Forums / Roleplaying / Prominence

14:59:29 Jun 20th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 10
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 23
Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 5000
Pay: 10400
Items:  Medal of Valnus, 2 Medals of Seron, Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Medal of Orcbane, Medal of Venificus.

*Killer espies a highwayman killing a merchant mercilessly. He walks out in front of him, sword in hand. "You had no need to kill the merchant. You have no concept of stealth. If you wish, you may join my guild, at the moment we have a few score in various areas. You will be provided with food and weapons, if possible." He then continues on, wondering if the man will bother. He pays five thousand, eight hundred gold to buy food for the guild, and also to buy weapons, sword, bows and shields. He decides that will be the last of the money he will spend on the guild, as it is more than capable of buying its own food, whatever about weapons. He decides that he will train in the ways of smithing soon.*

19:13:15 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: I've had the races planned out for a long while, but I'll put in some of your ideas. :-D

Orcs - In their native land of Olok, the orcs are all that remain. Fierce deserts and mountain ranges force the orcs into becoming the best footmen available. However, they hold no honor, but it was not always so. King Foruk Gro-Eskluk once ruled fairly, and the Olok was a land of honorable and fair warriors. But good things never last long, General Uzzar Gro-Avak exiled the king to the harshest mountain range to live in exile, and slowly, due to a pour economy, their spirits suffered, and they evolved into the warmongering orcs known today.
Height: 7-9 feet.
Lifespan: 300-400 years; Because of their very distant relation to the Elves, they have longer life than humans.
Natural magical skill: Hardly any, the ones with magical skill are taken to become shamans.
Natural melee skill: They are among the greatest natural warriors on the planet.
Natural archery skill: On par with humans.

Snake-men/Serpentians - On the continent of Ursan, the snake-men fight with the goblin tribes for control. King Ula Var rules his kingdom well, but he has a short temper, and when he is angered, he completes his goals by any means necessary. The snake-men fight with light weapons, usually katanas with wakizashis as side-arms.
Height: Fully stretched: 10 feet
Regular height: 5 - 6 feet
Lifespan: 150-200 years
Natural magical skill: On par with humans
Natural melee skill: Faster, but a little weaker than humans.
Natural archery skill: On par with humans

Monkey-Men - The graceful monkey-men of To'Mun have little government, and roam their continent free of constraint. They enjoy climbing the trees and playing. But, when angered, they are fierce enemies, they can turn from loveable monkeys to apes over ten feet tall in a matter of seconds. A massive army of elite orc troops once went in to conquer To'Mun, only one hundred returned, and fifty later died of injuries.
Height: Ape form: 10-13 feet
Monkey form: 4 feet
Lifespan: 40-60 years
Natural melee skill: On par with, if not greater, than orcs.
Natural magic skill: They have good potential, but they lack the concentration to use it.
Natural archery skill: They have no knowledge of bows, they instead use javellins or blowguns.

Goblins: Smaller versions of orcs, they fight skillfully with clubs and other blunt objects, they armor themselves with leather. They make up for their lack of tactical skill with numbers, preferring to send a flood of goblins over their enemies. They constantly fight with the Serpentians over control of the continent.

Antarctic humans - The humans of Eskaal are among the greatest wariors on the planet, the ice protects their lands from enemy ships, and the cold weather usually does the rest, and if not, they destroy their enemies.
Height: 6 - 6 1/2"
Lifespan - 70-80 years average.
Natural melee skill: They are great warriors.
Natural archery skill: They dislike using bows, preferring to fight the enemies when they see the whites of their eyes.
Natural magic skill: They are good with destruction based magical spells, but not much else.

High Elves - The fair high elves of Linthsos are, without a doubt, the greatest natural mages on the planet. Most are trained to a veteran level before they reach adulthood, which, for an elf, is fifty years old. Their King, Aevon Silverscar, is a master mage and a kind ruler.
Height: 5-6 feet.
Lifespan: 900-1000 years.
Natural magical skill: The best on the planet.
Natural melee skill: The worst on the planet.
Natural archery skill: On par with humans.

Wood elves - The short but flexible wood elves of the Gogroneen forest are quick runners and good archers, they can also use magic with skills on par with humans. They are under the rule of the high elves.
Height: 4-5 feet
Lifespan: 900-1000 years
Natural magical skill: On par with humans.
Natural melee skill: Second worst on the planet, second only to high elves.
Natural archery skill: They are the greatest archers on the planet.

