Forums / The hangaround / Ruin A Wish

Ruin A Wish
19:00:18 Dec 23rd 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but Travis grabs it from you and eats it.

I wish I had some stomachache medicine.

20:54:31 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Granted, but its side-effects include diarrhoea, headaches and a range of hypo-kinetic disorders.

I wish my ankle stopped hurting.

20:56:02 Dec 23rd 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, you arms now start to hurt.

I wish I win the lottery in the near future.

20:59:41 Dec 23rd 08 - Sir Demonsul:

Granted, you win $1 for matching one number in a cheap lottery.

I wish I had a better cookie.

21:23:49 Dec 23rd 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but I still grab it and eat it.

I wish my money duplicated.

22:37:14 Dec 23rd 08 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Granted, but it continued duplicating until you are crushed under the weight.

I wish I could die laughing

23:00:42 Dec 23rd 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but you still die.

I wish Septim would come back to Sp@malot. :'-(]

23:02:53 Dec 23rd 08 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

damn...u beat me to it.

granted, septim comes back to sp@malot and then chucks you out.

I wish the moon was made out of cheese

23:09:36 Dec 23rd 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but it already is.

I wish I had another cookie.

23:33:01 Dec 23rd 08 - Mr. Ultimate Pyro:

granted, but you get a cavity form the cookie.


I wish that Mr. Travis Leiondon could never eat a cookie again and that he, anyone, or anything else, wouldn't kill or injure me, physically or emotionally, for making this wish.

23:59:21 Dec 23rd 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but you can't post here anymore.

I wish that I could eat cookies again.

00:25:08 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

Granted. All cookies vanish into thin air.

I wish I knew a good wish :)

01:49:45 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but you can't wish for it now.

I wish I had a soda.

02:35:25 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Ultimate Pyro:

granted, but it was poisoned and you die.


I wish that Mr. Travis Leiondon could never eat a cookie or have soda again and that he, anyone, or anything else, wouldn't kill or injure me, physically or emotionally, for making this wish, and that you cant keep me from posting.

02:41:12 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but all the cookies in the world have already vanished, so you first wish failed, and also, you can't make two wishes at a time.

I wish I had more time on my hands.

02:43:47 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Frankie:

Granted. A bunch of clocks pile up in your closet.

I wish i had a cookie =)

02:57:22 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but I steal it and eat it.

I wish I had a better set of headphones. >_<

03:05:37 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Ultimate Pyro:

granted, but theyre too loud and make you deaf


i wish i had 3 more wishes

1) I wish that Mr. Travis Leiondon could never eat a cookie

2) I wish that Mr. Travis Leiondon could never have soda again

3) I wish that he, anyone, or anything else, wouldn't kill or injure me, physically or emotionally, for making this wish, and that you cant keep me from posting.

03:44:39 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but your computer dies and you can't post here anymore.

I wish Ultimate Pyro would stop posting here if he finds a new computer.

04:43:52 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Edd:

grabted, but since he has nothing to do he comes to u house and beats you with a baseball bat.

I wish i new the perfect wish.

04:51:10 Dec 24th 08 - Sir Anubis:

Granted, but now everyone hates you so you be hunted down and killed after being publicly humiliated.

I wish people would stop repeating wishes (ex I want a cookie,  I wish I had a wish)

05:20:09 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Good Dancer:

Granted, but somebody goes ahead and does it anyway.

I wish I had a turkey sandwich.

05:22:40 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Frankie:

Granted but you slip on the ice and you smack yourself in the face with it.

I wish i had christmas off from work

05:29:01 Dec 24th 08 - Sir Anubis:

Granted.  But no one knew about it and on the way home you fall and break both legs.  So now you spend Christmas at home all by yourself with two broken legs.  Oh, and the electricity went out.

I wish I could fall in love.

05:36:55 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Frankie:

Oh thats a low blow Anubis. I can live with the first thing but my electricity? Wait is my cell phone charged?

08:53:04 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

Granted, you fall in love and break your leg. While your lying there incapacitated a group of wolves draw close and eat you alive.

I wish I could sleep.

09:16:56 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Good Dancer:

Wish granted, but you wake up 5 minutes later because you have to deliver toys to children all around the world. Oh, and you break your leg.

