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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Dumb Updates

Dumb Updates
06:43:41 May 23rd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

#1 on my list is now the new design. You have made it freeze up on Opera for me after trying to do simple tasks. I have tried it on Firefox, and it works way better, but I can't even scroll the screen to move my armies further than 6 ticks away. Their movements have to be on the screen, and I'm not on 24/7 to keep it updated. Zeta, either implement an 'Old design' option like the forum option, or go back. Either way fix this.. it's really getting annoying.

06:49:45 May 23rd 10 - Sir Jondrus Snapper:

chrome > opera

06:54:42 May 23rd 10 - Lady Megan Fox:

Opera is just a poorly written web browser.  Keep the new design and do not try to keep two designs as that just means double the bugs that will need fixing.

Many other "updates" I would take out before the new design.

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