Dark Elves - The dark skinned folk of Su'Ren are the most able battlemages out there, better than humans in both melee combat and magic, they lack only skills in archery. They typically use scimatars in battle and are led by King Uvaron Dakwood.
Height: 5-6 feet.
Lifespan: 900-1000 years
Magical skill: Quite a bit better than humans, average is journeyman level.
Melee skill: Quite a bit better than humans, average is veteran level.
Archery skill: A little worse than humans.]]

19:27:32 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[I thought elves were immortal to dying of old age and illness -.- and I thought they were tall as in 6ft or taller...well....its made up anyways ☺]

19:29:44 Jun 20th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

The second Trade galleon is finished, and Erunion sends it, with it's Brig of War, to open up trade in Ernie's lands.

The wedding ceremony goes well, with both the bride and the groom glowing with happiness. After the ceremony, Erunion escorts his bride into their chambers.

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Prominence Points: 26
Titles: Blademaster, Duke of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 24

Spouse: Duchess Helena Telcontar Skills: Journeyman Magic, Veteran mathematics, Journeyman Reading
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Expert.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Veteran

Brig of War "Trendarat."
Brig of War "Ashienderai"
Trade Galleon, "Sea bird"
Trade Galleon, "Flying Fish"

Under Construction:

Brig of War, 1/2

Occupation: Duke, Guildmaster (three houses). Commands 4000 troops + the Ducal garrison.
Pay: 23000
Gold: 14500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility. Full elven armour.
Name: Tolhas Verilon; Swordsman. Name: Janas Toleron; Engineer. Name: Menhas Toleron; Longbowman. Name: Elbert Instein; Scientist. Name: Jameus Hescornan; Scholar. Name: Helornas Hescornan; Scholar, Aeneias Irator; Magi.


{Septim, I'm building another Brig which I'm going to send as an explorer. Are there any benefits to this, or just the opening of new markets?}

19:29:47 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Who says these are the LoTR Elves? :-P. And there is a limit on how many ships you can build at certain ranks, at Duke you can build five ships and one hundred landing crafts...and there really is no benifit...yet...and Erunion, ships take one day per 5k. So your brig of war should take three days, not two.]]

19:31:19 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Yeah ik =p Thats why i said its made up anyway]
[And Erunion how are you making those ships so damn fast!?] ☺

19:31:28 Jun 20th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

{There are many different types of elves, Ernie. The quintessential Tolkien elf will not die of natural causes, ever. Nor will they age past looking 30ish. They are the tall ones. Septim's decided to break that mold a little bit and make 'em shorter and less long-lived.}

19:34:06 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[shorter elves is a stereotype for children ☺ and can make elves anyway you want]

19:37:29 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Lord Erunion Telcontar


6/20/2008 11:29:44 AM

The second Trade galleon is finished, and Erunion sends it, with it's Brig of War, to open up trade in Ernie's lands.

The wedding ceremony goes well, with both the bride and the groom glowing with happiness. After the ceremony, Erunion escorts his bride into their chambers.

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Prominence Points: 26
Titles: Blademaster, Duke of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 24

Spouse: Duchess Helena Telcontar Skills: Journeyman Magic, Veteran mathematics, Journeyman Reading
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Expert.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Veteran

Brig of War "Trendarat."
Brig of War "Ashienderai"
Trade Galleon, "Sea bird"
Trade Galleon, "Flying Fish"

Under Construction:

Brig of War, 1/2

Occupation: Duke, Guildmaster (three houses). Commands 4000 troops + the Ducal garrison.
Pay: 23000
Gold: 14500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility. Full elven armour.
Name: Tolhas Verilon; Swordsman. Name: Janas Toleron; Engineer. Name: Menhas Toleron; Longbowman. Name: Elbert Instein; Scientist. Name: Jameus Hescornan; Scholar. Name: Helornas Hescornan; Scholar, Aeneias Irator; Magi.


