Forums / The hangaround / 4th of July

4th of July
23:09:44 Jun 18th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

wow, just wow

23:18:04 Jun 18th 09 - Lord Death Proof:

I have been the land of the Brits...and they really don't like all. I think it has something to do with a ton of tea in some harbor..ALL THAT TEA WASTED..thats why they don't like us :)

23:46:05 Jun 18th 09 - Mr. Kilroy Mcmurphy:

Über or ueber (DE_uber.ogg German pronunciation ) comes from the German language. It is a cognate of both Latin super and Greek ὑπέρ (hyper), as well as English over.

23:47:31 Jun 18th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Gawaine, I am a realist.  I don't believe in Americanized ideas just because I was told them.  Maybe you should grow up and come out of your cardboard box? Me being a mod has nothing to do with my opinion and you need to stop being a little child yourself.  

23:51:14 Jun 18th 09 - Mr. Eirian Draconis IV:

If you don't celebrate 4th of july just get the hell out. Simple.

00:27:14 Jun 19th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Rules cannot be made for topics in The Hangaround...simple as that.  If you wanted a serious topic, put it elsewhere.

00:54:19 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I believe in "Americanized" ( i have no fuc|<in clue what that's supposed to mean) ideas not because I've been told them, but because I take pride in where I was born. My heritage may be of difference, but I have my own opinions. Maybe you should just leave america and do everyone a big favor? And yes, being a mod should give you a certain level of responsibility, of which you show none when you stoop to the level of the anti-Freedom people.

01:52:19 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

OK, you europeans are really pissing me off now. seriously you cannot just take a few American *beep*s as an example for our entire country. each one of us is radically different, whether it be smart, *beep*ic, extremist, or just plain boring. It doesn't matter so maybe you should crawl out of YOUR box of "Americans are stupid and have no respect for anyone" and actually see that there are tons of Americans who actually are smart and realize what is going on in the world. I for one am very interested in other countries and have read many books on different countries just to see their points of view. seriously you guys need to grow up now. America is amazing and so are many other countries like Britain and France and Japan and Germany and many others so just stop insulting us for the actions of a few of us.

oh and Septim sorry i am a little late but come on.

Mr. Arthur Dent


18:13:50 Jun 16th 09 YAY, go patriatism...

You wonder why people think we are stupid. You can't even use proper English when trying to get your point across! Patriotism is not spelled "patriatism", get back to Elementary school, you're making everything a whole lot worse."

really? i missed one word and you are insulting me? it is just a thread man i don't really need to focus that hard on spelling especially when it is just a joke, so just bug of and stop looking for an excuse for attacking people.

02:02:27 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Sausage Soldier:

omericans r fat and have big nozes lol!!!

02:04:04 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

lol, wait big noses? no that would be jews :/

02:11:55 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Or the widely known "Roman nose". But he said omericans, and I'm American, so I'm not bothered, plus that's pretty off lol, most people have pug noses. XD

04:07:39 Jun 19th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

How old are you guys? I found that simply growing up in the country was bad enough.  People are full of themselves, think they know everything, and are retarded when it comes right down to the point.  You have to live how others want you to be or you are an outcast, anti-American, and maybe even a possible terrorist(lol).  Honestly, if you are going to be blind to everything except yourself, get some help.

As for Gawaine's constant mentioning of how I should be more responsible since I am a mod.  You show no respect, you get none.  PERIOD.  You haven't done anything except attack me wherever I go after I told you to stop reviving old topics.  Seriously dude, grow up.  You haven't shown an ounce of respect and have just acted immature.

04:08:47 Jun 19th 09 - Lady Sexier Than Quietone:

I believe in "Americanized" ( i have no fuc|<in clue what that's supposed to mean) ideas not because I've been told them, but because I take pride in where I was born. My heritage may be of difference, but I have my own opinions.

So it some it up pretty generally:

You believe all the crap you were spoon fed by your government?

