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Battle and interlect
16:18:28 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might tells his men to start a huge forest fire near Romus's fort. After the fire is finished he tells them to pour salt all over Romus's lands.*

"There goes all his production..."

[You saw we pouring the salt but not lighting the fire.]

18:20:35 Jan 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{I have some woodcutters and farmers out right now... My wall is just a bunch raised dirt... Not bad but easy to swarm.}

"Revenge! Hold our fort's, I go to hunt some barbarians.
Men! Forward!"

Erunion's force advances towards the barbarian lands, the cavalry and some of the more agile troops acting as scouts.
{FYI, my scouts have horns in case someone tries to ambush them. They also stay close together.}

18:21:51 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Did we get our reward yet?]

18:34:30 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

oh, yeah..

You recieve:

50 gold coins

50 tree

one skill level in cunning

18:48:50 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Sweet Thanks. Also just noticed about the woodcutting so I have just 50 wood, not 90k  :(  ]

*Wraithish orders a Home to be built for some peasents to move in. He also wanders around, watching his men spar. He then selects 50 of his stealthiest men to go steal from Might. (Do I have to write what happens?)

2k helping Romus

2k sparring

850 building the home (I take it that your soldiers build the Home)

100 patrolling*

[I spend my starter money on a level in cunning so my levels are

Lvl 0 Morale

Lvl 2 Cunning

Lvl 0 Reasoning

I have 20 gold left.]

18:50:10 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Just figured out problem.... The others are going to know I was the one stealing. :S ]

18:53:14 Jan 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Building a wall, and woodcutting with whoever can. (I have a farm or two already with houses, right?)

18:53:29 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Also, (Sorry for all the sudden suggestions  =P) do cavalry and archers train in Barracks or will you make separate buildings for them?]

18:58:16 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

once again I find a need to add to how we play the game. I think I will make a guide to battle and intellect [spelt right] like with the place. anyway, below is another part of the guide:


need something new? maybe a particular weapon of another player has taken your fancy? want it? here is how to get it:

1) post the fact that you are going to attack that player

2) post how you steal it

3) let the person being stolen from react

4) react again

continue like this reacting to each other, then after a while I will decide upon whether the item was stolen or not. if the thief is not successful, then they must hand over ten gold to the person they were going to steal from. if they get caught and do not have ten gold, then they die, as they are turned in and get hanged.

Hostage taking:

if you are looking for some extra money, or rescources, a good way is to take a hostage. you can take hostage someone elses general, that person themselves. to get them back, or free themselves, they must pay whatever fee the hostage taker wants

to take a hostage follow the same rules as for thieving.

19:06:55 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Oh. Ok. Can the first steal have no penalty so we test it out? ;))

*Wraithish orders 50 troops to come with him towards Might's Kingdom. They reach the Kingdom safely and he sees Might's General go off hunting on his own. Then Wraithish orders his men to come with him and they follow him into the forest. They set up an ambush and catch him unaware. They tie him up and send a note to Might.

If he wants his general he will have to pay 10 gold (I'm being cheap, Might). He will have to come to an unused quarry outside of the Kingdom with not more than 5 soldiers in 24 hours or less. Wraithish then goes into hiding with 4 groups of guards consisting of 5 soldiers each covering all the entrances to the hiding place. (Not the quarry) He also sends 3 soldiers as lookout to the quarry to warn him when Might gets there. *

19:11:29 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

no the first cant be a test wraithish. I dont see how it could go wrong, you either win or you lose.

19:13:14 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Ok lol. I go ahead with my plan anyways =P]

19:14:26 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:


what is the most effective medieval weapon in your thinking?!

state the weapon anddetail its advantages over the other debators weapons of choice.

reward: 20 gold

[[OCC: wraithish, you cannot participate as you are in hiding.]]

19:23:31 Jan 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

The longbow.

19:24:42 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:



19:27:45 Jan 22nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

First off, it's range.