{Septim, I'm building another Brig which I'm going to send as an explorer. Are there any benefits to this, or just the opening of new markets?}


20:18:01 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie wakes up and begins to write letters to several lords when a messenger runs in.  Duke!  Your wife is giving birth! Quickly!  Ernie ran to her room right as his wife finished giving birth to a second child.  The doctor turned to Ernie.  Congratulations!  You now have twins.  One boy and one girl.  Ernie walked over to his wife.  What shall we name them?  I was planning on naming our first son Charley,  but I did not expect a girl.  Caroline looked at him.  We shall name the girl Angelina.  Ernie took care of his wife for a little while longer before running off to do his duties.  He visited the guild of Oration and then went to the docks and paid the next installment of the construction.  He ordered the construction of a Trade Galleon(30000) and a Small Frigate (30000).  He then went to take care of his children before going to bed

Name: Duke Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Expert                                                                                
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Veteran
Mathematics: Journeyman
In Peace: Duke of Tasidian and Duchy and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 600 city guards + 500 Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 500gold/day
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 15000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds +6000 from Trade = 30000
Gold: 69000
RP Points: 25- Required for next level: 10
Ship Progress: Small Frigate - 2/3  complete 20000/30000 paid
Large Fluyt - 3/4 complete 15000/20000 paid
Small Frigate - 1/3 complete 10000/30000 paid
Trading Galleon - 1/3 complete 100000/30000 paid

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

20:21:47 Jun 20th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

While walking back from robbing a merchant, a bounty hunter wearing leather armor and holding a steel shortsword approaches Tharamon.

"Seron wants you dead boy...and I'm here to do it for them...", he says before attacking.

[[OOC: This is your skirmish...have fun...]]

00:46:35 Jun 21st 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

{I'd hoped someone would notice... Well, will exploring give me super-uber-cool bonuses? :P Or do I have to find out for myself. And how much of the world is know to the Seronians, and how much is covered in darkness. Do they think the world is square? What! So many questions... :P}

00:53:31 Jun 21st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: They know of the orcs and the goblins, but not the size of their continents, they know the Elves, and the Elves like to explore. The Elves have told them that the world is spherical and have given them some maps, but even the knowledge of the Elve's is limited. Exploring will not give you uber cool bonuses this early in the game, later you will be able to colonize...then there will be some bonuses.]]

09:33:54 Jun 21st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Duke Septim wakes up and eats breakfast with his wife, his son being fed by servants. He then went down and did his duties as Duke. Afterwards he gave his orders to the Guild of Scholars and went for a swim before teleporting to Erunion's castle to visit for a short while. Afterwards he visited his old trading partner, Ernie of Tasidian, and had a conversation with him, becoming a close friend of his. Septim then teleported back to Cidel and read before falling asleep.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Duke, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Spouse: Alessia Colvaine.
Age: 23
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 1
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Expert
Mathematics: Journeyman
Job: Duke
Pay: 23,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 15,000 for being Duke of Cidel.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 36,330
Brig of War - 2/3
Massive Galleon - 2/8
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 36330 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring, The Techniques of Vorsumar, Elven armor, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword, Mithril longsword with family crest.


Veteran Mathematics, Progress: 6 day out of 7]]

18:31:27 Jun 21st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Ive got three parties today so ill just post 3 hours early -.-]

Ernie woke up, kissed his wife, and then went to breakfast.  He ate the meal with his family and had servant feed Thomas and Angelina after attempting to himself and only getting food all over him.  He went to the shipwright and paid the final part of the ship construction and then the ships were turned over to him.  He sent the Small Frigate and Large Fluyt to Count Septim after having a conversation with him when he teleported over.(+4000 gold for us both) He then ordered another 500 troops to be added to the city garrison in preparation for future plans.  He expanded the barracks areas to hold the troops and then took some time to play with his children.  He then found out that his wife was pregnant again.  He accepted the news gladly and then went to sleep


Name: Duke Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Expert                                                                                
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Veteran
Mathematics: Journeyman
In Peace: Duke of Tasidian and Duchy and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 600 city guards + 1000 Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 1000gold/day
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 15000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds +10000 from Trade = 30000
Gold: 62,500
RP Points: 25- Required for next level: 10
Ship Progress:
Small Frigate - 2/3 complete 20000/30000 paid
Trading Galleon - 2/3 complete 200000/30000 paid
Large Fluyt - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate - Escorting Large Fluyt

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

02:50:52 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Tharaman:

Tharaman finished his classes at the Academy yesterday so he went and became a diplomat. Afterwards he bought himself some red meat, since when you have money one should live a classy life and went swimming before nodding off to bed.

