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Ufo and Aliens
00:22:26 May 15th 07 - Lady Tantulii:

"Why do we always assume that they will come on friendly terms."

We do?  Most of the movies out there don't really show this happening...

" think movies such as independence day and war of the worlds paint a more realistic picture of what it would be like if an alien race came to this planet."

Though I haven't seen Independance Day, I get the feeling the aliens come, nuke us, and that's how it all begins?

To me it seems more likely there will be some sort of period of diplomacy.  But of course, you never really know, because it is naiive to predict the patterns of intelligent life as the only intelligent life we have ever known is ourselves.

22:41:53 May 16th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus The Battle Mage:

I think theyll spy us for a long while. Maybe a whole generation in their lives. Then, if they are stronger then us and need our flesh or resources on Earth, theyll attack. So lets hope Earth is useless to them. And hope they are herbivors. Else, theyll prolly attack. SO I say NasA should begin building battle-space-huds. BSH's, ior Biatches. We could use some defence you know...

14:55:04 May 30th 07 - Mr. Fireforge:

Maybe ther'es no evidence and alot of supposition as vell as conjecture but look at it in this light. in our own galaxy theres billions of stars. In the universe theres millions of galaxies. How could one beleive that there is no intelligent life out there? Maybe they haven't come here or maybe they have, but to say that in all those galaxies, with so many stars we couldn't begin to calculate the number, each with the possibilities of planets, that there is no intelligent life is pretty arogant, and in my opinion born of the desperate need to beleive that we are in some way special.

As far as any intelligent life that may have existed already being dead. That falls among the same level. In those millions of galaxies stars are born and die every day. millions of st*beep*xist in varying stages of lifespan, to say that none contain intelligent life is basically stating that we are the last species to ever gain rational thought. while i'm sure that many civilizations have risen and fallen throughout the universe, i am willing to bet there there are countless other civilizations all in various states of developement, from "caveman" states to so advanced we could't comprehend, and not recognizing such a possibility is prety xenophobic really.

As far as all the videos, eyewitness sightings and government conspiracies are concerned. I would't put it past our government nor the governments of other countries to be developing very advanced technology. Way back when verticle take-off and landing jet were being developed, the bases which housed such testings, never knew they were doing so, except a select few at said bases and all soldiers stationed there were rounded up and herded inside where they couldn't see what was going on, and many "sightings" of "ships" hovering in the air, or moving straight up and down were confirmed to be these tests. The honest truth is the human mind is capable of beleiving anything, and will draw conclusions based on what it sees and hears, and also rationalize said sights to conform with what they are most comfortable with. Now maybe aliens have visited us, and maybe we have even obtained crashed vehicles but 99% of sightings are most likey to be government testings/drunken sightings (or acid trips, i know i saw something in the sky during one which totally flipped me out)/The desperate need for attention or desperate need to beleive that what they saw was something greater than ourselves.

As too aliens sharing technology with us. One must look at many things through out our own history, some of which just can't be explained. 1. Look at the Nazca civilization. They drew many figures in the ground which were so large they could only be seen from high in the sky, yet were so perfectly formed as to be very unlikely planned by normal people especially when you take into account the severe lack of any other technology present in their society, also many stright lines were drawn which scientist today can't find any rhyme or reason to except possibly as runways. 2. Look to the Incan civilization. In the same general area of the nazca Southern American area. The built large monoliths from stone with expert crafting. Also there was found on one of their ruins a human skull made of crystal, so perfectly formed that even under electron microscopes scientists could see no chisel marks nor mold lines, a feat we still to this day cannot reproduce, yet we see no real technology from said civilization beyond that. 3. The egyptians. While it is possible for pyramids to be crafted by man with blocks of stone that weight tons. the pyramids out there were built with hundreds of these block, fitted together so well that the tiniest razorblade couldn't fit between the cracks, a feat we have only recently been able to reproduce ourselves without mortar, using advanced stonecutting machines, and this was done before mankind was able to create sturdy metals and precision tools able to come close to such a feat. Perhaps none of these things is proof of an outside influence, but in my opinion its a few too many coincidencs to set right in my head.

I could go much more in depth on this subject but i've already put ten minutes of reading here so i'll let it go there.

15:22:48 May 30th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:


what can i say i agree with you (it's hard not to after a speech like that)

i would love to hear more you seem very intelegent

05:49:41 May 31st 07 - Sir Ironpick:

1.  Civilizations throughout the world have discovered advanced geometry at an early stage, even though we congratulate the Greeks for it.  Additionally, the figures are considered likely to be ceremonial signs (perhaps for the gods in the sky.)

