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Did Jesus Exist ?
09:34:22 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Clone V:

Jesus? who's that i believe in 300 Great Spartans born long before him.
son of GOd?!?   before him there were sons of SPARTAA!!!

09:45:21 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

*edit: I tried twice to make my quotations italisized and my own thoughts normal but when I post it makes it all italics. Sorry there is one part in there that is especially confusing now where i am quoting two guys one after the other =/

It is funny how you blame religion for all those wars and deaths and the like, it is not the religion that caused those w*beep*M>

To be more precise, I think that religion directly causes some wars, but that more often it is used as a tool to engage a population into war. By using religious zeal, a government can and will moralize its population to the idea of waring anybody.

(Hitler) used Evolution as his basis for this theory,

He used ancient Germanic pagan mythology as the basis for his theory. He then used something akin to comon dog-breeding principles to as the basis for a solution to his theorized problem in his country. Catholicism was partly responsible for his hate of Jews. My reasoning is that in any predominantly Christian culture, Jews are persecuted, but only in Germany did it take this particular norse-mythological twist.

Another thing one should consider is that people don´t usually select what god they are gonna believe in, since it is mostly decided by our social circumstances. So it isn´t completely up to you to decide which is the true god,

Very scary, very true.

Thus, the god that we believe in is a subjective creation, but that doesn´t mean he/she isn´t real, just not the way they tell us he/she is.

I almost agree. If there was any god we would have no ability to even discuss it because there is nothing on earth that it affects in any way so there would be nothing to know. I think this is what you are saying later when you say gods are "beyond us" but if not, then this is what I think =p

But society has the primary role in the apprehension of religion... and it isn´t easy for everyone to unlearn what you have always believed to be truth.

Absolutely, a child's social sphere determines its religious beliefs nearly every time. I understand that it is difficult to accept the truth but I think it's important. I was once very spiritual and religious but my goal was to find the truth. I found it piece by piece and it was incredibly painful as I wasn't liking what I was finding, but I fought through the pain. I feel that if I can do it, that others could and should do the same for their own enlightenment. Some think godlessness is a black and depressing state of being but after the pain and fear it is far more elevating and liberating than religion can ever be (to me).

There is where tolerance should kick in

I undertand and this is something that is constantly slipping my mind. Thank you (Aureliae) for the reminder and I appologize for my tone at numerous points in this discussion which was embarassingly rude and unsympathetic to people whom I once shared much in comon with. You're wiser than I am.

 the time for mister nice passive atheist has long gone. Also: Religion has been making policy our entire history and it needs to stop.

But despite what I admit above I understand and completely admire this point of view as well. This is where the discussion gets fuzzy for me because I don't know whether the light hand is better, in trying to show people the truth, or if it is time to demand maturity and reason from people who often simply appear to be stubborn and foolish rather than faithful. I am conflicted =p On the second parth though, about policy, I agre that it is wrong to develop any policy based on religious myths.

"For me, some things, such as religion, are a part of the natural development of the human kind."

Yeah, that was back in the days when lightning signaled the gods warred each other and  eclipses were caused by evil demons trying to steal the sun. Just because  it was part of our development  in ancient times doesn't mean it deserves any special privileges now.

This is all good stuff. Aureliae gives us a kind f humanistic understanding of psychological and sociological development in people and cultures but Fellatio gives us a more determined "pain for your own good" approach which seems to be just as fair. ps Fellatio, a little joke I say just when I'm being humorously mean is, "belief in the existence of God is evidence that man evolved from apes"=p

no one who comes here will ever change their opinion's meaningfully, which makes the whole topic pointless, doesn't it?

As a seeker of the truth it was discussions like these that led to my intellectual development and eventual enlightenment (don't take that word wrong; I'm not saying I am completely enlightened on all things, but I've learned the truth on this one issue). Without discussion hearig the best each side has to offer people cannot choose for themselves and just follow what their social sphere is doing.

Please give me an example where actually following the ideals of love, charity, kindness, truth, and respect of life that are the center of a true Christian religion the way we are supposed to actually led to something bad and terrible.

Neat, this is a challenge but: love of who? Love of one group over another leads to segregation and discrimination. I am claiming here and now that love can lead to division between people rather than unity.

Charity is a tough one, I am a little too liberal to say that helping the weak is bad for civilisation as a whole. Some though will disagree with me on that and make damn good arguments in the process =p. 

Kindness is like love; if it is for every single living thing then fine, but if you have any idea being kind to a particular group (say, those of your religion, sex, race or sexual preference) then just like love it creates an unfair world with as much un-kindness as kindness.

Truth eh? Um... I can't tell what sense of the word you are using =/ Just sounds like a word that was supposed to sound "nice."