I wish I knew what I wanted for christmas

10:24:00 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Remus Lupus:

Wish Granted, you realized you wanted a life for christmas.  30 seconds later you get hit by a footlong sub from subway and again forget what you wanted for christmas.  Guess that means back to VU. :P

I wish there was high tech virtual reality gaming.

12:17:12 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

granted, you rush to the shop only to find you cant afford it. You get hit by a car on your way back.

I wish I had green hair.

12:41:29 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Good Dancer:

Wish granted, but you soon find out that green hair looks stupid, and your leg breaks at the exact same time.

I wish I had a lamp.

16:38:49 Dec 24th 08 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Granted, but it overheats, explodes and kills you.

I wish I stole bernad's watch.

17:03:26 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

Wish granted, but it explodes, cutting off your hand and you slowly bleed to death.

I wish more children had been good this year.

17:57:54 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Electric:

Granted, but they dogpile on your thinking you're santa.

I wish I had a new computer

18:17:47 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but you now have no money to buy other things now.

I wish Archer Orc would stop sp@mming the tavern with his crap.

18:32:01 Dec 24th 08 - Sir Spoon:

Granted, Archer Orc dies. Unfortunately he cursed you right before he died, and now you hear Achmed the dead terrorist techno remix fulltime. Untill you die. :)

I wish Isaac Hayes was still alive!

18:33:27 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but you die to take his place.

I wish I was deaf so I don't have to listen to whatever you just said I have to listen to.

20:49:58 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Ultimate Pyro:


granted, but you're hearing it in your mind, so its the only sound you can hear now.

lemme see how this goes wrong...but make sure the epic fail is funny

I wish for eternal world peace.

22:31:34 Dec 24th 08 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Granted, but then everyone starves to death from overpopulation.

I wish I was immune to all negative effects from wishes.

22:36:56 Dec 24th 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but you can't wish here anymore.

I wish I will have a 20,000 dollar gift card to GameStop for Christmas. :-D

02:17:24 Dec 25th 08 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Granted but it blows away in the wind.

I wish I could go back in time, 5 hours and try it on with that girl again... woohoo was she hawt or was she hawt?

00:20:27 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

Granted. You try it again. This time you manage to touch her and you catch on fire. You live to be Wilber Two-Face.

I wish I would know a proper xmasgift to ask for next year. A gift that is SO good that I can not forget it, it can not be destroyed in ANY way or disappear in any thinkable and unthinkable way.

00:34:07 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Granted, but one night you are drunk, and when you come home you say a paper clip is the best gift, and you parents get you a paper clip.

I wish I had a dollar.

02:53:43 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

granted, only when you attempt to spend it on a pack of gum, you find it is counterfit and get put in jail.

I wish i had a cardboard box

21:47:59 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Ultimate Pyro:

granted, a soggy cardboard box falls from the sky, hits you in the head, and rips apart.

i wish i would find Travis' gift card and keep it for myself and not get in any trouble for it

21:51:44 Dec 27th 08 - Prince Valan Septim:

Wish granted, but you are mugged by me. I now have the gift card.

I wish you a merry christmas. XD

21:55:25 Dec 27th 08 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Granted, but the rest of the year is horrible, and I blame you for putting all of the merriness into one day.

I wish I could solve this little dilemma I have...

22:22:54 Dec 27th 08 - Prince Valan Septim:

Wish granted: gay marriage is now legal.

I wish you a merry 365 days. XD

22:41:44 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

Wish granted. We all have merry days, you however, feel miserable. You can't stand all the hapiness around you and eventually you try to kill yourself. But the docters are so merry that they can not give up on reanimation and you get revived. After 2 months in a coma, you wake up. 20 days later you are allowed to leave your room. Then the hotel catches on fire and you burn. Not to death :)

I wish the following wish will succeed in every thinkable way ;)

23:02:11 Dec 27th 08 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

...Granted, but it'll take a few years...

I wish Septim hadn't projected his dilemma onto me when granting my last wish, and that my dilemma was actually solved.

23:36:01 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Arcenoliol The Destroyer:

Granted, but the it returns

i wish that i know what to  wish

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