Forums / The hangaround / Ruin A Wish

Ruin A Wish
18:33:05 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Trohs:

Wish granted but 3 hours after the wish is granted he dies because of to mcuh  alcohol

I wish i had white wings 

19:41:22 Jan 18th 09 - Prince Mielo:

granted, you have two white wings on your ball sack. Unfortunately the wings fly away with it ...

I wish I had a frees bee.

21:05:46 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Khellvendros:

Granted, the frees bee stings you in your face

I wish I have 2 wishes:
1)I wish the wish under this wish is true
2)I wish the wish above this wish is false

21:06:04 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Khellvendros:

I just killed this thread, didn't I :)

17:59:42 Jan 23rd 09 - Duke Darkfaith:

Wishes granted, non of them came true

I wish I was superman!

18:02:39 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

Granted you fly into the side of a skyscraper

I wish someone could tell me what Shmeh means!!!

18:12:52 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Erebus:

 Granted: it is from the Proto-Slavic word "smèx"    and means laughter. We all laugh at you.... 

    I wish I could throw knives perfectly  >_<

18:14:54 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

oh come on that one is easy lol

19:00:02 Jan 23rd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Granted, however, your version of perfect is not true to the definition and you end up missing the target and hitting an inconveniently placed button that says "LAUNCH". Nukes are launched at China, China launches nukes at you, everybody else decides to launch nukes at everybodey else, and the world ends. Congratulations, you ended the human race.

I wish I had some sunscreen...

19:09:08 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

Granted but the sunscreen gives you a rash all over your body so you end up red anyway

I wish i had nothing more than what i never started off with when this didnt happen but also less than the amount that wasnt known when people didnt know what people did know

19:57:49 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

Granted in your fantasy (remember only LACK of fantasy sets limits - the fantasy itself doesn't).

I wish the best for all my fellowplayers here (ohhh, that was evil).......

20:18:16 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

Granted they become too good and all kill you

i wish Mcmax could give an answer to my last one that i understand :(

21:29:47 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Marius:

granted he gives you the answer and you understand it perfectly but then you turn around hit your head and forget what he told you.

I wish that the human race doesnt exsist anymore... (i am bored)

00:29:59 Jan 24th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Wish granted, the world is now a much better place!

I wish that the human race was back, I'm tired of purgatory!

10:46:17 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

Wish Granted but taco shells take their place

I wish for something better to do than post in this thread all the time

13:19:21 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

granted, you post in the identicle wish thread instead that has looks exactly the same and contains the exact same posts. Then you get run over by a car three seconds later...

I wish for an evil talking parrot planning world domination.

06:42:34 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Khellvendros:

Granted, the parrot dominates the world! Yay! Everyone kills themselves because they dont wana be ruled by a talking parrot.

I wish that this thread would end. >.<

07:25:11 Jan 25th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Granted, it ends but then everyone hates you and I restart it.

I wish that I had more money...

07:29:45 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

granted, a hobo gives you a penny.

   I wish I had a blue dodge viper, the car, full scale, and in mint condition, runs perfectly as defined by normal car collectors.

08:08:42 Jan 25th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Wish granted, but you cra*beep* into a wall right after getting it.

I wish that Deallus had two pennies!

09:28:53 Jan 25th 09 - Prince Mielo:

granted, unfortunately when he was on his annual trip to the empire state building, he accidentally dropped the penny and you were the receiver at the foot of the tower... ya dead

I wish someone would clean my fish tank

09:32:53 Jan 25th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Granted, Septim is forced to clean the fish tank.  It just happens to be full of piranhas that devour his flesh when he accidentally falls face first into it.(lol)

I wish I had my college tuition completely paid for.

22:13:09 Jan 28th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Wish granted, but it's the tuition for hobo-college. You now know how to beg for cash and contact drug dealers.

I wish I had a taco

22:23:17 Jan 28th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Granted, but I eat it and laugh at you because it was the sacred taco.

I wish Septim denied his sacred taco faith forever and ever no matter what.

22:26:02 Jan 28th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Wish granted, but Sean Connery overrides the wish and gives it back!

I wish Deallus would go into Swifty's love shack!