A sword has to get close to kill, a lance too. A crossbow is shorter ranged than a longbow (and takes forever to fire, too.).
With a longbow, you can kill a large number of enemy troops before they even get close, and then you could use other weapons to chase away the few pathetic survivors. The longbow is very, very powerful. During the battle of agincourt, there were reports of an arrow passing through the (armoured) thigh of a knight then through the horse's body to stick into the persons other leg.
A good english longbowman could fire 20 arrows per minute, and with good arrows these would pass through chain mail (which was the main armour used until the 15th century) easily and kill or seriously maim the soldier.

19:31:04 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[I wasnt going to anyway... Erunion picked my weapon :(  ]

19:41:42 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

thankyou Erunion..

you may add to that at anytime. please copy and paste what you have already done so by the end we have your full summary.

20:33:45 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Hurry up, Might. I want to take your money and participate in the debate before it closes!!  =P]

20:34:58 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

lol wraithish

by saying that you have now made might wait

might has 48hours to respond

20:35:35 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Might wonders when he picked a general....]

*Might sends a letter to Wraithish.*

    Dear Wraithish,
    This "General" that you have found is a fake. I would have told you but I thought that you needed some fresh diseases. Taa Taa!

    Your "Friend"
                      Lord Might

[In other words you and your friends just caught a disease that is contagious! Also, I never had a general.]

20:35:52 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[I am such an *beep*   >_<]

20:37:18 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Firstly, since when is idi0t rude? -_-

And secondly doesnt everyone have a general??]

20:39:05 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Firstly, I am my own General...

Secondly, I am training officers so even if you took my "General" I could easily replace him!]

*Might tells his men to go out in froups of 300 to get tree and stone to build a wall. He tells the rest to start the wall.*

20:39:07 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

not if you did not specify that.

and might, he couldnt have caught a disease, I havent added them to the game yet

20:40:49 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[So we don't have to worry about sickness? {It was also a hint to add biological warfare!}]

20:42:02 Jan 22nd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Oh darn. For next time then.....  :S

At least I'm not diseased =P]

*Wraithish kills the hostage and creeps back to his Kingdom. Can I participate in the debate now? Technically I didnt lose the hostage situation and neither did he...*

00:53:29 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Romus The II:

im srry might but when in history has an army poured salt to kill anothers countrys land? and when did you get salt in the first place? also about the fire my lands were still soaked from the heavy rains of the wet seson. its a shame thy your men couldent tell. now i lead my battle proven solders that have destroyed the Gianin coalition and ravaged their army on the field. I would like to see how our field battle turns out, thats if you have the balls to show on the field.

01:07:05 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Romus The II:

this is what i have building

 2 houses 15 gold 60 wood

1 wall 30 gold 50 wood

my people fish for food so i dont need a farm to feed them "how many ppl will 1 house hold? "i think it shoudl be like 1 houseing complex".

i have 5 gold and 70 wood left.

01:54:53 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Romus.... The romans salted the Carthaginians lands....

Salt is near the beach. Wow?

When did you say it was in the wet season? You didn't say anything about the weather. Sorry.

07:26:58 Jan 23rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Yes Might. Huge army of troops, unnoticed, goes to the beach and searches through it for enough salt to completely salt 1000's of acres of land. This is all done in 1 day. (Correct) Somehow your troops, in one day, developed the expertise to go onto a beach, get a HUGE amount of salt (which probably isn't there, either...) and then salt a massive patch of land.
Wow! What 1337 ski11z!

15:33:02 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[I will help you Romus]

*Wraithish continues with the sparring and send the 15 peasents to cut wood. He also builds another house using up the last of his wood.

2k helping Romus

2.9k sparring

100 patrolling

15 peasants woodcutting*

My levels are;

Lvl 0 Morale

Lvl 2 Cunning

Lvl 0 Reasoning

I have;

2 Houses

[I have 20 gold left and 0 wood]

15:35:02 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

In the debate I go with the Halberd for a number of reasons.