Respect of who's life? People will risk other people's life. If you make love of life a part of your religion you may make poor decisions about whether or not to go to war based on people dying. Ie: do you go to war when a country is ruled by someone who is causing the deaths of people, thereby killing many soldiers in the process OR do you save the life of a baby facing abortion but thereby ruin the life of the mother? I'm not saying which is right in either case here but I'm saying that love of life may be clouding peoples' judgements. I don't know for sure on any of these, I was just playing along in case no one else did =p

(the eye questions)

Humans had the eye before it we were humans. The eye's development is shown through examples from hundreds of thousands of animals who have the eye in its different stages of evolution. Each one would ultimately evolve a different one particularly suited to it, but essentially we can see examples of pseudo-eyes (like basically photon-detectors) all the way to eyes much better than our own such as in birds. We have support for all this evolution in the way the brain improvements to process the greater volume of information brought by more advanced eyes. There is no paradox here, though I'll admit I've heard christian-who-call-themself-scientists say this one in EVERY SINGLE lecture I've been to.

For how many generations did humans stumble around blind before they evolved the first eye....why did they decide to evolve one in the first place if they didn't know what exactly sight was

Gonna flame a bit here for comedy's sake, but how long will you stumble around blind in this argument before you decide to read the definition of evolution? Evolution is not decided by any mind in any being. No species has to understand what vision is in order to develop it. That is anthropomorphizing a natural process, which is even sillier than saying you know what your car is thinking. I'm not even being humorous with that last comment, it really is the same idea but worse. This goes back to what Aureliae and Fellatio were talking about in the understandability of religious beliefs. Humans anthropomorphize natural processes (whether sun or rain or trees or evolution) and religion is born. Evolution is caused by random chance coupled with the survivability of the minute improvements which that random chance produces. There is no choice, no plan, and no design; it is all chance vs current state of affairs.

I can use the same reasoning on any part of it.

You didn't use any reasoning at all LOL.

Anyways, don't get me started on how much of a joke evolution is and how it's not science. I can also use that to offer 'proof' of God. If you all would take it or not.

Sir, this is a debate. I invite you to please procede to voice how and why evolution is a joke =p While you're at it, I invite you to please offer any proof of God you may have. We will gladly put up your evidence against our own.

There are so many points to bring up that show just how ridiculous evolution is,

Actually, evolution shows how silly that point it =p

How did the first single celled organism come into being, anyhow?

This question is by far more mysterious but we have some really good evidence showing possible pre-life stages in the evolution of bacteria. Proteins for together naturally using the laws of chemistry (physics really). These proteins have very different physical properties depending on how they are put together. At some point a collection of protein-like molecules came together to form something similar to a dna molecule (which is made of chemical molecules just like anything else) and it gained the ability to consume other proteins around it. By exposure to that first protein, and its particular makeup, it influenced the consumed molecules to form in a similar way, but not 100% identical. This was the birth of reproduction and diversification. This stuff all happened by random chance but given the time the process had, it is totally conceivable that it could have started from even one single protein.

Remember that the earth is like 5 billion years old... 5,000,000,000 years, and for the vast majority of time that life existed on the planet it was in single-celled form. This was slow people, slower than a human mind can conceive without seeing the evidence for themselves.

09:55:24 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

This isn't research, but it's plain truth Cobra. I really don't need to see your links with the 'truth' that the cells aren't complex, though if you, or any other scientist can reproduce them yourselves, or alter them with documented experiments involving "millions" of years of human breeding (using the scientific method, thus establishing your theory as true science) and prove me wrong, then be my guest.

Still, let's take a look at your own answers and reasoning to show that you haven't come out and answered my questions.

"As for your question about the eye, think of it this way, an eye that can see shades of gray, is still better than no eye"

This goes back to my question as to:
"How many generations did humans stumble around blind before they evolved the first eye, how many generations afterwards did it take to get the eye in the right place and why did they decide to evolve one in the first place if they didn't know what exactly sight was?"

You see, in your answer you automatically assumed that humans had somehow fully evolved every other part in the body through the millions of years of evolution and arrived at the fact that they were still blind and needed some way to see. (Not that they could understand what sight was, seeing as they had evolved blind all this time.) Now then, you might try and counter that our earlier ape, fish, whatever ancestors already had eyes on them. To which I will counter, how did THEY arrive at the conclusion that they needed sight as well? Much less the need to improve their sight to the point that it is now. Still, if our sight were to continue to 'evolve' why have we not achieved vision that's on par with any bird of prey? They have way better than what we have. Ultimately though, you never told me how we got our eyes via evolution. Cite a specific statement from your talking heads if you must.

Now Cobra, before I go on too much farther. I want to ask you a couple other things:

A. Is it ok if I were to shoot your parents until they were dead?
B. Is it ok if I were to rob you blind?
C. Do you like it if your girlfriend/wife were to cheat on you?
D. Is there such a thing as 'right' and 'wrong'?
E. If so, who determines it?

And please Cobra, that wasn't the 'best' I could do. I'm more than willing to debate this with you. Though I'm sure that my 'side' is going to do just fine. Also, for mods, this debate will get back and address the topic, depending on how Cobra answers me.

10:06:22 Dec 23rd 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

I really like that you completely disregarded by links to the subject YOU asked about saying they weren't good but bringing no evidance as to why they weren't good and than changing the subject.

