Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 42

Fantasia Era 42
02:20:44 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

+ u get free room 'n board

04:54:06 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

You might not be aware of it but we do not have a single NAP with any kingdom in Fant.

07:44:22 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

You might not be aware, but one of your NAP partner actually pointed it out earlier on this thread :P

Mr. Vuggy


21:58:03 Sep 10th 09 Actually there's a NAP between GotF and SiN. That's the only relation SiN has with anyone.

If you're trying to be cute with your statement because you have more than a "single" or you've now upgraded them to a MAP, that's fine, dun really care, as I've said earlier, you can have as many NAPs as you feel like...most people (if not all) reading this forum do not all.  All I ever said is do not try to claim because Pengy is choosing to run his kd different than you, you are somehow running your's better.  Different is just that...different, you cannot claim one way is better or worse than another.  You can fight in game and joke on the forum, but when you try to insult someone saying they are not running a kd well...what's the point?  SiN and I have been exchanging msgs in game and we cut out all the BS and crack's funny, makes the war more fun win or lose :P

If you want to continue discussin' who is NAPed with who, that's fine, but I do not care.

08:07:06 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. Gonads The Raging:

SO whos NAPed with who?

08:36:25 Sep 12th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

I enjoy cracking out jokes :(

12:11:01 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

Traitor over here <---

13:56:11 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

"""""If you're trying to be cute with your statement because you have more than a "single" or you've now upgraded them to a MAP, that's fine, dun really care,"'"""
-Sir Gingerbread Man

Now that is striking your foot yourself with your own hammer.

15:29:03 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

backstabber here <----

16:59:34 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Gingerbread that made no freaking since. I never insulted anyone about their leadership. Tard.

17:03:24 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

I didn't say you did Vuggy :P  I was quoting you, b/c Himanii said you two do not have a NAP and you posted earlier that you do :)

Beyond the quote, it was directed at Himanii's comments.  Tard. :P

17:11:12 Sep 12th 09 - Duke Death Proof:

Can't we all just STFU and fight on the battlefield? BBMMB has good players, and while Pengu is a good playa, not a good leader. But they are getting hit by 3 KDs so, Sol..needs to quit talkin and just finish em off.  Spend as much time on strategy as you do trolling the forums and you'll be a better playa.

:) would you like fries with that?

17:18:49 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

":) would you like fries with that?"

Oi!!  No stealin' our line from last era -.-'

17:46:51 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

yes DP i aint good leader, even not normal. i am sucky leader, but as everyone im learning at it ;)

18:08:39 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

lol. I bet your tactic was 'Stfu and spam troops to attack. Every man for himself!'


18:41:59 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

lol i didnt even give any orders at all xD

19:42:59 Sep 12th 09 - Duke Death Proof: will be a good leader someday, when you can use your knowledge of the game and share it with everyone else. You have to be demanding and be a teacher. Not ready for that YET...but you are a good playa and I respect ya ;)\

Gingerbread...I <3 U..i totally stole that from my fave KD :)

20:11:02 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

yes it seems im not ready for leading

21:05:34 Sep 12th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Just spam them with song lyrics Penguin hehehe

21:19:42 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

sorry. its your style cant copy that ;D

21:26:50 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Or you could just list from top to bottom the members who need to attack what and when? Pretty basic but it might work. :P

22:00:44 Sep 12th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

dude my words was sarcastic... didnt think you were stupid enough to think it was truth...

23:14:46 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. Name Nicker:

Sir Penguinus Prime


19:11:02 Sep 12th 09
yes it seems im not ready for leading
Sir Penguinus Prime


21:00:44 Sep 12th 09

dude my words was sarcastic... didnt think you were stupid enough to think it was truth...


Reading what has been said, if this is your version of sarcasm, penguin then i have no idea what the world is coming to...

23:38:18 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

So, what else is going on in fant? ;)

00:08:10 Sep 13th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

NN thing is yes im not ready for leading, but i aint dumb and dont do anything at all... so yeah i think you should read better

00:55:21 Sep 13th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Mr. Name Nicker


17:14:46 Sep 12th 09
Sir Penguinus Prime


19:11:02 Sep 12th 09
yes it seems im not ready for leading
Sir Penguinus Prime


21:00:44 Sep 12th 09

dude my words was sarcastic... didnt think you were stupid enough to think it was truth...


Reading what has been said, if this is your version of sarcasm, penguin then i have no idea what the world is coming to...

Obvious sarcasm is obvious...blind people could figure it out...and they can't even see it.

02:49:11 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Guybrush Threepwood:

Hey fuckers. Is it true that the biggest whiners of em all. Sin or whatever the fuck their name is allied with fate this era to kick pengus 3 man kd ? .

If anyone in this thread are losers it sure isnt pengu guy.

02:56:13 Sep 13th 09 - Ms. Kittie Croft:

lol .....thought SIN was upset about Fate's many Naps last era.... ??? or did I get the nap translation all wrong.. Where they just upset cause they wanted their nap?

*tries to sort it out*

03:23:21 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Venithen:

I think you two may have you facts mixed up a bit.  I can't speak for every SIN member, but I know we were not the "biggest whiners" over Fate's NAPs last era by any stretch of the imagination.  We did in fact have a NAP with Fate last era, and I don't remember seeing many SIN members complaining over Fate's conduct last era.  We started the OOP war with BBMMB, but that doesn't mean that we can keep GOTF or Fate from attacking them as well.  We planned on warring BBMMB before we even knew where Fate and GOTF were, because we landed so close to BBMMB.  It has been a very fun war =)  People tend to sling alot of mud on these forums, but it was a good fight, which I have enjoyed greatly and I know others feel the same.

