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Prominence IV
19:21:48 Mar 10th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Missed yesterday, double post}

Name: Sir Jarnas Insurgo
Titles/Ranks: Knight of Peninsularae, General of the Serillian Army, IV, VIII and XV Legions.
Age: 26
Gold: 1000
Pay: 3000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General in the Serillian army

Home: Peninsular Barracks
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Athletic


Wife: Lady Helena, age 24, skills Veteran Reading {Should I list her skills?}


Veteran Fighting; Expert 6/8

Master Tactics

Veteran Reading 


Book: The Techniques of General Vordomor

Legates Armour and weapons.


Jarnas learned as much as he could from The Techniques of General Vordomor. While doing this, he discovered in himself a love for reading, so when he had the chance he took his six-months of leave, spent 3000 gold and learned veteran reading from the Academy.
Jarnas had a wonderful time learning. He caught on quickly, and payed a great deal of attention in class. At least for the first month, any how. He found one of his classmates, the Lady Helena Quintius, to be singularly fascinating. At first he studied all the harder to impress her, for she was top of the class. By the second month he had started courting her in earnest, spending time with her, walking with her and discussing many matters with her. By the sixth month, Jarnas asked Lord Quintius if he could have her daughters hand in marriage. He was hesitant because of Jarnas' past, but quickly saw the bright future ahead of the man. When Lord Quintius found out from a friend that Jarnas was due for a promotion to General on his return from leave, Quintius gave Jarnas his permission.
The next day Jarnas proposed to Helena, and they were married soon after.

When Jarnas returned to barracks, he found his quarters all packed up by his servant and someone else moving in. This was quite the shock. Jarnas rushed to his general's office to find out what this was all about. When he entered, he found his general smiling benignly and packing his things.
"Sir, what is going on? Why has someone moved into my office?"
"I'm retiring."
"Good for you sir, this still does not answer my question."
"Are you sure? I would say it does, General Insurgo."

Jarnas managed to stutter a bit, as his general burst out laughing.
The reins of command moved over swiftly, and Jarnas found himself with a wife, and in charge of the IV, VII and XV legions. The entire Peninsular force was his to command.

07:09:16 Mar 11th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Made a mistake. A General's pay is 2000 in peacetime, 2500 in wartime. It is never 3000. XD

Making my post for tomorrow, as I am unsure how active I will be. ]]

Now that Gaius was a General, and his future was secure, he finally managed to work up the courage to ask Althea's hand in marriage. She grew excited when he asked, and a night of passion followed. Two weeks later, the marriage took place. Gaius had no true friends, as almost everybody he knew had died in the war. To Gaius's shock, however, the Emperor himself offered to be his vassal's best man. Gaius accepted his offer, and the Emperor, in his purple robes, stood by him during the wedding. Many other military officers and nobles attended, and it turned out to be a grand ceremony.

Gaius Cidellus, now a married man, left with his legions two days after the marriage in Seris. However, he soon found out that his wife was pregnant. Gaius couldn't believe it...he was going to be a father!

Name: Sir Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General of the Serillian Empire (XI, XII, and XIII legions)
Age: 29
Gold: 3610
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Seris Barracks, General's Quarters
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Althea Cidellus
Relation: Wife
Age: 26.5
Status: Pregnant

Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman

13:54:15 Mar 11th 10 - Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Just:

[OOC: This whole missing days thing may have to stop some time, its really killing me]

Name: Sir Jonny Bacardus
Titles/Ranks:  General Of The Serillian Army
PP: 6
Age: 27
Gold: 4320
Pay: 2000
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Villa
Height: 6'4
Weight: 185
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
:Alicia Mondova Bacardus(Wife)
--Age: 26
--Age: 2 (1/2)
--Age: 1 (1/2)
Fighting - Veteran [Expirience training - 6/8]
Tactics - Master
Reading - Veteran

After finishing how to read from his book, Jonny took his leave and made his way to the academy. For six long months, he spent almost all of his time there, coming out only when his son, Marcus, was born.

After six months, he finished his studies, and became known as a true tactical master. Few doubted that Jonny actually knew what he was talking about. All were happy to see him succeed., and a great banquet, the second in two months, (the first being for the birth of young marcus) was held. All were invited.

At the banquet, it was announced that Jonny was to be made a general, and at this news, all were incredibly elated to have been present. Jonny took it with almost stoic emotions, only later, after most of the guests had gone, did he let his feelings out. He leapt for joy.