I'll just consider that an that you admitted to losing that argument and move on.

As for your ethics question, you once again prove the arrogance of christians that think morality and ethics come from religion, which is again completely false. As for your questions...

A: no
B: no
C: no
D: Maybe, not always.
E: Exactly

10:08:09 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

A. Is it ok if I were to shoot your parents until they were dead?
B. Is it ok if I were to rob you blind?
C. Do you like it if your girlfriend/wife were to cheat on you?
D. Is there such a thing as 'right' and 'wrong'?
E. If so, who determines it?

No, no, no, it is relative, and me =p What is right or wrong is determined by a society as a whole. People don't allow those things because it pisses people off. People naturally make laws preventing the things that piss them off (there's a whole other rant for me on that one), and voila. The sins and comandments were put out there to keep order, just like any law. Also, our laws are based more off the Roman system of  law than religion so don't even try to say that all law comes from the word of God because going back in history each has its own timeline and they only meet after they are each well "eveolved" =p

10:21:48 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

Alright Clamps. Let's take a look at the definition of 'evolution':

Main Entry:
evo·lu·tion Listen to the pronunciation of evolution
\ˌe-və-ˈlü-shən, ˌē-və-\
Latin evolution-, evolutio unrolling, from evolvere
1: one of a set of prescribed movements
2 a
: a process of change in a certain direction : unfolding b: the action or an instance of forming and giving something off : emission c (1): a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state : growth (2): a process of gradual and relatively peaceful social, political, and economic advance d: something evolved
3: the process of working out or developing
4 a: the historical development of a biological group (as a race or species) : phylogeny b: a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations; also : the process described by this theory
5: the extraction of a mathematical root
: a process in which the whole universe is a progression of interrelated phenomena
evo·lu·tion·ari·ly Listen to the pronunciation of evolutionarily \-shə-ˌner-ə-lē\ adverb
evo·lu·tion·ary Listen to the pronunciation of evolutionary \-shə-ˌner-ē\ adjective
evo·lu·tion·ism Listen to the pronunciation of evolutionism \-shə-ˌni-zəm\ noun
evo·lu·tion·ist Listen to the pronunciation of evolutionist \-sh(ə-)nist\ noun or adjective

Okay, with this established, let's go over a few things.

1. Going off definitions 1 and 2a, we're seeing that evolution has a certain stage of arranged 'prescribed' movements that are heading in a 'direction'. What, or who, dictates the direction that is taken? Section c also talks about how things are evolving from a 'worse' state into something that is better? Now, I won't deny things such as selective breeding, however let's take a look at the world around us. Humans have created tools to adapt to our environment, however why haven't we 'evolved' these tools naturally? I want to use a knife, fork and spoon to eat, why haven't I evolved a knife and a spork on a couple of my fingers?

2. Ah, so we go back to the theory of evolution that we evolved through
the animals, as I mentioned in my rebuttal against Cobra's argument. Which science HAS NOT PROVEN any of these 'missing links' that show the stages of human evolution. Remember, if we did evolve, and these things did happen gradually over millions of years, then evolutionists (having the burden of proof to back this up) should have no trouble showing me multiple types of human skeletons that show us gradually evolving from amoebas, to fish, to walking fish, etc. etc. etc.

Now, let me go to a few of your statements, Mr. Agent.

"Evolution is caused by random chance coupled with the survivability of the minute improvements which that random chance produces. There is no choice, no plan, and no design; it is all chance vs current state of affairs."

Then later on in your arguments vs. Erunion you state this:

"Proteins for(m) together naturally using the laws of chemistry (physics really)."

So, in one statement, the world came about through random chance (i.e. Big Bang, Evolution). Yet suddenly, we have laws such as physics and chemistry. Now, randomness is pretty chaotic (i.e. 'flawed' evolutions with legs coming out of one's skull. Haven't seen a missing link like that turn up yet....) and yet somehow we gain order. Which is it? Also, if there are laws, such as physics, gravity, Newton's Laws, etc. Then there must be a law giver.

You talk about how I know what my car is thinking, which is indeed a silly statement. Why? Because humans DESIGNED our cars not to think and to perform in certain parameters. We've designed engines to go at certain speed, we've designed ways to cool it down and increase performance. You didn't see Henry Ford lob some dynamite in a building, blow it up and then come out with the first Model T, did you? (Which we cannot even begin to compare it to the Big Bang Theory in which you expect me to believe that you've created something out of nothing. In my example, that explosion would've used things already there to make 'something'.) Then why is it so hard to believe in a designer for a universe, something far more complex that contains order...

10:32:08 Dec 23rd 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

Wow that's quite ignorant of you. First thing when you talk about evolution, it should be Evolution. The day to day word is not enough to describe it's process.

We always talk about Evolution through natural selection, that's the entire name, people just call it evolution because it's shorter. Now... just the word evolution has many meanings but the one that is valid here is this one:

3. Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

Now about your silly argument about why cars don't think. Cars don't evolve because they aren't alive, they are inanimate objects, unlike every living thing on this planet.