[[Name: Tharaman Lindenshield
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Job: Diplomat | Seronian Reserve Soldier
Pay: 400
Gold: 715
Home: Shack


Fighting - Journeyman

Oration - Journeyman

Possessions:  Seronian iron longsword]]

15:41:38 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Tharaman:

[OOC: Didn't see that about a skirmish. I'll include that in todays post. Is that the only skirmish by the way or will there be more later?]

As Tharaman lied in bed he remembered yesterday when the bounty hunter attacked him. He wondered who had sent him, probably that Killer guy. He had an advantage due to having a longer sword but he had no armor so he fought defensivly most of the time. The fight had drawn on and on in no clear sight until the bounty hunter tripped and Tharaman had drove the blade into his neck.

He woke up, went to work some more and went swimming, at some red meat and went back to sleep.

[[Name: Tharaman Lindenshield
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Job: Diplomat | Seronian Reserve Soldier
Pay: 400
Gold: 1100
Home: Shack


Fighting - Journeyman

Oration - Journeyman

Possessions:  Seronian iron longsword]]

16:05:58 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 10
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 23
Spouse: Sortip

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Journeyman
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 1900
Pay: 10400
Items:  Medal of Valnus, 2 Medals of Seron, Elven armor, Elven barbute helmet, Elven bow, a quiver of Elven arrows, Elven round shield, Elven longsword, Medal of Orcbane, Medal of Venificus, Four bedroom house with kitchen.

*Killer takes a course in smithing. He buys a four bedroom house with kitchen. After, he sees the woman once more, her eyes seemed greyer than they had before. He boldly steps up to her, and asks who her father is, deciding it is the best way to get her hand in marriage. She replies that she has none, but sensing what he wishes, challenges him to a duel, and if he beats her, he may marry her. She whips out a razor-sharp rapier of mithril, along with a light oaken shield. Killer takes out his own sword from its sheath, but has no shield to hand. He easily knocks away the first strikes. The woman circles around him, and Killer lashes out with a flurry of attacks. Sword clashes with sword, and the tip is broken off of the rapier. 
             Still the woman fights on, using her shield skillfully, Killer cannot get past it. The rapier repeatedly hits against the elven sword, ringing in Killer's ears. The woman goes on the offensive, and Killer lazily blocks the swipes, serving only to anger her more. The sword becomes a blur, and it is all Killer can do to keep it from cutting him ear to ear. The rapier clashes with the longsword, the whole blade nearly breaks from the hilt of the rapier. It falls to the floor as the woman backs away. Killer assumes he is the winner, and steps up to shake hands, only to have to avoid a sweeping blow to the head from a battle-axe. The weapon is well-made, of steel and yew for the handle. She wields it as if it were no more heavy than a knife, and strikes with it quickly, smashing Killer's shield from his arm, breaking the handle. Killer is blinded with pain, and stumbles back. He lashes out with his sword once he regains his balance. It strikes the shield, cleaving it in two. He ducks under the battle-axe, as it swings wildly at his head, and brings his sword up, severing the wood from the steel of the battle-axe. The woman curses as her blade hits the ground. They shake hands. Killer takes her home to his newly-bought house.*

19:24:49 Jun 22nd 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

The Calumbass is completed, and sets sail due west, with a hundred soldiers on board, searching for new lands...

Meanwhile, Erunion discovers (to his great joy) that his wife is pregnant. He sees to the rest of his Ducal duties, then spends the rest of the day with his wife.

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Prominence Points: 26
Titles: Blademaster, Duke of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 24
Spouse: Duchess Helena Telcontar Skills: Journeyman Magic, Veteran mathematics, Journeyman Reading

Pregnant, 1/7

Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Expert.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Veteran
Brig of War "Trendarat."
Brig of War "Ashienderai"
Trade Galleon, "Sea bird"
Trade Galleon, "Flying Fish"
Brig Of War "Calumbass"
Occupation: Duke, Guildmaster (three houses). Commands 4000 troops + the Ducal garrison.
Pay: 23000
Gold: 14500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility. Full elven armour.
Name: Tolhas Verilon; Swordsman. Name: Janas Toleron; Engineer. Name: Menhas Toleron; Longbowman. Name: Elbert Instein; Scientist. Name: Jameus Hescornan; Scholar. Name: Helornas Hescornan; Scholar, Aeneias Irator; Magi.

