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The president
22:01:12 Jul 21st 09 - Mr. Penor The Overwhelming:

That's like zoolander's form of "Eulogy" lol

22:51:08 Jul 21st 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Obama is right, because there is no alternative.

You cant have 50 million uninsured people in a modern country, it costs more than is saves.

You cant build F-22 warplanes to fight the Taliban.

You cant sustain an economy that is based on only spending, it only works if you have China to buy up all your debt.

Republicans have no understanding of these issues, so there is no viable alternative to Obama.

23:45:15 Jul 21st 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

@Brainiac: No results found for aggorance: Did you mean Aggrace (in dictionary) or Ignorance (in reference)?

Ignorance... You are ignorant of the way he was talking to you. ;)

23:47:11 Jul 21st 09 - Mr. Overcome:

i was going to pull out that one aswell:P but i'd figure i'd stick with arrogance or aggorance as that was what we were discussing:P

but you're right, he was also ignorant. but i believe the reason for him being ignorant was that he was arrogant. lol this is on a whole new lvl now:P

23:59:51 Jul 21st 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

You cant sustain an economy that is based on only spending, it only works if you have China to buy up all your debt.

Then tell me how you can explain Obama's 1.2 trillion spending? Because that's just contradicting yourself by saying we can't have an economy that is based on only spending yet here Obama is trying to spend his way out of the recession, and your there supporting him. I mean really? Honestly?

You cant have 50 million uninsured people in a modern country, it costs more than is saves.

These numbers include illegal immigrants, and quite frankly those who CHOOSE not to buy any healthcare. And you know what it's not the governments job to make sure I take care of myself. It's not the governments job to make sure I have healthcare. It is my job as a responsible adult and citizen of the U.S. to take care of myself not anyone elses.

And who gives a frack about some F-22's? Your worrying about 1.7 billion dollars? Really? Cuz you know what that doesn't amount to what Obama has already spent, and plans to spend so get your head out of your ass.

Republicans have no understanding of these issues, so there is no viable alternative to Obama.

Then tell me how Reagan did it? How did Reagan pull us out of the 70's slump? Carter obviously wasn't affective...

And there is an alternative to Obama, but obviously there is not point in arguing this point since he is already President...

00:52:32 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Brainiac, as I have mentioned b4, in the 80's or 90's the press was allowed a short tour of Fort Knox, our supposed 'country bank'. That place ALONE had 700 trillion dollars in bullion, which the government (I think) probably moved there to make it seem like that's our emergency fund. We are not in a huge threat right now, so the emergency fund has not been used. That is to keep things like the Great Depression from happening again (which happened when a REPUBLICAN was presidant :P) and is saved for that rainy day. It is also for if/when we get attacked and cannot afford to hold our country, so they hold it in safe keeping. I doubt the government would spend its savings... Which have probably accumulated alot since then, if that was even our savings then. 1.2 trillion dollars, so what?!?!

And look at the facts: There is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as a free war. The Iraq adventure has seriously weakened the U.S. economy, whose woes now go far beyond loose mortgage lending. You can't spend $3 trillion -- yes, $3 trillion -- on a failed war abroad and not feel the pain at home.

The spending wouldn't have come if Bush hadn't messed it up in the first place.

03:42:14 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Only way outs another world war.....who wants to start it this time?

03:44:54 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

MEEEEE!!! I'll drive mai nazi-tank into the Eiffel Tower!

06:33:55 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

No, don't even dare compare republicans and democrats from eras past to modern day Republicans and Democrats. I have respect for democrats of the past because they stood for the real American dream.... not this fucked up piece of shit dream where we need to spread the wealth. As everyone knows life isn't fair, and not everyone gets to be rich.

Vuggy this isn't something about Republicans verus Democrats, but when ever has there been a time when spending got you out of the hole?

Three trillion dollars? The war in Iraq has not costed 3 trillion dollars, but it's getting closer and closer to a trillion.

Why is everyone blaming bush? Bush this, bush that. Stop blaming ONE politician for everything. What about congresses share? What about the other people? Sure you can blame a president, but you cannont ever blame them 100% because it is congresses job as part of checks and balances. You can blame bush for the war, but I know I could never do that 100%. I blame the congress men/women members who gave the president the power to do what we did. It is not the presidents job to choose whether we fight a war, that's suppose to be congresses job. Although yes I still give part of the blame to bush, but you can never blame one man for everything because why is it so many supported the war in the first place? I mean sure once we found out there were no WMD's I'd definitely be mad, but what is with people just thinking we can just up and leave? You don't just go in destroy a country and say "sorry, well next time we'll be better". You fix the problem you created, and stay as long as needed. We owe them that much.....

It was also a republican who brought us out of the 70's slump care to comment?

But then I ask you how can you blame bush because it is BOTH parties fault for deregulating the very things which were meant to stop this. People who got loans and shouldn't have, did. This then started to create a bubble  because everyone was getting a loan and was just making it worse this isn't the work of a bad president, but it is what happens when you allow free markets to be unregulated. This wasn't just deregulation in bush's presidency, but over a few decades of deregulation.