04:13:39 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

no American likes the government. I hate it with a passion myself. the entire system is controlled by the Democrats, even when Bush was in office they still had the most power. and i didn't like Bush that much myself but i would rather have him than Obama.

04:27:15 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Arthur, is that because he's black? Or because you know all of his views? Quietone, I had no clue what he meant by Americanized, I thought he meant american view on things. And "So to sum it up" would have not confused me as much. XD (sorry, grammar nerd. lol) Demonslayer, people are only full of themselves because they have positions of power. It's freedom that has gotten them this way, and every country has a 75% populace that are full of themselves at some point and probably at LEAST 25% that ALWAYS think they are the best. Americans are only the way they are because of the freedom they were won, and you know what? I've tried to be nice to you. All you do is get me more frustrated with all of your comments when I'm trying to be nice.

04:37:50 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

YOU PEOPLE ARE PISSING ME OFF! I HATE how people just say that I don't like obama cause he is black! NO WAY! i don't care where he comes from i just hate his view-points on the war and on the terrorist and on the economy and the healthcare. it is extreme and will ruin our amazing country even more. It is just horrible how if you say that you don't like him people just automatically say you are racist! sorry but it is just annoying.

04:43:21 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I never said you were racist. It's just, almost every person's mind runs that white presidents are the better because it has been that way for ages, but other people can rule too (not women ;] )... Alot of the black community voted for Obama just because he's black, and alot of the white community did the opposite. Arthur, name at least 4 views of his you disagree with if you don't like him.

04:49:08 Jun 19th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

lol trying to be nice...that is a good one, I will write that down in my book of bullsh*t.  I tell you to stop reviving so many threads and you reply to me, spazzing out about how posting is now illegal.  You overreact to everything.  Then you talk like you know everything on the forum...That is why I don't like you at all Mr. Knowitallandalwaysright. 

04:55:36 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

His idea to take some of our soldiers out of Iraq right away. that is bad cause the ones at the end who get out will be easy targets for the terrorists. Also he is trying to be too nice to the terrorist in the Israel area, and he doesn't like/support Israel enough even though they are our greatest ally in the Middle East. His tax plan is also bad. he taxes people who earn over 200,000 even though they deserve the money cause they earned it. He is giving too much to the poor and not wanting them to work to get out of povery (which is possible in America but hard in other countries). also he is giving money to the car companies like GM who are going bankrupt by their own stupid faults and he is spending OUR money to save them so they can design a stupid 2 wheeled death-trap that can only go 35 MPH! and even with our money the company still went bankrupt! the stimulus bills in general are bad cause they are just putting us into more debt. and although he is just trying to circulate the money it is not working and wont work and he is just putting us into more debt and killing our country. there are more reasons as well and also some personal stuff with him that are shaky but there are more than 4 views for you Gawaine. and actually the white votes were split nearly 50/50 but the BLACK VOTE WAS SPLIT 92/8!!!!!!!! i find that horrible.

04:59:34 Jun 19th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Erm...maybe someone should restart a similar topic in Miscellanous Discussion? That is where serious discussions are :)  This is for screwing around and talking about what you had for dinner.  :p  Not wanting this to keep becoming inflamed and all.

05:02:48 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

lol, ok then. What is everyone doing for 4th of July?

05:18:14 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Rules cannot be made for topics in The Hangaround...simple as that.  If you wanted a serious topic, put it elsewhere.

What happened to that?

Arthur, I understand that, but the whole thing hasn't played out yet. Maybe giving the car company the money will turn out to be the biggest success in history? Also, the poor DO work hard dude. Work alot harder than alot of high-pay CEO's who sit around doing almost nothing but talking, while the poorer construction workers BUILD OUR HOMES and everywhere that keeps America going, but get one of the lowest pays out of all jobs. The bill is signed and it's over with, if he signs another, use Civil Disobedience by not paying and sending him a letter (like he'll read it, lol).

05:45:44 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Sorra:

Israel-We have problems at home. We support Israel nothing is ever going to change. We need to stitop giving them weapons so that they feel invincible and start cutting back so they are forced to negotiate. Also, it will save us some money aswell

Obama isent giving out hand-outs, he's giving the poor an incentive to work.