3.  Recently we haven't had tens of thousands of engineers and craftsmen at hand all at the same time, perfecting each stone block.

21:28:26 May 31st 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

but still the signs are there

if we can't reconstruct it with lasers well.....

22:19:04 May 31st 07 - Sir Ironpick:

"but still the signs are there"

But what does that prove?  Nothing more than they exist; we can't safely conclude that aliens built it.

"if we can't reconstruct it with lasers well....."

I don't remember the exact details very well, but I remember hearing that the Egyptians had several meters of leniance at the base level.  About the crystal skull, I'd like a bit more background info from a credible news source.

23:14:06 May 31st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    OMG!! I just saw a UFO last night! It was at a party and me and my friend were like "whoa! It's a UFO!" as a joke. But, it was a UFO! It was round...had a bunch of lights around it..not moving in a straight path..we were like "No way! It can't really be a UFO! But it"
    And then there was like random lightning just around it but not even clouds other rain/lightning anywhere was *beep*ing creepy.....

Note: This is not a joke...

23:26:52 May 31st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

I agree with many things that have been said, but Ironpick, you deserve pat on the back. I heartily agree with you. Iwasfrozen, I would advise remaining quiet till your brain has completely thawed... And yes, I'm quite sure we could construct (or reconstruct) things like this with devices for  light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, but curved lines would be more difficult to use this for than others. Perhaps they grew the crystal in a mold, or perhaps they used different tools for it, or perhaps it doesn't even exist, and maybe, just maybe, we could make something like it.

12:53:25 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Fireforge:

I'll give the nazca lines, perhaps they were meant for gods to see, who can say for certain, like i said its all theory and conjecture however i remeber seeing many of those designs and personally don't beleive them to be meant for gods to see.

 Also It is "possible" the pyramids were constructed solely by man, however i find it highly unlikely since back then it would have been done by slave with hand tools, also the bases could be explained by imperfect construction while not properly taking into account the effect of the massive weight above them versus the centuries they stood, but i'll give you guys both of those.

 however to condradict Duke Erunion Telcontar let me show this-

im not so good with these forums so im not sure if that is an actuall link or if you will have to copy and paste it. However go there and read of the first skull. i originally read about this skull in highschool, world history class and i guess since then they have determined its exact origin is in question, i also watched on discovery channel maybe 7-10 years ago the footage of them studying it. however read all about the first skull, in particular the first paragraph, then a few more down then finally the very last line. the first paragraph and teh one a few paragraphs down mention its make being impossible to recreat to this day and the last line states "it simply shouldn't be". the skull is real, and even if we could recreate it with lazers(which we can't) it wouldn't explain its age which in the link i posted places it's earliest know appearance to be 1943. Again when i read it in my history class it was said to be aztec but now they say honduras so its origin may not be as i thought, but the fact that we are unable to recreate this item speaks volumes.

However, like i said in my original post this does not prove aliens interaction with us, but it does leave one wondering honestly. I do not beleive any of our technology we have today comes from aliens. Humans are capable of discovering many things, some by accident and some by design, and i wouldn't beleive aliens actually giving us technology for two reasons. Firstly, it would be foolish to do so since they have no idea if we would turn out to be enemies of theirs, or if they had designs for us and our world 2. If they were sharing actuall technology we would be much more advanced likely, since to get to us they would need faster than light speed and due to einsteins theories on relativity (which i still beleive to be made up of alot of untested, imagined experiment) state that nothing can travel faster than light. And most of our scientist beleive in einsteins theories as facts rather than theory (or guesses as i beleive them to be). i had more to say on number 2 here but it escapes me for now, however you get my point.

i personally beleive that things such as the aforementioned skull, the unlikelyness of our own carving of the pyramid blocks (theres no doubt we fitted them together, im just not so sure on how they were made so well) are necessarily proof of alien technology, i just see them as possible evidence of interaction with them (perhaps the skull was a gift, or left behing by accident, or maybe even the creation of it was shared with the high priest of a civilization who was greedy with his knowledge). perhaps i miss-worded my first post on that.

Now, i have read this thread again and i noticed someone saying that abductions were BS because why would they abduct hic, drunken farmers rather than leaders and such. let me put my two cents worth in on that as well.