If you want to debate the creation of the universe I'm sure I can give you that debate, but from my perspective you attacked on three topics in three posts none with ANY evidence whatsoever and when faced with evidence you change the subject. I'm beginning to think debating with you is losing it's purpose, since I'm not debating with you to change your mind, but to change it of anybody that reads this thread and I've posted more than enough evidence for anyone that is willing to listen.

10:34:26 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

I really like that you completely disregarded by links to the subject YOU asked about saying they weren't good but bringing no evidance as to why they weren't good and than changing the subject.

I'll just consider that an that you admitted to losing that argument and move on.

As for your ethics question, you once again prove the arrogance of christians that think morality and ethics come from religion, which is again completely false. As for your questions...

A: no
B: no
C: no
D: Maybe, not always.
E: Exactly

Oi. Cobra. You accuse me for not bringing evidence to cite your side as wrong wrong. (To which I would have to invest some time in, and can do it later on.) Yet, then you go and do it for the ethical morality question, as well as accuse me of something that I haven't stated. Double standard, perhaps?

Still, getting back to my questions. Clamps did a better job answering them, to which I thank him, and cited a good point. Every society has had a system of moral laws to follow. You can trace them back to as early as the time of the Ancient Mesopotamians and the Ancient Egyptians due to their written form. Without these laws, human society would be quite chaotic? Random acts of violence, stealing etc.

Now, before the written code of laws, we can only assume that humans still didn't like things like murder or stealing. So, I'm going to ask Clamps this and Cobra, if you can provide a halfway decent answer instead of a blatant attack, I'll answer it as well.

Ignoring, for the moment, the relativity of right and wrong. What makes you determine the difference between the two, and what kept primitive man from doing all these random acts of violence and such before an established written code of laws?

10:39:34 Dec 23rd 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"You accuse me for not bringing evidence to cite your side as wrong wrong. (To which I would have to invest some time in, and can do it later on.) Yet, then you go and do it for the ethical morality question, as well as accuse me of something that I haven't stated. Double standard, perhaps?"

What did I do that was double standard? If you want to prove anything bring PROOF.

"Now, before the written code of laws, we can only assume that humans still didn't like things like murder or stealing. So, I'm going to ask Clamps this and Cobra, if you can provide a halfway decent answer instead of a blatant attack, I'll answer it as well."

It's reasonable to believe that before Hamurabi's Code of Laws, random acts of violence were immoral and illegal and if you want I can give you a very good darwinistic reasoning why and how those early social norms were created.

10:41:19 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

LOL ok if you are going to quote a dictionary learn how to use one. The little numbers in front tell you when they are giving several SENSES of a word. The only sense anybody in this thread is using it as is #4 so I'm not bothering with that other nonsense you said. Lol... ffs....bbq

EVERYTHING that has happened, is happening and will ever happen will happen within the laws of physics. Things can be random within those laws, such as throwing a dice. There is no contradiction. You have mistaken the definition of "random" or "law" but I can't tell which.

Also, if there are laws, such as physics, gravity, Newton's Laws, etc. Then there must be a law giver

No, there doesn't. Why would you say that? (Here I'm inviting some reasoning if you have any to offer on this claim). I for one do not need the idea of a law-giver to fathom the idea of a law.

You didn't see Henry Ford lob some dynamite in a building, blow it up and then come out with the first Model T, did you?

Ok I understand where why that is difficult to conceive at first. Think of two things though: the amount of time given and the physical laws governing space. In an amount of time measured in the millions of billions of years, many seemingly unlikely things can happen. It is unlikely that I will sink a basketball from full-court while blindfolded, but given a million-billion tries at it I will make the shot hundreds... of thousands.... of billions... of times. Because of this, evolution from chemical particles to complex life is not only possible but INEVITABLE.

Then why is it so hard to believe in a designer for a universe, something far more complex that contains order...

It is incredibly easy to conceive of this, but impossible to believe in this (for me) because there is nothing that has happened, is happening, or will likely ever happen that won't be understandable with physics. God is not needed to explain anything in all of existence.

10:45:09 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

Cobra, one more thing. The ultimate topic of this thread is 'Does Jesus exist?' Let me state where I stand on this:

Jesus is God and is part of a Trinity. (One God, made up of  the Father, Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit).

History itself will prove that the person of Jesus existed. The Roman historian Tacitus (sp, it's close to 5 am, gimme a break. ;-) ) is proof enough.

However, if Jesus is God, then I must establish that God exists and I believe that the creation is proof enough that God does exist. If there is a design, there must be a designer, if there's a creation, there must be a creator.

That is why I even went down the whole evolution path in the first place. The main goal of my 'debate' is to prove that Jesus, part of the Trinity, did indeed exist.

One more thing, do I need to read an entire paper on "Why the sky is pink" to know that it's dead wrong? Cite examples within these things you post.

10:46:23 Dec 23rd 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"Then why is it so hard to believe in a designer for a universe, something far more complex that contains order..."