And I do admit Bush wasn't one of our best, but of the few not the worst. So from a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst, I give him a 2 or 3

Also tbh I didn't vote for bush, or the democratic party during those years, because I think there are good qualities in both parties, but just neither of them fits me...

ugg I don't want even re-read any of this so i'm sure there are plenty of mistakes but w/e...  

07:04:19 Jul 22nd 09 - Lord Cuba Libre:

Vuggy Fort Knox does not contain 700 trillion dollars in reserve gold the government is not using. That gold, which is not 700 trillion dollars represents the value of the U.S. dollar. The bills we carry around are useless alone, the paper is not worth more than a penny. What that paper represents is a certain amount of gold that is being stored in fort knox, or the various federal reserve banks around the country. Instead of moving all that gold back and forth, the dollars represent the monetary value of the gold.

It becomes more complicated when you involve the international market, but thats the simplified version of it =)

07:09:43 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

and fort knox is only second compared to another place with holds about 400 more metric tons of gold, but i'll let you guys figure out what that other place is in the US...

09:13:01 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Roxbury:


Bush left your country with a housing crisis, banking crisis, record deficit, two wars and an auto industry crisis. It costs more to build the country up than to crash it.

You cant complain about Obamas healthcare reform costs unless you take responsibility for what Bush's 8 years cost the country.

Dreaming of Reagan isnt going to get you anywhere either, the republican leader today is Rush Limbaugh.. and he is no Reagan.

11:57:32 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Dread:

haha Havnt you had enought cowboys in the white house.. still dreaming for more hahaha... who knows maybe 20 years from now people are gonna dream bush back..

12:04:12 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

United States reserves of foreign exchange and gold

$70.57 billion (31 December 2007 est.)

Source: Central Intelligence Agency

13:54:35 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

I'm no republican follower, Rush Limbaugh is too far right for my liking.

Lol, I can complain because you fucking know what Roxbury my mom works in the insurance industry she provides low cost insurance to employers for instance she covers schools, businesses across the country, and even has some clients in other countries, but she doesn't work for some big company either, it's rather small maybe 20-50 employees. Alright and the plans they offer are going to be TAXED wth? How are they suppose to provide cheaper insurance plans if the plans they offer are getting taxed. For every employee they have under a plan they have to pay 2 dollars in taxes. Now that may not sound like a lot, but it is because then they have to pass on that cost, and that's just ridiculous with the amount of people they cover also. And don't tell me to accept that reform because have you read the bill? Have I, no because you know what it would take a very long time to finish reading the dam bill, but I do know some of what is in it, plus I just don't have that kind of time to read it...

What's Obama going to leave with? An even bigger amount of deficit, an economy which doesn't allow companies to fail like they should, a country where the government has more control than ever. That's is why people didn't want bush because the government was big under him, and Obama is just making it bigger. Obama isn't doing what he said he would, and sure he does have another 3 more years to fuck up so we'll see.

And obviously his "open hand" to countries like North Korea and Venezuela isn't working. This is just like with Hitler, and Stalin if you keep letting them do it there just going to keep doing it. No one stopped Hitler in poland, and if they had maybe WWII wouldn't have been as bad as it had. When Stalin cut off supplies to West Berlin, we instead forced the enemy to give up and lift the blockade, with the airlift going 24 hours a day. North Korea continues to test and fire missiles how do we stop it? Well, it's not my job to figure that one out, but you could either continue with what is not working, attack (somewhat like destroying the missiles before they launch), or come up with something like the solution in Berlin peaceful, and at the same time beating the Russians, well in this case it would be N Korea.... 


15:20:41 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

WWII wasn't bad. It was great! Except for the Germans losing. ;)

I never said I was blaming bush, I was merely putting down the fact that it's not ALL obama's fault...

15:23:27 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Yes, I understand that and it isn't, but the spending he is doing right now is his fault. Whether or not he is trying to fix a problem.

15:34:25 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I do agree... Let them go into bankruptcy! It's not like anybody's going to die anytime soon from a CAR company going down. xD

15:46:22 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

I'm assuming that's sarcasm.

How can anyone expect these companies continue to survive? They would have failed otherwise and they should have because the point of a free market and capitalism is basically survival of the fitest. The fitest will survive and prosper while those that fail will continue to fail because they cannot and will not adapt.

16:40:44 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:


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18:18:01 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

It was sarcasm. And I couldn't understand any of that. xD except for 'We are living in america'. I'm assuming that was in a different language? :P

19:50:03 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:


08:12:20 Jul 23rd 09 - Commander Baldwin:

Now did I get something wrong, but I think the main idea of the health care reform is to SAVE money. USA spends currently about 2.5 trillion per year to health care being very inefficient, and the Obama's program might cost some more for short period of time. But after the reform is done, USA would start to save a lot. Probably the main difference would be that the employers would have to start to pay a part of the common health care. Probably the big corporations over there are lobbying a lot against it, and the conservatives (being lead by the lobbyists) feed propaganda to the ppl, so the ppl would start to oppose the change as being too expensive. The same politicans lead your coutry to war, that are now trying to stop Obama's plans.