People are being taxed more because the country needs more money. You cant take somthing from teh poor whitch tehy dont have. That will only reduce theer incentive to work as they will see they will have to pay of all this debat.

If GM were to fail, hunders of thousands of jobs would be lost. Making even mroe people dependent on well fare. Not to mention country moral. Those people who lost there jobs will get into the habit of depending on hand outs.

As for the votes, This was eh first black presendet in 43. Im not amazed that the black community would vote for him in such high numbers.

06:04:42 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

One more thing to add on: If we hadn't gotten involved in the war in the first place we wouldn't need to remove troops and loads of families would be happy right now wouldn't they Arthur?

06:11:48 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

... wow. ok

Irael: If Israel falls to the Terrorists then we have no ally in the ME. Israel right now has nukes, unlike any other country in the ME (for now). If we stopped helping Israel then they might use their nukes to defend themselves when the terrorists or Iran or Palestine or whoever attacks. This would cause massive destruction and eventually kill more people and most likely kill Israel cause then the West powers would not like them for using nukes. anyways if Israel dies then the middle East will go unchecked and the iranian government would be unchecked to attack the Western powers and devolop nuclear power.

Hand-out: yeah he is giving out hand-outs and how could that help give an incentive to work? the only incentive i would need to work is to get out of poverty! if i was getting free money from the government for being poor then why would i want to work harder?

Taxes: i am not saying to tax the poor people. I am saying to not tax the rich people just cause they are rich. The people in the country need more money and jobs. We can achieve this by letting the people/businesses keep the money they earn, not by letting the government get the money to spend on more freeways and stuff that the Democrats want to save but still put more roads on them!?!?

If GM fails then woopdi-do! the people who lose their jobs will find jobs at other car companies cause those companies would have less competition from GM! And besides GM has already failed and gotten read of a lot of their employees, it is government-run now.

You are not amazed that the black community would vote for him in so high numbers!!! YOU SHOULD NOT VOTE FOR SOMEONE SOLELY CAUSE OF HIS RACE! and that is what they did. i don't care if it was the 1st black candidate or the 21st black candidate, they are just candidates with different backgrounds and skin color! you should vote for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES because they will RUN THE COUTRY BETTER, NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR BACKGROUND! oh and just saying he is only half black you know right?

but anyways i was just defending my side. seriously this thread is about 4th of july so what are you guys doing? i am just launching loads of fireworks in my backyard to celebrate our country! I don't care if it is illegal!

06:16:56 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

@Gawaine: we had to get in the war to keep control of Hussein and help the Iraqi people which we have cause their government is now fairly stable and they will be a good country soon. But there are still terrorists and we have to keep a strong military presence there until it is safe to do stuff. Besides we had to address the issue of the terrorist cause there was 9/11 and they could have kept on attacking us if we didn't stop them. Iraq was the logical solution cause there were a lot of terrorists there and we also (like i said before) needed to stop Hussein. And did you know that Hillary Clinton was in favor of the Iraq war and was quoted saying that it was necessary then now says that is was a mistake and we should never have gone there?

06:21:57 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Trau:

sorra, i respect your views, but i disagree, the israel thing is whishy washy, but we need to support them atleast to some degree

helping the poor is good, but too much of a bad thing is bad, i think he crosses the limit,

the country needs more money because the government spends too much, this is more than just an obama thing, taxing the poor should be avoided, ya, but the rich and middle class have normally worked hard for their money, just like they poor, [yes, i know theres some exception, but thats life] so is it fair to take money from anyone, a happy median has to be found, maybe a different taxing system, it needs to be looked at and dealt with, but i dont think obama's plan is the best way it can be done

if gm fails, thousands will lose jobs, yes, companies fail for reasons, bad business decisions normally, thats why there is bankruptcy, to give companies a second chance, basically the gov't bought stock in GM, but what i dont like is that obama handpicked the new CEO, thats not very free-market like last i checked

and he's black, i dont care about that, i'm sure you dont either, but some people do.  whatever reason someone has to vote for anyone, shouldnt it be because of his policies, that didnt happen in every case this time, its an example of american ignorance, something that we see more and more of these days, its sad, its a failing of piece of our culture,
America needs to look inward at ourselves and solve some of our own problems.  To be great, one has to know of and accept their own flaws in order to act to correct and improve them. it is no different for countries and other governing entities/deities [bow down and worship the president, lol :) ]

