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Dogs getting stoned
01:21:02 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

this is the missing chart



01:24:02 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

Marijuana can cause permanent cerebral damage.  Studies have shown that illicit drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, DMDA etc) can cause early onset alzheimer's disease and other neurologic diseases like parkinson's.  it causes disturbances in the equilibrium of our neurotransmitters. SO DONT TAKE DRUGS EVER!!  you may like the effect now, but think of your future"

Im sorry but your wrong there yes the other drugs cause damage but Dope doesnt cause problems like that... go on the links at the end of my essay...

and about the Parkinsons.... Dope is very often used to help people suffering with parkinsons... i know myself because my gran has parkinsons and she smokes dope to relieve her off the pain it can cause..

01:27:10 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Twamao:

Mr Huo,

you are encouraging people to take marijuana.  please read your articles carefully. and also check your sources.  if your sources are people that want to legalise marijuana, then they will distort the truth.  Yes marijauna has been used to alleviate certain illnesses in certain areas.  BUT I MUST STRESS, THOSE ILLNESSES ARE TERMINAL, by terminal i mean, they have no hope of cure and are dying in PAIN!!!  have you seen a patient dying of cancer? what about HIV? they are dying in pain. we sometimes give an amphetamine-derived painkiller just to help them.  those amphetamine-derived medication causes dependence.  but to a person that is dying, it doesnt matter, cause the benefit outweighs the risk.  so think ten times before posting irresponsible articles.

01:33:22 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Twamao:

and about the Parkinsons.... Dope is very often used to help people suffering with parkinsons... i know myself because my gran has parkinsons and she smokes dope to relieve her off the pain it can cause..

you see? its your granpa, and i think he is old.  in his case, the benefits outweigh the risk, cause he will not anymore develop the chronic effects of marijuana.  think: how old is your grandpa, and what is the life expectancy in your country, then think: how old are you

and i doubt you read your sources, you need to read them, and understand them. you have omitted a few important facts:

this is taken from your bbc source:

Key Points
Cannabis contains more than 400 chemicals. The main psychoactive ingredient is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or 'THC'

Cannabis contains more tar than tobacco, and has a higher concentration of carcinogens (cancer-causing agents)

Cannabis became a controlled substance in Britain in 1928

44% of 16 to 29 year-olds have tried cannabis at some point in their lives. Half of them have used it in the last year

In 1998, 76% of people arrested for drugs offences in Britain were charged with possession of cannabis

Smoking marijuana is more popular in America than surfing the Internet

Is cannabis harmless?
Yes No
Cannabis is less addictive than amphetamines, tobacco or alcohol, and does less harm to the body It may be psychologically addictive. Heavy users can display aggressive impulses if their supply suddenly stops, a side effect similar to that of anabolic steroids
A government report found that high use of cannabis isn't associated with major health or sociological problems, unlike other harder drugs Cannabis may be a 'gateway' drug to more harmful substances like heroin and cocaine
Its effects are beneficial to sufferers of various medical conditions, including cancer, HIV, multiple sclerosis, and glaucoma It has a higher tar content than tobacco, so smoking cannabis presents the same health problems: bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer
Cannabis has an effect on the heart, similar to the effects of exercise. It may be just as good for the heart as going to the gym It can disrupt the control of blood pressure increasing the risk of fainting. Even occasional use is bad for people with heart and circulation disorders, and for those predisposed to schizophrenia

(Edited by Mr. Twamao 8/29/2006 1:38:09 AM)

01:40:24 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Twamao:

sorry about the table, pls highlight so you can read

Is cannabis harmless?
Yes No
Cannabis is less addictive than amphetamines, tobacco or alcohol, and does less harm to the body It may be psychologically addictive. Heavy users can display aggressive impulses if their supply suddenly stops, a side effect similar to that of anabolic steroids
A government report found that high use of cannabis isn't associated with major health or sociological problems, unlike other harder drugs Cannabis may be a 'gateway' drug to more harmful substances like heroin and cocaine
Its effects are beneficial to sufferers of various medical conditions, including cancer, HIV, multiple sclerosis, and glaucoma It has a higher tar content than tobacco, so smoking cannabis presents the same health problems: bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer
Cannabis has an effect on the heart, similar to the effects of exercise. It may be just as good for the heart as going to the gym It can disrupt the control of blood pressure increasing the risk of fainting. Even occasional use is bad for people with heart and circulation disorders, and for those predisposed to schizophrenia

(Edited by Mr. Twamao 8/29/2006 1:41:07 AM)
(Edited by Mr. Twamao 8/29/2006 1:41:59 AM)

02:53:36 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

firstly....if your sources are people that want to legalise marijuana, then they will distort the truth. 

