Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 42

Fantasia Era 42
06:27:45 Sep 25th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

We were stretched thin with 16 players trying to block off ~2 borders.  You guys came with strong forces from the west, and knocked us back to our core.  You haven't gotten in though :)

09:29:39 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

we will protect our precious fant till death ;D

10:14:23 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

well nothing to do with this era cause i dont care but any ex members from Dark Blood that still play this game send me a message idk i may start playing again we will see. Just better to see friendly faces rather then start off getting to know new ppl. anyways thats all.

10:23:39 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Viraj:

well .. SIN can  take down RVL, as far as i now SIN, they're pretty kickass.. just need to avoid RVL magic, RVL is good with their magic

10:31:56 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

ty for that viraj :)

10:35:43 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Viraj:

no need for thanking.. im seeing u guys.. u guys just didnt have the numbers.. otherwsie trying to get in ur core is impossible for RVL

10:38:06 Sep 25th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

funny man :)

13:22:13 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

nope, he is a prophet :P

13:28:17 Sep 25th 09 - Lady Jade:

Mr. Viraj


04:35:43 Sep 25th 09
no need for thanking.. im seeing u guys.. u guys just didnt have the numbers.. otherwsie trying to get in ur core is impossible for RVL

Want to bet?

13:39:15 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

nah, I donīt play that kind of games :P but I will do everything in my power to beat you rvl, because I wanna be number one this era. ;)

14:15:25 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Ezatious:

hehe viraj can i be you friend?

14:24:21 Sep 25th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

No you cant be his friend ez!!! :|

And why was your army trying to run away Ez? :( Good thing Yorimm's there to make sure you dont leave the party without saying goodbye.

17:24:44 Sep 25th 09 - Mr. Ezatous:

my army was trying to run away because i am a master tactician. i fight like the MONGOLS. i will run and lure you into a death trap and then at the last moment turn on you and spray you with a volley of sperm

17:34:32 Sep 25th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Stop pretending to be Ez!!! :|

03:07:40 Sep 28th 09 - Sir Serene:

bump :D

07:24:35 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Zippo:

Oh .And SoL You guys Started The War with us.You came to are world First .So dont think we will back down .

You just underestimated us.

09:12:35 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

it was more like RVL who pushed so hard when they started attacking, you would be toats if we had put everything into defeating you lol.

01:27:24 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Vangard:

But seeing as u don't u can't really speculate when its never going to happen...

05:46:02 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Desol:

Talk is cheap, losing a lot of troops with killing barley any, priceless.

...that went a little weird, anyway, let the wars to continue.

08:24:11 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol? you think you would have beaten my HoH army? what a joke nubbers :P
the only troops of mine that you have killed was a weak 46k hob army, not much to hang in the christmas tree.

11:33:18 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

black flag, idk.. u guys r lucky cus we're busy with rvl tbh.... lol wait when im not busy :O

11:35:08 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

then you will be death ^^

12:27:53 Sep 30th 09 - Ms. Jennaside:

couldnt agree with you more crisscross :)

16:21:49 Sep 30th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

ROFL cxc ;)

16:46:33 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

Bring it on Mothafckrs..!

17:09:22 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Jet:

Mr. Tyrgalon


16:24:11 Sep 30th 09 lol? you think you would have beaten my HoH army? what a joke nubbers :P
the only troops of mine that you have killed was a weak 46k hob army, not much to hang in the christmas tree.

Where did your hoh army go?

17:18:13 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Ezatous:

i agree with the question proposed by the bitter, beer swigging ozzie

21:20:34 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

it got killed duh :P and I am talking toi hamish, they wouldnīt have been able to kill it even with merges lol.

21:47:26 Sep 30th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper IV:

Clearly it wasn't all that, else it wouldn't be dead.

22:46:53 Sep 30th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

tyrgalon is just full of sh1t... reminds me Might god of cows :)

02:41:12 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

A) You just underestimated us.
B) Talk is cheap, losing a lot of troops with killing barley any, priceless.
C) Where did your hoh army go?

