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Mr. Nurglespawn

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Throatslasher) and was a member of Insane Asylum


Mr. Throatslasher

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Throatslasher) and was a member of Insane Asylum

Belligerent and violence prone, Throatslasher is the archetype of powerful orcish warlords. He is a massive warrior adorned with scars and grotesque trophys in equivalent numbers, and few of the poor souls that have survived an attack by his cruelly bladed axe are fit to return to a normal life. Even though he is chiefly known for his brutish attitude and wanton bloodlust he privately prides himself on his grammatical abilities and philosophical musings, which may seem childish to many readers but represents significant effort on his part. The stories of unwise scholars coming to a ghastly end shortly after scoffing too loudly at Throatslasher's guttural slurs are plentiful. Refers to himself as "Da Big Orc Chief" frequently, apparently as a form of primitive brand-naming, if such is possible with scrawled prose dripping in colorfully depicted gore.
Was invited into the kingdom of CRAZY by his ruthless comrade Doomrune. CRAZY perused is sensible policy of consolidating power and expanding after securing most of their boarders with treaties, a strategy that suited Throatslasher very well. He happily contributed in many noteworthy conflicts, and gradually made a name for himself with his warriors and fellow Kings.
As the era closes, the forces of The Rebirth Empire tears through the boarders of Crazy. Chaos rages through the land as peasant and soldier alike are put to the sword. The writing is on the wall for Da Big Orc Chief, and though his towns will be among the last to fall the outcome is undeniable.
The Throatslasher collects his finest Demon-summoners and Enchanters which he names collectively "Da Dark Thorn of Throatslasha'" and sets into motion old and terrible magics by signing a pact with Nurgle, the Demon Lord of Decay. The Orc King watches his Dark Thorn shamans cut his belly open and remove his vital organs, a toothy grin is set on his blood smeared face. The dark rites being chanted in the background of the gristly vivisection will damn the souls of all within earshot, but they will also collect Throatslasher's soul as he dies and bind it to his lifeless corpse for all time. As the last gasp of air escapes Throatslasher's lips a putrid fog envelops the region, killing all in the ritual chamber and thousands of others across the countryside. Nurgle smiles on the greenskin warlord and also gives the blessing of undeath to The Dark Thorn, binding them into Throatslasher's service for eternity as shambling, rotting zombie-magi. It will be many years before Da Big Orc Chief wakes from the sleep of the dead into his new life as a Warlich. As a new era dawns he will arise, accompanied by his horrific entourage, to crush his enemies beneath blood soaked hobnail boots once again.