--> Halberd
-Longer reach compared to Swords
-Long reach meant more power could be delivered with every blow
-Excellent for dismounting cavalry because of the hook at the end and the long reach
-Good for close range combat
-Often used by court bodyguards
-Cheap and easy to manufacture
-Easy to use


--> Longbows
-Need years of experience to be effective
-Need upper body strength
-Very hard to penetrate the well-made steel armour used mainly after the 1400s, even with bodkin arrows
-Unsuited to Hand-to-Hand Combat (He said "most effective medieval weapon" not soldier)
-Vulnerable to Cavalry charges
-Best used defensively, not offensively because they needed protection (Stakes)
-Inaccurate at Long range
-In the long run, injures the archer and causes "bone spurs"

16:43:56 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might tells his men to make a blockade in the roads connecting Romus and Wraithish so taht they can't trade with eachother. He then sends out 200 of his best men to kill Romuses men as they leave to go look for food/equipment. Secretly....*

[Vengence you decide if it works.]

[Erm....Revenge A little help here?]

16:46:11 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Could you describe the blockade exactly? I want to see the best way to burn it down  =P]

16:48:49 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*The blocade is a bunch of logs piled on eachother with metal plating.... With archers ready to shoot through slits and pikes sticking up from the ground. It also has a large tower covered with wet leather to scout for incoming parties. The garrison is 400 men.*

[Can't be burned.... Sorry!}

16:52:34 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[And where did you get metal plates from? I must be soo annoying  =P]

17:12:54 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

[Might: you do not magically have metal plates. you must buy them. from the market. below is the markets guide. and for the log blockade it cost 25 wood. do you have that much?]

The market:

In the market you can say things you would like, and I will set a price for them. other players can also sell excess rescources.



to make a block, you must have 25 wood

to make one, say the position and size. if it is a large block a small sum of gold may be required also, to pay the people who built it

17:17:25 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Im sorry maybe you should tell me when you are going to magically add a market... And I don't need to pay soldiers to build a fort. All I need to do it pay them their weekly wages. Also I have huge amounts of wood sense I have stopped building....]

17:20:04 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

[[and when exactly did you send your men to collect wood? and i added the market because it was necessary to keep the items people have in check, I dont want a load of siege towers suddenly turning up.]]

17:21:42 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

[Whatever.... Wood burns beautifully. No metal though  =P]

*Wraithish is informed about the blockade. He looks at it from a distance and gives his soldiers orders... *

17:58:05 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Well Vengence My people should be doing it sense I built a market. AND people do have jobs? Right now im just confused...]

17:59:25 Jan 23rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Might, my men are not Elves, as I don't believe elves are in this game. However, I have 5000 men trained with longbows. (Not much training, I know, but enough.) At this range, which is around 50-100 metres, a flight of arrows from longbows would massacre a force, arms and legs would be destroyed by the force of the arrow, and one shot to the body would murder someone. As they do not have heavy plate armour, only the few who had shields would be safeish, and they would still be facing flights of arrows from either side.}

The longbow is a better weapon than the Halberd.
The Halberd has to get close to it's target to be effective, a large group of halberdier would all be slain by an equally large group of longbowmen before they even got close. In self defense, a longbow would allow for a second weapon to be used, and even if such were not available, would still be effective as a quarterstaff. The heavy plate armour favoured in the 15th century could hold off an arrow at range, but at close range it would be torn through, or a weak spot hit. This would be able to happen because the heavy plate armour costs a small fortune to make and make well, only very rich knights could afford it, making it a rare sight on the battlefield.

A halberd would also have a great deal of trouble against such armour, equal to or greater than that experienced by a longbow. A longbow would be able to get two shots (at least) off against a mounted one of these knights, and 9-10 against a dismounted one. The mounted knights horse would likely be shot out from under him, giving the longbowman another good 5-6 shots against him, one of which is bound to either pierce the armour or find a weak spot/joint.
The Halberd on the other hand would be fighting one on one, as it would be little longer than the lance favoured by the mounted knight, and easily turned aside by a dismounted knights shield.

