Warheart 320
Black Flag 3 Mr. Hamish 257
Sol Invictus 7 Duke Polydeuces 184
Phi Factor 11 Mr. Mavich 104

01:33:49 Dec 30th 09 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

I really dont see the point in small/weak kingdoms posting it.
At all.

01:57:22 Dec 30th 09 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

you know the cool thing "atention whore" everyone needs it :) even you used it:)

02:19:36 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Here is a list of KD powers with all the actual political factors:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Music28Lord Gilth100
Mad Against Drugs21Mr. Aloysius41

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Fate35Sir Feanor The Lazy115

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans32Sir Binh The Elven War106
Planet Hollywood26Mr. Bruce Willis93

Kingdoms in Starta
Domination29Pirate Candybeard91
Kingdom Berserk23Mr. Arch Shade55

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Revelation30Mr. Fordius124
Guild of the Fallen19Toaster Struddle43

02:41:51 Dec 30th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

You might wanna throw RR in there mate ;)

02:44:11 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

And I wouldnt count Glad or Brethren out of that Zeta balance either.

03:01:40 Dec 30th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus XIV:

If all this goes down it will be interesting to see an underdog pull an upset :)

04:20:22 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Destroyer:

Mr. Barny


19:19:36 Dec 29th 09 Here is a list of KD powers with all the actual political factors:

 What does all that mean?   If your not on the list your food?   Does this mean that Music and Mad have napped?    IDK looks this way to me be nice to know tho.

04:23:08 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

Do you come with or without fries and a Happy toy?

04:31:50 Dec 30th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Mr. Destroyer


19:20:22 Dec 29th 09
Mr. Barny


19:19:36 Dec 29th 09 Here is a list of KD powers with all the actual political factors:

 What does all that mean?   If your not on the list your food?   Does this mean that Music and Mad have napped?    IDK looks this way to me be nice to know tho.

OMG he figured it out... everyone knows now :(

we might as well quit now.. our era in ruined :'(

04:51:22 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Destroyer:

Do I win anything?  Don't quit silly it is not ruined yet for I have not taken all your juicy mines yet lol Jking or am I hrmmmm might be better then just being food.

07:29:15 Dec 30th 09 - Sir Chee Cat:

i miss the rebirth phoenix. though nice to see zerk is up there. what about BoW they didnt do too bad last era?

09:47:45 Dec 30th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Yay we'z is on da specials list! We haz da least memberz on da specials list dat meanz we will win da era.

09:49:57 Dec 30th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Yeah i would say a few other kingdoms could influence it, in fact every kingdom could really (obviously they won't win but they can affect who wins).

And Barti, RR really aren't that strong ;).

09:58:43 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Naw, every kingdom not on that list is a mere OOP delay. They will build up in a Sim City like fashion so that a real kingdom can take their cities. The only political influence they have is that of meat shield, delaying the real wars from taking place.

12:41:19 Dec 30th 09 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Fate 34 Sir Feanor The Lazy 492
Fight Club 21 Sir Loin 151
Lightning Hearts 11 Mr. Edd 113
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste 6 Mr. Vytautas Didysis 108
Brotherhood of the Wolf 15 Wolflord Karac 100
Royal order of Claidmore 7 Sir Mcmax The Knight 40

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans 32 Sir Binh The Elven War 459
Planet Hollywood 26 Mr. Bruce Willis 344
Brethren Forever 19 King Dragon of Wrath 118
The Federation 10 Lord Uther Pendragon 99
Gladiators 17 Mr. Gladiatorul 94
Bear Machines 5 Mr. Bear Banger 33

Kingdoms in Starta
Domination 29 Pirate Candybeard 390
Kingdom Berserk 23 Mr. Arch Shade 244
The Imperial Kingdom 2 Mr. Nash V 36
Crimson Knights 2 Mr. Dandy Lion 30
Electric Monkeys 4 Mr. Douchetoyou 19
Dark Light 3 Mr. Samual 15
Dolore 2 Mr. Carugax 13

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Revelation 30 Mr. Fordius 485
Guild of the Fallen 19 Toaster Struddle 192
Fallen Angels 4 Prince Bartimaeus XIV 45
Leper Knights 4 Sir Lazuras of Acre 44
Insane Asylum 2 Mr. Landry 28
Randum Teh Pokemon 4 Duke Random 28
Dragon Empire 4 Ms. Jade White 27
JUICY 4 Commander Aligreat 15
hunger strike force 2 Mr. Bloodshed 12

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Music 27 Lord Gilth 438
Mad Against Drugs 22 Mr. Aloysius 185
Stupid TeRRoriST 9 Mr. Osama Bin Laden 153
Relentless 8 Mr. Destroyer 107
The Ravage Regime 10 Sir Warheart 64
Phi Factor 11 Mr. Mavich 53
Sol Invictus 6 Duke Polydeuces 53
Black Flag 3 Mr. Hamish 51

13:04:37 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Music27Lord Gilth100
Mad Against Drugs22Mr. Aloysius41
Kingdoms in Mantrax
Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy112
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans32Sir Binh The Elven War102
Planet Hollywood26Mr. Bruce Willis76
Kingdoms in Starta
Domination29Pirate Candybeard89
Kingdom Berserk23Mr. Arch Shade54
Kingdoms in Nirvana
Revelation30Mr. Fordius109
Guild of the Fallen19Toaster Struddle44

As of now, there have been extremely few cities changing hands. In the next 24 hours, the power % of kingdoms will change drastically to reflect the success of kingdoms with their respective OOP wars.

