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Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Vu Veterans

Vu Veterans
18:39:05 Dec 23rd 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon):

but i was

00:19:32 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel:

I was the mightiest King of Heaven Ever! now begone Penguin before i get your ass deleted again!!!! mr Im the best waternoob!

00:21:02 Dec 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Lady Impending Gang Bang):


02:20:29 Dec 24th 11 - Orin (Mr. Orin):

uther i am joining you boys next era this era is active with all my characters bro ;)

09:20:59 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon):

naw dawg you aint no king 

08:11:03 Dec 25th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:


I am the king... paired with a Federation based government. It is quite odd isn't it?

04:25:29 Jan 9th 12 - Mr. Biteme:

all a bunch of homoghey bum munchers

07:04:02 Jan 9th 12 - Mr. Foreigner:

Thanks Bite I appreciate it

15:31:54 Jan 26th 12 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

i wish i had a premium account, really I just want 2 more chars so I can play on the top 5 worlds

also, experience points are the best way to find out who the vets are:

You have 18861 experience points.

17:03:10 Jan 26th 12 - Mr. Sausage Soldier:


19:37:36 Jan 26th 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kob The Stealer):

You have 20806 experience points.


22:15:18 Jan 26th 12 - McMax (Mr. Ugly Duckling):

Well, long way to go I see:

You have 1543 experience points.

You have 4336 experience points.


18:37:30 Mar 30th 12 - Mr. Ody:

You have 18360 experience points.

 This my 3rd paid acc. been playing for more yrs then i want to admit.

 So many yrs of my life wasted sitting in front of this game :P  Says alot about my real life:(


22:17:23 Mar 30th 12 - Dragon (Sir Phelan Kell):

You have 35169 experience points.

been playing the same account for 2-3 years now

23:51:29 Mar 31st 12 - zuall (Mr. Zuall The Final):

personally i think a vu vet is someone who has tried out all aspects of the game from all the races to being a mage or oop attacker and even a farmer to find out what they do best with and what they need work on i have been on and off since era 28 and i dont consider myself a vu vet

07:22:49 Apr 1st 12 - Skinny Vinny (Sir Skinny):

i have only been around since era 35 or so, maby 32.  don't consider myself a vet yet, but i think i am getting there :)

10:52:13 Apr 1st 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrminator):

Been playing since era 25, kinda in the same situation as skinny :)
Mostly due to never plying mage, but pretty strong with any race when it comes to army.

13:22:34 Apr 1st 12 - Mr. Troll Farmer:

about 5-7 years in this game :) don't know or i am vet, but i not feel like a new player :D that's good

19:34:27 Apr 1st 12 - McMax (Mr. The Roc Star):

I have never tried (wanted to) be a farmer or really play kingdom mage. So I'm out here as a veteran.

But I could be a good "wanna-bee" :big-grin:.

03:15:30 Apr 2nd 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

I've played almost everything.  And sucked at almost everything.

05:39:45 Apr 2nd 12 - Skinny Vinny (Sir Skinny):

ya, i have played mage but not really KD mage, am getting into farming a bit but havn't played humans much or dwarf

04:27:58 Apr 3rd 12 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

21:15:30 Apr 1st 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

I've played almost everything.  And sucked at almost everything.

^this, expect instead of sucked... i'd say mediocre

07:25:33 Apr 3rd 12 - Skinny Vinny (Sir Skinny):

so i was talking to a friend of mine about VU and he asked how big the player base was but i couldn't really give him a number.  how many of us are there?  like how many players total and then maby how many players play hardcore/competitively 

20:38:03 Apr 6th 12 - Mr. Finwe:

there are about 50 of us. everyone else is a MAD multi

11:09:29 Apr 7th 12 - Mr. Gloom Aloysius:


15:24:39 Apr 8th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):


EDIT: Oh shit I forgot I already liked it with my multi

04:41:40 Apr 9th 12 - Electric Toothbrush:

^ ^


08:31:43 Apr 10th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

18:15:30 Apr 1st 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):
I've played almost everything.  And sucked at almost everything.
guess that makes you a sucky vet? :p
by Zuall's definition I've acquired vet status...  I'm thinking his definition needs to change 

*clings to my godlike noob status*

08:46:48 Apr 10th 12 - Orin (Mr. Orin):

i play like a n00b when i work long hours i play like a vet when i have no work ... hmm what does that make me? :P

09:16:50 Apr 10th 12 - Endless (Ms. Nienna of Mercy):

inconsistent :p

04:50:26 Apr 11th 12 - Orin (Mr. Orin):


07:37:48 Apr 12th 12 - Zond (Lord Ariolation):

Best player ever, Sir Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin. Also known as Survivor. 

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