The reason it's hard is because any designer powerful enough to create everything with the complexity that exists, because the question follows, who created the designer? Something that has the power to create complexity must be an a highly more complex concept.

The only Theory we have that explains the current state without using a infinitely more complex concept is Evolution through natural selection.

10:50:22 Dec 23rd 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"History itself will prove that the person of Jesus existed. The Roman historian Tacitus (sp, it's close to 5 am, gimme a break. ;-) ) is proof enough."

I never denied that the historic person called Jesus and living in the middle east about 2000 years ago didn't exist. Quite the contrary I agree with it.

"However, if Jesus is God, then I must establish that God exists and I believe that the creation is proof enough that God does exist. If there is a design, there must be a designer, if there's a creation, there must be a creator."

First you assume that creation is enough proof of God, it is, but you haven't proven it and aren't any closer than before you started. Second you assume that even if a designer does exist that IT has a son called Jesus, just because one of hundreds of religions that exist today and it just happens that you were born in it says that doesn't mean it's any closer to the truth than saying Zeus or Thor are real and worshiping them.

10:52:15 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Now, before the written code of laws, we can only assume that humans still didn't like things like murder or stealing

Right.... it isn't that people dislike it when the law is broken, it is that people don't like it when people steal their stuff LOL. People don't like when you kill their friends or adulter with their wives because you are infringing on their territory, kinda like "stealing their personal space". Man people didn't like that stuff before it was written as law, Hammurabi was a big deal because he was the first to write it down so it would be set and not arbitrary what happens when you do someting people don't like done.

What makes you determine the difference between the two, and what kept primitive man from doing all these random acts of violence and such before an established written code of laws?

I determined what is right or wrong based on if it upsets me that someone infringed on me in some way OR when I can feel sympathy for another person being infringed on (vicimized) by another (a criminal of whatever kind). People decide what is right or wrong based on if they would like it done to them.

Primitive man may have been able to sympathize enough for one another that they anticipated how an action would make another feel and thus didn't do it. Aninals do't do this because they can't anticipate our feelings and if they did their brains would have to be formed for them to care in order for that to matter. More importantly though, we don't really have any evidence to say that primitive man didn't just go around humping everything that moves and taking whatever they want from whoever they want =p

10:59:12 Dec 23rd 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"Primitive man may have been able to sympathize enough for one another that they anticipated how an action would make another feel and thus didn't do it. Aninals do't do this because they can't anticipate our feelings and if they did their brains would have to be formed for them to care in order for that to matter. More importantly though, we don't really have any evidence to say that primitive man didn't just go around humping everything that moves and taking whatever they want from whoever they want =p"

I'm not sure I agree with everything you said. The best reasoning I heard on the subject is that primitive man wouldn't go around killing others like him because it wouldn't be good for his own survival. Think about it, what were the main problems of primitive man? Getting food, multipling and not dieing. All of which are easier and more efficient done in groups, that's what took them to the "caste" system.

If you want a modern example of this, just look at the superior primates, like chimps. They have a caste system that probably resembles primitives' man quite a bit. They help each other within the caste, but when a chimp from another caste comes close they protect each other and their territory.

11:04:52 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

So many posts, so little time. :-D

A couple of more questions for you all while I try to get some shut eye and can actually work on this relatively rested. One will address Clamps' most recent post.

1. Do you all believe in infinite? (a number capable of going on forever, like Pi for instance.) If so, can time (also being the fourth dimension) have its own infinite? (aka. Eternity)

2. Do you all believe in a conscience or a moral compass? If so, from where did it come from? (If you use parents or outside human influence, you'll have to give me an example of where theirs came from as well.)

Now, I'm also going to answer the section that Clamps wanted me to reason on a bit. Let me use this question, answer it and I'll follow up on it later: The laws of any nation, who creates them?

11:07:22 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

True true about chimps, but you forget they they all hump whoever they want and are constantly stealing from each other =p. I think it is more like BECAUSE they didn't steal from each other too much and learned to somewhat work together THEN it was good for survival and that helped us get here today. I'm not sure which of the two ideas is supported by more evidence at this point because as we both know these theorise tend to get tweaked as new data comes in. Either way I think we can agree that it has nothing to do with an imginary man that primitive humans may have not even conceived of yet.

11:10:59 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Theoretically I understand infinite but I'm not sure how many times it actually occurs in existence. More importantly I can never show that a thing is infinite, only that I can show it is beyond my maximum ability to measure it.

Do you all believe in a conscience or a moral compass

Things that make me mad are wrong in my books. Things that I expect would make others mad is wrong. If a thing would make one person mad if it happened and another mad if it didn't then I have an example of how these things are relative.

11:18:35 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

lol i think i may have fallen slightly behind this argument :S

11:22:35 Dec 23rd 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

1. Do you all believe in infinite? (a number capable of going on forever, like Pi for instance.) If so, can time (also being the fourth dimension) have its own infinite? (aka. Eternity)"

Pi is not really infinite, it just doesn't have a repetitive decimal structure, it being an irrational number. Infinite in a mathematical and theorical sense is quite easy to believe, but even there we don't use real 'infinite' we use "it tends" to the infinite, which isn't the same thing. As for infinity of time I think the best answer was given by Eisntein... "Only two things are infinite space and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former." That said no I don't believe time is infinite.