07:17:14 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

yay, almost exactly what i said except it was calmer and better worded :D

07:49:15 Jun 19th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Gawaine


00:54:19 Jun 19th 09 I believe in "Americanized" ( i have no fuc|<in clue what that's supposed to mean) ideas not because I've been told them, but because I take pride in where I was born. My heritage may be of difference, but I have my own opinions. Maybe you should just leave america and do everyone a big favor? And yes, being a mod should give you a certain level of responsibility, of which you show none when you stoop to the level of the anti-Freedom people.

--> Stupidity like that is what creates world wars. Let's hope you never get into a lead-giving position in America.

Arthur Dent:

Irael: If Israel falls to the Terrorists then we have no ally in the ME. Israel right now has nukes, unlike any other country in the ME (for now). If we stopped helping Israel then they might use their nukes to defend themselves when the terrorists or Iran or Palestine or whoever attacks. This would cause massive destruction and eventually kill more people and most likely kill Israel cause then the West powers would not like them for using nukes. anyways if Israel dies then the middle East will go unchecked and the iranian government would be unchecked to attack the Western powers and devolop nuclear power.

--> you shoot a nuclear missile, you can expect a few back. That why nobody uses them. So even if Israel would lose to Palestina (highly unlikely), they still wouldn't end up shooting everyone with nuclear missiles. Why does the US have to control everybody like they're trying to?

Did you forget the biggest reason Iraq was invaded? Nuclear weapons! Do you know how many nuclear weapons have been found? 0! You telling me 10000 iraqi civilians died for nothing?! They were much better off with Sadam Hussain than they are now. So tell me, what good was invading Iraq? Except putting up the oil prices , wasting about 15000 lifes and 4 BILLION dollar? And now you wish to use the same excuse for warring iran?

If GM fails then woopdi-do! the people who lose their jobs will find jobs at other car companies cause those companies would have less competition from GM! And besides GM has already failed and gotten read of a lot of their employees, it is government-run now.
--> There already are many unemployed. And no, if you think GM competitors would take over the GM employees, you're sadly mistaking. Companies can't just grow that much in a few months to take a few thousand more employees in. And you said it, LESS COMPETITION = Higher car prices = worse for the consumer.

Taxes: i am not saying to tax the poor people. I am saying to not tax the rich people just cause they are rich. The people in the country need more money and jobs. We can achieve this by letting the people/businesses keep the money they earn, not by letting the government get the money to spend on more freeways and stuff that the Democrats want to save but still put more roads on them!?!?

--> right, and your roads, police, etc. will come out of themselves? Taxes need to be made. And the more they're made the better, and the more added percentage the rich pay, the better or are you saying the rich should get richer and the poor poorer?
And also, you're mixing 2 things up. People earning lots of money, won't result in more jobs. Even companies making more money doesn't nesacarily(sp?) mean more jobs. With modern industry, robots can do almost everything, so it may also result in people getting fired and more machinery being used.

What WOULD be good (imo.) would be that the government takes over the banks (big investment, but so worth it long-term). The whole economic crisis probably wouldn't have happened, and they can make incomes more equal when they take over all banks. And give bigger intrest to the families with less money . It'd take a lot of organising and money, but it'd be so worth it long term.

08:04:28 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Kilroy Mcmurphy:

Mr. Sausage Soldier


20:02:27 Jun 18th 09 omericans r fat and have big nozes lol!!!