Personally (as i said in my original post) i doubt 99% of the sighting and abductions people claim. the human mind is an oddity of it's own that we still do not fully understand, however lets put it in this light. if we were exploring space and came upon intelligent life, and we wanted to study it in secret, who would we choose as targets, drunken/crazy farmers who nobody would beleive, or credible, well know leaders whos word might carry weight with the populace? Ibeleive we would go for the fringe of society, those who, if they spoke up, would be passed off as loonies. The last thing you would want, if studying a race in secret, is word of what you are doing getting out and being accepted by the general populace

13:37:19 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

N = R x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L
R is the rate at which stars have been born in the Milky Way per year, fp is the fraction of these stars that have solar systems of planets, ne is the average number of "Earthlike" planets (potentially suitable for life) in the typical solar system, fl is the fraction of those planets on which life actually forms, fi is the fraction of life-bearing planets where biological evolution produces an intelligent species, fc is the fraction of intelligent species that become capable of interstellar radio communication, and L is the average lifetime of a communicating civilization in years.

Optimists would argue that life will form wherever it can (fl = 1), that the Darwinian process of natural selection eventually favors the evolution of intelligence (fi = 1), and that no intelligent civilization would exist for long without discovering electricity and radio and feeling the urge to communicate (fc = 1).  In this most optimistic case, the Drake equation boils down to the simple observation that N = L (the average lifetime of technological civilizations in years).  If L is, say, 10,000 years, there would be about 10,000 chatty civilizations in our galaxy.  And that's assuming that only one arises during a planet's entire multi-billion-year lifetime.

13:09:27 Jun 3rd 07 - Mr. Sayian:


19:01:08 Jun 7th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"The validity of this charge is uncertain, but even if the Mitchell-Hedges skull is of modern origin, its structure is no less extraordinary. In all likelihood, every crystal skull in the world was fashioned by plain old human beings of some sort, and regardless of whether the work was carried out five years ago or five hundred years ago, we still don't have any idea how they did it."

A lot of people are very clever, whether now or 500 years ago.

With the Pyramids, it wouldn't be that hard to cut with an extensive team of overseers, which, according to writings and etc, they had. Ever heard of Imhotep? (Not the priest who is mummified then terrorizes the modern Cairo, but Egypts top architect). Cutting the stone is a simple matter of measuring it, breaking holes in it, putting wedges in it, bloating these wedges with water, then watching them crack. This process makes almost perfect blocks, and likely, any that weren't almost perfect were discarded, while the rest were smoothed.

23:03:44 Jun 7th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

There's some evidence now to show that the Egyptians had mechanical saws to cut blocks with, powered by water.

18:53:50 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Shadowflash:

i saw a ufo once. i saw a dot in the sky and watched it for a long time. it didnt move at all. when i tried to show it to my friends only one saw it. when i looked back it was gone.

19:50:52 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Dwolf:

Cmon you guys, untill you see it with your own eyes, dont belive it, and you have to see it and make sure ur alive and not just dreaming, and if you see it make sure you see and ALIEN, not a light.

13:56:48 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

most people confesed they made fake films and photos but in relegion nor in jews or chrtions or even we muslims didnt have that in the holy three books so unlikly this universe is big look at desert its big but  no people live in ther .

alot of planets have water bloto is frozen we can melt it into water but we cant servive ther why just because people made films we start beleiving in them .


14:00:42 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:


15:08:37 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Game And Watch:

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night in a large, open, steril-looking room. There were six aliens, two were holding my legs, two were holding my arms. The fifth one stuck a pointy object into my ear (this I believe to be a microchip of some sort), later this same alien stuck a large needle into my belly button. The sixth alien came in later, he was much larger (I think he was prolly about 6'6") whenever he looked into my eyes I could sense cold hatred and was somehow paralyzed. While the sixth alien was there the first four weren't needed so they went to a table in a different part of the room and began sipping what smelled like tea, they don't drink though their mouths of course, but their fingers... While I was in with the large alien I blacked out several times. I am not sure but I believe at one point they took a kidney and a sea man sample... it was the most traumatic experience of my life...

16:31:02 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

oooooooooooo you should be a writer or a good dreamer

21:32:03 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

if they are anything like humand and the things we call aliens are.
they will come in peace even if they wanna attack us tehy wont let us know :p

22:47:11 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

I think we can safely assume every life form, even an alien one, needs to survive and multiply. Growth requires habitable space that most probably exists on natural or artificial planets orbiting an energy source i.e. a star system.

If a life form can build artificial planets to serve as its habitable ecosystem, it only needs the natural resources to build such planets. The life form may have to find suitable planets or other astronomical objects for harvesting the resources (1).