"2. Do you all believe in a conscience or a moral compass? If so, from where did it come from? (If you use parents or outside human influence, you'll have to give me an example of where theirs came from as well.)"

For us we get our conscience from society, but for the answer as to where society got it from please read my previous post about primitive man.

14:55:06 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Architect:

In response to the question stated at the beginning of this thread.


00:52:04 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Now I'm behind on the argument...

With the protein solution,

There are two types of amino acids (or more, but only two main relevant types to the situation here.) I will refer to them as "A" and "B".

To get a protein, you need the correct formula of A and B Amino acids.
There has been some oft cited research in the lab showing that you can get Amino acids from chemicals, but this was in the lab, and they only managed to get A Amino acids.
Therefore, how, in the first place, did the single-celled organism's come to being lacking ideal facilities and equipment?

Also, on Hitler and the Holocaust. (I found this in Wikipedia for the sake of time, but I originally read about it somewhere else. I can't remember where, unfortunately. It was a few years ago.)

"One of the foundations of Hitler's and the NSDAP's social policies was the concept of racial hygiene. It was based on the ideas of Arthur de Gobineau, eugenics, and social Darwinism. Applied to human beings, "survival of the fittest" was interpreted as requiring racial purity and killing off "life unworthy of life." The first victims were crippled and retarded children in a program dubbed Action T4.[46] After a public outcry, Hitler made a show of ending this program, but the killings in fact continued.

Between 1939 and 1945, the SS, assisted by collaborationist governments and recruits from occupied countries, systematically killed somewhere between 11 and 14 million people, including about 6 million Jews,[47] in concentration camps, ghettos and mass executions, or through less systematic methods elsewhere. Besides being gassed to death, many also died as a result of starvation and disease while working as slave labourers (sometimes benefiting private German companies in the process, because of the low cost of such labour). Along with Jews, non-Jewish Poles (over 3 million casualties), alleged communists or political opposition, members of resistance groups, Catholic and Protestant opponents, homosexuals, Roma, the physically handicapped and mentally retarded, Soviet prisoners of war (possibly as many as 3 million), Jehovah's Witnesses, anti-Nazi clergy, trade unionists, and psychiatric patients were killed. One of the biggest centres of mass-killing was the extermination camp complex of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Hitler never visited the concentration camps and did not speak publicly about the killing in precise terms.

The massacres that led to the coining of the word "genocide" (the Endlösung der jüdischen Frage or "Final Solution of the Jewish Question") were planned and ordered by leading Nazis, with Himmler playing a key role. While no specific order from Hitler authorizing the mass killing of the Jews has surfaced, there is documentation showing that he approved the Einsatzgruppen, killing squads that followed the German army through Poland and Russia, and that he was kept well informed about their activities. The evidence also suggests that in the fall of 1941 Himmler and Hitler decided upon mass extermination by gassing. During interrogations by Soviet intelligence officers declassified over fifty years later, Hitler's valet Heinz Linge and his military aide Otto Gunsche said Hitler had "pored over the first blueprints of gas chambers."

To make for smoother cooperation in the implementation of this "Final Solution", the Wannsee conference was held near Berlin on 20 January 1942, with fifteen senior officials participating, led by Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann. The records of this meeting provide the clearest evidence of planning for the Holocaust. On 22 February, Hitler was recorded saying to his associates, "we shall regain our health only by eliminating the Jews"."

Therefore, Hitler used Evolution as an excuse for the Holocaust, which (if I remember correctly) caused more deaths than the crusades, and lacked the beneficial side-effects (Middle-Eastern products and ideas being sent to Europe).

06:13:46 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Social Darwinism should not be construed as evolution, and Hitler was awful even with his interpretation of social darwinism. Just so you know, even though Darwin is the father of evolution, his name is not synonymous with it.

And religion was a direct cause of the crusades while that is only an excuse.

06:47:22 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Man, thanks so much for saying this in few words. Problem is they will pretend not to understand that point in order to make you explain the whole damn thing....argh....

10:18:44 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Watch the movie right from the site.  This will explain if Jesus exists or not....

10:21:37 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Gallyon:

Darwin said at the end of his life that the evolutiontheory was wrong :D....thought that are only his words, why would you believe those :D

and yh religion is mostly used to start a war, but that doesnt mean, that the religion says you have to start a war.

11:44:21 Dec 25th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"Darwin said at the end of his life that the evolutiontheory was wrong :D....thought that are only his words, why would you believe those :D"

That is completely false, it's a malicious rumour spread by ID proponents., but that's besides the point, even if he did does not mean it would have any impact. Just because he had a moment of lunacy at the end of his life doesn't not make all the brilliant work he did during his life null and void.