23:29:21 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[....I have been at work all day and am going to my best friend's house for a ill just do todays post and tomorrows at the same time (sry but I cannot do it now...I gotta go fast)]

00:45:38 Jun 23rd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim does his duties for the day and names his new ship Cidel's Pride. He then finishes reading his book, eats, swims, and goes to bed.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Duke, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Spouse: Alessia Colvaine.
Age: 23
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 1
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Expert
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 23,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 15,000 for being Duke of Cidel.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 59,330
Brig of War - 2/3
Massive Galleon - 2/8
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 36330 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring, The Techniques of Vorsumar, Elven armor, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword, Mithril longsword with family crest.


Veteran Mathematics, Progress: 7 day out of 7 - Completed]]

03:56:28 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Ok cancel that -.-  the party that I was going to be at the longest got rained out (bonfire was planned to make it a latenight thing....a tad wet now) and ive tried posting this two times now but my power keeps shutting off -.-]

Ernie woke up and had breakfast with his family.  It still was the hardest thing he had to do as Duke.  He could handle arguments with lords and counts, but feeding the children seemed to be a challenge for him.  After cleaning himself off, he visited the docks and made the final payment for his two new ships.  He sent the new Trading Galleon to Erunion for trade and had the frigate escort it.  Ernie then took a class in veteran mathematics for 3000 gold before heading home and helping his wife with their kids for awhile and then going to bed.


Name: Duke Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Expert                                                                                
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Veteran
Mathematics: Veteran
In Peace: Duke of Tasidian and Duchy and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 600 city guards + 1000 Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 1000gold/day
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 15000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds +10000 from Trade = 36000
Gold: 74,500
RP Points: 25- Required for next level: 10
Ship Progress:
Small Frigate - 3/3 complete 30000/30000 paid
Trading Galleon - 3/3 complete 300000/30000 paid
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Caroline - Pregnant 2/7
Charley - Age 1
Angelina - Age 1

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

05:06:12 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Jonny Bacardi II:

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Bio: Jonny was born a poor boy to a farmer and his wife. As the youngest, he was often over looked, and spend much of his time exploring the woods. He found a town a few miles away, and started exploring there, getting to know many of the people. Soon, he reached eighteen, and went off seeking his own fortune, one way or another

17:50:53 Jun 23rd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim wakes up and eats breakfast, his son is fed by a servant, and he eats well. Septim then does his duties before taking a swim, he has Cidel's Pride sit in the harbor with no crew, so there is no upkeep. Septim then takes a swim before going to bed.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Duke, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Spouse: Alessia Colvaine.
Age: 23
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 1
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Expert
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 23,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 15,000 for being Duke of Cidel.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 82,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride
Massive Galleon - 4/8
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 82330 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring, The Techniques of Vorsumar, Elven armor, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword, Mithril longsword with family crest.


19:43:37 Jun 23rd 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

The ship from Ernie is welcomed by the Naergothrendarin port officials, who are more than happy to gain a further 3000 gold from trade.

Erunion himself sees to his wife and tells her the good news. He then spends the rest of the day working on magic and mathematics with her, particularly discussing fields where the two could be used in conjunction (Yes, we're the strange kind of couple who actually enjoy doing that kind of thing).

Meanwhile, the Calumbass spots land. The troops disembark, and warily search for any signs of civilization. The Calumbass itself sails around a bit and sees that they land on the westernmost island of a small archipelago.

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Prominence Points: 26
Titles: Blademaster, Duke of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 24
Spouse: Duchess Helena Telcontar Skills: Journeyman Magic, Veteran mathematics, Journeyman Reading
Pregnant, 2/7
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Expert.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Veteran
Brig of War "Trendarat."
Brig of War "Ashienderai"
Trade Galleon, "Sea bird"
Trade Galleon, "Flying Fish"
Brig of War "Calumbass"
Occupation: Duke, Guildmaster (three houses). Commands 4000 troops + the Ducal garrison.
Pay: 26000
Gold: 60500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility. Full elven armour.
Name: Tolhas Verilon; Swordsman. Name: Janas Toleron; Engineer. Name: Menhas Toleron; Longbowman. Name: Elbert Instein; Scientist. Name: Jameus Hescornan; Scholar. Name: Helornas Hescornan; Scholar, Aeneias Irator; Magi.

