Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 48

Fantasia Era 48
19:15:31 Aug 7th 10 - Clown Wankin Between Ticks:

well ali im a warrior of light, i know when retreat and go back <3 so thats why you lost my mate <3

19:16:47 Aug 7th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

no flames bout me? thats awesome

19:21:35 Aug 7th 10 - Grumpy old Fivehundred Pound Lezzie:

Zonder: lol you have friends :D And i'm the bastard that people somehow don't mind talking to. And guess what, on my first three hours in Lulz ive been told that ive one-upped myself and should have gone RR, coz Lulz are just a bunch of hot air baloons. Your own people mate. What can i say, you've got friends, i've got people who like to speak their mind. I prefer the latter. :)

Want a hug now?

19:28:08 Aug 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

haha we both here. But someone dislikes lew a lot :) And they know who they are, i find it funny. And if you havent seen what im talking about, ill send it to you :D

Nah, only arthur can hug me

19:59:29 Aug 7th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

*runs in, hugs Zond, then barges out cause this is gay*

20:06:56 Aug 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

Man hugs arent gay, they are so quick you dont see them!

20:07:07 Aug 7th 10 - Grumpy old Fivehundred Pound Lezzie:

Zond there is about 98% of VU really really disliking me, so thats hardly news... :)

But then again, being blunt never gets you peoples affection, what have you done wrong tho, since you lack the bluntness? :->

20:08:47 Aug 7th 10 - Lady Jade:

I'm just fine Palp. Been a very long time. How are you?

20:11:04 Aug 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

Someone from DOA it seems (could be wrong) has took screen shots of my core of lew taking 3 14k size cities from a guy that went inactive. My guess is they will say she was feeding. But 3 14k? lol Im sure if was feeding, we would have fed bigger cities than that right?

Its so hilarious, and funny how no one speaks up and claims it, when im sure half of those posting here has recieved it or know about it. If you dont, ill give it to you though. and you can Laugh at fail flame war too lol

20:33:34 Aug 7th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

Z I meant this thread is gay :P  I love man hugs.

20:36:06 Aug 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

lol you better have!

20:50:06 Aug 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

hey jade pretty good...had a reasonable era....just did the straight mage thing you know i like best but learnt a lot too(swears at invisible cities)...but right now i am %$%^& at zeta for this era end...i mean i made a load of plans for the weekend and just watched one city of mine taken ..nothing big...but i chewed through a stack of mages and all that doing stuff with no time to rebuild em AFTER the era was supposed to be my end score will be quite a bit lighter(minus 200k mu...who fails 5 times on 74% lol).

still first era on fanta and was an eye to play "who really owns that scout" with Endless which was fun but you and jennaside sadly i missed out dancing with :( looks like another solid era from you though, well done!

21:23:39 Aug 7th 10 - Lady Jade:

thank you. maybe you'll consider playing with us next era? we need another mage :)

22:03:06 Aug 7th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Zondervan, I will happily take responsibility for the screenshot in question. It does not reveal extensive amounts of you core AT ALL, nor was it passed around. In fact, it reveals nothing of you core, save for cities that are owned by Lewatha, or cities fed to her. It was posted a few times in DOA channel, and then again a different channel with DOA members + Zondervan when we were discussing what to do about next era with DOA and LuLZ members. I intended to post it at the end of the era, and make some witty remark about how if you cannot win the era when you do literally nothing but farm/feed and you are competing against someone who actually maintained an army, than you probably shouldn't win an era.

If you would like, I can send it to you or post it here, but otherwise I will not until the era ends. It is still being built anyways. I just thought it was funny how much shit you guys are trying to do to build up Lewatha.

22:15:07 Aug 7th 10 - Endless Dream:

still first era on fanta and was an eye to play "who really owns that scout" with Endless which was fun 

^^Ewoks rule Wookies :p

22:16:06 Aug 7th 10 - General Zondervan:


I said about 5 times i have the copy.

And she got three or four cities with 14400 buildings in them. Hell if thats feeding then everyone does it everytime some goes inactive.

Means, TBL, that guys few cities you took. Thats feeding.. shame shame he went inactive. Now you will be blamed.

23:02:53 Aug 7th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

"^^Ewoks rule Wookies :p"

Death star kills them both :P

23:05:00 Aug 7th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

Lew how many troops oyu have in that goddamn city?

23:05:29 Aug 7th 10 - General Zondervan:

More than you!

23:09:42 Aug 7th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

damn then she must have like 3M

23:16:41 Aug 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

i have a deathstar....just was so far away from the fear/fate frontline i had to use bbqewok instead....

@Lady Jade....i have been knocked back on membership with fate and fear more times than i care remember...i could learn a lot from tbl, rox elsin plus of course all you guys but i guess i can learn much the same by fighting and watching you.....ademo in fate is one of the best mages in the game and i learnt at least 50% of what i know mage tactic wise from him but only about 5% of that was while in his kingdom....the rest was fighting him or watching others do so...but this has been a great training ground mr Glad knows his stuff and really opened my eyes-sometimes not having an army (ever) can be frustrating when you see the cool things the others do and want to do the same...but all i was left with was a spankathon with endless(which isn't always a bad thing!)

23:28:30 Aug 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

well since i cast ownage to take it from black flag i guess all is fair lol:

18:10:32: All troops in Wookies have died!

18:10:32: Wookies lost a battle against Ewoks from Endless Dream. We lost 1041 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 0 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

18:05:08: We have lost command over Bean Empire Cit!

18:04:57: Endless Dream attempted to cast a spell upon us.

