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tony blair good bye
21:32:06 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

not a debate. Wilber has his opinion and i respect that and then i have mine.

21:59:26 Jul 29th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Justin


7/29/2008 2:23:11 AM
Well that sux for the army cuz im joining the MARINES!!!!
I always wanted to do that.....but then a war started XD

22:01:25 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol i didnt care that the war started. Everyone dies. Its up to you on how. Peacefully in your home or kicking some Hoggy ass lol

20:44:24 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

kicking ass.
u mean mass murder?

20:49:05 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

this is kicking ass.


20:50:02 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i dont need to show a bloody picture

20:53:50 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Dreadlord


7/30/2008 12:44:24 PM
kicking ass.
u mean mass murder?

They use civillian planes to destroy our towers killing 100s maybe thousands of innocent ppl.we do whatever we want in retaliation. They have done more damage to the US then Britian did before we gained our independence. Its Suddams fault he hired them to do that. Osama and him were pretty tight. We should have killed Suddam ni the first war along with his sons cause they are worse. Now that we did Alqeida is our next target and watever is left of Suddams Loyalists.

21:28:31 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

no lol saddam has nothing to do with bin ladin...
in fact he hated him. bin ladin and bush had like 100x more conextions includeing hundres of millions of dollars of US aid to al quadi till like th year 2000. and they had massive shares in the same weapon companies. and both gained alot of $$$ with 9/11 at the cost of human lives.
and all you do is help them gain TONS more cash at the cost of alot more human lives maybe includeing your own.

21:42:28 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

since u already enrolled i dont have anyuthing agains u justin.
just stay alive. and dont be the one going in first searching houses or streets.
doh u rpobably dont have mutch choise.

but other people shouldnt go to war couse they think war is anything like a game.

21:46:17 Jul 30th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Dreadlord


7/30/2008 4:42:28 PM
since u already enrolled i dont have anyuthing agains u justin.
just stay alive. and dont be the one going in first searching houses or streets.
doh u rpobably dont have mutch choise.

but other people shouldnt go to war couse they think war is anything like a game.
Yeah I thought of it like that until I got older....then I realized that I could be walking down the street and a car bomb could go off, an bomb could go off by a road while im driving by, I could get gunned down in a crowded area while on patrol, ect ect ect.....its hard to fight an spreads and spreads and there is no way to stop it....

21:47:19 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I havent confused war as a game. I have my reasons for joining and it isnt to have fun. Its to protect my family and my beautiful Fiance. Those who join the military for fun need to forgive me. Atm i joke about it because im not leaving yet. When i get there ill be serious. Thanks for those words of kindness tho.

21:47:33 Jul 30th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

They have done more damage to the US then Britian did before we gained our independence.

Clearly we did no damage becasuse the US wasnt the US it was the British colonies. god help your education system :P


04:31:15 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Sorra:

No one has any Bizz in Iraq right now, they dident do *beep* ta ya.

06:05:11 Jul 31st 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Alright, first off, I think Saddam thought to himself, "Hey, Osama is gaining reputation, I want to be the only reputable crazy Middle Eastern guy with facial hair, and he has a beard! That's totally more facial hair than I have!", so then Saddam convinced Osama to bomb the Twin Towers and the Pentagon hoping that the US would pwn him instantly and get it over with, but instead Osama hid in a hole and Bush had us attack Iraq for "WMDs". While we fought Iraqi dudes, Osama continued hiding in a hole somewhere. After a few years we finally caught Saddam, who was trying to be like Osama by hiding in a hole and growing a beard. Before being executed, he thought, "Wow...this plan backfired, maybe I should've convinced good ol' Fidel down there to let Korea do some nuclear stuff", he was then executed. Osama then went, "Well crap, now they're going to concentrate on me", but instead we stayed in Iraq and continued fighting Muslim dudes...Osama is still hiding in a hole...


I am an expert on the subject as you can see...

07:58:29 Jul 31st 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

I saw the video of him being executed,though it got taken off Youtube :(

14:12:00 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

im pretty shure ul find osama in some luxury villa :P

15:48:29 Jul 31st 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Dreadlord


7/31/2008 9:12:00 AM
im pretty shure ul find osama in some luxury villa :P

Hes gonna be the king of some unknown country with thousands of fanatics willing to blow themselves up for him XD

16:29:38 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

for all we know hes had plastic surgery and actualy became obama. ;)

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