Forums / The hangaround / P.E.R.C (details inside)

P.E.R.C (details inside)
14:05:51 Feb 20th 07 - Mr. Salaracen:

well i dont know but whats the point to make farms if youve already got tonnnes of the stuff any way i know it may eat away at the food but what differnce does it make

14:31:56 Feb 20th 07 - Sir Senturu:

i President Senturu also agree. (yea im a bit late for it so what)

i give my support to the No Rainbow cities.

and no i wont give my support for your world domination

15:05:03 Feb 20th 07 - Mr. Killer King:

farms what are farms =P

i only have like 10k farms in one town and that is it -100k food production and i am fine...

16:25:35 Feb 20th 07 - Mr. Rommel:

The Pink tide will not spare you due to bad taste in cities. I personally, would just torch 'em outright.

22:32:32 Feb 20th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

such an abomination would not be alowed to survive. (some people didn't read my previous post)

23:19:26 Feb 20th 07 - Ms. Noadea:

The only reason to have a rainbow is if you somehow were separated from your main core and had little to nothing.  Just don't place it in a great place(well, I guess you could put it near someplace for it to get bonuses but that would be a waste of space).

I did two rainbows(one was accidental) and compared them to my specialized cities and it is amazing how much difference it makes to make them specialized.

Therefore, I agree with those who are anti-rainbow cities.

23:23:13 Feb 20th 07 - Mr. Rommel:

Welcome to the fold Sister Noadea. All of your previous transgressions have been forgiven. :-)

02:01:34 Feb 21st 07 - Ms. Noadea:

Wow.  It sounds like a religious cult of some kind that you have here Rommel.

02:06:36 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

It is a suicide circle, after Rommel gets enough members he'll get all of you to commit suicide! Don't join!!

03:29:03 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. Andrei:

No,maybe rommel wants that,but after he kills himself the others will just have a change of heart :)

06:32:20 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. Architect:

Don't drink the Kool-Aid.....

16:50:54 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. Rommel:

Nah, I was just joking in that instance. Still, Rainbow towns are bad for your mental and spiritual well-being and it takes away any game that you might have.

14:23:15 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei:

Also I found out that taking a Rainbow town often brings tears to the eyes :(

18:45:02 Feb 22nd 07 - Princess Arien:


(VU for the Abolishment of Rainbow Cities)

Where we advocate the education of correct building and specialty buildings and the draw and quartering of those who build rainbow cities and compensation of your suffering for those of us who spend our hard earned gold on training troops to take your cities!

Join today!

For the price of a fried pickle, you get a dorky button, access to our uber cool website, and a autographed picture of Rommel himself!

20:08:27 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Rommel:

Why thank you Arien, I'd be happy to give out a signed autogr.... wait a minute!!!

How the heck did you get a picture of me?

21:23:04 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei:

This city is one of those that makes me cry :(
Magic Towers:
Why build farms when you need like 3-4 times the armories you would usually need for max lvl 5 reduction...all this just needlessly adds to total land and troop cost :(

21:35:25 Feb 22nd 07 - Lord Mielo:

Booooyyyss doon't Craaajjjj

21:40:26 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei:

...they do... :((

21:42:23 Feb 22nd 07 - Lord Mielo:

pff ... when will the new era start ??? C'mon ... I'm bored :'( ....>  does this officially means I have no life?

21:49:18 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Andrei:

I feel the same way and....yes :(

14:55:28 Mar 4th 07 - Sir Brain:

Brothers and Sisters of the P.E.R.C. Nation! I, The Brain, have come to lead us into a glorious new era!

It has come to my attention that even after all of our campaigning last era, that people still believe that they must create Rainbow towns in order to survive. These people are little more than parasites wasting the resources of our precious Fantasia and Mantrax!

I call upon all who follow the P.E.R.C. cause, and show no mercy to those that create these abominations! Let us take over our worlds, and so that we can live in a new and brighter tommorrow!