16:46:30 Dec 30th 09 - Princess Aisha:

Currently top 10

Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy112

Revelation30Mr. Fordius101

Hot Inactive Veterans32Sir Binh The Elven War100

Music27Lord Gilth90

Domination29Pirate Candybeard88

Planet Hollywood26Mr. Bruce Willis73

Kingdom Berserk23Mr. Arch Shade57

Mad Against Drugs22Mr. Aloysius45

Guild of the Fallen19Toaster Struddle39

Stupid TeRRoriST9Mr. Osama Bin Laden34

12:00:28 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

Aisha your top 10 is wrong , stupid terrorist is 70 % of my kingdom , and we are above GoTF....

so its us in 8th place...

12:14:13 Dec 31st 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

A lot happens in 20 tics ;)

12:16:32 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

nope , 20 ticks ago we were still stronger then stupid terrorist , just not GoTF ( and to correct what i said , we are 9th )

12:16:50 Dec 31st 09 - Princess Aisha:

Lazaras, that were the percentages when I wrote it.
But it always changes, in couple of days there will be alot of huge differences.
After the OOP we will see the real powers :)

12:26:00 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

ahh well , and to think , barny said we wouldnt be a political power , SCREW HIM lol

13:21:52 Dec 31st 09 - Toaster Struddle:

your not really a political power.  You've had time to farm up while others have been fighting wars.  Both GOTF and RVL have been throwing blows back and forth at each other for quite some time now which is why it appears that your stronger.

13:29:07 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

Struddle , were fighting aswell , and we havent been farming , we landed after you , we just came oop like today.....

and we grew from recruiting , not farming , so umm....not sure what your talking about 

(we are warring aswell , we are fighting an EVEN BATTLE against people who added together are the same strength as us ) 

13:31:02 Dec 31st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

so you mass recruited, well dont kath!

13:31:42 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

Yes , we had two players so we mass recruited. Do you see any other way for us to of grown and not just get killed oop?

13:33:16 Dec 31st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

instead creating your failed kd era after era why dont you just join a decent one?

13:35:25 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

i created a solo kingdom for the era , not planning to recruit , the players next to me asked me for help , as they were new i helped them , i then got another KD to merge with us. 

Our idea's of fail are different. I plan simply to train new players. New players from my kingdoms are spread out amongst several strong kingdoms so i dont see the kingdoms as a fail .... 

13:37:42 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

And which kingdom Stirlin ? as most of the kingdoms i asked if i would be allowed into claimed that due to the fact ive betrayed the Kingdoms im in (despite the fact i was never accused of betraying the kd im in , only of breaking a NAP , and its only happened twice , once was clearly utter bullshit , the other time i admit i broke the NAP ) they would not allow me in, even though me breaking the NAP was roughly 8 era's ago.

thats the main reason i make my own kingdom every era.

14:43:11 Dec 31st 09 - Duke Random:

lol you still want to a play 13 v 2 war against me.

If you don't win, you really suck.

15:15:45 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

your fighting one person so far random , and there are 4 of you , unless the rest are inactives your kicking and eating?

15:26:07 Dec 31st 09 - Mr. Barny:

"Our idea's of fail are different"

I have to agree with Stirlin's idea of what a fail is, a prime example being your worthless kingdom. I did not include you as a political factor, because the only impact you will have had 500 ticks from now is in the form of who captured your cities.

15:29:55 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

O well , ill simply show you you are wrong.

15:31:45 Dec 31st 09 - Lord Fuelled Byy Lsd:

Kath = Dead Nub

Proven theory :)

15:33:15 Dec 31st 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

who are you ?

15:48:13 Dec 31st 09 - Mr. Destroyer:

Barny  ...... are you purple?

Big fat jolly purple things makes me trigger happy.
  I banned my kids from watching you!!!!!

17:28:59 Dec 31st 09 - Mr. Barny:

You can't keep us apart.

I love you. You love me. We're a happy family. With a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you, wont you say you love me too?

19:25:17 Dec 31st 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

1st :
Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy317

2nd :
Hot Inactive Veterans32Sir Binh The Elven War266
3rd :
Music27Lord Gilth265
4th :
Domination29Pirate Candybeard256
5th :
Revelation30Mr. Fordius225
6th :
Kingdom Berserk22Mr. Arch Shade156
7th :
Planet Hollywood25Mr. Bruce Willis146
8th :
Fight Club20Sir Loin121
9th :
Mad Against Drugs22Mr. Aloysius119
10th :
Guild of the Fallen20Toaster Struddle100

20:10:53 Dec 31st 09 - Mr. Canucks:


Fate34Sir Feanor The Lazy122
Music27Lord Gilth100
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00:59:41 Jan 1st 10 - Sir Serene:

I hope everyone knows that Stirlin speaks of his own opinions, and not that of Revelation as a kingdom.

01:00:04 Jan 1st 10 - Sir Serene:

*me kicks Stirlin*


01:07:38 Jan 1st 10 - Mr. And Ezzington:

I hope everyone knows that Serene speaks of his own opinions, and not that of Revelation as a kingdom.

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