18:51:13 Mar 11th 10 - Mr. Sekasi The Sly:

Post Description
Name: Doran
Titles/Ranks: Age: 21.5
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Recruit in the Serillian Army
Home: Shack in Seris
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Tactics: Novice(Journeyman Training 2/2)
Fighting: Novice(Journeyman Training 2/2

Despite the commander's reservations, Doran did well during his training. His years of wandering and living outdoors had made him tougher than many of the other recruits who had lived in the city their whole lives. Despite this, Doran often had trouble with the large numbers of people and with the strict discipline the army required of him. He quickly became a loner, never talking any more than the situation required. Therefore, even though he was respected, he made few friends.

20:46:27 Mar 11th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Sir Jarnas Insurgo
Titles/Ranks: Knight of Peninsularae, General of the Serillian Army, IV, VIII and XV Legions.
Age: 26 1/2
Gold: 600
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General in the Serillian army

Home: Peninsular Barracks
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Athletic


Wife: Lady Helena, age 24 1/2, skills Veteran Reading (Learning Expert 1/3)


Veteran Fighting; Expert 6/8

Master Tactics

Veteran Reading (learning Expert, 1/3)


Book: The Techniques of General Vordomor

Legates Armour and weapons.

Reading for Veterans


Sir Jarnas was quite happy with his life. He was married to a beautiful, charming woman, had a baby on the way and was in an excellent position in the military.

Not at all what he'd expected his life to be some years ago. He had been a rebel, now he was one of the most important men in the Imperial military, with three legions to his name.

Jarans, dedicated as always to improving himself, purchased another book, "Reading for Veterans" which he began to read and study with his wife. 

Jarnas also started looking around for a couple of good horses for him and his wife. It would be fun, and the horses would be useful. Further, he could stable them at the barracks, and use his should he ever go to war again.

{Hint Hint. Gonna add horses soon Septim? :D}

20:54:18 Mar 11th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Ah! I will get to it tonight. =P]]

06:59:26 Mar 12th 10 - Mr. Sekasi The Sly:

[[OOC: Says that if I decide to become a professional soldier, then I will have to sign a contract for 20 years, become a legionaire, etc. Does that mean that that is the only way to stay as a soldier or can I keep going for an unspecified time without doing that? Also, do I still get called in for wars after my year of active duty if I don't go on as a soldier?]]

07:15:19 Mar 12th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: If you remain an auxiliary, you still get called in for service during wartime. Why the hell would they train you otherwise? XD

You HAVE to sign a contract for twenty years if you want to be a legionnaire. You will be a professional soldier, and they don't want you running off whenever you feel like you're done. =P

Horses will be explained tomorrow, still working on the pricing. Don't worry, Erunion. =P]]

07:53:07 Mar 12th 10 - Mr. Sekasi The Sly:

[[OOC: That makes a lot of sense getting called into service. Must have had a momentary lapse of brains. Seems pretty clear in retrospect. Wasn't sure if I could just hang out as a merc or something though. Thanks]]

Post Description
Name: Doran
Titles/Ranks: Age: 22
Gold: 10
Pay: 100
PP: 0
Occupation: Legionanaire in the Serillian Army
Home: Shack in Seris
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Tactics: Journeyman
Fighting: Journeyman(Veteran Training 1/1)

After spending a grueling year in training, Doran decided that this life was for him. He was no longer the man who had colapsed after he came back to his farm to find a pile of smouldering ruins and everyone gone.That man was gone. In his place was a new man. A stronger man, dedicated to making sure that no one else has to suffer that same fate. It was with this thought in mind that Doran put his name to the paper and signed on for a stint in the Legionaires. He was now a force of justice in the empire, and he would do whatever it took to preserve that justice. His own life, his own honor, were secondary priorities.

15:33:42 Mar 12th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Horse-time. The percentage at the end is how likely they are to win a race. The years if their life remaining when you buy them. A warhorse is very good for war, as it can wear horse armor for 500 more gold. I didn't list breeds because I want you guys to pick your own colors. I'm also putting my son's age as zero, when he should be three months, as it will make it was easier in the long run. XD]]

Old weak horse - 50 gold, 2 years, 1%

Weak horse - 100 gold, 20 years, 3%

Average horse - 200 gold, 20 years, 10%

Warhorse - 500 gold, 20 years, 10%, very strong horse.

Fast horse - 1000 gold, 20 years, 15%

Lightning fast horse - 1500 gold, 20 years, 20%

Godly horse - 4000 gold, 25 years, 40%.]]