Well no its people looking at both sides to see the negative and possitive...

and to the rest read previous post...

02:54:48 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

Where it discusses these negative points and puts scientific explanations to them...

02:55:59 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

and if you read my article properly i think you'l find i included all that ..

05:43:08 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Twamao:

well, if you cite as your sources.........

05:57:58 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Twamao:

you did not read the bottom, didnt you??

here's that part:
Want to grow your own weed? - Better read this> Although it is perfectly legal to buy and sell cannabis seeds in the UK this may not be the case in your country. Please check local laws before placing an order!.  Obviously it is totally illegal to germinate and grow cannabis seeds in the UK and most of the rest of the world so we sell our marijuana seeds on the understanding that they are being purchased for collection purposes only. Please check your local laws before placing an order as we cannot be responsible for seeds being confiscated when going though customs.

they sell them. :(

12:53:38 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

in 1935 they had "Scientific Researches" in the USA which "Proved" that black people arent equal to whites. Now people are laughing about this ridiculous Bull*beep*.

Now you guys come along posting with piccies of "Scientific Research". So much for your "Proofs". Need to say anymore?

13:21:20 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

Twamao what the hell are you on about? we know its illegal... its been illegal for many years thats not the subject here.... The subject of my essay was "should it be legalised" and it focuses on the negative and possitive aspects....

That stuff about the seeds is in no contexts what so ever.

13:23:03 Aug 29th 06 - Sir Xiax:

In 1935 Black people really weren't equal to whites, it was called inequality, I think they had a whole movement about that. So what's your point?

13:25:38 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Ruler:

My gran has parkinsons and she doesn't smoke anything and i know a few other people with it that don't so i think your wrong :)

14:06:48 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

Ruler its personal choice whether you smoke it to relieve symptoms or not...

Not all people with Parkinsons smoke it but it does help with the symptoms

14:41:16 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Charlie Brown:

Well put Sir X :D 

Mr Dwarf, there's nothing like a clear, coherent, argument. And that was nothing like a......... ;)

15:48:06 Aug 29th 06 - Lady Spooky:

Xiax - I think Dwarflinger meant "physically and mentally inferior to" not simply "don't have the same social rights as".

He has a point about scientific proof - you can always find two sides to every argument.  Personally I choose not to do drugs....

16:00:40 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

Dont get me wrong i think that any drug above Dope is very bad...

17:02:08 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Excelsior:

Berkley did research on it cigarretes do more harm than cannibis, another thing alcohol causes more problems than cannibis. Any medicine can be a drug as long as user abuses it and takes it when he or she doesn't have a medical need.

17:02:08 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Excelsior:

Berkley did research on it cigarretes do more harm than cannibis, another thing alcohol causes more problems than cannibis. Any medicine can be a drug as long as user abuses it and takes it when he or she doesn't have a medical need.

17:02:09 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Excelsior:

Berkley did research on it cigarretes do more harm than cannibis, another thing alcohol causes more problems than cannibis. Any medicine can be a drug as long as user abuses it and takes it when he or she doesn't have a medical need.

23:23:44 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Verminard V:

Marihuana can make you post two or three time the same thread =D

23:38:52 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Twamao:

if you're on dope mr huo, dont encourage people to do so by posting those so called good effects of marijuana.  for your information, amphetamines are more commonly used in the medical field than your marijuana.  I even have amphetamine-derived medications in my home.  And you can use other legal medication to achieve those effects.

23:47:07 Aug 29th 06 - Mr. Twamao:

and please NEVER encourage anyone to do drugs. this is found in your so called essay:

But in my opinion I think that the Pros out weight the cons of using cannabis for medicinal purposes. There is no risk of Overdosing on Cannabis and smoking it doesnt cause any real physical or psychological dependence on the drug. There is a slight possibility of minor withdrawal symptoms if it is smoked to excess on a regular basis, but they are very minor, nothing to serious to cause any serious harm. With all that in consideration, cannabis is a very effective method of relieving symptoms to a patient suffering long-term illnesses.

Irresponsible key points:
1. no risk of overdosing
2. doesnt cause any real physical or psychological dependence
3. slight possibility of minor withdrawal symptoms even if smoked in huge amounts

those are simply irresponsible

03:32:42 Aug 30th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

ARe they heck...

