Forums / The hangaround / 4th of July

4th of July
22:48:09 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

... really? of course they have nukes. just look it up anywhere on any recent report.

22:57:15 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Trau:

yawn, frankly i found truth in what everyone of  you said, ofcourse many people are stereotyping and stuff, but i understand what you mean

but those people that have so much anger against america, its ok to disagree with us, but dont cause more anger and hatred simply simply because your views dont match ours,
you've all been doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, try a different way to approach this argument, senseless yelling wont get us anywhere

and something from earlier,
people were saying they dont like obama, its not that i dont like obama, i just dont like his policy, he's a fellow person and i'll give him the respect he deserves, but his policies just dont appeal to me.
dont hate a person, hate what they stand for.... ummmmm that sounds terrible, but it might be better then hating eachother

23:03:51 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

yeah i don't really hate him much as a person (although he has been mixed up in some stuff), but yeah i really don't like his policies.

23:20:05 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I like him. He hasn't done anything wrong in my views yet. Unless he makes a giant blunder I won't change my views. Lol Arthur, I thought you were going to say that you disagree with his "pro-choice" views at first lol.

23:29:25 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


00:58:36 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

 They were much better off with Sadam Hussain than they are now.

so you are saying all the shiits that he killed and herded like cows, just because they had slightly different beliefs, were better off? all those children that lost parents or parents that lost children? he used to starve whole villages to death, he killed people for saying his name in the wrong way. his goal was to wipe the shiits off the face of the earth. Lew you are the stupid one because a educated person would not make that statement. So if your statement were true then i would be fine in saying the the jews would be better off if hitler was still in power, or Italy was better off with mussolini or france was better off with napoleon??

01:00:52 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Trau:

i think sadam hussain was a bad man
i'm glad he is out of power, it appears to be one of the few good by-products of the iraq war,

01:12:28 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Trau, it wasn't a by-product lol. It was one of the main goals to capture him ROFL.

Camel Rider, remember, Christians weren't so different with the Crusades... Except all the wanted was Jerusalem, not to wipe the other off the planet. XD

01:50:46 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Minor Threat:

"in the populated areas or rural? not cities like portland right?"

Well yea, mostly in rural areas.

02:02:33 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Grimdeath:

Mr. Gawaine you like Obama that is fine.  You agree with what he is doing not fine.  You must not pay attention very well.  Obama thinks he can spend $1 trillion dollars why he is in the middle east and not tell the tax payers what he spent it on.  All the other presidents have had to answer to the people why dosen't he.  Just because he cann't tell whether he is black or white.  Also more protected information has found its way to the internet (information that the president and his advisors only have).  I can honestly say I don't like Obama and I hate the fact that he got into office through people cheating on the voting computers and yes it has been proven that if those 200 people that worked for that company that did the talling of votes would not have cheated he would not be in office.  McCain and Palin are the rightful people that where voted in office.

02:38:15 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Hmm... I came into this forum thinking I would find a bucn hof posts about fireworks and friendly conversations. :-|

...Most of you people type too horribly or are too prejudiced to get your point across or even be willing to think the other way.

02:42:18 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Trau:

if McCain and Palin are the rightful people who should be in office, do you know the implications of that
but we sound just like all the democrats complaining about bush getting in office cuz he lost the popular vote, lol,

and Gawaine, i think you're right. capturing sadam was a MAIN goal, lol, so that means we succeeded and won the war =] lol if only it was that easy, but although its not easy for anyone to have our youth over there, it is necessary to rebuild the country and establish a "republic" that is capable of standing without us so that another kook doesnt get in power

02:43:54 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

WTF... How did bucn hof get into my post. O_o

Hm, maybe Europe's right about America and horrible gramar. :-P

03:19:33 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

You spelled grammar wrong. XD

Grimdeath, $1 trillion? I think not. More like.... 1.2 trillion. But that's out of our money, not the government's. That obviously means the government is NOT in crisis mode, since the little known Fort Knox had 700 trillion dollars in it in the 1970's, so it's probably somewhere above 1000 trillion (I don't know the next number name >.<) right now. So I think we are fine.

03:26:39 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Trau:

gawaine, if fort knox and a million billion dollars (aka 1000 trillion) then i dont think america would have any debt, if they had a million billion, wouldnt they just pay off the debt,
point is, i just wanted to inform you about numbers, it goes, thousand, then million, then billion, then trillion, then million billion :)

20:23:50 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Penor The Large:

that would be quadrillion you retard... I'm switching sides... Americans are stupid...

20:37:18 Jun 21st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Camel Rider


00:58:36 Jun 20th 09

 They were much better off with Sadam Hussain than they are now.

so you are saying all the shiits that he killed and herded like cows, just because they had slightly different beliefs, were better off? all those children that lost parents or parents that lost children? he used to starve whole villages to death, he killed people for saying his name in the wrong way. his goal was to wipe the shiits off the face of the earth. Lew you are the stupid one because a educated person would not make that statement. So if your statement were true then i would be fine in saying the the jews would be better off if hitler was still in power, or Italy was better off with mussolini or france was better off with napoleon??

France was pretty good with Napoleon... tbh... He did awesome stuff with that country. He re-organised EVERYTHING and drew france out of the chaos. Not all of his visions were great, but France certainly was better off with Napoleon than it was before Napoleon. (chaos)

Learn your history.

And yes, Sadam Hussein dictatorship cost about 10.000 people's lives (not counting the wars he fought etc., since most of those would've happened without Sadam Hussein too.)
However, he did that in about 24 years.

Where-as America managed to kill the same amount of people in 3 years.

Now tell me, which one comes better out of that?

20:41:31 Jun 21st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

I'm the stupid one how? Because I don't blindly believe what governments say?

21:39:42 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Trau, they save the money for a day like black friday. What the Depression came from. They do not want another Depression so they are saving it for a rainy day. It's basically their Plan B if all else fails. Lulz

01:55:20 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Crimon Guardian:

Does that make the Federal Reserve Bank vault in New York Plan C?
After all it does store as much if not more gold then Fort Knox.

05:32:20 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Fort Knox is just a trick. They don't really store anything there but golden bullion, which they used in the 1970's when they let the public see it for the first and last time the interior of Fort knox as a publicity stunt. So basically, they probably had even more than that in the bank, that was just to a small amount i bet. =P

05:53:22 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

and you know this... how?

06:59:52 Jun 22nd 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

He knows everything...that's how.

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