Althea gave birth to Gaius's firstborn son while Gaius away, and through the letter Althea sent him, Gaius found out that the infant's name would be Caius. It took Gaius three more months to put an end to the uprisings in Tibenos. Once they were put down, Gaius was able to return to his headquarters at Fort Marcus, a large fort twenty miles from Seris that acted as his headquarters and home. His wife was waiting in the courtyard, she held a beautiful baby boy with a full head of brown hair. He had Gaius's eyes.
"Althea, he's beautiful," said Gaius.
"Just like his father," said Althea with a wink.
Gaius knew what she meant by the wink, but he had his priorities. He took young Caius in his arms, and held him for nearly an hour. He was vomitted on, but he didn't care. Later that night, Althea let Gaius know that she missed him quite passionately.

Name: Sir Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General of the Serillian Empire (XI, XII, and XIII legions)
Age: 29.5
Gold: 5610
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Fort Marcus, General's Quarters
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic

Althea Cidellus
Relation: Wife
Age: 27

Caius Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 0

Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman

17:56:44 Mar 12th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

{Sorry, missed a day. If you have a family, do you have to buy food for them? And(merely out of curiosity) is a godly horse better than a warhorse for war? Do you have to buy food for horses?}

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 30 years
Gold: 10,470(bought meat)
Pay: 3,200
PP: 0

Home: Duchy of Resdyn, A small hovel
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 56 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Skills : Master reading, Expert Mathematics
Books: Reading for Veterans, Reading for experts,
Basic Mathematics, Mid-Level Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics: Volume I, Advanced Mathematics: Volume II

The scribbled words stretched across the page, a misbegotten jumble of half-unspoken words, and those spoken in only so much as a gibberish tongue of a long-forgotten bard. Some more frantic imaginings were etched upon the papyrus, as much a mis-match as their predecessors. The man behind their creation looked down on them with glazed eyes, seeing beyond the squiggles. Dribble hung from the corner of his mouth, and joined their companions on the table.

18:46:51 Mar 12th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: If you are in the army, and your family lives at the base with you, they receive free food. However, I doubt you want your family living in a fort for the rest of their life. I don't think they'd like it much either. If they live in a house, you must purchase their food.

As for horse feeding, I forgot about it. 50 gold a day to feed them, and 200 gold a day for stabling and keeping them healthy.

Also, your children and wife cannot work while living with you. If your children are grown up and living alone, they can get a job, but you don't receive any of their money. I don't want people farming children to get higher incomes. >>]]


21:08:50 Mar 12th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Sir Jarnas Insurgo
Titles/Ranks: Knight of Peninsularae, General of the Serillian Army, IV, VIII and XV Legions.
Age: 27
Gold: 100
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General in the Serillian army

Home: Peninsular Barracks
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Athletic


Wife: Lady Helena, age 25, skills Veteran Reading (Learning Expert 2/3)

Son: Telcaer, age 0


Veteran Fighting; Expert 6/8

Master Tactics

Veteran Reading (learning Expert, 2/3)


Book: The Techniques of General Vordomor, Reading for Veterans

Legates Armour and weapons.

Horses: Two Fast horses, "Ventus" and "Aura", one Warhorse "Igneus", stabled at the barracks, 20 years remaining.


Jarnas had a son, named Telcaer. He and his wife were overjoyed. To celebrate, Jarnas went out and purchased three horses, two fast horses "Ventus" for him, and "Aura" for his wife. He also purchased one Warhorse "Igneus" for himself, should he ever be called out on duty.

"Jarnas, you shouldn't have! The expense!"

"Darling, we only have our firstborn once. Besides, these horses will last us for years!"

The next months were spent well, organizing his legion, studying and riding with his wife.

{Septim, As a general I should be able to stable my horses with the legions cavalry, correct? Most high-ranking soldiers throughout history had two or three horses in case one was wounded, killed or just too tired to fight.}

21:37:46 Mar 12th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Fair enough, but there are already far too many advantages to being in the military. You receive free housing, free food, a free journeyman course, decent pay, AND PP. ONE horse will be fed and stabled for free if you are a Legate or higher. You must take care of the other two.]]

22:31:37 Mar 13th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

{Do any of the houses have stables for horses?}

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 30.5 years
Gold: 13,655(bought bread)
Pay: 3,200
PP: 0

Home: Duchy of Resdyn, A small hovel
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 59 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Skills : Master reading, Master Mathematics
Books: Reading for Veterans, Reading for experts,
Basic Mathematics, Mid-Level Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics: Volume I, Advanced Mathematics: Volume II

Lanoc read though the notes of the second volume of Advanced Mathematics. He could not concentrate however, for the knowledge that it was all utterly pointless. How could one hope to impress anyone with these scrawls? He battered his head against the table, and went home, hoping for a inspirational idea.

