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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Age 11

Fantasia Age 11

Well screw you guys I love sand.

16:03:23 Mar 3rd 12 - Iceworks (Mr. Jahrakal X):

14:54:05 Mar 3rd 12 - Mr. Dovahkiin:

Well Fred, you maked a deal and said your KD wouldn't attack us, and they did, you wont make things right by letting me have my gold back. And that means that you broke your deal with us and went back on your word. Making HEX unhonorale and untrustworthy. I didn't want to have to say that, but I gave you the chance to fix things and you didn't. Even though you knew it was wrong to have happened it the first place. So FYI everyone, don't get relations with HEX. :P

what u mean by they?? is it more than 1 or just 1?? and is it our fault that ur leader is inactive?? if ur leader were active... we might already have a different conversation here... 

16:16:59 Mar 3rd 12 - Sir Leviathan:


In the future, if you have grievances with a member and that member doesnt respond to you, go to one of the leaders.  Simple as that.  

16:29:38 Mar 3rd 12 - Mr. Dovahkiin:

Fred said that HEX wouldn't attack us, Blueberry attacked me, Blueberry is a member of HEX, so "they", being HEX, attacked me. Sure it might have only been one person that attacked, but by not making things right with me by letting me have my gold back, then it is basicly a declaration of war. And that means the whole KD. So yes, "They". Also, I never said it was anyones fault that our leader is inactive. I don't really see how it would make a difference if he was active. Blueberry still would have attacked me and it would still be how it is now. Besides, he's inactive then I fill in as the leader (or Muse if he wants) so it shouldn't make a difference.

And I did, Fred didn't respond to me either. :P

16:34:01 Mar 3rd 12 - Mr. Gloom Aloysius:

its not finished yet.

hey, who threw something at me? I'll get back to you! :D

17:21:38 Mar 3rd 12 - Mr. Bling:

* throws another cookie at aloy, hitting him between the eyes. 2 for 2

17:36:06 Mar 3rd 12 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jelllybean):

Giving out free Jelly Beans to the first person who stops this annoying flame war 

19:11:20 Mar 3rd 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Boooyyyy):

For someone who isn't too fussed about the gold, you never, ever, ever fail to mention about wanting it back.

I haven't seen an apology yet from Hex though either, just alot of defensiveness. But then again, I haven't really been reading this thread. Just a load of attempted e-peening.

00:16:16 Mar 4th 12 - Mr. Devi:

Swifty should totally take care of this....

00:36:10 Mar 4th 12 - Mr. Bling:

*plants a cookie right smack between Swifty's eyes too!

00:41:24 Mar 4th 12 - Mr. Wang Love:

u guys r terrible at diplomacy

should take a leaf out of my book

00:49:44 Mar 4th 12 - Mr. Bruce Leroy:

Swiffers is more into teabags than cookies between his eyes.... Dammit I spilled my weed

02:38:15 Mar 4th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I finally worked out why my eyes water during sex...

It's the mace.

04:25:38 Mar 4th 12 - Mr. Devi:

Guess thats better then their smell causing it

16:32:50 Mar 4th 12 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

19:56:45 Mar 4th 12 - Sir Leviathan:

Hahahahahahaha Jesus!

04:31:27 Mar 5th 12 - Duke Red Eyed Pikachu:

20:38:15 Mar 3rd 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I finally worked out why my eyes water during sex...

It's the mace.

Now thats freakin funny!!!!!!!


12:38:26 Mar 5th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Two Goldfish are in a tank. One looks at the other and says, "do you even know how to drive this thing?"

18:41:24 Mar 5th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyberculosis):

lol :P

10:25:02 Mar 7th 12 - Electric Magneton:

i miss the old fights.. and the drama..

14:00:32 Mar 7th 12 - Duke Red Eyed Pikachu:

lol jesus I had to think about that one!!!


16:59:32 Mar 12th 12 - Legend (Mr. Hankys Lover):

Owh no a hex member and a Relentless member are exp feeding...

18:22:19 Mar 12th 12 - Endless (Lady Relentless Beat of The Drums):

you mean it's not just BF and Relentless doing that? owh no :D

20:33:04 Mar 12th 12 - Mr. Bling:

im wanking

21:16:34 Mar 12th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

with one hand or two? :p
*tries to judge excitement factor Bling may be experiencing*

23:48:57 Mar 12th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Who is feeding? :Oand why was i not invited??
Killing MAD doesn't seem to give much experience for some reason. I'm sure it's nothing to do with how easy it is...