 1)the only overdose is known as "white Deathing" whoch is not fatal it just makes you feel like *beep* " the word overdosing in this context is on a fatal kinda rerm like whne heroin addicts overdose

2) it doesnt..

3) there arent any physical withdrawal sypmtoms

06:26:38 Aug 30th 06 - Sir Stormcrow:

Would have to agree with twamao on most of his points. We can all argue until we're blue in the face about the pros and cons of marijuana use, of which there are several valid arguments for both.

But as a fourth year student who is receiving (among other things;) specialized training as a  drug abuse counselor, i wanted to point one thing out that some have failed to mention, that marijuana is called a "gateway" drug for a reason. I have met with and counseled many teens whose drug problems started by simply smoking pot.


(Edited by Sir Stormcrow 8/30/2006 6:27:19 AM)

06:36:15 Aug 30th 06 - Mr. Verminard V:

Totally true Stormcrow, the problem is not Cannabis Sativa after all, is what comes next.

11:30:06 Aug 30th 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

Myth: Marijuana is a gateway drug--it leads to harder drugs.
The U.S. government's own statistics show that over 75 percent of all Americans who use marijuana never use harder drugs. The gateway-drug theory is derived by using blatantly-flawed logic. Using such blatantly-flawed logic, alcohol should be considered the gateway drug because most cocaine and heroin addicts began their drug use with beer or wine--not marijuana.

13:26:17 Aug 30th 06 - Mr. Huo Yuanjia:

It all depends on the strength of character...

if you have a weak character then yes the chances are it may lead to stronger drugs....BUT with a weak character the chances are that if somebody offers a stronger more dangerous drug to you that you will accept it...

personally i have a strong character and yes i smoke dope occasionally and i get offered pills etc when i go into clubs and stuff but i just say no i dont do that kinda stuff.

at the  end of the day only you can let it be a gateway drug or not

(Edited by Mr. Huo Yuanjia 8/30/2006 1:26:45 PM)

20:41:34 Aug 30th 06 - Sir Stormcrow:

Actually, I want to recant something about my above post and point out something Huo said. I realize that I had made an indirect generalization of all pot users, a cardinal sin in my book. I apologize.

Huo is right, not all pot users go on to worse drugs. Many do, but there also many who dont.

Also want to mention how impressed I am with chaps like Twamao and Huo for carrying on a logical and civil debate and not resorting to childish name calling like some players I know of;)

20:50:35 Aug 30th 06 - Admiral Krum:

I disagree when people say pot is a gateway drug. Most smoke cigarettes before they smoke pot, they also drink beer before they smoke pot. So I would think cigarettes and alcohol are the real gateway drugs.

...or you can say salt or sugar or caffeine is a gateway drug.

04:38:43 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Twamao:

i am in the medical field.  and we are evidenced based.  we use experiments (sadly) and statistics.  statistics is a case to case basis.  Marijuana CAN be a gateway drug.  the important word there is CAN.  like in a battle in VU you CAN win, and you CAN lose also.  Marijuana CAN be a gateway and also CAN NOT be a gateway.  But most history of patients who uses higher level drugs have history of taking marijuana.  What was done to make that generalization was a Case Control type of study.  It was a study done backwards. meaning you ask all patients hooked with higher level drugs and figure something that are similar in their history.  and most of them started by using marijuana. 

When you say that marijuana is NOT a gateway drug, you are using a Case Series type of study.  this is where you follow those who uses marijuana and make a conclusion on what they end up.

What they failed to mention was marijuana is hallucinogenic.  Luckily, marijuana effects are shorter in duration than other drugs. 

I am Basing all my argument from this book:  Basic and Clinical Pharmacology by Katzung.  My message to everyone:  please read a reliable book first before deciding as this are evidenced based and not opinionated.  Internet articles are most of the time opinionated and can be deceiving.  Some truths are distorted.

"Also want to mention how impressed I am with chaps like Twamao and Huo for carrying on a logical and civil debate and not resorting to childish name calling like some players I know of;)"

you dont call us chaps mister!  you god damn SOB.  you f$cking biatch.  lol :)

(Edited by Mr. Twamao 8/31/2006 4:42:33 AM)

05:15:30 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Quixote:

this is just a real sick joke that you just dont get till you hear the end of it..LOL

that last post Twamao just made me laugh like  i just finished one big spliff

P.S. wasnt laughn at the points of argument though...i just luv readin the side comments evryone leaves after stating their point...