20:29:10 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 31 years
Gold: 1,840(bought bread, Palazzo)
Pay: 3,200
PP: 0

Home: Duchy of Resdyn, A small hovel
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 60 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Skills : Master reading, Master Mathematics
Books: Reading for Veterans, Reading for experts,
Basic Mathematics, Mid-Level Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics: Volume I, Advanced Mathematics: Volume II

Lanoc gazed at the magnificent structure in front of him, a brilliant feat of architecture. He unlocked the iron gates and wandered in. To think that such a building was his own, when he had lived in a hovel the day before.

20:34:19 Mar 14th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Change it to "Palazzo, Duchy of Resdyn" on your home stat. :D]]

20:49:42 Mar 14th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Ah yes, thanks, I'll do that next post.

03:39:27 Mar 15th 10 - Mr. Sekasi The Sly:

(Missed yesterday. Posting for a year.)

Post Description
Name: Doran
Titles/Ranks: Age: 23
Gold: 10
Pay: 200
PP: 0
Occupation: Legionanaire in the Serillian Army
Home: Shack in Seris
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Tactics: Journeyman
Fighting: Veteran

Doran settled back in his bed at the barracks. He had finished his legionaire training 6 months ago and kept his skills sharp by sparring with other legionaires. Many of the other legionaires talked eagerly about wars in the future, but Doran didn't share their outlook. He had seen the horrors of war first hand. He settled back in his bunk trying to sleep, blocking out their conversations.

04:26:16 Mar 15th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus

00:39:26 Mar 3rd 10

[[OOC: Going to make a pay-chart. By "a day" I obviously mean every turn. =P

Peacetime - 0 gold a day, but you're free to do what you want.
Wartime - 100 gold a day

Peacetime - 100 gold a day
Wartime - 150 gold a day

Centurion (you must be a veteran of tactics)
Peacetime - 300 gold a day
Wartime - 450 gold a day

Legate (requires expertise of tactics)
Peacetime - 1000 gold a day
Wartime - 1250 gold a day

General (Only open to nobles, requires mastery of tactics)
Peacetime - 2000 gold a day
Wartime - 2500 gold a day]]

[[OOC: That is a Legionnaire's pay, Sekasi. Change it. =D]]

Gaius had hit thirty, and a little bundle of joy named Quintus had been born. He had his father's eyes, and his mother's dirty blond hair.

Cidellus's legions were well trained, well supplied, and fit for any battle that would come his way. The total number of troops currently in the Serillian Army was at around 126,000, far more than double what it had been when the Serillian Civil War had started, and Gaius commanded 18,000 of those men. That was 1/7 of the Serillian Army. In twelve very long years of hard work he had gone from a peasant to a nobleman leading 1/7 of the Serillian Army. The world never ceased to amaze him.

Name: Sir Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General of the Serillian Empire (XI, XII, and XIII legions)
Age: 30
Gold: 7610
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Fort Marcus, General's Quarters
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic

Althea Cidellus
Relation: Wife
Age: 27.5
Status: Normal

Caius Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 0.5

Quintus Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 0

Gaius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman]]

05:18:11 Mar 15th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

{Septim, just tallied up all the money that I have since I posted last and it's 16610. Where've you spent your gold?}

05:24:00 Mar 15th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

{Also what does one stand to win o achieving victory in a horse race?}

05:36:00 Mar 15th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: A bit of gold. Fun activities aren't meant to make you rich.

And I spent 8,000 on a course in master tactics.]]

05:37:44 Mar 15th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

Tiberius commanded 18,000 war hungry men with veteran senior officers having experience levels that would've left the legendary emperor Marcus IV with a gaping mouth. However he alone didn't boast such troops, most of the duchies had such a combination by now. Fresh and youthful troops mass drafted with some classic combat experience that a fool would call glorious and aged and wise officers who over the course of the civil war had come to grasp almost all aspects of warfare.

Tiberius drew upon his personal experience as a young legionnaire and ordered his legates to literally set fire on the arses of the young centuries. He'd have them drill and train so rigorously that it did not become uncommon for legionnaires to drop asleep right where they stood even if it was for a couple of minutes. Resultantly his legionnaires came to be called Tiberius's mules. Too busy to mind such nicknames Tiberius went about trying to reform the legionnaire organization and logistics structure right from the top. However he didn't have much luck as the new emperor was unwilling to spend any further amounts after the royal trasuries had been so badly drained. However Tiberius did hear that there were other Generals trying to do the same thing and he had even attempted to contact them. Many a life could've been saved if some few radical yet simply changes had been implemented during the war.