08:20:22 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

Pardon my french but you britsh are *beep*ing asses *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* whores *beep* *beep*ers

08:48:40 Jun 19th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

and that's exactly why everyone hates America:  People like you... When losing a conversation, you resort to insulting and violence.

(if that was directed at me, I'm Belgian but am pleased you think my English is good enough for me to be British.)

09:45:41 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Trau:

why does everyone seem so pissed off,
we all have different viewpoints on everything
NO ONE is completely correct
i am not completely correct and neither are you
we all have our faults and we all have our gifts
when human kind can coexist and cooperate, amazing things will happen
but as this thread shows, we all have our amazing egos that will not allow us to even think about what the other person is saying
in american politics [i'm not as accustomed to other countries, sorry] normally only people on the left or right get ellected. WHERE ARE THE MIDDLE MEN. there are very few in the middle ground, very few that recognize that both sides have good ideas and both sides have bad ideas. we dont have these middle men because PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF IDEAS CONTRARY TO THEIR OWN. that means only relative extremists get elected because people vote for who makes them feel safe. people dont want to consider the other sides ideas as valid, so they demonize them. If the people start actually considering the validity of the other sides ideas, they realize that some things they believe may not always be the best idea. That requires them to reflect upon themselves and find their own faults, but people want nothing less then a single moment of true self awareness when they realize the world doesnt revolve around them.  Thus, due to people people's insecurities they demonize opposing viewpoints because they fear true insight into themselves.  This creates a lack of understanding the other side.  When people dont understand eachother and are unwilling to give the other sides ideas even a moment of thought,  things escalate and on the (inter)national scale wars can start

My politic ideas are no better and no worse than yours,
i respect all ideas because information is only information
its what you do with that information that matters
its ok to be nice to each other, agree or disagree with someone, knowing and understanding each other's viewpoints can only benefit the human race, i advise all of you to open your mind and think for yourself

this next part is about fat americans
its true, i work in a store, i see fat people everywhere, its terrible and we as americans need to address this problem, i dont think the problem is the food that people eat, but is more of the entire lifestyle. Its a lifestyle of fast food, sit on couch, watch tv, when you watch tv, you dont exercise the body or the mind, so as you do it you just get dumber and fatter, tv is bad and can be addicting, its alright in moderation, but many people spend hours watching it, in addition to tv, look at what americans do for fun these days, computer games, eat, tv, its not sports or outdoors stuff for many people anymore, the american culture needs some major renovation, lifestyles need to become more active and a larger emphasis on education and knowledge needs to be in place, without a change, america will just keep dwindling, the way i see it, the growing ignorance of america is already have negative affects on us, according to the news i watch[i cant say for sure that its accurate because i have nothing to prove it, the gov't says they dont control it, but just because uncle sam says something doesnt mean its true, they've lied before] well my news says the current economic crisis started in america and came from the collapse of our housing market, why did the housing market collapse, because people were buying homes they couldnt afford, why would you buy a house you cant afford, its sounds like some people could've been smarter. yes, i know its a weak example, but i think i made the point that american ignorance is starting to affect us and the world. and i understand that people bought houses as an investment that they expected to keep going up in value, and thats ok when only a minority of the people are doing that, but in america, the collective populous was buying houses that were too expensive for them, my family did it, so point is, americas culture needs to be revamped and correct its faults

if you think i dont sound like a dumb american
well i'm an american atleast, but you can decide if i'm dumb or not, i know many of my fellow citizens are completely worthless and brainwashed, but i try to distance myself from them
and if your an american and dont think your brainwashed, i ask you this, how often do you question the validity of the MASS MEDIA that is broadcast INTO THE HOMES OF EVERY AMERICAN. doesnt that sound like the perfect platform to keep you thinking what they want you to think, i'm not paranoid i assure you, but my eyes are just open to the POSSIBILITY, i cant say for sure if anything is going on in it, but i can say most americans act like sheep and just follow the herd, and the sheperd that controls the herd is deffinately the gov't. they have power, they cant help it, power corrupts

things need reshaping

11:26:51 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on 3 March 1918 lol

11:27:18 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

13:45:34 Jun 19th 09 - General Wolfenstien:

To all you Americans shut the hell up.  To all you non Americans that are talking about history need to learn there history first.&nb*beep*erica is made up of all countries.  No Brits and Englishmen where not the first to colonize this land.  It was the vikings.  Also you all want to talk about the World Wars. 