03:28:10 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Guybrush Threepwood:

ok so you are in denial about the past and think that you are having fun being in a coalitin of 60 players beaing 3 ?. Sounds gimp to me.

03:36:27 Sep 13th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Let me be clear about my argument...I actually have no problem with SiN or Fate or even most of GOTF...I really don't care how many NAPs each of them has.  They are more than welcome to message every single kd and for S&Gs and see who can get the most :P  That's tactics in game that some look on as bad, others alright, whatever.  SiN and Fate have been fun to war; I've talked with many of the SiN peeps and we've been joking - good crew and it's been fun sparing them; Me and Resi always have our friendly taunts :P  Fate has been fun to war; I've talked to a few of them about all sorts of random stuff in msgs (hooray football season! ^_^).  I don't even mind the gangbang (going in knowing we were going to get no NAPs/CFs, it was kinda given at some point this era).  Neither one of them has in game msgs or on the forums here, came out and said Pengy was dumb for not doing any NAPs/CFs and in no other way made a criticism of our kd. 

My problem is someone coming and saying Pengy was dumb/kd is a failure b/c we chose to do something different than them:

Sir Himanil VIII


07:52:59 Sep 11th 09 *Scratches his head*
"You love embarrassing yourself as a green don't you."
"As your first era no one's gonna look upon you guys as memorable warriors because you didn't have the sense enough to think better of your members and help them get a proper economy, a peaceful start so that you could comfortably fight all era long. If it is fighters that you want to go down as then why not try and go down fighting all through the era or mid era when you can go with a bang rather than wasting away yourself when no one notices and cares."

05:26:36 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Guybrush, what are you, penguins sister? Seriously you flame like a girl. It was actually 14 (SiN members) vs. 10 (BOOM members) before anything. Then halfway through OUR war, Fate and GotF jumped in. Seriously, who is more of the whiner, the one coming on to flame, or the one coming on to congratulate on a good war. T_T stupid gingie still has mah mine. >:O

05:26:56 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

Im coming kids.

09:21:23 Sep 13th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

Mr. Vuggy


19:08:39 Sep 12th 09
lol. I bet your tactic was 'Stfu and spam troops to attack. Every man for himself!'

Sir Penguinus Prime

19:41:59 Sep 12th 09
lol i didnt even give any orders at all xD

Mr. Vuggy


22:26:50 Sep 12th 09
Or you could just list from top to bottom the members who need to attack what and when? Pretty basic but it might work. :P
Sir Penguinus Prime

23:00:44 Sep 12th 09

dude my words was sarcastic... didnt think you were stupid enough to think it was truth...

HERE WAS THE SARCASM you TARDS....  he replyd to that msg... ffs blind people.

09:31:29 Sep 13th 09 - Mr. Gonads The Raging:

Its funny that people keep making a big deal about Fant when it means fuk all at the start of the era. Almost every single world has a 'fant' level kingdom on it that wants to get to Fant to win the era. That means that Fate and every other kingdom that starts on Fant are pretty much fuked before they began.

IT seems to me that fighting eachother would just make it easier for the off worlders to invade... . 

15:09:53 Sep 13th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

yeah, what he said..... lol

16:10:20 Sep 13th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Mr. Gonads The Raging


03:31:29 Sep 13th 09

Its funny that people keep making a big deal about Fant when it means fuk all at the start of the era. Almost every single world has a 'fant' level kingdom on it that wants to get to Fant to win the era. That means that Fate and every other kingdom that starts on Fant are pretty much fuked before they began.

IT seems to me that fighting eachother would just make it easier for the off worlders to invade... .

I agree with ya lol, I even replied to Dread saying that's why I didn't mind Fate NAPing, if they want to make a go at stayin' on Fant they needed to...

I think people might miss the point of BBMMB a bit...we don't care who wins.  We don't care who invades.  We don't care about any of that stuff.  We knew going no NAPs/no CFs on Fant we were fuked.  We DO NOT CARE :D  We fight, we rebuild/restart, rinse and repeat :P  Most of us in BBMMB have been around the block a bit and know end of era scores are a friggin' joke, so we simply chose a different goal :)

16:37:12 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

good words there ginger :) thats exactly how it is.

18:29:19 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Drunkoldman:

the end of era scores aren't a joke, it just means that who controls fant wins. it's not any different from the old eras where only the person who got 1st on fant had the next era named after him, now everyone has a chance! why don't you guys get that? it's way better. (edit: everyone except the last 2 who commented just above ^^^^^)

18:58:45 Sep 16th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

the end of era scores are dependent on who farms the most or otherwise manipulates the scoring system(ie. Exp feeding during that one era) >.>

19:34:02 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

The end of era scores are a joke though Fant has the biggest farmers/nappers not the most fearsome rulers overall.

20:12:20 Sep 16th 09 - Duke Random:

fate r scary

20:15:48 Sep 16th 09 - Duke Nukem:

Duke Death Proof


22:30:24 Sep 11th 09 My name is Chucky...wanna play?

LIES! Chucky is PJ ..... IMPOSTOR!

20:50:40 Sep 16th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

i missed PJ ;(

21:00:57 Sep 16th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Duke Random


19:12:20 Sep 16th 09
fate r scary

I AM SCARY!!! >:|

21:12:59 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

:O holy shit you are scary!!!

21:36:52 Sep 16th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

that lame no pulse banner scared the shit out of me

21:53:11 Sep 16th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Yes i am yes i am :-D

22:57:25 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

hehe your not scary i have seen you play!!!!
pfft ^_^...

23:04:01 Sep 16th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Who says im talking about the game?

And who are you btw? lol

23:11:06 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

im jus some dude ;)!!!

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