18:01:30 Jan 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge's population is at maximum, he decides to make more homes and some vacant 'shops'
He also gets going on building a market and a wall between his and Erunion's forts

18:14:50 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Erunion, Longbows require arrows.]

18:17:08 Jan 23rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

After a brief campaign of ambushes, Erunion's force came across a walled town, and prepared for the attack. It was decided that the cavalry would hold the flanks, whilst the longbows went forward together in a single group. The scouts had been deployed around the town to make sure word did not escape.
A herald came forth from Erunion's force, and called out;
"Surrender! Ye dare not face us in the field, so cower behind thy walls and wave a white flag of peace!"
The barbarian chieftain was enraged by the cry and gathered all of his troops outside the town.
This matter was, naturally, most pleasing to Erunion. It meant that the two simple ladders that had been made in the forest would not have to be used. The force of 2000 barbarians were lathered into a rage by their warlord, and charged at the first hint of his command.
A flight of arrows arced up into the air, with another coming up before the first made contact. Three more volleys followed until the horribly mauled barbarian horde drew near to Erunion's lines. One final volley delivered at point blank range nearly finished off the horribly mauled barbarians. Only those protected by large shields managed to make it to Erunion's lines, where they were promptly dispatched by the swords, mallets and maces used by the longbowmen.
The civilian leader of the town quickly surrendered, and the place was garrisoned by Erunion's forces.

{Vengeance, I'm considering moving my and Revenge's forces to this town I just captured as it's only across a forest from where we are. Would this be possible?
And Revenge, would you like this?}

18:19:32 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

Halberds were made specifically to dismount horsemen and knights. They use the "thorn" on the backside to pull horsemen off their horses and kill them while on the ground. The halberds could also use the 'axe' side to deliver a mortal blow to the knight. Besides this, an expert halberdier is just as, if not more, lethal than experts with other weapons and would have a better chance against a dismounted knight with a shield than a longbowman.

Also they need significantly less training to be wielded efficiently than longbows.

Besides this, halberds would not have as much problems against Plate armour as longbows since the length causes alot of power to be exerted. If the armour didnt crack then it would injure the soldier underneath, bruising skin and possibly cracking bones.

If halberdiers came against longbowmen with ideal armour for both then I believe the longbowmen would lose because;

  • Longbows are ineffective and inaccurate at longrange
  • When they got closer, the armour would protect the halberdier, meybe bruising his skin but almost definitely not piercing the skin, even if bodkin arrows (larger arrowheads) were used
  • Halebrdiers would massacre a longbowman in hand-to-hand combat since they have the advantage of distance and power. The halberdiers could stab with the pike at the top of the weapon or slash with the axe.

18:19:44 Jan 23rd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

[[It would be possible, but would take time. during that time you would be vunerable to attack. would take five hours.]]

18:21:09 Jan 23rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Err, yes Might? What relevance to the conversation does that have? The debate? Or my forces? Arrows would be considered part of the longbow in the debate, and when I asked for the longbows for my men as a reward I also asked for the arrows to go with them... And of course, if possible, my men are making more on the march. With a knife and some wood from a forest (IE branches/etc.) you can easily make an arrow. It wouldn't have a head and you would need to find feathers, but it would still kill a man without metal armour easily.}

18:28:07 Jan 23rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

On the debate,

A longbow can penetrate armour as well or better than a halberd.
A good english yew longbow has between on average a 120 pound-160 pound draw weight. Some have been known (from that period) to have 180 pound draw weights. That means that at short to medium distance, you are having 150 (approx) pounds of pressure being exerted (this is with an armour piercing arrow; the arrowhead is no larger than the arrow body at the back, and tapers off to a point) at SINGLE POINT that is about 10mm in diameter at tops. This is HUGE.
Compare this to a halberd, you have a fairly wide point being delivered with maybe 80-100 pounds of pressure.

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