If a life form is not able to build its habitat, it needs to find habitable natural planets (2) for growth. This includes changing the planet gradually as the life form establishes itself on it.

There are two more motives a life form may have for visiting another planets:

Because life forms need to survive, they need protection against threats. If a life form finds out there is a (potential) threat to its interests, it would take action to avoid (3/evasive) or eliminate (3/aggressive) that threat.

The last motive is information. All the above 1-3 main motives require a good understanding of the planet in question. Unless a life form is capable of acquiring all the required details from interstellar distances (via some advanced surveillance) it will have to take a closer look at its points of interest (4/observation).

A part of the information gathering motive might be the desire to learn something from possible alien civilizations (4/communication) found on the planet of interest. This would be feasible if the encountering life forms have some kind of mutual interests e.g. could enter in mutually beneficial exchange of information or physical resources.

The 4th motives are not realistic, if they don't serve one or more of the earlier motives 1-3. Actually it might be risky to give in your own existence and whereabouts before you know if you were considered a potential threat to the life form who is receiving your strategic information.

I think we can also safely assume interstellar space travel is challenging (for any life form), so the alien life form would have to be deeply interested in some faraway location in space, if it ever cared to send a scout (probe) or visit there. No life form wants to waste its resources for nothing, because that could threaten its survival and growth.

The space is so big that there are always almost certainly a large number of alternative potentially interesting destinations for any life form. It is unlikely the Earth is so unique from the point of view of an alien life form that it absolutely positively needs to come here. If one day some life form did come visit us, we should carefully try to find out its real motives 1-4.

If we were able to communicate they would probably present themselves as traders first anyway. Only if they can clearly decide they are superior to us and that we cannot offer them anything they could use, and their motive was 1 or 2 they would proceed without communication. If we tried to resist, that would give them motive 3 and they would eliminate us at least when and where we tried to resist.

If they had no motive 1 or 2 and they decide we cannot offer any interesting information (4) to them, they would ignore us. Only if they thought we might develop into a threat later, they would probably eliminate us just in case.

On the other hand, if they find us superior to them, they would probably try to hide. They could send a small scout to try to communicate, if they felt maybe they can offer something to us and vice versa. Initially they would try to hide their origin, just in case we turned out to be hostile. Unless of course they knew their home planets were uninteresting to us.

I could go on for several pages, but as you can see, I think the basic dynamics of meeting with an extraterrestrial life form is no different from meeting a new culture here on Earth. Just the time and space scales are different. The actions and communication attempts could take generations, planning could be generations in advance. E.g. an alien life form could destroy us, because it predicted that in 100,000 years we would develop space flight and be competing with them over the only habitable planet within 100 light years. If they killed us now, they could keep that juicy planet just for themselves.

On the other hand, we could make a deal that we generate a cross-breeded species that combines the best traits of both life-forms through genetic manipulation over the next one million years and we would become one life form that is more capable than either of us alone.

I guess this is enough for tonight, but let me still add one thing: Above, by "lifeform" I mean its whole self-supporting ecosystem. For example man could not exist without plants for food, bacteria, etc. and everything they need to survive as well. An advanced life form requires a whole chain (or network) of other organisms to support it; in other words a life form needs an ecosystem that is a necessary part of its wellbeing. An alien that visited us would also bring its ecosystem with it.

23:35:30 Jul 8th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

why every man have seen UFO have a camera with them

do he have a date with aliens?

23:42:41 Jul 8th 07 - Sir Tiber Septim II:

I have a feeling that they will come, anal probe one of us, and get so addicted to it that they'll forget why they came in the first place.

23:45:24 Jul 8th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

ooooooooooooooooo   my fingers are not shaking

then come on isnt america so powerfull and it want to lead the world let them so lol

11:47:26 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Mijamoto Mushashi:

lol, mbeidas, the stuff you believe in is hardly any better ... grow up already

15:08:00 Jul 9th 07 - Sir Tiber Septim II:

It was just a joke...

21:47:25 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Every 50 years we have an intergalactic bowling competition and we keep losing.

22:43:22 Jul 10th 07 - Sir Tiber Septim II:

God dang it, we really need to practice...

23:22:15 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Strange no-one has made the point yet that anything you see flying and you don't know what it is, that is a U.F.O., in other words an Unidentified Flying Object.

For example, if you saw a bright object fly across the night sky and you don't know if it was a meteorite or a plane, then you can say it was a UFO, because it was flying and you did not identify what it was.