Fact one:  They both we not are business until England and Great Britian came to us for help.

Fact Two:  Germany took over most of Europe before we entered the war and we HELPED push them back.  Russians played a major rule in the down fall of Germany both times.  Europe should thank BOTH Americans and Russians for making sure they have there land.

Fact Three:  It took Four countries to BEAT GERMANY both times.  So we all are punks compared to orginal GERMANS.

History lesson over.

Also all you nonAmericans need to back off are 4th of July since we have to recoginize all your holidays and we don't down grade yours.  I ask for the simple respect that every HUMAN no matter race, creed, or religion is do.  Everyone is arrogant since no one realizes if one economy falls we all fall.  Europe took a hard hit when the former Soviet Union fell.  That is why you all combined your money to make one so you wouldn't fall.  You all did that on the advice from AMERICAN finacial advisers.  If you all watch and notice as are economy falls so does Europe, Japan, German, China, and Middle Eastern countries.  Now start getting your arguments right and learn to live like humans and quite this holyer then thou bull *beep*.

13:48:14 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

yeah *beep* those americans ! go wolfy

13:50:24 Jun 19th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

rofl wolfy wins, thread over :)

13:54:10 Jun 19th 09 - General Wolfenstien:

Water you need to learn I am American and proud of it.  If you read the post I am tired of stupidity running rampide from everyone.  No country is better then the other.  I know this because I have traveled the world serving my Country.  So before you get all high and mighty I told EVERYONE to shut the hell up.  Every country has its pros and cons.  The only difference from us and the rest of the world is that are media makes a big deal out of everything since it gets people to watch.  If you look at all the countries we are the only ones that have been given complete freedom to bare arms and protect are land.  That is why no one could successfully invade America.  Every home would be a fight.

13:57:55 Jun 19th 09 - Sir Water:

[14:48:33] I`R Penguin sako:
[14:48:36] I`R Penguin sako: read the bottom
[14:48:36] I`R Penguin sako: :D
[14:50:31] Kai sako: wow
[14:50:34] Kai sako: pwned xD
[14:50:41] I`R Penguin sako: /sarcasm
[14:50:41] I`R Penguin sako: :D
[14:50:50] Kai sako: lol
[14:51:00] I`R Penguin sako: wolfy is american but meh
[14:51:00] I`R Penguin sako: :D
[14:51:03] Kai sako: wolfy owned everyone in teh thread :P

you posted 14:54 :) i know dude i know :)

18:45:34 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

well Wolfenstien, I agree with you for the most part. I could argue some points but whatever i don't really want to cause you are right and this is going a little far. I will agree with Trau though about how the Mass Media is extremely corrupt and extremist. I have known this for a long time. I am a Republican living in a Democratic state so it is easy for me to see how the news stations brainwash people. Fox News is the only Republican station on basic cable and there are like 4-5 Democratic ones. I hate them all cause they all spin everything, but I hate the fact that there are so many more Democratic ones. So yes Americans are brainwashed, but what about the rest of the world? you can't tell me that they are not a little either. (oh and i am actually wondering what it is like in other countries cause i haven't left this one too many times)

18:55:32 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Arthur, we did not HAVE to be in the war. The 911 bombing came after we joined the war, and it's likely it would have been some other major building in another country if we hadn't. Republicans spin things too, so you can't be blaming only democrats. Besides, use this comparison: The older VU members (supposedly) deserve powers because they have been here longer, such is the case with Democrats- Been around longer so deserve more power. >=0

19:14:58 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ok that last bit better have been a joke. and about the spinning, this is what i said "I hate them ALL cause they all spin everything" yes of course republicans spin stuff, it is just that there are way more Democratic media and thus more people would watch the Democratic media and also in comparison to ALL the other media Fox seems extremely right wing when they really aren't. And we went into the "War on terror" because of the 911 bombings. We were in Saudia Arabia (pardon my spelling) before to stop Kuwait from being taken by Sudam and thus keep our oil in that region.