05:29:33 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Quixote:

    weed can be bad, but its mostly on the person..alcohol basically does the same thing but how come its legal? And what about cigarettes? - corect me if im wrong but i never read anyone mentioning anything good about cigarettes (unlike alcohol and dope)- so how come cigarettes are legal?

was it Lincoln who mentioned sumthng about prohibition being a toothless dog? (im not american btw) thats what happened with alcohol before they decide to regulate it...weed has been prohibited for the longest time and yet remains to be there and accessible...and im pretty sure the plant and the trade thereof will remain.

I say it'll be better to legalize it and have the govmnt regulate it like alcohol and tobacco rather than leave the trade to local thugs and gangsters...heck we can even generate Jobs and taxes with hemp industry :)

but in the sam way i agree with Twamao that the use should never be encouraged or endorsed :)

my 2 cents....

07:00:29 Aug 31st 06 - Sir Stormcrow:

you dont call us chaps mister!  you god damn SOB.  you f$cking biatch.  lol :)

LOL. When I first read this I admit that I was getting pissed at you until I read my remark about not namecalling and realized that you were being fecetious:P

Internet articles are most of the time opinionated and can be deceiving.  Some truths are distorted.

A VERY important thing for anyone to remember. Why internet resources has been banned by one of my teachers this semester:P

(Edited by Sir Stormcrow 8/31/2006 7:01:46 AM)

10:15:11 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Twamao:

i called you names stormcrow, dont ignore me. CALL ME NAMES!!

10:21:37 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Twamao:

mr quixote,
     alcohol and tobacco are legal because they are not hallucinogenic. they are bad to health also. 
im sure you have heard that drinking alcohol in moderation (2 beers per day) decreases the risk of heart diseases. YES, that is very true, according to studies this decreases the levels of LDL or your bad cholesterol and thus decreases plaque formation in your blood vessels.   BUT, they didnt mention that it is harmful to the liver. so what good is your heart when your liver is damaged? 

14:34:22 Aug 31st 06 - Admiral Krum:

But most history of patients who uses higher level drugs have history of taking marijuana.

OMG...These statements are absurd....

You may find out they had a history of eating candy before taking marijauna, oh, and a history of breathing oxygen too. This is completely ludicrous! Do you not believe nicotine can be a gateway drug? Or alcohol? Those 2 drugs are used way before anyone does pot.

15:00:36 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

What all you people dont get is - the bad thing about mary jane isnt that shes "physically harmful". Thats all exaggerated statements. No. The real danger comes from the side effects. It makes you laaaaazy. No clean flat. No good job. No interest in general life, art ect.

Lets just say it like this. I feel much better since i stopped. And im no *beep*, i did it for 15 years. I was basically working, going home, playing & smoking, going to bed. And i got very stressed and aggressive towards even the smallest stress&criticism (someone mentioned that above.). My pals were the same.

Then i admitted to myself that i just cant deal with it. The psychological addiction was too high (...)

1. I have to add that im smoking cigarettes for 15 years also, but there i have no problem smoking not. I can not smoke for weeks without any problems and sometimes i think the addiction came from the fact that i had the feeling i "want to smoke now"  cuz i lacked of simply nicotine - but thats just a theory)

2. You might call me a weakling, others might not have the problems i had stopping it but i have to do whats best for ME. Others have problems with smoking tobacco - i dont (see above)


Since i stopped it, im active, i do sports blah blah blah you got me already...

I started once again for 3 months cuz i thought i can deal with it now and immediately my life quality was reducing drastically again so i stopped again.

And when i look at my old pals that didnt quit smoking MJ... Well they sit in their flats most day, most of them dont have a proper job or at least problems in it, their flats are dirty like rat holes and if you rely on them meeting you somewhere... lol.

I think you got me.




You might laugh about me, call me a weakling or that the 15 years of smoking brainwashed me ( My IQ is still around 125 - not stupid internet tests - doctors test). I dont care. I just state the truth and i dont have problems stating weaknesses of me, cuz i know youre all not better ;P At least im powerful enough to speak the truth, even if unpleasant. And perhaps just one person reads this and realizes parallels between us and perhaps acts.

Im not telling that its a general bad thing - I for myself couldnt deal with it. so its at least "dangerous" and you guys who are still smoking... watch out for yourselves.