15:14:10 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Science is built up by a large bulk of experimental evidence and theories which fit experimental and natural observations. It is not based on what people think is going on and what one person says. And I just noticed that it is sort of the opposite for religion.... :P

16:41:00 Dec 25th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Not really the opposite for religion.

Social Darwinism should not be construed as evolution, and Hitler was awful even with his interpretation of social darwinism. Just so you know, even though Darwin is the father of evolution, his name is not synonymous with it.

And religion was a direct cause of the crusades while that is only an excuse.

You are missing my point here, the crusades were called by a man who mis-construed religion. Most of the mid-level commanders of the crusades only went for land, they gained followers by again using religion. The religion itself had nothing to do with the war, the Bible doesn't give a hoot about pilgrimages and who controls Jerusalem and whatnot. It's people with their own agendas (or foolishness) who started the crusades, just like Hitler used natural selection as his basis for the genocides, effectively racking up support for the idea by so-doing.


Oh, and by the way,
Merry Christmas everyone!

18:44:26 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Then religion is built up by experimental evidence and not just what people say? LMAO.

How can you say that the living representative of Christ on earth mis-construed religion?! Why, that is blasphemy! Burn the blasphemer!! Die!!

11:48:29 Dec 26th 07 - Sir Revenge:

From what Ive seen here, we are likly to find out truely, you guys have dug up some really good evidence in there, I am a christian , I was chrisend however I do not believe In god, God Is what ever your paerent tell you should believe in, I respect those who do believe in a God, because that is their faith, I do not like to discriminate

15:51:51 Dec 26th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

good statement although: "God Is what ever your paerent tell you should believe in"

i dont agree with as theres plenty of converts and suchlike to prove otherwise

18:29:14 Dec 26th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

After taking half an hour to read through this, I must say Ron Jeremy's posts are entirely... unproven.  Everything he has stated has been refuted and he seems to have decided to discontinue the arguement.  Like the eye.  And infinity.  And moral compass.  And creator/creation.

18:44:56 Dec 26th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

This is to address Fellatio from a while back regarding the purpose of religion.

Even if there is no proof of God, Jesus, Holy Trinity, Buddah, Muhammad, etc., religion isn't entirely "useless." 

1) For a long time religion was used as a form of law not that unlike what most civilized nations have today.  God as a judge of sinners acted kind of like a judge in a modern-day court. Just like religion, there is no such proven, real thing as "justice" but both are rather a manmade concept used to teach right and wrong.

2) Religion is often a way people develop a community.  There are numerous social gathering at any kind of church where parents meet other parents, kids meet friends, etc.  And of course, there is also a feeling of one-ness with God which can help those in mental distress, the feeling of always having a guiding friend (not entirely unlike having a psychologist.)

3) Many churches begin charity drives, missionary work (like building houses, not just waving bibles in African kids' faces), or other "social responsibility" programs.  It's hard to say giving food to starving kids is a bad thing :P

Yes, all three of these can be done without any religious influence at all, but does that make religion entirely worthless?  No, religion is just a part of society that can do both good and bad.  Whether the good overweighs the bad or vice versa is an entire debate in itself, which will have to do more with opinion that anything else.

00:03:28 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Yes, all three of these can be done without any religious influence at all,


 but does that make religion entirely worthless? 

Yes, in my opinion.

It is true and supported by mountains of evidence that church and worhip once a week serves an important social-psychological function but it doesn't actually fare any better than something like a sports hobby, bingo (ironically, usually held at church =p), dog-walking parks, dancing clubs or even just school. If someone REALLY wants to I can dig up the old journals I found this type of thing in, it's just that you would need to subscribe to the journal itself or be a member of a library/school that does =/

Anyway my point is that church has its good points and its bad points, but on a larger scale, sports, bingo, dancing and school are far less harmful than religion. At least you are not required to assent to some dogma in any of these institutions (except MAYBE school but that is a whole other and complex issue). I dream of a world without churches, though I know it can't happen.

20:13:32 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

did he excist?


did he die on the cross?


was he the son of god?

i strongly doubt it

was he divine?

i strongly doubt it

did he die to save us?

haha what a joke.

was he an manipulative leader?

no doubt.

23:30:20 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

yeh william, really helpful and insightful, im surprised youv not been accepted into yale with those amazing debating powers

05:02:01 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Karius:

That is true, is that God exists?
The wills, new and old, it may be only a story, equal those counted in books, but I believe that it exists, but not sure. ^^

06:00:15 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Odysseus:

Quote: "did he excist?"

The credibility was lost right there with that painful misspelling!

06:11:59 Dec 30th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

"Yes, in my opinion."

Well there is no one thing that everyone likes.  There are many varieties of the same thing... we don't all drive the same cars or live in the same kind of house or eat the same food.  Each variety offers something a bit different.  Religion is hardly any different.  You might as well say oranges are worthless because we already have apples :)

Many of the hobbies that you mentioned are fine, but few encourage people to reach out for the community as many religions try to do.  If you are starving, which would you prefer, a soccer sport team or a church with a food for the homeless program?