20:24:34 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 10
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 23
Spouse: Sortip

Pregnant 1/6

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Journeyman
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 12300
Pay: 10400

05:17:31 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Jonny Bacardi II:

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18

Soldier Academy: 1/2

05:31:09 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie woke up and kissed his wife on the cheek as he headed for breakfast.  He was spared the torture of having to feed the children, but he had to go straight to work.  He wrote some messeges to his lords before ordering the construction of a Sloop Of War for 7000 gold.  He made the full payment there.  He walked to the old man's house and spent the rest of the day learning expert magic for 90,000 gold.  He then went home and slept

Name: Duke Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Expert                                                                                
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Expert
Mathematics: Veteran
In Peace: Duke of Tasidian and Duchy and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 600 city guards + 1000 Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 1000gold/day
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 15000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds +10000 from Trade = 36000
Gold: 18,500
RP Points: 25- Required for next level: 10
Ship Progress: Sloop Of War - 1/2 Complete 7000/7000 Paid
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Caroline - Pregnant 3/7
Charley - Age 1
Angelina - Age 1

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

08:26:46 Jun 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim wakes up, does his dukely duties, swims, and eats before going to bed.

[[OOC: Sorry I couldn't be more detailed...don't have much time...]]

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Duke, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Spouse: Alessia Colvaine.
Age: 23
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 1
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Expert
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 23,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 15,000 for being Duke of Cidel.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 105,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride
Massive Galleon - 5/8
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 105330 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring, The Techniques of Vorsumar, Elven armor, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword, Mithril longsword with family crest.


14:56:57 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 10
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 24(must be by now)
Spouse: Sortip(23)

Pregnant 2/6

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Journeyman
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 22700
Pay: 10400

18:28:52 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Jonny Bacardi II:

Jonny got up and worked out. Then went to soldier school for the second day. He practiced with his standard issue short sword, and graduated that night.

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18

Soldier Academy: 2/2 (done)
Workout: 1/8

Standard Issue military sword

18:37:37 Jun 25th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie woke up.  It was a dreary day when he looked outside, but he headed to breakfast and kissed his wife goodmorning.  He then went to the guild of Oration and gave a talk to the other guild masters he placed there while he was working as a duke. 

He went to the shipwright and found that his Sloop-of-War was complete.  He then gave them the order to explore to the north of the continent of Ersos.  The ship set sail with its crew of sailors and 100 soldiers on board.

Ernie then went home and ate dinner with his family before going to bed.

Name: Duke Ernie
Titles: Lord of Tasidian, Count, Guildmaster of the Guilds of Oration, Duke, The Keen, The Swift
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Expert                                                                                
Oration: Master
Ranging: Master
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Expert
Mathematics: Veteran
In Peace: Duke of Tasidian and Duchy and guildmaster of Oration
Garrison: 600 city guards + 900 Soldiers
Soldier Upkeep - 1000gold/day
In wartime: Major: Fifth Archery Division(1000 Archers)
Pay: 15000 gold per day +9000 for Guilds +10000 from Trade = 36000
Gold: 54,500
RP Points: 25- Required for next level: 10
Ship Progress: Sloop Of War - 2/2 Complete 7000/7000 Paid
Large Fluyt(Starlight) - Trading with Septim
Small Frigate(Shield Of Seron) - Escorting Large Fluyt
Trading Galleon(Sunrise) - Trading with Erunion
Small Frigate(Blade Of Seron) -  Escorting Trading Galleon
Sloop Of War(Eyes Of Seron) - Exploring - 100 Soldiers/Explorers
Caroline - Pregnant [4/7]
Charley - Age 1
Angelina - Age 1

Companions- Thomas Conrad(Swordsman), Martin Feldir(Archer), John Christianson(Archer), Patrick Waldon(Swordsman), James Hunter(Archer), and Phillip Cashian(Swordsman)

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew bow, Elven bow, longsword, and armor, Medal of Vulnus(2), Medal of Seron(3), light chainmail armor with bracer, boots, coif, 20 Special Seronian Arrows, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Ring of Lordship, Lordship Crown, Medal of Erus, and Medal of Signum(2)