So, of course there are UFOs. Otherwise whenever we saw anything flying, we would always know what it is.

If you don't know what the object is, you cannot say it is an alien spacecraft. If you say it must be an alien spacecraft, then it is no longer a UFO, because you identified it as an alien spacecraft. So, it would be an identified flying object that was confirmed to be an alien spacecraft and not a UFO anymore.

Many have seen UFOs, but has anyone seen a positively identified alien spacecraft? Was it cool?

23:25:59 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

i saw a space craft when i went oversea it was small and white as ice it look like it wet i think it come from undersea where the alien  are planing a attack

23:28:42 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Interesting, now we have an Identified Swimming Object (ISO) or should I say Identified Wet Object (IWO).

06:39:10 Jul 11th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

maybe the alians wanted to take a vecation but strike zakira made them run when they saw his ugly

maybe they had to choose mmmm we go to earth or mars i heared mercury is so hot

lets choose earth

*they was unlucky with strike zakira  *  did you take picture for them cuz you must have one , its beach ,      

come on a man walking in the street always have a camera but a man on beach dont have camera

00:39:18 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Duneidinaman II:

you ever see a picture of what an alien looks like?  Beady eyes and the oblong head.  It looks like a demonic being. 

I had a friend who worked for N.A.S.A. and he had 2 true stories about aliens.  He actually saw one while working for N.A.S.A. which made him take a few steps backward and he described a story of men in a conference room holding hands in agreement for a seance.  A alien came through a window.&nb*beep*an in the circle got scared and started to leave.  the alien(demonic being) attacked him and killed him.

Aliens, werewolves, vampires, are all demonic beings. 

00:42:08 Mar 24th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Revive fail?

00:55:48 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Reddragon VII:

lol , i think the government has hidden this post and our hero Duneidinaman has found it for the rest of the humanity.

10:06:13 Mar 24th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Before reading all of this, I just want to say:
ALIENS EXIST! I KNOW IT FOR SURE! I was working on my lands 17 years ago and suddenly I saw a white/greenish light coming down from the heaven above. I though it was god almight but before I knew what was happening, they beemed me up like I was Scotty! The things they did to me! The anal probes! The size of those things! Every time I take a dump it still hurts! They exist, I know it! AND I WILL GET MY REVENGE!

I sincerely believe aliens exist, simply because it would be to egocentric for anyone to even suggest we are totally alone in the entire universe :)

11:06:36 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Seth Mandred:

2012 star people ( Aliens ) will come and offer to take people. they are friendly and nice ect. ( it is consitered to be the "Comming" as Christianity or Catholics likes to believe ( small amount of people know this because Government likes to hold this back from us .. Can you imagian if all of us knew it would cause Global Caous and the government would not have control, Nastadomis and many Phycics foreseen this event but many hid the fact this will happen, There is aliens! it is selfish to think we are the only one in the entire universe

i have been following Religion for all my life, i am Catholic and i also believe in Spirituality, I have been to Freemason Church's which every American President like george bush down to Abe lincon, they know this and i have spoken to many Many different people about this and learned so much

believe what you want but it will come a time when you will find out... and it will be soon!

don't have to believe just understand what might be and be ready to accept that 2012 is no bogus Y2K (2000) it has been foretold

i am not crazy xD
good luck all

13:14:38 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Cbr:

You're not crazy, just retarded.

18:17:22 Mar 25th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

I foretell that in 2023, Skynet will activate and begin a nuclear war before beginning the Rise of the Machines.


It has been foretold! IT WILL COME TRUE!!!

18:25:52 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Coolcat Talorc:

lol, i just seen this thread, i'm gonna read it all wen i get some time. seems a fun read.
try this link tho:  there are some very intersting video interviews on there. ;)

21:25:59 Mar 25th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

" Can you imagian if all of us knew it would cause Global Caous"

And you're spreading the news on a forum anyone can access...goodbye credibility! :)

21:49:06 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Coolcat Talorc:

Mr Fireforge: Also there was found on one of their ruins a human skull made of crystal, so perfectly formed that even under electron microscopes scientists could see no chisel marks nor mold lines, a feat we still to this day cannot reproduce, yet we see no real technology from said civilization beyond that

If it's the mitchell hedges crystal skull you are referring to, I have seen this myself when it came to Edinburgh a few months back. Experts have rubbished the authenticity of this artifact although the current owner explained to me the mystical properties of the thing. Also, when it is brought into contact with 'the crystal bullet' (another one of these mysterious artifacts) it improvements colour amongst other unexplainable things. I also felt the energy field surrounding the skull with my own hand. However, I keep an open mind on the subject.
Very interesting and beautiful however.

