Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 48

Fantasia Era 48
17:40:41 Aug 5th 10 - Endless Dream:

Yeah I dont get why Zeta would cast it for you when it's usually if you fail a spell (or succeeds but doesn't work) it's normally too bad you're sh!t out of luck?  Zeta's pet now? :p

17:44:15 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

Lol no no endless, we tried a bunch and failed. Then we finally got it, he had no clue we casted it until i told him lol

As you can see, the news didnt say it was casted so no one knew besides us.

17:45:15 Aug 5th 10 - Endless Dream:

Well if its in effect then more reason to quit VU if is being rigged.

17:47:36 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

VU isnt rigged, not my fault news didnt announce to everyone that arma was casted. He did make this new layout and maybe he left some bits out :p


17:50:23 Aug 5th 10 - Endless Dream:

Well , what does this mean? Is that the notice that it IS cast or that it will be cast? if its the former and not the latter then VU *IS* rigged imo

17:52:57 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

It means what it says lol

But the way I remember, when arma was casted it announced in your news what city and such, so you could destroy the city and stop it.

unless i remember wrong. IT has been a while.

18:00:15 Aug 5th 10 - Endless Dream:

What does it say then.  Please clarify for everyone since you seem to think its in effect (and yet nothing is working that resembles Arma's last incarnation when it did work the way it is suppose to)... most people have interpreted it to mean that it WILL be cast not that it is.  

18:02:51 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

It was cast ages ago :P

It will take effect today and the chaos will start :)

18:06:09 Aug 5th 10 - Endless Dream:

OK. Rigged. Thanks, makes my decision on whether or not to continue to play a done deal :)

18:12:11 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

How do you get rigged out of that?

19:03:10 Aug 5th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

The era is going to end before arma would even end it so it's not like it matters at all.  Besides as far as anyone is concerned Zeta took out arma meaning probably removed all the scripts that were placed in for it.  Which means that even if it was casted successfully unless zeta placed the coding back in which I could see easily being forgotten then I really dont believe it's an issue.  So tbh it's not like it really matters either way unless arma ends the era as soon as the tick hits.  If it works the same way all that would happen is the era would end at the same time just there would be a bit more chaos with everyone trying to get as many cities as they can before it's all over.

19:09:34 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

He said he had to put it all back in, he didnt even have an idea what it was going to do. He actually decided and made it as he went along i believe.

19:11:35 Aug 5th 10 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

um we did this thing called war where you sat back and farmed for how long?
i have nothing personal against any of you. and msot of you will take each otehrs side as you are friends or in same kd. but EVERYONE knows who farmed. Ive had a front line MC for a long time, and i saw which fear/fate were fighting. And i give them guys credit and say a damn well played era. But for those of you that didnt do shit but farm an amy and troll through DOAs core. You can shut your damn mouths :)
And NO i am not calling tbl a farmer, hes just a damn good stger lol.

lol almost everything you say is irrelevant and or wrong as well as being very vague, first off "us sitting back and farming" is "we lost our entire core to DoA in an oop war and as such are attempting to rebuild in an area 1/5th the size needed for a realistic core of a kingdom our size".
This is after a war which you didn't have, sure you might've killed a couple of nothing kingdoms, but that does not amount to war, it's called newb bashing or maybe you're all more familiar with the term "gangbang", except it's been taken to a new level, just one fucking huge zerg kingdom killing off all the smaller competition.... 

YES, faer farmed and used us as a meatshield, i'm not going to deny it, and that I felt incredibly used by it; but it's their tactical choice to do so, sure it has probably cut ties with the two kingdoms for ever and generally seems like a final "fuck you" as everyone in their kingdom seems to be "retiring" at the end of the era; but in the end it's their choice.

if you even insinuate that we're in the same boat as them this era, you're obviously delusional.... FATE had the hard yards during oop, fear naped and farmed. we lost our entire core, were forced to rebuild in the limited space that we had available as fears secondary mines took precedence over our desire to survive. then to top it all off, fear make a lovely core rush and somehow manage to get almost all the spoils for THEIR hard work.