Tiberius had found a beautiful woman named Arwen, hailing from a family of extremely rich landowners. She had born him 2 sons, Adam and Lucius. Of the two one Tiberius intended to carry out his legacy in the armed Serillian forces. Of the more artistic one though he would have pursue other careers. Tiberius had gained great influence throughout the war and word was abound that all of the knighted soldiers who had managed to reach the rank of generals might soon have the exalted power to command a city. Tiberius wasn't much bothered by these rumours as he was content enough to serve his Duke. Or so he thought.

Name: Sir Tiberius Termainius

Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General In The Imperial Serillian Army (Legion IX, Legion X and Legion I)

Age: 30
Gold: 16610
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Mardem Citadel, Nobility Quarters
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95 kg

Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Athletic



Relation: Wife
Age: 25.5
Status: Normal

Adam Termainius
Relation: Son
Age: 1 and a half.

Lucius Termainius

Relation : Son

Age : 1/2

Tiberius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman

05:57:33 Mar 15th 10 - Mr. Sekasi The Sly:

[OOC: Sorry. I meant to add that to my gold instead of my pay. Thanks]]

Post Description
Name: Doran
Titles/Ranks: Age: 23
Gold: 310
Pay: 100
PP: 0
Occupation: Legionanaire in the Serillian Army
Home: Shack in Seris
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Tactics: Journeyman
Fighting: Veteran

One day on his daily walks around the city, Doran noticed a woman named Galena, who he thought must be the most beautiful woman in the world. She was selling fruits in the market and he stopped to talk to her. He was enchanted. He made it a point to walk down that road every day and they soon became friends. He wanted to ask for her hand, but what could he offer her? He was just a legionaire with nothing more to his name than a crumbling shack and some gold.

16:40:44 Mar 15th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Lord Himanil X

11:30:19 Mar 8th 10

Name: Tiberius 

Titles/Ranks: Leagte In The Imperial Serillian Army (IX Legion)
Age: 27

Gold: 6610

Pay: 1000 Gold a day
PP: 6
Occupation: Senior Officer
Home: Mardem Citadel Officer Quarters
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95kg.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Athletic

Tactics - Expert
Fighting - Veteran (Learning Expert From Experience 7/8)

[[OOC: Alright, so lets say you got Master tactics on the eleventh (you had 8,610 gold at the end of the tenth, but you could not use it until the eleventh). You would not be a General until the twelfth, as you do not get promoted until the day AFTER the course.

610+1000 (11th)+2000 (12th)+2000 (13th)+2000 (14th)+2000 (15th)=9,610 gold.

Lets say you did use a book. You would've purchased it on the ninth, and lets say you used your free journeyman course on reading. That takes four days of reading. So 6,610-4,800 (book)=1,810. You would not have been a General until the fourteenth (as you cannot use master tactics until the turn after you acquire it). That means that you have 1,810 gold+4000+4000 for today and yesterday. That means you would have 9,810 gold.

Can you explain how you have 16,610 gold and master tactics? I can't find where you get your figures from. :|

And Tiberius's mules? Really? *cough* Gaius Marius *cough*

And artistic one? You can tell that at six months? What is he doing, crying out songs? XD 

And nobody is saying what the reforms are that they are suggesting. XD]]

General Gaius Cidellus  had forged a good friendship with the Emperor, and the fact that he had been Gaius's best man had helped greatly. He and his wife were often invited to royal dinners, along with Lords, Dukes, and other Generals. He had a full year of leave set up still, and decided to use one to take a course in oration at the academy, regarding the ability to write and deliver speeches as important for any nobleman or general.

Name: Sir Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General of the Serillian Empire (XI, XII, and XIII legions)
Age: 30.5
Gold: 11210
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Fort Marcus, General's Quarters
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic

Althea Cidellus
Relation: Wife
Age: 28
Status: Normal

Caius Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 1

Quintus Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 0

Gaius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman
Oration - Journeyman]]

16:56:36 Mar 15th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

That would be it. Didn't add in the books.

06:03:02 Mar 16th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Sir Jarnas Insurgo
Titles/Ranks: Knight of Peninsularae, General of the Serillian Army, IV, VIII and XV Legions.
Age: 27
Gold: 4100
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General in the Serillian army

Home: Peninsular Barracks
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Athletic


Wife: Lady Helena, age 26, skills Expert reading

Son, Telcaer Insurgo, age 1
Daughter Aurora Insurgo, age 0


Veteran Fighting; Expert 6/8

Master Tactics

Expert Reading


Book: The Techniques of General Vordomor, Reading for Veterans

Legates Armour and weapons.

Horses: Two Fast horses, "Ventus" and "Aura", one Warhorse "Igneus", stabled at the barracks, 19 years remaining.