23:04:28 Jan 28th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Granted, but he escapes after stepping one foot in there and locks the doors after running out.

I wish Septim would stop farming all era.

22:21:09 Jan 30th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Granted, but a powerful mage freezes his armies so that they don't get to attack much.

I wish the new era would start already.

22:22:28 Jan 30th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

Granted, But Penguin Hax into Vu and makes it to start Sunday/Monday.

I wish to that next era would be fun.

22:29:06 Jan 30th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Wish granted, it is fun for everybody but you.

I wish the powerful mage would retire and become a children's book author.

22:34:10 Jan 30th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Granted, but he had an apprentice who becomes as powerful as him by the end of his first era alone, and continues to freeze your armies.

I wish I could go where I want to go.

05:41:43 Feb 2nd 09 - Mr. Khellvendros II:

You go to hell.

I wish everyone would stop hating me

02:07:06 Feb 23rd 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

Granted, everyone now loves you.  They all fight for your love and eventually kill each other.  Now you are the only person left in the world, surrounded by corpses. 

I wish that I could finish my history project and get top marks. 

03:14:31 Mar 3rd 09 - Mr. Jefzwang: happened to this thread? 

oh yeah, ha ha, i killed you all.  but only in theory. 

03:33:35 Mar 3rd 09 - Mr. Gram Reaper:

Granted u finish the history project with top marks, but fail all ur other courses and r kicked out of school!!!

i wish Hugh Hefner would die and leave his mansion the magazine and all the play girls to meee!!

06:14:14 Mar 3rd 09 - Mr. Amazement:
Granted, but they are all photoshopped in their pictures and are actually all morbidly obese old men with dentures...

I wish I could live forever!

17:32:10 Mar 3rd 09 - Mr. Baby:

Granted, but u develope cancer of the brain and end up in a coma for the rest of ur long life.

i wish that the guy below me doesnt ruin my wish!!!


03:03:31 Mar 4th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

granted, i don't ruin it but it doesnt come true anyways so it doesnt matter. 

i wish i were chuck norris (lol)

03:08:14 Mar 4th 09 - Mr. Vega Capra:

Granted, but after your vote in the movie dodgeball ben stiller attacks and kills u

i wish to win the megabucks and live happily everafter!!

06:51:07 Mar 4th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

granted, you live happily ever after for the rest of your life, which lasts about 2 days after you win the megabucks as some wino killed you and stole all your money

i wish i (and my kd) could kill everyone in vu and we would reign supreme forever

21:31:15 Mar 6th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

granted you kill everyone including your self and you rule over nothing as a dead carcass lying on the ground

i wish summer was here already

02:01:29 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

granted, but you die before you are able to enjoy it. 

i wish i had unlimited money

02:23:14 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Amazement:

Granted, but you're dead

I wish everyone in the world was eternally happy.

05:50:58 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

...exodus, if u cant play dont play.  its called "ruin-a-wish" for a reason.

granted, but youre dead.

i wish i could get all the lego sets i wanted and not die

06:18:46 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Pyron:

Granted, but you end up falling on your head and go into a coma.

I wish that I travel between different universes.


06:43:29 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Nephilim:

Granted... but after going thought a worm hole you now have your arm attached to your head

I wish i was a ninja

07:28:33 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Iamevn:

Granted... but on your first engagement you were killed by a shuriken that came back like a boomerang.

I wish Firefly was still on-the-air.

23:39:37 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

granted, but ur dead so ur not around to see it.

i wish that my wishes were unruinable and always came true, and that i could never be hurt in any way or be placed in one of those classic "ur not dead but u suffer eternal pain" situations. 

23:58:56 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Testing:

Granted, but every second the wish is active, something bad will happen to you

I wish i could eat a elephant

17:42:29 Mar 9th 09 - Mr. Jefzwang:

granted, but the relatives of the elephant u ate got angry and killed u.

i wish i had flawless control of the Force (the word "flawless" is key here; anyone who knows the force wud know that whoever has complete control of the Force can avoid misfortune, avoid death, heal themselves, etc...)

14:25:12 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

Granted, but a black hole millions times the size of the sun appeared next to you and sucked you in

I wish more people would post here

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