I dare say that a lot of people our side of the fence are pissed the fuck off with them with their attitude: "why don't they wanna play anymore" RE: our inactivity post-core loss and being unable to sufficiently create a new core.

I question if they'd have the same drive given the same situation. Actually faer would most likely quit and go to a lower world where they can farm all they like, after all it's what they do best.

BTW, just to air it out, it's not a very nice thing to suggest "hey, lets CF glads lulz/RR and see how fate handle it" I know the person who said it will claim it as a "joke" or "motivation" but it seems to have gone on as more than a joke from where I sit.

To be clear though, I don't view all of fear in such negative light, only a select few choose to treat their allies that way, I know a few good players who're just following orders and getting shit done.

p.s. tbl isn't a "damn good StG'er" he's just got no real competition, and he IS a massive farmer. almost as much as path.

p.p.s Seeing as you're all quitting next era, I don't have any thing to faer by making this post. :)

/random out.

19:20:13 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

Try going back and reading the post where i stated i give era win to FATE and basically said fear is trash. :P

19:23:35 Aug 5th 10 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

back reading is for amateurs.

19:29:05 Aug 5th 10 - Sir Butters:


*wave Kai Kai*


19:30:12 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

FEAR - Farmers.

FATE - ghiney pig

nuffs said

19:32:56 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Path:

Ah zond...your jealously has channeled into hatred for some reason?  I am sad to see this happen.  And last round when we talked, I was rather surprised to see you trying to pass yourself off as someone in FEAR.  Here is a picture of your MSN profile:

I assume the F in FAER is covered up by your little hoodie, but I am honored that you were our #1 fan.  That is why I am all the more disappointed to see the change of heart you've had.  Where did the poor little innocent boy in this picture wearing a FAER hoodie go?  Why has he been replaced with a jaded youth with so much hate?

: [

19:36:10 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:


I dont hate the players in fear :P i hate FEAR itself :)

btw am online right now ;) not offline :D


19:36:23 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:


19:40:47 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

Can someone tell me when a mother will come claim the feta and grow it up into a real kd? Anyone?

19:43:48 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:


20:58:16 Aug 5th 10 - Endless Dream:

stop reading our skype room Kai ;) 

or sends us yours to read, has to be funnier then what ours was..  

@Zond, you really can't think beyond certain parameters can you? if you can't figure it out I'm not going to enlighten you :p

21:00:14 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

Maybe am lazy and just want you to tell me ^^

21:25:46 Aug 5th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

Rad. just so you know our alliance was divided up into teams and ancient was core defence...primarily to defend my mage city(my real one-my beautiful deathstar)...he was chosen because he wasn't going to be active and was away for a long, long time....fortunately(and surprisingly) our core didnt come close to even being under threat...if we had continued to war RR  and Lulz then i suspect maybe a week ago they might have been able to get close(assuming they were winning)...with no threat now and being back he has come to have a go...but he did exactly what he was supposed to do, as did several players you didnt see on our defence side...and as did i as mage frontline mage city is just a hobby :)

21:47:39 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

Wow, Fantasia actually is really annoying.  Glad I'm leaving ;)

21:54:52 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

ya right palp ...... *yawns* 

21:57:20 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. William The Sneaky Bastard:

i like annoying :-)

22:00:47 Aug 5th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

lol Rad ...glad himself, aisha, ancient etc were all defence as we considered fear a real threat to us and also doa might hit us...our core is on the other side of the map from only dawned on us a week ago that there was no threat and it took half that time to get here....just like my newly arrived mages :) bit too late for any real action though...but i think i know more about what is going on in our kingdom than you ;)

22:04:34 Aug 5th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

Casting Eye in the sky from Bbqewok upon Denboj with 99% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about Denboj, owned by Mr. Radioactive:
Pony riders:0
Magic Towers:0
Guard Towers:1
Lumber Mills:0

Armies in the city: 1(Total of 2 men)

spam those slingers Rad!

22:06:01 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. William The Sneaky Bastard:

doesn't arma last 100 ticks? so the era will last longer with every tick passing :p

22:16:23 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

denboj ? i've no such city . stop spreading lies palp :D bad bad thing.