18:59:36 Mar 4th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Never!! The era of rainbows is upon us!!

22:01:12 Mar 4th 07 - Mr. Wilberforce:

I'll join your little club, but seriously andrei, what retard made that city? I would slap him silly, but he already is silly.

03:59:59 Mar 8th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I am proud to join...against PERC!!!! Rainbow cities all the way!!!

Just kidding around. Rainbows are dumb because they're too darn colorful...which makes them completely useless.

04:02:52 Mar 8th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

I believe the main problem lies in city placement and not so much the insides. There are towns built smack dab in the middle of nowhere, now that's just god awful, I would rather have a rainbow that is at least close to a mountain.

18:02:45 Mar 8th 07 - Sir Brain:

Why do that Lelouch? Cities built in the middle of nowhere make great armories, MT towns, or warehouse towns (for all you greedy StG types.) Now if I want to place a town close to the resource, why waste the advantage of the city placement to screw it up (i.e. Building a town next to a mountain but adding lumbermills when there's no forests around).

Anyways the PERC choir's going to sing verse one of, 'Amazing PERC'.

 Amaaaaaziiiing PERC, how sweet the sound, that saved a rainbower like meeeeee! I once had bad production, but now I aaam rich. Couldn't defend myself, but now I pump armies.


18:05:53 Mar 8th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Well this era I went by the PERC rules and I have to say it is pretty dangerous in the begining. If you lose a farm, mine or mill you are screwed until you build a new one.

But it isn't all bad, the income bonus is nice : )

21:38:14 Mar 8th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Yeay for PERC <3.I now see many people saying that they stopped building rainbow cities after reading this thread.This was truly one of the best ideas EVER!I LOVE YOU ROMMEL!

22:18:20 Mar 8th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Not when they have 4k mines already in them and 30% productivity Brain.

00:59:22 Mar 9th 07 - Sir Brain:

Right, so productivity is lowered when you put in new businesses, if you put in businesses that aren't making you much in the way of resources (i.e. farms or lumbermills in a mountain town), then you're hurting what would be your most productive industry and making alot less all around.

Oh, you're very welcome Andrei. Keep on fighting the good fight.

01:08:03 Mar 9th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

It's not a rainbow and I get next to nothing from the town, are you saying that's fine then? 3 gold and 1 stone in a non-rainbow towns still isn't that good.

01:10:04 Mar 9th 07 - Sir Brain:

Oh, I was under the assumption it was a rainbow. *ahem* For bigger towns starting farther out from a mountain, you will go for a time at 1/3, however if you follow the PERC plan, eventually you'll have a 5/7 (for non-dwarfs) moneymaker you'll be proud of.

01:14:37 Mar 9th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Wtf, do you build up every single town you take?

04:34:34 Mar 9th 07 - Sir Brain:

I've just played for a long, long time. :-P

17:16:17 Mar 9th 07 - Sir Brain:

Brothers and Sisters of PERC! Advance PERC-aligned scouts have shown us that the people of the KD of MAD need desperate enlightenment of the PERC way.

For example:

Magic Towers:
(You'd like to know :-P )

Sure, this town was wrecked at some point, however with the amount of mines in there this town would be alright, with the exception it was built along a river. My friends! Such poor building cannot be allowed to be left standing! I'm announcing a jihad on MAD, who is with me?

20:27:05 Mar 9th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

That's why I say city placement matters so much!!!! Besides there is such a thing as a gold bonus from a river.

20:31:58 Mar 9th 07 - Sir Brain:

Riiiiight. Well, I don't see Sutters Mill anywhere around here, so I'm going to have to disagree with you.

20:33:09 Mar 9th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

What is Sutters Mill?