19:24:49 Jun 19th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Water you need to learn I am American and proud of it.  If you read the post I am tired of stupidity running rampide from everyone.  No country is better then the other.  I know this because I have traveled the world serving my Country.  So before you get all high and mighty I told EVERYONE to shut the hell up.  Every country has its pros and cons.  The only difference from us and the rest of the world is that are media makes a big deal out of everything since it gets people to watch.  If you look at all the countries we are the only ones that have been given complete freedom to bare arms and protect are land.  That is why no one could successfully invade America.  Every home would be a fight.

it's not a matter of "not being able" to invade America. (and I'm pretty sure that's possible) It's because generally, Americans are unknowing of what happens beyond their borders.

Ofcourse, I am stereotyping, but I don't think I'd be lying if I say close to 50% of america has no clue what the heck is the deal in Israel-Palestine or even has the slightest clue where countries such as Iran are placed on the world map. THAT is why people tend to dislike Americans. They're too full of themselves and they don't have much to be full of. (yes, I know I'm stereotyping, and not ALL americans are like that, but please, read what I write. Read it twice if you need it to make a good comment. I'm getting tired of the irrelevant comments)

20:15:28 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

The way American minds work, Lewatha, is that if it doesn't concern you stay out of it. >.< Unfortunately, that has led to stupidity in our country, and that is why there is a difference between the people living here. As I stated before there are about 3 overall stereotypes that sum it up: Rednecks and their stupidity (45%); Yankees and their arrogance (45%); and then the people who are actually smart (10%). My whole family is dang smart and has a broad knowledge of everything going on, so you can't put that on all of us... (I know you didn't say all of Americans are this way) And quite frankly Arthur, they both spin everything they need to to fit their needs. It's not "one group does it more than the other", it's just "they both do it". End of story. It's always that way with politics, one side saying the other does more wrong than they do, and it's really pretty sad.

20:29:51 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Grounded For Life:

it is irresponsable ...

21:31:07 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

yeah Gawaine they both do it. but there is a bigger Democratic presence in the media and that is what worries me cause then more people are brainwashed on that side. Anyways your statistics about the stereotypes are horrible. What about the people on the West coast like in Washington or Oregon? i can tell you we are not rednecks or yanks (in fact we hate the Yankees, cheat the other ball teams :P). The real statistics are more like 20% rednecks, 25% Yanks, and 55% other which includes smart and stupid people. Really don't feed the present portrayal of 90% of americans are stupid or arrogant, that is not it at all and if you think that way then you are in the 45% i mentioned earlier.

21:38:08 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Minor Threat:

"What about the people on the West coast like in Washington or Oregon? i can tell you we are not rednecks or yanks (in fact we hate the Yankees, cheat the other ball teams :P)."

You'd be surprised, there are quite a few rednecks here in Oregon. Not as many as in most of the rest of the country though.

22:04:26 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

in the populated areas or rural? not cities like portland right?

22:43:45 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Israel-We have problems at home. We support Israel nothing is ever going to change. We need to stitop giving them weapons so that they feel invincible and start cutting back so they are forced to negotiate. Also, it will save us some money aswell

^ i agree]

Irael: If Israel falls to the Terrorists then we have no ally in the ME. Israel right now has nukes, unlike any other country in the ME (for now). If we stopped helping Israel then they might use their nukes to defend themselves when the terrorists or Iran or Palestine or whoever attacks. This would cause massive destruction and eventually kill more people and most likely kill Israel cause then the West powers would not like them for using nukes. anyways if Israel dies then the middle East will go unchecked and the iranian government would be unchecked to attack the Western powers and devolop nuclear power.

^ oh really? can you prove that israel has nukes

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