22:19:01 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Bling Fcukers:

ummm... I been going since oop. I got down to Fate as quick as possible and resettled just to hold a front line for them. Zero and co tried for many days to break it, but I held it long enough to ensure fate had a fighting chance at rebuilding. Not my fault I was positioned so far north. So next time you fancy pointing fingers, send em my way cause I'll bitch slap each and everyone of you ungrateful fuckers. I had a MAJOR drop in income because your peeps dropped cities randomly, fucking my income up. But I never bitched at Fate leadership... hell I even passed out directions to ensure all their players could resettle properly.
The core rush... shit... I bust the doors open to allow the core rush to take place. If I hadnt, you would still be scratching your heads on how to get in.

01:16:24 Aug 6th 10 - General Zondervan:

shut up bling! :D

01:24:00 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Scipio:

Wow, guess who's been quoting me !!!

Roflmao - Farmerz, better get me to hush up and watch what I say :D
... prolly no point in my coming out here tho, it is apparent that so many know the truth about Glads already so I don't really need say more at your attempts to cast the image of the farmerz, that you see when you look in your mirror, on us - I told you Politic-ing was so much better in the open though I wasn't interested but seeing as you insist I brought myself into the Politics thru defending my kd by doing what I did in your core - here I am, bring it on. - Do the honourable thing for once, reveal yourself -
... the lowly nubbie Private Scipio is here now and willing to politic with you :D

I love that quote above which I now feel I have to redirect at you as you should know when to haltz maul und schluck

"Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten"

... at least  the one that it was aimed at was man enough to admit he farmed even if he mightdoe have the wrong idea of others, why can't you.

02:11:48 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Guys. We all know the credit for any victory on Fant goes to me.

02:14:40 Aug 6th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

Vuggy the only thing you have ever gotten from Fant is AIDS ;)
(Does the Victory Dance once more)

02:22:15 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Bling Fcukers:

why zonder... u got a kd of the dregs of vu... half wit average players who couldnt organize a piss up in a brewery, let alone plan a strategy for anything except farm all fucking era. they represent EVERYTHING that is wrong with vu.

02:26:21 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

I always thought the game itself was the problem.. what with the imbalance and bugs.. but apparently players are the problem VU is so bad. Lol

02:28:13 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Bling Fcukers:

No...players who contribute jack shit to the game are whats destroying it. Zeta is off his rocker to allow these silly kd sizes.... shit... we gonna end up with 100 man kd's again soon and only 50 players on the game, each with 3 multies.

02:33:32 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Barny:

There really wasn't anyone STGing this era. Maybe OOP, when everyone wants to cash out, but then it was pretty much just TBL. I know I stged OOP to make that easy mony, than for like a week inactively, but it just seems like no one was interested in doing it this era.

02:37:07 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Tactical Nuclear Penguin:

Reply to Random

(warning, very long essay - don't bother reading if you can't take it)

Well, since I will be leaving Fantasia at the end of this era for several eras, I see no harm in "airing" my feelings to the public regarding the Fear - Fate alliance too, since Random has kindly brought his out into the open :)

1. The Fear leadership knew that Fate wanted to NAP DOA at the beginning of the era and, together with them (DOA), kill us off.

I personally knew that Dalak and Deno had direct negotiations with several DOA leaders to, in the immortal words of Deno in one such conversation, "fuck Fear up together". Dalak, now you know why I say that Deno already has leadership of Fate :)

You can imagine our feelings when we knew of such scheming taking place, Random :) Some of the other leadership were of the opinion that we should have NAPped Fate, and should have let DOA just steamroll you guys, and then we retake YOUR mines from THEM. Fortunately (or unfortunately?) my fonder memories of Fate and some of my old comrades (I still <3 Stormcrow, Von Darkmoor, Yarlin, etc. very very much) overcame my anger at Fate's attempt to one up Fear, and I arranged for a NAP with Von Darkmoor practically on my own. I was even questioned by some of my co-leaders on my arrangement :)

2. Fear came to Fate's aid as fast as possible

I also pushed for Fear to come to Fate's assistance as quickly as possible. I told you

i) we had Music north of us and we would have warred them, but because you guys were facing DOA and needed our help, we NAPped Music to come to your aid;

ii) our halflings were fighting OOP at the extreme north, and in the south, we had one guy who fed on 3 of his kingdomates holding down our trolls and other halflings;

iii) on NO CONDITION WHATSOEVER will our DWARVES EVER take part in an OOP war. We knew we needed mid / late era dwarven firepower to take down a kingdom with the numbers of DOA, and most probably Lulz and RR too.

