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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Is it worth

Is it worth
11:44:06 Jun 3rd 18 - Sir Roheran:

... coming back? Not played for 2-3 years and things don't seem to have improved from what I read. Even less players? What has changed, if anything?


13:05:38 Jun 3rd 18 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

is definitely worth

13:42:07 Jun 3rd 18 - Duke Chade The Reuniter:

couple of new maps is what changed, Roh :)

19:59:21 Jun 4th 18 - Sir Roheran:

Duke Chade The Reuniter:

couple of new maps is what changed, Roh :)

Hi chade- reported your last comment in error, I really am rusty!! Lol.

Hope all is well with you.

21:08:46 Jun 4th 18 - Duke Chade The Reuniter:

thats fine mate :) surely zeta will realise it is mistakenly reported ;)

yeah all good mate :) 2 much RL stuff, but otherwise its fine :)

23:21:16 Jun 4th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

There is no game like VU.

Always in need of players, due to its hardcore properties.

18:43:10 Jun 5th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Auditor:

I feel enslaved to this game sometimes. Havent taken a real break in 3 years. 8 years before that.

Why cant it be marketed?

20:05:09 Jun 5th 18 - Mr. Pang Tong:

People like visuals, this isn't visuals :P

20:10:03 Jun 5th 18 - Mr. Fecker:

We need a banner with someone in a bikini to sell it... no Hanky, sit your ass down. Was thinking one of our fair ladies... no Hanky, no Cao, ... heart breaking as it is its still a sexist world.

06:11:24 Jun 6th 18 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Nasty):

If you don't want to invest too much time, just start with one character.

Personally I'm a little "down" with the game for the time being, but I will still be active on Mantrax, where RoC rules (until we are defeated for one or another totally unfair reason).

15:52:14 Jun 9th 18 - Sir Roheran:


If you don't want to invest too much time, just start with one character.

Personally I'm a little "down" with the game for the time being, but I will still be active on Mantrax, where RoC rules (until we are defeated for one or another totally unfair reason).

Good suggestion, I might do that after my holiday and see how things go.

07:01:46 Jun 12th 18 - Mr. Ruthless Slayer:

2-3 years? pssh I havent played for about 6 years. Nothing has changed really since then...Maybe some worlds being closed? Im going to try it out again for a lil bit. But I get bored pretty quick so we shall see how long I last this time. >.<

19:48:09 Jun 13th 18 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Mapmaker):

Now I'm "down" on one world.... Not because of the game itself, but because I need to slow down for a while.

Yes, it is worth it. The gameplay is one of the best at all. The way to fight your enemy is much more advanced than in many newer games.

But the graphics....

02:44:23 Jun 15th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

Playing 3 world is insane...

I've tried but it compromises a hardcore playing style (you have to be ultraaaa hardcore).

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