00:16:36 Mar 13th 12 - Mr. Onix The Defender:

well killing scouts isnt considered tough ;)

00:27:28 Mar 13th 12 - Mr. Bling:

im using both of mine and one of a friends, though he not so happy about it

00:41:40 Mar 13th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Are you trying to tell me this wasn't a tough fight Onix?


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. My Lord. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

Relentless (your army)
Pony riders21796500

00:42:48 Mar 13th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

aotd? you didn't have that much left from what I remember (I know cuz I was running away from you :p )

07:39:40 Mar 13th 12 - Mr. Onix The Defender:


07:48:09 Mar 13th 12 - Mr. Fred The Terrorist:

19:46:02 Feb 12th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Bubbles):

Tbh if you guys don't kill us there's something wrong. We're surrounded, being attacking by several KDs and are on the defence.

But then again, the Relent-HEX-MAD alliance fails usually. I'd be ashamed if I was in HEX tbh. Even when Hanky was at the helm they had some success and actually warred. Nowerdays with Freddy as leader it's just....snore

i say , you guys (without Binh) are ....DEAD ;)

08:36:25 Mar 13th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Haha, that was an old victory, i got my ass kicked around the place by trolls, Endless, that army is probably an 8th of that size now, still with no XP. :(

08:48:50 Mar 13th 12 - Mr. Gloom Aloysius:

if only the report link in every post here is replaced by like button, I'll click Fred's post. :))

09:03:01 Mar 13th 12 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

22:48:09 Mar 12th 12 - Mr. Fred The Terrorist:

19:46:02 Feb 12th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Bubbles):

Tbh if you guys don't kill us there's something wrong. We're surrounded, being attacking by several KDs and are on the defence.

But then again, the Relent-HEX-MAD alliance fails usually. I'd be ashamed if I was in HEX tbh. Even when Hanky was at the helm they had some success and actually warred. Nowerdays with Freddy as leader it's just....snore

i say , you guys (without Binh) are ....DEAD ;)

we actually lost many key players besides binh like von,puppy,tyrin,pope,drenth, and jondurs

16:45:22 Mar 13th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

not to mention our MVP, me, was seriously inactive :P

17:06:51 Mar 13th 12 - Iceworks (Mr. Jahrakal X):


18:10:25 Mar 13th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

What excuse have you had the past, oh, ten eras or so? :P

20:09:36 Mar 13th 12 - Ez (Mr. Vindachinyerk):

sexy people. falate me

20:27:52 Mar 13th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

who ate my cookie? :|

20:51:22 Mar 13th 12 - Zond (Sir Ariolation):

23:01:21 Mar 13th 12 - Mr. Fred The Terrorist:

thank you aloy

19:10:25 Mar 13th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

What excuse have you had the past, oh, ten eras or so? :P

sorry but did u kill us !!??

01:25:51 Mar 14th 12 - Mr. Wang Love:

oh so HEX are trash talking now by making cities called:

Legacy Sucks

City Info
Owner: Mr. Satan AssKingdom Banner
Size: 11101 building(s).
Kingdom: Hex
Race: Halfling
Gates: open


no shame

01:32:15 Mar 14th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

I discovered who ate my cookie


07:40:42 Mar 14th 12 - Mr. Fred The Terrorist:

how old are you Mr. Wang Love:

we took that city from you ;)

20:32:58 Mar 14th 12 - Mr. Psyduck:

Wow talking trash on forums lets keep it to the playing field guys.

23:43:17 Mar 14th 12 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

18:10:25 Mar 13th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

What excuse have you had the past, oh, ten eras or so? :P

Started 7 era's ago with just 3 players. That's the excuse.

00:54:33 Mar 15th 12 - Sir Leviathan:

Wang Love... that is hilarious.  Your guy named it... we just took it.  

03:37:11 Mar 15th 12 - Mr. Wang Love:

smacktalk us, then deny it


07:07:09 Mar 15th 12 - Mr. Gloom Aloysius:

WangLove... are you ok? AFAIK, I saw that city under LGC banner before your core is breached. 

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