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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / MICHAEL JACKSON

06:18:18 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Jet:

Dude was a wierdo freak pedarist but he had moves.

06:18:23 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Buzz Lightyear:


He's dead, he made some nice songs that are remembered and still played loads.

Thats it.. Stop all the bloody drama, he's just a human like all of us.
We will all die someday, will there be so much drama about your own death?

Will this Drama and emotional bullsh1t help?

Useless discussions going on, quit em.  The man's dead. 

I do agree he was a good musician, the fact that people lol about it and make jokes is just sad. Death is a serious thing in life, but i always like to say;

Carpe Diem.

07:39:11 Jun 27th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

"Black or White" promoted the message of equality and tolerance... Yea, that's totally meaningless.

05:31:26 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Striker:

the way I see it. some old women didn't get her way. Then charged him for being a pedo.


The reason I think this is because the kids confession was as solid as a crumbling ledge. He changed his story about 4 times. and not just a few word changes, like, he changed everything.

05:38:37 Jun 29th 09 - Duke Arzun:

King of Pop and amazing artist, it's a shame the US and his father turned him into what we saw.

06:26:02 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Justin:

MJ was not a pedofiler. YOu people need to open up your damn eyes. NO parent  would settle for money if he had molested their child. They would have wanted him in jail or killed. They only wanted his money so bam they called him a pedofiler and sued him for HIS MONEY!!!!. No amount of money in the world would have made a difference if he would have molested my child. I would have killed him if the cops didnt get him before i did. Jesus the man went broke trying to maintain a theme park for kids that you didnt even have to pay for to go to. He is a great man and he will be missed.

21:24:05 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Crion Xtc:

NO parent  would settle for money if he had molested their child.

Obviously you dont know that in this world there is someone somewhere that would settle for money if it was there child cause they are greedy bastards. Dont say no parent cause the fact is its quite well possible. Even though its wrong and parents are suspose to care for their kids more then anything it still happens we just choose to ignore it and act like nothing happened. The world is a lot worse place then what most people are willing to admit.

21:36:22 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Man, i loved his music... he changed the world in lots of ways... some loved him... some hated him... i thought he was great... you may agree... you may not... whatever you thought... you cant deny he changed us all... for good... or for bad... hopefully he changed you for the right reasons... but he'll always be apart of us all... R.I.P Micheal jackson

13:22:14 Jul 1st 09 - Sir Sorra:


"Another Cold child molester Dead, good riddance"

"He should have died in a cell along time ago, pedophile"

"What proof do you have that he didn't molest those kids? show me proof and i might take back what i said"

"He was brought before the court on charges of child molestation. Paying off the first kid sure makes him look guilty. Where there is smoke, there's fire."

Interesting analysis people.

Of course, you could always try reading the facts about the story, but that's nowhere near as fun as making unfounded accusations.

Still, I hope you never get falsely accused - no one deserves that.

14:55:59 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Jet:

Sorra, get educated.

14:56:21 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Mr. Koss


11:25:35 Jun 26th 09 what proof do you have that he didnt molest those kids? show me proof and i might take back what i said (might being the key worsd in that sentence)

Erm, mayb hw the kid who accused him, Jordan Chandler admited (after MJ died) he lied an did it 4 the money? Fkin idiot.

15:00:07 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Explorer:

15:02:49 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

RIP MJ (i know i'm late lol)

20:26:21 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Mr. Koss


11:25:35 Jun 26th 09 what proof do you have that he didnt molest those kids? show me proof and i might take back what i said (might being the key worsd in that sentence)

Okay, seriously?

08:20:23 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"@ jet or any1 who caled him a pedo"

Get your sources from a cite that at least uses proper grammer. I'm not saying i don't believe you, but seriously i would not trust a website so easily if it had so many editorial mistakes, and easy to fix ones at that.

11:24:11 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

Jet's source had proper grammar and logical assertions based on evidence, court proceedings, and facts.

Yours is largely opinionated, but if the boy copped to making it all up then that just means Jackson molested 1 less kid. I don't think that there is any doubt he molested quite a few children.

01:01:06 Jul 3rd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

fine, i guess i will have to show you a few mistakes...


1.  "I’m not searching for attention i have enough of it." "i" needs to be capitalized, first grade.

2.   “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…

They didn't even close the parenthasese.

3.  "Under the influence of a controversial father (Evan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Evan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals."

"told his son to tell" is incorrect, and there is no spacing between the next sentence and the period.

4.  There is only one line of space between that last paragraph and the next while the other paragraphs have two lines of spacing.


These are very simple mistakes and are just on the front page, there are more on other pages.  I don't really think they quoted incorrectly, but if they can't even use proper English the source isn't reliable enough in my opinion.

01:48:45 Jul 3rd 09 - Duke Pikachu:

honestly how can you not see the obvious fact that IF this kid came out and said this every single news reporter and station would be all over him...

01:57:09 Jul 3rd 09 - Duke Aerandir Windscar:

ding-dong the homo's dead! on down the yellow brick road!

04:00:43 Jul 4th 09 - Sir Sorra:

To some observers, the Michael Jackson story illustrates the dangerous power of accusation, against which there is often no defense — particularly when the accusations involve child sexual abuse. To others, something else is clear now — those who would have liked to have seen him convicted spent millions of dollars to create a case whose foundation never existed.

04:39:22 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

AAAAAHHH! when i go to this page every link turns either purple or blue... anyone else getting this?

05:32:42 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Penor The Large:

Ya arthur same here

06:18:12 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

haha, trippy

14:03:12 Jul 4th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

mhm... mebe its zetas tribute to the great man :/

05:20:53 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

no... It has happened for a few other threads as well. But maybe

05:25:27 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

The plague is spreading to the forums. O.O

05:25:53 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

AHH! run for the hills.

11:57:24 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Okay Barny, answer me this then:

What kind of fucking parent would not force MJ to jail if it was true? No money in the world could make that better.

Plus, before it went to court Evan Chandler went to MJ and demanded money, or he'd tell the world (once again...he wants money?), MJ rejected that. If he was guilty, surely he would of paid him off there before it got to the press and the whole world knew?
Oh yes, its probably because the poor naive guy believed in justice.

Your saying "one less kid," then where are the others? Jordan refused to act as a witness once the SODIUM wore off. They contacted hundres of children who stayed at Neverland and found 0, yes ZERO other so-called "victims." Thats despite using aggressive interogation methods (as in forcing them to say something abd about him) but not one child say a word bad about him.

So fuck off Barny, idiots like you killed him.

18:11:15 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

*several Septim clones breach through the windows in HazMat suits*

"Die you blue link sons o' bitches!"

*the Septim clones begin firing on the blue links*

19:31:31 Jul 5th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

don't forget about the purple ones.

19:37:51 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

"AhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" roars a Septim clone as he fires a heavy sp@m cannon at the blue links.

19:43:43 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

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