All these was done despite many of us still feeling upset about Fate's (and especially good old Deno's) prior scheming. We got our halflings to swing down south as quickly as they could while getting some to stay back to watch for a flank attack from the west-center. Our trolls sacrificed their armies to hold one of your flanks (sorry Bling, Moonshine and Kool, I should have just asked you to farm and screw helping them out if I knew that this was Fate's feelings).

You are right on one thing though, Random. This will probably be the last era of the Fate-Fear alliance. Alot of us from Fear who had feelings for Fate will be gone from Fantasia anyway. Feel free to get Fate to "dominate" the game once again :)

3. Fate claiming that Fear used them as a meatshield:

My reply to you is that if you guys were more active and competent, maybe you wouldn't have become a "meatshield" in the first place, and would have actually defeated DOA on your own and grabbed most of the war spoils? :)

4. Alot of Fear folks are pissed the f off at Fate too:

Yup, you heard it :) You guys have full transcripts of our Skype kingdom chat, I am sure you can find out why :)

Also, if anything, alot of us are quite amused with Deno too :P We knew he was expecting Fear to collapse into the ground after he left it to join Fate, but he must be anguished right now that the kingdom he left, the "weakest kingdom in the game, player for player" is enroute to win its second straight era in both the kingdom and player crown.... without him!!!  :)

5. You're damn right Path and I are damn good farmers.

We excel at every aspect of this game :) If we war OOP, we would be good. If we play mage, we would be good. So yeah, if we decide to farm, obviously we would be helluva good farmers too :) And definitely Path more so - he is the only active player I reckon is equal to Yarlin's skill level in this game. So no doubt he would be a better farmer than me :)

Take my ramblings for what it is worth :) Next era, Fate's "new leadership" should feel free to take relations with Fear to "a new level". I won't be around to see it :) Gonna engage in a nub bashing exercise on a lower map :P :P :P

P.S. To the rest of the folks in Fate, sorry if I hurt any feelings because of my post above. I still <3 many of you very very much.... you know who you are :)

02:42:20 Aug 6th 10 - General Zondervan:

For once, i can agree and say well said. With mixed ideas of course.

03:08:54 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Off his rocker? He's a dipshit. With all the shit updates. xD

"Hey guys, I felt like throwing this into the game, but not fixing ANY of the stuff that needs fixing! Hope that you enjoy me not paying ANY attention to ANY of the 5 star threads! k thx bai"

03:11:34 Aug 6th 10 - Clown Wankin Between Ticks:

Fate im disappointed in you ;(  i was in love with you guys! but now ;( hurty hurty, how could von dork allow some yoghurt tard get in ;( 

guardian angel, you too :/ 
dorklak? ;((( </3

03:13:41 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

How bout me?

03:34:49 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Tasty After Dinner Mint:

A lot of half truths and misrepresentations. Not suprising.

We didnt start the era with any preconceived plans to fight anyone. We dropped our guys and used the first tick to drop everyone down race by race. Once we dropped the elves in the south we saw the first DOA city about 2 ticks from us. This resulted in a complete change of tactics.

Unfortunately, we had our ELVES on the frontline fighting trolls.We had our trolls fighting halfers and our halfers in the middle and humans north of that (near Fear).

The Humans encountered Fear scouts prtetty soon after that.

Think about it TBL as the tactician you are. We had a large kingdom on one side and one on the other. We had a shared core with a kingdom that was growing by the hour and our race structure was screwed. Elves vs trolls and trolls vs halfers OOP is not a good way to win an OOP war. It is this reason and this reason alone that we sought a NAP with DOA. You should know by now I dont like to be in a no win situaton and being stuck between the two best kingdoms is a no win situation. We knew we were better placed to fight Fear OOP so we made the offer to DOA. We all knew that given your spy network that you guys in Fear would know we had made such an offer so for us it was a do or die offer. They said no and suprisingly you guys offered us an NAP regardless which we accepted.