"Anyway my point is that church has its good points and its bad points, but on a larger scale, sports, bingo, dancing and school are far less harmful than religion."

Yeah, but I'd say those have far less good points than religion, save perhaps school.  It all comes down to opinion.

08:12:45 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

I dunno if it would be that hard to compare actually. The problem is in comparing some particular church to some particular club we learn little about "religion" or say "sports". The thing is, many churches do aid the comunity, but the RELIGION does not. That was my point, like why not get the same generous and wonderful people still aiding the comunity but outside of a church setting. Clearly if they care about their comunity they will aid it whether or not they they think it will get them into heaven right?

14:47:50 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

you people still write in this thread !!

04:11:22 Dec 31st 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

@Mbeidas:  So?

@Agent Clamps:

"The thing is, many churches do aid the comunity, but the RELIGION does not. "

Yet it is religion that may compel the churchgoers to do good deeds.  I agree, the old mythologies behind the major religions is kind of obsolete nowdays and doesn't really contribute much to anyone.  I highly doubt believing the world is 5-6 thousand years old has made the world a better place.  Rather, it seems to make&nb*beep*ore ignorant one.  But the central meanings behind the major religions all seem to center about one theme:  love, which is or less what society tries to instill in us already.

About the generous and wonderful people:  by doing it just for the sake of entering heaven isn't really doing it out of love as it is, but rather selfishness.  But as long as people are selfish, why not channel that selfishness into something constructive and beneficial to the community?

In a perfect world, religion would not be needed.  And if there is a God, I would hope that he/she/it would also understand that.  But we're far from a perfect world...

15:49:08 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

the major religions all seem to center about one theme:  love, which is or less what society tries to instill in us already.

I get what you're saying and it's fair enought really, but as I said I dream of a world where people aren't misled by religion because I'm confident that the truly good people would still help others. Think of the many enviromental groups who try to get things done, not to get to heaven, but just to improve the earth for people.

why not channel that selfishness into something constructive and beneficial to the community

I also get this and it also is kindof reasonable, but I'd prefer if nobody was tricked into doing something they wouldn't do. I say use reason to show people why they should do good, not give them promises of angels and heaven and loving men in the sky. Even if I don't like a person who will do no good without reward, I don't think he should be tricked, and I'm happier with him doing nothing at all.

19:29:54 Jan 2nd 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

"I don't think he should be tricked, and I'm happier with him doing nothing at all."

Yeah, but the starving kid in Africa probably is.

"I say use reason to show people why they should do good, not give them promises of angels and heaven and loving men in the sky."

Unfortunately, many people do not think with reason, or are simply too selfish to let reason change their minds.  And even the most logical person sometimes loses focus of the bigger picture.

Also, reason can be approached in many different ways.  One could say "why feed those poor kids in Africa?  Does one starving kid in Africa really make a difference to the world?  Will that kid contribute to society when he grows up, or will he stay on his village's farmland and have more kids that will go hungry next drought so we have to keep sending more food?  Maybe it's best to let the kid just die."  (Note before anyone flames me that is not MY opinion.)

12:49:14 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Although I don't agree with Does one starving kid in Africa really make a difference to the world? I still don't think we should be messing around in other peoples' countries. We're not helping their economy by sending food... Also, helping people in another country is just organised to appeal to people who can't be bothered to take care of the poor and starving in their own country. Only countries with no poverty should send aid.

Unfortunately, many people do not think with reason, or are simply too selfish to let reason change their minds.  And even the most logical person sometimes loses focus of the bigger picture.

What can I say? I agree totally and that's what this thread is all about.

15:45:51 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Blackjesus:

Yes! Jezus lives!

16:25:28 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

First of all I believe that picture is offensive to Believers

Second of all there is a slight part that reminded me from that picture, if jesus was from Nazra and Bethlehem and all that, how is he white? Surely he would be black? As would mary and joseph

Parents do pay a vital part in your religous beliefs in My opinion, of course some will change , some will be born into no religion at all, The point is that people will believe even if you actually tell them and prove he does not excist , that is a point we are missing people, if they want to let them follow a leader , a faith, It is their decision in the end of the day even if they are christand [ Me ] that does not meen they have to attend church every sunday, the world is what it is, let it be, no matter what , there will always be conflict , if we erased religion then what? A new reason to fight, this will continue even if we go to war with aliens, there will still be conflict on Earth, I dont like the wars , innocent people dying does not float my boat , its their decision what path they follow in the end, yes people will try and may steer them in one direction [ possible parents ] but in the end its their decision


16:35:45 Jan 3rd 08 - Ms. Fellatio:

Second of all there is a slight part that reminded me from that picture, if jesus was from Nazra and Bethlehem and all that, how is he white? Surely he would be black? As would mary and joseph"

What? Reread what you wrote and think about it for a second, the answer will come to you.

17:12:31 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Oh yeah! Mary and Joseph were humans and Jesus was God! And since God is clearly white then so is Jesus! Makes so much sense now...

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