Jarnas often wondered at his life. He was wealthy and respected. He controlled 18,000 soldiers who were drilled constantly, with the focus being on mock battles to prepare them for the real thing. His officers in particular were superb, something Jarnas prided himself upon. He had another beautiful child, this one a daughter, Aurora.

Jarnas and his wife had been invited to the royal palace, along with the other generals. It had been a splendid meal, and while awkward at first, Jarnas being a former rebel, those at the table had ready senses of humour and Jarnas quickly relaxed. He made many acquaintances, including the generals Gaius and Tiberius. Gaius had sat beside him throughout the meal and they'd had excellent conversations in tactics and soldiering. Jarnas quickly came to a decision, these men were to be respected. He was among greatness.

18:18:50 Mar 16th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Caius had learned to walk, and it amazed Gaius how quickly he learned. The legions were doing well under his leadership, and were shaping up to be a fine army. Gaius was proud of them. However, Althea desired to get away from Fort Marcus. She did not want to raise a family there.

Name: Sir Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General of the Serillian Empire (XI, XII, and XIII legions)
Age: 31
Gold: 13210
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Fort Marcus, General's Quarters
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic

Althea Cidellus
Relation: Wife
Age: 28.5
Status: Normal

Caius Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 1.5

Quintus Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 0.5

Gaius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman
Oration - Journeyman]]

19:14:39 Mar 16th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

{Missed yet another day >.<}

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 32 years
Gold: 8,200(bought food)
Pay: 3,200
PP: 0

Home: Palazzo,
Duchy of Resdyn
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 61 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Skills : Master reading, Master Mathematics
Books: Reading for Veterans, Reading for experts,
Basic Mathematics, Mid-Level Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics: Volume I, Advanced Mathematics: Volume II

22:43:25 Mar 16th 10 - Mr. Hephaestus:


22:44:17 Mar 16th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Sir Jarnas Insurgo
Titles/Ranks: Knight of Peninsularae, General of the Serillian Army, IV, VIII and XV Legions.
Age: 27 1/2
Gold: 1100
Pay: 1800 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General in the Serillian army

Home: Peninsular Barracks
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Athletic


Wife: Lady Helena, age 26 1/2, skills Expert reading, learning Master 1/2

Son, Telcaer Insurgo, age 1 1/2
Daughter Aurora Insurgo, age 1/2


Veteran Fighting; Expert 6/8

Master Tactics

Expert Reading learning master 1/2


Book: The Techniques of General Vordomor, Reading for Veterans, Reading for Experts

Legates Armour and weapons.

Horses: Two Fast horses, "Ventus" and "Aura", one Warhorse "Igneus", stabled at the barracks, 18 1/2 years remaining.


Jarnas purchased "Reading for experts" which he began studying with his wife. She complained slightly about all the money they spent, but her love of knowledge was equal to his. Their children were growing rapidly. Telcaer could walk, and even talk a little! They wanted him their children to grow up in a family that placed learning as a great virtue, and so they studied relentlessly.

{Septim, is it possible to study two books at once? Just curious.}

23:05:28 Mar 16th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: I'm afraid not. Your concentration is all on one. XD]]

03:37:10 Mar 17th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

{OOC- Septim your income just jumped from 7610 to 13210}

03:52:22 Mar 17th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

{When we become Lord, by how much will our personal income increase. It should be drastic as I guess because the amount of troops under our control will go down drastically unless we can be general at the same time. Also will we be able to manage separate funds meant only for the advancement of our city. We could distribute it as we wished on certain aspects like, Beauty and Culture, Defence and Law and Order etc.}

Tiberius had begun to learn the art of oration as not only did he feel that a commander should be skilled in it but also felt that he might need it when he became a person of nobility.

Name: Sir Tiberius Termainius

Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General In The Imperial Serillian Army (Legion IX, Legion X and Legion I)

Age: 31.5
Gold: 11410
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General In The Imperial Serillian Army
Home: Mardem Citadel, Nobility Quarters
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95 kg

Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Athletic



Relation: Wife
Age: 26
Status: Normal

Adam Termainius
Relation: Son
Age: 2

Lucius Termainius

Relation : Son

Age : 1

Tiberius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)

Reading - Journeyman

Oration - Journeyman

04:38:02 Mar 17th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Thank you for noticing that, Himanil! Not sure what happened there, will subtract 2000 gold, plus a 210 gold penalty for making a mistake (and to make it a nice round number). That better? =D

Oh, and as for the Lordship. I am still deciding on how to best add it. It used to be a fixed income in the old Prominence games, but I want to make it deeper now, as it is a large part of this game.