21:57:26 Mar 9th 07 - Mr. Brashen:

Next time someone preps on my cities ill tell them its a rainbow city so they bugger of :P

22:47:09 Mar 9th 07 - Ms. Noadea:

Lelouch, Sutters Mill was on the American River which is in California.  Gold was found in that river.  That was where the Gold Rush of 1848 started.

02:43:57 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Man,I feel like posting one of the awesome Cities one of our viceroys took over a few days ago (hope he doesn't mind ):

    the worst city one can ever have.

Buildings Build 1 2-3 4-6 7-12 13-20 21-30
0 Wreckages              
6912 Homes 0 0 0 0 0 0
340 Farms 0 0 0 0 0 0
4302 Mines 0 0 0 0 0 0
2811 Magic Towers 0 0 0 0 0 0
28059 Guardtowers
Now, is that AWESOME OR WHAT?

03:56:11 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

I have just lost any appreciation for your knowledge of VU Brain, don't tell me you don't know about the gold bonus you get beside rivers.

23:48:03 Mar 12th 07 - Sir Brain:

Brothers and Sisters! PERC researchers tested the validity of the gold bonus claim, and found it to be legit. Then PERC researchers then made an even greater discovery! That people who build mines by rivers are truly STUPID.

If, one farm by a river will generate 11 units of food, and one mine produces 1 stone and 5 gold. Consider then that the current price of food on the market is about 1 gold a piece, and that stone will easily net you .9-.95 on the market. Why NOT build mines near mountains and farms near rivers? Food for thought for the young capitalists out there.

(To those that keep building mines by rivers, by all means continue doing so, so that you may pay the ungodly amounts of money that food got to earlier, making me a very rich person. ;-) )

(Edited by Sir Brain 3/12/2007 11:48:58 PM)

04:07:55 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Brashen:

Hehe you got to love this guy.

I have to add more to P.E.R.C against MAD.
I just took a city over from a MAD player.

And sure it was a nice little city with a nice see view and some nice plantations around.
The only problem was that it must have been a devil in the town.(inside joke for MAD & LGC) because it was also filled with almost as meny mines as farms + a nice quantity of Lumbermills.

And well it is really bad building a rainbow town but what was even worse this guy did not even warn me about it and thats just plain rude and I cant stand rude people so now I must kill him.

17:38:29 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Malakas:

poor thing.. lgc are flaming us and validating all their post here.

you guys do not know what your saying. so what if i build mines near rivers, it still has bonus. im not as good as you. so what.

all my settled cities were prefixed with my name. what you got was not originally mine. so what. flame our silent kingdom, if it makes you happy.

yahooo... lgc are the best.

17:46:46 Mar 13th 07 - Sir Brain:

I'm not flaming, is constructive criticism so that everyone will learn from people's mistakes and play better. The semi-flame that you're picking up from me was that Lelouch was talking about the pointless bonus from mines on rivers.

18:37:53 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

I was just pointing out that there is such a thing and it's not a complete waste, besides, city placement!!!

18:50:08 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Malakas:

may i have a request... dont include my kingdom in your 'constructive criticism'.. go find someone.

why not make a guide, it is better than this.

19:31:52 Mar 13th 07 - Sir Brain:

Nobody reads guides, everyone's in this forum. Besides, I've given PKS some grief and they've responded with humour. Grow up, get a sense of humour, and get out of my thread heretic. ;-)


21:47:05 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Brashen:

Malakas I did not mention eny names,

"The only problem was that it must have been a devil in the town.(inside joke for MAD & LGC)"

Okey I was speaking of Diablo but I did not want to point eny fingers for all VU to see.

I dont know if you ever herd about a little way of exprecion thats called sarcasm.

If you read my post again you probleby see that it was not a evil flame against your kd, but meant as a humoristic flame against you.
And the part were I say I will kill the owner of the town well we are fighting against eachother so ofcourse I try to kill you thats the point of waring.
And I guessed it was not you who started it thats why I did not mention your name or the city right out.
But I just took this over And not from MAD...

Magic Towers:

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