17:49:33: Enemy mages canceled all active spells on Bean Empire Cit

23:31:45 Aug 7th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

Casting Ownage from Bbqewok upon Bean Empire Cit with 47% chance of success... and Successful!
Bean Empire Cit, owned by Endless Dream are now under our command!

it is just the principle of the thing :P

00:23:10 Aug 8th 10 - Lady Jade:

Now Palpy you're assuming that I'm inviting you to play in Fear ;)

01:22:01 Aug 8th 10 - Endless Dream:

You can have it back Palpy, I used and abused it for a bit tho *sorry*

01:24:06 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

Getting into FEAR is like getting into Lewatha's vag. Anybody and everybody can with such low requirements.

Barny, White Knight, do it. Expel the heathens with your light-emitting posts.

02:23:33 Aug 8th 10 - Grumpy old Fivehundred Pound Lezzie:

So, Zonder, do i get an apology? :p


02:34:19 Aug 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

I did already, but i will again :P

Sorry blamed you when was some other sorry scum ^^ lol jk :D

Sorry :P

03:02:03 Aug 8th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Sleeping Dragon:

Era almost at an end, why not... right? So to end the era right Glads and LuLZ have kindly volunteered to be my end era fun. YAY!

Are you sure you want to order the Magicians in $$$$$ to cast Ownage upon Pink Dead with 40% chance of success?

We have 2605142 magic power from this range.

If we fail the spell we will lose 759833 Magicians and 20359 magic towers!

Casting Ownage from $$$$$ upon Pink Dead with 40% chance of success... and Successful!
The Pink Dead from Mr. Tealis The Gladiator are now under our command! We lost 486294 Magicians and 20047 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Thank you, i'll take them archers off your hands. =P

Are you sure you want to order the Magicians in $$$$$ to cast Rain of fire upon with 61% chance of success?

We have 1512324 magic power from this range.

If we fail the spell we will lose 154559 Magicians and 4757 magic towers!

Get off our blocker you fly. =P
To bad can't ownage a troll so fire will have to do. =)

Casting Rain of fire from $$$$$ upon Zondertruck with 61% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 63289 men in The Zondertruck from Sir Kronos got burned to death. We lost 126338 Magicians and 5983 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

If your wondering what the armies were before all the fun...

Zondertruck from Sir Kronos

Pink Dead from Mr. Tealis The Gladiator

03:18:15 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

lol nice!

03:19:49 Aug 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

Lol see not sure you guys not having enough mus! its everyone. wats the deal :/

03:39:13 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

LOL that's actually pretty funny.

F those losses though :(  Couldn't you have done something better with 600k+ mages?  I guess you got more than an even trade, just seems like a lot of MUs :P

03:59:12 Aug 8th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Sleeping Dragon:

For the record, i had 1.3m MU when i started and did not fail either cast. MU's really don't bother me since i could train over 3m more if i had the pez. lol i still may get RoF happy on the few armies i can see but gonna wait a bit for that in case freezes are needed. =)

We have 2,605,142 magic power from this range.

04:27:28 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

Sweet.  Well Nova I'm gonna send my "army" towards you (after I kick out inactive Val).  Please RoF, I miss the olden burns.

07:29:53 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin:

For those nubs and average players boasting about how good they are (especially certain players from the Lulz :P), what Yarlin is able to accomplish is an example of the strength of a true elite player.

Stop bragging and learn from the best.... if you are going to continue playing this game.

07:56:57 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

"(especially certain players from the Lulz :P"

The only person bragging on LULZ is Zond, that's cause he's Zond <3

And I will watch Yarlin carefully, the sly little beast.

18:14:10 Aug 8th 10 - General Zondervan:

You said if continue playing this game, its my last era remember? :P

20:47:52 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Admirable:



Destroy the Horselord.

21:12:51 Aug 8th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

13:18:45: Kaze Kamikaze won a battle against Men And Gods from Mr. Admirable. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 1539 Archers, 14282 Knights, 7769 Magicians and 2620 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 26209 of our soldiers got injured.

That wasn't nice :( I must run n hide now I don't want to lose my beautiful Knights with rainbow trimmed armor

02:25:31 Aug 9th 10 - Mr. Crissxcross:

*looks arround, sees Zero and shuts the mouth before a sound comes out :D*

11:26:12 Aug 9th 10 - Princess Aisha:

Anyone have any update on Zeta's computer, did he clear the virus? I am thinking, if he does not fix it, then next era will not start as scheduled?

Also next era will be strange ^^

Fear - disbanding and going to lower worlds

Lulz - disbanding cause its Zond's last era?

Fate - will stay?

Ravage Regime - staying, might take some of Lulz?

Gladiators - disbanding due to leaders inactivity

Music - staying on Fant

MaD - staying on Fant

DoA - also staying?

And Fant might get AoA from Mantrax too :)

It will be a different era :)

13:22:03 Aug 9th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Don't think RR is staying.  Unless Willem is taking over.  Levi did say last night he was taking next era off.  His wife is about to have a baby.

15:47:25 Aug 9th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

oh come on ffs stay ... i was planning to join you guys so you can allow me to farm my ass off and win era :-P 

15:52:22 Aug 9th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

I dont believe you would be allowed to join RR. 

21:43:04 Aug 9th 10 - Princess Aisha:

He was being sarcastic mentioning you allowed Karac to farm the era win :)

23:39:04 Aug 9th 10 - Mr. Gaia Breeaker:

Good jobs glad for backstabbing people

23:45:08 Aug 9th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

good job gaia breaker for backstabbing your team mates who helped you all era, by ditching the alliance before the end of era and lowering our score. you are a selfish prat.

23:48:06 Aug 9th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

please dont insult people on this moderated forum palpy. you will make people want to quit

23:51:23 Aug 9th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

sorry my issue is only with vulgarity and discussions about people's personal lives etc....stop stealing oxygen on this forum please.

23:56:17 Aug 9th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

Your face offends my mirror, as a matter of vulgarity. Please leave my forum.

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