21:50:28 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Coolcat Talorc:

oh, I forgot to add, under tests in a lab environment there were chisel like marks found in the jaw/teeth area. So, I dunno. :)

00:49:46 May 7th 09 - Mr. Duneidinaman:

Interesting  Mr. Coolcat Talorc.

I came across an article called the "Return of the Nephillim."  There are all kinds of videos and articles on the subject on the aliens and their abductions.

19:26:49 May 30th 09 - Endless Mystique:

I think my IQ and EQ just dropped by even clicking on this thread but the Giggle Meter went up exponentially after reading it ;)

Cheers to all the posters ^_^



20:16:57 May 30th 09 - Mr. Grounded For Life:

Unidentified Flying Object ... nobody is saying that it comes from anther planet, it is only unidentified   ...   but sure, just like people want to see some sort of a god in everything, they want to see aliens in something they see flying in the sky (or some dot/line/whatever on a camera/picture), not to mention all the hoaxes (because cropcircles are REALLY made by extra-terrestrials!!!  (it takes 10 minutes to draw one, and a few hours to make one ... and you can tell some great stories and laugh your asses off when some *beep*s start talking about what they imagine in their heads))

so, ufo's exist ... but they are definately not aliens .   it's science-fiction if you think they are, wishfull thinking, or if you like doomsdaystories ... a load of crap bassically.

11:31:04 Jun 3rd 09 - Mr. Fordius:

Well I believe that there are aliens.
well did they visit us sure why not ?

when this solarsystem got evolved they could have come and visited us
to see how this planet would evolve.
its not that its not plausible why not if you think of it this way before our solarsystem started there were lots of others evolved long long time before ours.

that means they had a long long period to evolve and must be way more advanced than us and ofcourse some races might have died may it be by war , sciense exp our other things but I bet there is enough that has managed to survive. and I bet if thats true we are allready been visited by them.

but I dont believe we are aware of them being here the footages are fake.
and the crashings too I mean come on aliens that dont wanna show themselfs ( let say they are watching us ) a race that is so far advanced that can cover great distances that cant even hide themself from us or they have ships that causes defect and crash and they cant even make sure they beam it up or whateva.

we as not that far evolved civilisation can even manage to do that.
roosevelt before to much people could see something we managed to clean up or the manhatten projects and stuff I mean come on as we as the lower beings can cover up stuff this easily you think aliens that are far more advanced than us suck @ doing soo. I dont believe that.

like I said I believe that they have visited us and yes maybe the older civilisations have seen them. maybe thats the reasons for religion but also the older civilisations had weird drawings of things that they couldnt know back than.

mayans for example they have drawings of a man coming from the sky in a round thing with wings and allot of lights ( thats a thing we see as ufo nowdays and for us in our terms is a plane ) I mean how could they know this things so far I know they never had anything like a plane back than.

you can make up lots of stuff ofcourse they wont exchange technology or knowledge with us but they could have come here to help us guide to a safer world ( lets be funny a bit and say the bible was a way of them telling us about certains things we should have been aware of as human being )

lots of things in the past with our technology cant even be explained.
the mayan temples , egyptian pyramids and even to be more ridicilious is that we can barely copy them if not @ all.

I mean we see ourselfs as advantaged while we cant even copy something thats been done in the pass what should have been easy with our tech. so you dont think thats weird ?

we make buildings that reach into the skies but copying a pyramid must be hard as hell.
like I said if aliens are here than they defenitly not gonna show themselfs unless they have a reason but I doubt they will be flying in our skies and do nothing eventually they would come say hi or shoot us from the planet :)

its easy as that 

03:04:22 Jun 4th 09 - Lady Nietono Shana:

I'd say if a certain civilization has reached a certain level of technology as most here speculate about aliens, they would have self destructed. Acting on stimuli is one of the basics in evolution so I would think that if aliens are of organic origin, they would have a similar complex impulses as humans do. I don't deny the idea of their existence, but interstellar travel is just too much pain.

"Taking physics into consideration, id say the Gods will know about your wish in about 25 years so asking for a boyfriend for the coming Christmas is just not possible." -Haruhi talking about tanabata

00:29:10 Jun 5th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Why cant we start an intergalactic war??? I mean we have Septim on our side we cant possibly lose if he's fighting with us.
If they look mean and ugly im shooting!

My thoughts on Ufo's and Aliens >=)

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