I live in Europe and I'm rather happy with the "socialized" health care system most countries here have. The system in which you have to pay for every doctor visit, and try to figure out how much your insurance pays for it etc... it's very bureucratic (lots more paper work) and sounds inhuman to me, since ppl without money nor insurance (the 50+ million) cannot visit doctor at all.

You should check this out as well:

14:20:35 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

As said in a post above those 50 million also include ILLEGAL immigrants who won't get covered, two it includes those who CAN afford it but otherwise choose not too.

Also I'd like to put something out there I do support some form of health care reform, but definitely not Obama's plan. Plus he is taxing the coverage plans in the private industry. How is that suppose to make the price of insurance go down then? Obama is a liar, about how private insurance will still be there and what-not and if he wasn't lieing then I'd have more respect for him. How can private insurance even compete if the government provides too cheap an insurance plan, and at the same time taxes them? I'm just wondering...


14:47:03 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Panique:

Wow, did someone actually think we still had a gold standard? Thats laughable....

Everyone do yourself a favor and Google Zeitgeist, listen to it, but fact check too, there are semantics at play

My opinion on healthcare is that insurance companies should exist and it should be the responsibility of the individual to purchase a insurance provider (like car insurance for example). Take it out of the hands of businesses and people will have more money in their paychecks. Medicare (for the elderly) and Medicaid (for the needy) are good programs, but regulations can make these more effective. I for one, support drug testing for anyone receiving money from the government (in the form of healthcare, or Welfare, or gov't employee, military and politicians included). The gov't need not provide insurance to people who can provide for themselves.

The Iraq war is a mess and has been run terribly inefficiently. Post-WWII the US set-up a government in Japan, similarly to what we wish we could do in Iraq. The fact is that it is possible, but not my area of expertise. Afganistan is just as bad. This issue requires the UN. That organization has waning respect though and this could be their hot-button issue to regain that.

Obama's spending is a huge problem, mark my words it will kick-off the highest inflation in this country's history and the value of the dollar will go the way of the peso. To counteract this, look for legislation on a new form of currency, the amero, that will combine Mexico, US, and Canada together. (my personal favorite conspiracy theory).

15:46:29 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

lol, To counteract this, look for legislation on a new form of currency, the amero, that will combine Mexico, US, and Canada together. (my personal favorite conspiracy theory).

I might just look it up for some fun hahaha

22:29:57 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Penor The Overwhelming:

Gold standard was what we were on till William Bryan Jennings gave his "Cross of gold" speech... He made an ENTIRE campaign out of it and almost won despite the fact that he took no other issues into consideration. Then we switched to silver standard which is why are coins are not gold-colored

23:45:15 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

We don't have a silver standard.. we are on a fiat system...which is fucked up... and retarded!

05:36:58 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

There is no standard. Reserve banks around the world control the money. None of these banks are controlled by any of the countries they are in.

09:04:01 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Penor The Overwhelming:

Haha ok count me stupid.

10:03:00 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

All printed money is legal tender. This means printed money is its own security.

16:51:12 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

thus.. a fiat system...


17:23:24 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Alfred Nobel:

Actually, I think we should go back to copper standard.
Either that or go over to imperial credits. First thing I would do if that happened was buy me one of these with my credit card:

17:36:40 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

nah...golds worth so much more

17:42:43 Jul 24th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

you would buy that sexy outfit?

18:19:12 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

he'd wear it too : P

18:29:56 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Alfred Nobel:

I would do it for you peng! With that on you cannot resist my bum any longer!

18:30:38 Jul 24th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

lol, nasty

05:26:34 Jul 27th 09 - Lord Cuba Libre:

i didnt actually mean to say we were on a gold standard. I know we are on a fiat system.

Just trying to explain to whoever it was that fort knox is not america's secret stash of gold waiting to bail us out

17:48:27 Jul 27th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

All of the gold for that is in my basement! =D

18:34:01 Jul 27th 09 - Lord Arius Wolfe:

 in the recent coup in honduras, all world leaders supported the rebels but chavez (crazy venezuelian dictator) castro (crazy cuban dictator) ortega (crazy nicaraguan dictator) and obama ... (crazy american not-dictator-yet?)

03:00:09 Jul 28th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

We here in the kingdom of CRAZY do not recognise these so called leaders.  but if we had t opick one I'd go wit hteh cuban since they are in my mafia wars game and make great cigars.

21:56:15 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

So, who wants to talk about Acorn?

23:33:53 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

lol Transgender, completely agree.

23:34:40 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Alfred Nobel:

Arius, there's pretty much nothing in your post that checks out. First off all neither Chavez or Ortega are dictators in any sence and secondly pretty much the entire world has condemned the coup including the UN and EU.

23:37:16 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

^nuf sed

23:54:29 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

02:27:19 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Lol, ROFL OMFG hahahahaha

09:24:05 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Dread:

he looks quite cool with that hair..

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