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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Plague ehhh

Plague ehhh
21:14:40 Jul 7th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

actually, it would halp because we all know who to direct our dissaproving frowns at :)

22:28:41 Jul 7th 09 - Lady Mzzery:

Dr. Raving Lunatic


10:38:43 Jul 7th 09 Yes we have 3 mages

that is what he said

I have counted why would he say 3? And no, he didn't say that...there is a huge difference between saying "14:55:10 Jul 4th 09 who the heck cast plague?  we only have 3 people capable of doing it and none of them are that stupid." and "we have 3 mages".

You really should get your meds checked....what kind of asylum is that, where you can't even get yourselves medicated correctly?

01:39:28 Jul 8th 09 - Mr. General Malaise:

I thought it would be obvious to you nerds that I cast the bunny turd plague.

01:49:12 Jul 8th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

I cast plauge.. its a lvl1 spell rite?

01:57:55 Jul 8th 09 - Mr. Loony Goatsin Nursing:

Two possible origins of the so called "bunny poo plague".  First it seems to have originated with a laxative.  see video evidence exxibit A:

and upon further study our scientists have taken samples form the bunny droppings around our core.  they have determined a second mutating strain released by a similiar rodent.  We are now blaming the current outbreak on squirrels.  See below:


and upon further study our scientists have taken samples form the bunny droppings around our core.  they have determined a second mutating strain released by a similiar rodent.  We are now blaming the current outbreak on squirrels.  See below:

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