19:56:27 Jun 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: Wait a minute...I need to change my gold. You've been trading with me and I havn't even known it! You've been trading with me for around four days, so four times four equals sixteen thousand gold coins...doing my post for today now! :D]]

Septim wakes up and notices that he hasn't been recieving the money from trade, he then does an investigation and finds out that the trade advisor had been stealing the money. Septim has him arrested and takes the sixteen thousand gold coins. Septim then does his dukely duties, swims, eats, and goes to bed.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Duke, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 24
Spouse: Alessia Colvaine.
Age: 23
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 1
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Expert
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 27,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 15,000 for being Duke of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with Duke Ernie.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 144,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride
Massive Galleon - 6/8
Home: Castle Cidel.
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Possessions:  Seronian family steel longsword, Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Medal of Seron, Reading for Experts, 144330 gold coins, oak cane, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, Septim Family Signet Ring, The Techniques of Vorsumar, Elven armor, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword, Mithril longsword with family crest.


20:06:05 Jun 25th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion sees to his Ducal duties, has a long chat with his wife, then goes to the mage tower where he learns expert magic.

{Septim, could you give an update on the progress of the Calumbass? I've explored the whole island chain that's due east of Naergothrendar, both inland and coast.}

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Prominence Points: 26
Titles: Blademaster, Duke of Naergothrendar, Lieutenant Colonel, Guildmaster of Tactics.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 25
Spouse: Duchess Helena Telcontar Skills: Journeyman Magic, Veteran mathematics, Journeyman Reading
Pregnant, 4/7
Fighting: Master
Mathematics: Expert.
Tactics: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Expert
Brig of War "Trendarat."
Brig of War "Ashienderai"
Trade Galleon, "Sea bird"
Trade Galleon, "Flying Fish"
Brig of War "Calumbass"
Occupation: Duke, Guildmaster (three houses). Commands 4000 troops + the Ducal garrison.
Pay: 26000
Gold: 22500
Possesions: Key's to the company barracks, medel of Valnus x2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, Steel Scalemail, Family sword. Medal of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Medal of Ersus, Two other medals that I can't remember. Patents of nobility. Full elven armour.
Name: Tolhas Verilon; Swordsman. Name: Janas Toleron; Engineer. Name: Menhas Toleron; Longbowman. Name: Elbert Instein; Scientist. Name: Jameus Hescornan; Scholar. Name: Helornas Hescornan; Scholar, Aeneias Irator; Magi.

20:08:08 Jun 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: I told Ernie earlier, there's a pirate fortress on that island...:-S. It's well fortified...]]

22:11:12 Jun 25th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Thats why i headed north -.- because if i took the island...the King would get it..not me...]

22:33:58 Jun 25th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

The crew of the Calumbass study the fortress from every angle, finding out as much about it's consistency and numbers as they could. The crew, with the soldiers, then load back up on the boat and sail from home, the knowledge fresh in their heads...

{Three things I need to know.
A; how many pirates are there?
B; What is the fortress like?
C; How many troops can I fit on a trade galleon...}

22:37:38 Jun 25th 08 - Sir Revengee:

Revenge was fast asleep as his Second Lutenant knocked the door
He awoke too a startle and opened the door

" Erm.. Sir, Its time for our weekly briefing.."
" Whats the bloody time " Revenge muttered clearing his eyes

" Its half past ten Sir.."
" Fair enough.. Ill get dressed and meet you in the western house"

Revenge got his Uniform on and walked past the Docks where he saw his Wife with his young daughter playing by the water
Revenge laughed as he walked into the western-house before breifing his men..

He lived to the North-East of Skaron, in the Southern Elven lands where he had friendship with the goverment
He commanded a small fort where he had no more than 3000 men too his hand
He lived in a nice house with his Wife Mari and his daughter Jona of 4
He was a fairly tall man at 6'1

[[ I hope I can join :P, Ill fill the rest later as long as I can join...]]