Deno doesnt like a lot in Fear and a lot in Fear dont like Deno but he was not the one that sought the NAP with DOA so we could fight Fear. He wanted to NAP no one and fight to the death as did many others in the kingdom. Deno happen to have some of the DOA leadership on Skype so he added the Fate vices so we could chat. He could hardly sit in the chat and say 'this NAP is a bad idea' so obviously he played it up as a good idea. He has played no part in the leadership of Fate other than to give us his opinion like many other non-vice members do on a daily basis. He happens to know many in VU so is in contact with many members of many kingdoms so as a resource for Fate he has been great. But by his own request he has stayed out of the leadership group.

To clarify Randoms post. We didnt lose our whole core OOP in fact many of us havent even lost one city. DOA didnt get past the area where our halfers set up. So in reality we only lost half our core.

I for one, appreciate Fears contribution to our NAP this era. Did they serve themselves first? Most likley, as I would expect them to. Your own kingdom must come first in most circumstances. They did however help us on numerous occasions so for that I thank them.

Unlike you TBL I dont feel the need to take cheap shots or be dishonest to the people I once called friends even if I dont intend on being here next era or not..

I jst want end by saying. Well done to the guys and gals in Fear on doing what we should all be striving to do. Making the most of whatever the era dishes up.


03:44:14 Aug 6th 10 - Lord Agamemnon:

I pride myself on my exceptional ability to point out the obvious, so i will do so here.....

Just because you see imflammatory remarks from a couple of fate players, please dont assume that all of fate feels the exact way. Imo fear's southern invasion of DOA played a huge part in our survival on fant (along with the insane defense dalak, deno, venomz and some others put up at that blocker), and personally i am appreciative. There are quite a bit of fear guys i consider friends in there too:)

<My reply to you is that if you guys were more active and competent>

Ouch tbl:( No need to generalise all of us as inactive morons:(

And yes, as in any kingdom, there are definite differences of opinion among its members. <see, i told you i was good at this obvious thing>:)

as always <3 penguin^^


04:28:24 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

Nice post Tasty, thanks for the appreciation :)

04:36:09 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Vencrow:

We started OOP with the worst races on the front @ DoA. Godiva/Eates and Via Dolorosa did a good job not making us halfers get down fast to aid our crappy OOP races.. we settled our core nicely and then turned out it wasn't that smart at the frontline.

Our halfers did an awesome job stalling DoA armies from breaching the backup area we made.. and Fear did a great job coming along side the mountains where Zero Cool had been pushing thrue with some other DoA members. I for one am gratefull that we have such good allies. i consider anyone in Fear a friend, not a foe. i was actually unaware of the fact that we contacted DoA to 'fuck fear up together' I would've been against that.. especially cause some players in DoA pay no respects. and Fear has that sexy pink banner.

Fear played smart to pretty much dominate the era, strong halfers (Rad <3) and strong mid/late era player/race combo's .. farming aka building up an economy bigger then your enemy to beat em up.. is part of the game! It's a smart thing to do.. 'farming' all era long without doing jack sh!t is just a fail, something Fear didnt do.. they won alot :)

I would like to thank our mages, fear's mages and everyone in Fear that has helped us stay alive and get back up and beat DoA up a bit (a bit.. because, they wreckaged most of their cities with their own hands.. or.. mouseclicks)   

I am not trying to make things right, i'm like my mate stormy.. just speaking for myself.. so don't generalise all that's been said by any Fate member. 'ooh so thats the way fate thinks'  no! Players use their own mouth, and not for the kingdom. if there is a kingdom statement being made.. it would have been mentioned in the statement itself.

I can't wait for a new era. new kingdoms/people on Fantasia and new wars. Bring it on. and congratulations to the winner of this era! unless its Lewatha ('farming' all era long without doing jack sh!t is just a fail)

With love & respect,

~Wreaking Havoc since Era 14.

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