Response to quote A: Well, we did not underestimate you, we just did not put anything against you. Like, literally, nothing. We sent tiny armies to see what you had, and you only took undefended bases/weak bases from us, never got anywhere near our core.

Response to quote B: We just threw our leftover OOP troops at you because we didn't need the huge upkeep from them. Glad you think yourself special, but seriously... Nigger please.

Response to quote C: Who has double our members? Who farmed up at beginning of era with no OOP wars?

02:46:23 Oct 1st 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

"Who farmed up at beginning of era with no OOP wars?"

Almost everyone :)

02:47:47 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

ftw us and MAD have been warring from day1 oop ;)!!
so we have had no time to farm :P!!

02:50:17 Oct 1st 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

"Who farmed up at beginning of era with no OOP wars?"

me. us. always.

06:08:01 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Desol:

I was referring to those battles that just don't make sense, but hey, if you wanna call me a "nigger"(in any pretext or contexts of the word) put your money where your mouth is and bring it!

07:21:47 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

"Who farmed up at beginning of era with no OOP wars?"

I wish I get one era beeing able to do so.

But what can you do, if you are an elf getting attacked by a troll OOP ?
- your burn his hobs to ashes ofc :D

10:48:31 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Darkzthevengefulspirit:

yeah sure rof at oop . dumm talk .. of course crissxcross .. i can see that you never  were in that situation .. oop rof :S  and how about defence ? not to  mantion how  do you get your magic  up to rof  and still be able to train defenders and spellers to ?? believe me if you are an elf and get atacked at OOP you wont have the oportunity to rof  ...

11:02:57 Oct 1st 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Er, OOP RoF is very effective and most certainly a good tactic against trolls who 'forget' their MU. Maybe different in a 1vs1 situation, but how often does that happen? :p

11:49:09 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Darkzthevengefulspirit:

i was talking about 1vs 1 situation .. of corse if you have a human or another trool to defend you  yo u can easily rof ..

12:23:54 Oct 1st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Who farmed up at beginning of era with no OOP wars?

Who napped all of fant and farmed away? oh wait i forgot! you warred pengys small kd

12:32:47 Oct 1st 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Who needs a gang-bang to be able to set foot on Fant?

I like this game, let's keep playing :)

12:47:30 Oct 1st 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

Who needs to NAP/MAP all major competition to be able to hold Fant?

12:51:35 Oct 1st 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Erm, we're fighting the competition :) Get a clue.

Just comes down to the fact that all you little whiners will find any excuse to flame. First it's too many NAPs, now you can't have any at all? Then why aren't you all fighting each other instead of conveniently walking past each others armies and cities :p Bunch of crap is all it is.

13:08:15 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Dark Prince Stirlin


18:23:54 Oct 1st 09
Who farmed up at beginning of era with no OOP wars?

Who napped all of fant and farmed away? oh wait i forgot! you warred pengys small kd


Who NAPed essentially all of Starta in order to farm up their archmage armies so that they can invade Fantasia and push for the win?

Must be Fate... hmmm....

Oh wait... I just realised that it is clowns like Stirlin. I stand humbly corrected :(

18:09:10 Oct 1st 09 - Lady Jade:

Umm we didn't NAP all of Starta

18:25:15 Oct 1st 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

we naped one kd, warred the rest and then hit the fant napfest as soon as it opened up
TBL you obviously have no clue on whats going on this era so why bother commenting? or do you just like to cause arguments? you must lead a boring life

18:40:22 Oct 1st 09 - Prince Whiskers The Feline God:

He is TBL...making pointless arguments is what he does.

21:29:27 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

last era i started as elf and was very effective in initial days of oop and hey you dont really need defenders and only token blockers when you can rof and freeze everything. i just went 100% magic and by day 2 or 3 of the game i think i was level 5 magic and within a week level 7. the moment we came out of protection i was nuking enemies and this gave time for others to build up.

21:38:06 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Ezatious:

much luls at TBL...

00:49:02 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Betty Boop The Thundercat Hoe:

napfest = 2  :)

I think we may not be the only ones involved in a NAPFEST.

PS.. Pengy, TBL told me you can have his PENIS.

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