Name: Sir Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General of the Serillian Empire (XI, XII, and XIII legions)
Age: 31
Gold: 11000
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Fort Marcus, General's Quarters
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic

Althea Cidellus
Relation: Wife
Age: 28.5
Status: Normal

Caius Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 1.5

Quintus Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 0.5

Gaius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman
Oration - Journeyman]]

15:37:20 Mar 17th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Gaius decided that it was time to buy his family a home, as it was not fair to them that they had to live in a fort. He purchased a small villa in Seris, as Seris was only a short ride away from Fort Marcus. It had two living rooms, a kitchen, a dining area, a small courtyard, a bathroom, and four bedrooms. Althea soon had another child, and it was, for the third time, a boy. Gaius and Althea decided on Severus, as he looked quite serious for a baby. Caius was now learning to talk, and could already say several words. His first word was "whatah", which Gaius soon corrected into "water".

Gaius then realized that he only had eight more years of service to the legion, as he had become a legionnaire at nineteen-and-a-half. He wondered what he would do after that...he'd have a lot more time with his family, that's for sure.

Name: Sir Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General of the Serillian Empire (XI, XII, and XIII legions)
Age: 31.5
Gold: 7940
Pay: 2000 gold a day (-60 gold a day to feed Althea, Caius, Quintus, and Severus)
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Fort Marcus, General's Quarters
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic

Althea Cidellus
Relation: Wife
Age: 29
Status: Normal

Caius Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 2

Quintus Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 1

Severus Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 0

Gaius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman
Oration - Journeyman]]

15:55:37 Mar 17th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

Finding himself to be exceptionally good at the art of oration Tiberius decided to further advance his skills in the field. It was at the same time that he had his third son Cornius.

Name: Sir Tiberius Termainius

Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General In The Imperial Serillian Army (Legion IX, Legion X and Legion I)

Age: 31.5
Gold: 11410
Pay: 2000 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General In The Imperial Serillian Army
Home: Mardem Citadel, Nobility Quarters
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95 kg

Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Athletic


The Techniques of Vorsumar (Veteran In Oration)



Relation: Wife
Age: 26
Status: Normal

Adam Termainius
Relation: Son
Age: 2

Lucius Termainius

Relation : Son

Age : 1

Cornius Termainius

Relation : Son

Age : 0.5

Tiberius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)

Reading - Journeyman

Oration - Learning Veteran {How many Days?}

16:03:25 Mar 17th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: How many days for what? One day if it's the academy, four days if you're learning from a book at journeyman reading level.]]

16:05:20 Mar 17th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

{And the academy costs just how much?}

16:11:10 Mar 17th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: 800 gold. Journeyman costs 400, and the cost doubles with each skill.


Journeyman oration: 400 gold

Veteran oration: 800 gold

Expert oration: 1,600 gold

Master oration: 3,200]]

16:26:00 Mar 17th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Sir Jarnas Insurgo
Titles/Ranks: Knight of Peninsularae, General of the Serillian Army, IV, VIII and XV Legions.
Age: 28
Gold: 2350
Pay: 1800 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General in the Serillian army

Home: Peninsular Barracks
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Athletic


Wife: Lady Helena, age 27, skills Master Reading, Journeyman mathematics 1/1

Son, Telcaer Insurgo, age 2
Daughter Aurora Insurgo, age 1


Veteran Fighting; Expert 6/8

Master Tactics

Master Reading

Journeyman mathematics 1/1


Book: The Techniques of General Vordomor, Reading for Veterans, Reading for Experts, Journeyman Mathematics

Legates Armour and weapons.

Horses: Two Fast horses, "Ventus" and "Aura", one Warhorse "Igneus", stabled at the barracks, 18  years remaining.


Jarnas had bought a new book. At the store he had been going through the books, looking for a good one to study. He had found this one. Journeyman Mathematics. On the front page, it read; "If in other sciences we can arrive at certainty without doubt, and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundation of knowledge in Mathematics."

He was hooked. He bought the book and brought it home to begin studying with Helena. A frequent distraction was their young son Telcaer, who had learned to walk, talk and run. A little bit of all three, preferably. Thankfully, he tired out quickly. Aurora was another matter. They had hoped that a daughter would be peaceful and sedate, but she was relentless. The doctors said she had the best pair of lungs they had ever seen. Jarnas agreed.

{Septim, when the kids get older, will we be able to teach them to read? We should be able to, that's what (almost) every parent, everywhere does for their children...)

