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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / VU WORLD CUP

10:35:54 Jul 28th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


We're going to start a competition, i'm thinking a prize money for the winner maybe a 1000

Do we charge people to enter the competition?

How much do we charge?

We would need a special world just for this so we'd need zeta to work with us,,,

If zeta doesn't work with us...

I'm going to advertise the game with a 1000 prize to the winner with no fucks to give

If it works we should setup a world with a prize system where where we charge and i'd like to be involved

10:47:17 Jul 28th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Is this a good idea?

Do you all want the game to get some more players?

11:10:59 Jul 28th 19 - Mr. Please Die:

This is a GREAT idea. Many online games do hold this kinda events yearly or monthly.

We really hope ZeTa opens a WORLD for this Tournament & give one of us permission to change Settings of it, like Hanky to change the World settings to whatever is suitable for the Tournament; & rules of the Tournament.

Thumbs up to Hanky :)

00:21:24 Jul 29th 19 - musclesdelaney (Mr. Jibbymaster):


05:34:03 Aug 1st 19 - Binh (Mr. Forgotten Dead):

Charge 5 dollar per tournament. Make the prize equal to 80% of the total money raised. 20% goes into zeta pocket so he can maintain the game.

08:23:00 Aug 1st 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

And all get owned by binh

11:24:07 Aug 1st 19 - Mr. Bonno Ways:

I kinda liked Binh's idea :)

03:16:58 Aug 2nd 19 - Binh (Mr. Forgotten Dead):

Split the prizes into several categories. Example:

1. Biggest land total prize
2. Most fearsome prize
3. Strongest kd prize (split equally among members)
4. Strongest mage (calculated by whoever casted most powerfull successful spell [amount of mp * spell level])
5. Most valuable player (calculated by having each person vote on one ally and one enemy that deserve this prize. Cant vote on self. Person with most point total get this prize.)

21:19:26 Aug 2nd 19 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Maybe u should start by playing again Binh 

05:33:11 Aug 3rd 19 - Binh (Mr. Forgotten Dead):

No time or energy right now :p

06:30:55 Aug 3rd 19 - Mr. Davy Jones Daa Witty Capn:

Damn, we almost forgot you Binh :P

22:50:39 Aug 7th 19 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

See,There's loads we could do

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