22:42:59 Jun 25th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[ok lol the first page =p  you have great enthusiasm but you are just a "tad" off of what you should be at]

[and Erunion -.- Septim said it was pretty much an impenetrable fortress with loads of pirates and knowing my luck there are sea monsters under their control just to spite me -.- I came up with the idea of taking over the islands right after he made the new map and he shot it down saying I wouldnt get anything for it, and the King of Seron would get it....not me -.- so Septim lives to crush my dreams -_- he said the most i would get for the islands was 5000 gold....not a day....5000 gold XD and i wouldnt know about the trade galleon...but im sure it would be sank by the CATAPULTS AND BALLISTAE ALL OVER THE FORTRESS AHAHAHHAHAHAH]

*The moment of insanity has passed*

22:51:20 Jun 25th 08 - Sir Revengee:

[[ Actually, all Ive done is given myself a kick start :P , If I had not, by the time I was anywhere near how much stuff you lot have , the game would have been over :P ]]

23:00:55 Jun 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: You start out with 10 gold, a shack, and no job or skills. No exceptions. Though I may make you get a FEW little things to give you more PP points...]]

00:28:34 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Ill let you join my army.....and rise in the ranks =p  and the game NEVER ends....if we die of old age...our children start think of it this are farther along than OUR kids] ☺

00:54:50 Jun 26th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

{Septim, I'm thinking of clearing the islands for the PP. I have the troops for it. Soo... Could you fill in the info please? Thanks a ton.}

01:00:21 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Jonny Bacardi II:

[o what, I have to start from scratch, but yall are gonna help revenge out!]

01:23:16 Jun 26th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: If you want to let him join your army, you actually have to PAY him, which means up to around 3200 gold (if he's a master...) can be drained from your treasury per day...Erunion, you get one PP for clearing the islands (I'm making it hard to gain PP we are advancing a bit too quickly...) and you get 5000 gold, you also need landing crafts, each one carries fifty men.]]

01:33:14 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Septim what are on the islands north of our continent...between the Snakemen and Goblin one?]

04:58:25 Jun 26th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: One of them is used as an island fortress by the goblins, the other houses a small Seronian settlement. Needless to say, the settlement is under constant attack by the goblins.]]

08:06:42 Jun 26th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim wakes up and walks outside to enjoy the morning air, he then eats breakfast before tending to his duties. After a brief meeting with his Lords and Counts, Septim takes a swim before eating dinner with his wife and son. Septim then goes to bed.

[[Name: Bertilius Septim
Titles: Duke, Guildmaster, Major, Warlord of Cidel, Battlemage.
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting: Master
Reading: Master
Oration: Veteran
Tactics: Expert
Magic: Expert
Mathematics: Veteran
Job: Duke
Pay: 27,000 gold a day, 9,000 for Guildmaster of the Guild of Scholars, 15,000 for being Duke of Cidel, 4000 for trade agreement with Duke Ernie.
Military Rank: Major (retired)
Gold: 171,330
Brig of War - Cidel's Pride
Massive Galleon - 7/8
Current home: Castle Cidel.

Septim family steel longsword, Elven longsword, Septim Family Mithril longsword.

Seronian steel scalemail cuirass, Seronian steel greaves, Seronian steel gauntlets, Seronian steel boots, Seronian armet helmet, Seronian steel pauldrons, Seronian steel kiteshield, Elven cuirass, Elven greaves, Elven pauldrons, Elven boots, Elven gauntlets, Elven round shield, Elven barbute helmet, Elven longsword.

Deed to a shack outside of Tysos, Oak cane, Septim Family Signet Ring, Deed to Castle Cidel

Reading for Experts, The Techniques of Vorsumar.

Two Medals of Valnus. three Medals of Seron, Medal of Virtus, Star of Argus, two Medals of Venificus, Medal of Erus, Medal of Orcbane.

Spouse: Alessia Colvaine.
Age: 23
Son: Validus Septim
Age: 1


13:59:47 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Titles: Guildmaster
PP: 10
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny/Athletic
Age: 24(1/7)
Spouse: Sortip(23)

Pregnant 3/6

Fighting: Master
Reading: Journeyman
Magic: Journeyman
Tactics: Veteran
Smithing: Journeyman
Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 33100
Pay: 10400

01:44:23 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Jonny Bacardi II:

Wakes up. goes into the woods and robs some people of 30 gold. He then goes back and works out some. Then goes to sleep.

Name: Jonny Bacardi
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 30

Soldier Academy: 2/2 (done)
Workout: 2/8

Standard Issue military sword

[Not sure if thats how I rob people or not......]

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