17:19:22 Mar 17th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: If you have Journeyman reading, then sure. If you don't know how to read (which I think everybody does), then no. It'll take two years, from age four to age six. You will be unable to read books in that time, as your children will take up the possible reading time. =D]]

17:57:09 Mar 17th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 32 years
Gold: 8,200(bought food)
Pay: 3,200
PP: 0

Home: Palazzo,
Duchy of Resdyn
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 61 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Family: Ksifen, Wife, Age 30
: Master reading, Master Mathematics
Books: Reading for Veterans, Reading for experts,
Basic Mathematics, Mid-Level Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics: Volume I, Advanced Mathematics: Volume II

Lanoc gazed at his wife, peacefully asleep. Her belly was large, they expected a child soon. Lanoc smiled contentedly.

14:57:14 Mar 18th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 32.5 years
Gold: 14,520(bought food){Didn't change this yesterday, sorry}
Pay: 3,200
PP: 0

Home: Palazzo,
Duchy of Resdyn
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 61 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Family: Ksifen, Wife, Age 30.5
              Spilker, Son, Age .5
: Master reading, Master Mathematics
Books: Reading for Veterans, Reading for experts,
Basic Mathematics, Mid-Level Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics: Volume I, Advanced Mathematics: Volume II

17:28:48 Mar 18th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Okay, so this is how I'm going to let cities, duchies, and empires be ruled. You will have a new skill:


Yeah, it'll be like any other skill, and it will determine how much money you gain from your city/county/duchy/kingdom/empire. Managing a city is just like having a job, the higher your skill level the higher your pay. With no skill in administration, you will break even and gain nothing. Don't plan on reaching the level of Count in your lifetime. However, your sons receive your PP when you die, so they can continue your dynasty. =D

Pay (Journeyman, veteran, expert, master)

City - 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000

County - 2500, 5000, 10000, 20000

Duchy - 5000, 10000, 20000, 40000

Kingdom/Empire - 10000, 20000, 40000, 80000

Skill costs

Journeyman - 1000

Veteran - 2000

Expert - 4000

Master - 8000]]


17:37:03 Mar 18th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Just letting you all know that a war will probably start on Monday, as I am leaving to my dad's tomorrow and will not be around a computer until Monday. Most of us will be close to being out of the army by then...]]

Gaius had taken his last remaining six months of leave to learn journeyman administration, the Emperor having hinted that he would have to manage a city when his duty as a General was over.

He spent his spare time with his family, whom he loved dearly.

Name: Sir Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Royal Knight, General of the Serillian Empire (XI, XII, and XIII legions)
Age: 32
Gold: 8880
Pay: 2000 gold a day (-60 gold a day to feed Althea, Caius, Quintus, and Severus)
PP: 9
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Fort Marcus, General's Quarters
Property: Villa in Seris
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic

Althea Cidellus
Relation: Wife
Age: 29.5
Status: Normal

Caius Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 2.5

Quintus Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 1.5

Severus Cidellus
Relation: Son
Age: 0.5

Gaius's Skills
Tactics - Master
Fighting - Veteran (learning Expert from experience 7/8)
Reading - Journeyman
Oration - Journeyman
Administration - Journeyman]]

18:41:39 Mar 18th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Sir Jarnas Insurgo
Titles/Ranks: Knight of Peninsularae, General of the Serillian Army, IV, VIII and XV Legions.
Age: 28 1/2
Gold: 4250
Pay: 1800 gold a day
PP: 9
Occupation: General in the Serillian army

Home: Peninsular Barracks
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Athletic


Wife: Lady Helena, age 27 1/2, skills Master Reading, Journeyman mathematics

Son, Telcaer Insurgo, age 2 1/2
Daughter Aurora Insurgo, age 1 1/2


Veteran Fighting; Expert 6/8

Master Tactics

Master Reading

Journeyman Mathematics

Journeyman Authority


Book: The Techniques of General Vordomor, Reading for Veterans, Reading for Experts, Journeyman Mathematics

Legates Armour and weapons.

Horses: Two Fast horses, "Ventus" and "Aura", one Warhorse "Igneus", stabled at the barracks, 17 1/2  years remaining.


Jarnas took the first six-months of his long-saved up leave to study Authority. It was free, as he had never taken his Journeyman course owed him by the military. He'd been too busy.

{Two things, First, can we learn Authority from books? Second I'll be gone Friday-Saturday, so no updates from me until Sunday, if then.}

18:53:35 Mar 18th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: No, you can't learn Administration from books. Not sure what Authority is. :| ]]

19:56:03 Mar 18th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{{ Oops. I meant administration, not sure why I called it Authority...
Well. Good thing I have lots of leave saved up!}}

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