15:18:12 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

Mr dwarflinger, You cant say thats true for everyone. I have been smoking pot since I was 11 yrs old. Yet I managed to get my masters in chemical engineering, and my BA in electrical engineering. Played on my highschool football/baseball teams. My 6 years after high school, I went to every class, or study session stoned.It just seemed to help me focus, as I have always been kind of a daydreamer.

My job requiers random drug tests, I pass every one, I am in the middle of quitting now(just for a month). Pot is more of a habit than addicting, and like any habit, everyone has a different way of handling it.

Some of the things a few of you pass of as fact is completly nuts. Know your facts before you jump into a debate.

15:30:50 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

I stated that what i said might not apply for everyone - didnt I? Here i copy and paste it extra for you:

2. You might call me a weakling, others might not have the problems i had stopping it but i have to do whats best for ME. Others have problems with smoking tobacco - i dont (see above)

15:43:06 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

And here again:

Im not telling that its a general bad thing - I for myself couldnt deal with it.

I also went to school, graduation, job, ect. stoned and i also did it, some things even excellent. But its just easier without. But you need to spend some time without to realise it. And i dont mean you specially.

But just one question. Why are you "in the middle of quitting"? If its no addiction and easy to stop.. why not just stop .. why is there a "process of stopping" (like smoking cigarettes which are proven to be addictive). And why even think about a "process of stopping" when you just could not do it for one month? I wasnt going to disco/club for a month, but i didnt tell anyone "Im in the middle of stopping to go to disco/club for one month". Dont get this wrong...

15:52:23 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

Admiral Krum

8/31/2006 2:34:22 PM
But most history of patients who uses higher level drugs have history of taking marijuana.

OMG...These statements are absurd....


Yes.. Its like this japanese scientific research that kids that use handys early in their life are generally more intelligent.

Id rather say kids who are generally more intelligent are able to use handys earlier in their life.

Its just a matter of perception.

15:56:59 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Larry Flynt:

I missed that part of your post, my fault for reading to quickly.

I was just stating my experience thats all, not saying yours was wrong. I know people who are like you. I also got friends who ended up crackheads and in prison. Alot of it has to do with upbringing, and your own ablity to handle yourself  and your choices.

I should say taking a break, and not quitting. I am coming off a vacation from work, and need to get back into the swing of things. Also, drug tests coming up, and id rather beat them clean than with chemical aids.

I personally feel the human mind is what causes the addictions, both mental, and physical. Mind over matter is alot more than just a saying, but thats for another time and place.

16:30:03 Aug 31st 06 - Sir Xiax:

One in four people going on to use harder drugs after smoking pot is a lot.

What percentage of people do you think goes on to harder drugs after drinking? 5%? Maybe 6%?

I'm just saying that you guys seeming to just disregard the fact that 25% of people smoking pot does go on to harder drugs. If I said a diesease had a 25% fatality rate wouldn't that be like the next pandemic of the world?

16:41:39 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Dwarflinger:

The point is you are just re-stating something you read. You dont know it. Its no fact. Its something someone wrote. Its as much proof as saying in a commercial "Our toothpaste is the best - watch this graphical display as proof"

Larry and me WERE living in that world. WE KNOW IT. And its a typical statistical lie. It gets turned around. All drug abusers started with MJ. That has nothing to do with that if youre using it you will be a drug abuser.

Every Killer in court states he had a "bad childhood". Does that mean everyone who has a bad childhood becomes a killer ?

16:45:22 Aug 31st 06 - Sir Xiax:

You say Larry lives in that world but Larry also gave that statistic. Besides 25% is not "EVERY".

16:46:12 Aug 31st 06 - Admiral Krum:

One in four people going on to use harder drugs after smoking pot is a lot.

Yep, my 15 years of pot smoking experience means nothing compared to your statistics of those people who only read about pot. Oh and all of my friends and family who smoke pot will all end up the same way. Even though they've been smoking for over 15 years as well, I'm sure at some point your statistics about us doing harder drugs will be true....maybe in another 15 years?


16:51:45 Aug 31st 06 - Mr. Twamao:

i based my arguments from medical books, journals and articles and these are evidenced based. 

a 25% fatality rate in my opinion would not be a pandemic. 

16:52:09 Aug 31st 06 - Sir Xiax:

Does smoking pot somehow make you an expert on the subject of the general trend of people who smoke pot? I'm just quoting someone else who smokes pot. Even if you and your familt and friends don't move on to harder drugs that doesn't mean another family and friends won't either.

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