Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 46

Fantasia Era 46
17:40:31 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Salamon:

Maybe it doesn't say much about the inner workings of your kingdom, but it does go far in representing FEAR to other kingdoms in diplomatic stances. Imo, hes the biggest PR risk in FEAR.

17:52:35 Apr 25th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

If we are talking PR here, how about cutting wilbers hands off to prevent further damage?:)

17:56:20 Apr 25th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

I am sorry if I missed your gargantuan efforts at discussing ingame matters, so far it's been personal attack in what 9 out of 10 posts?

Dont throw stones in a glas house dear. Furthermore, I think Q and I are perfectly able to handle our problems without your involvement, she doesnt need a knight in shining armor to come to her rescue, especially not one as inept as you.

18:03:33 Apr 25th 10 - Lord Deno:

The truth of it all is that i mostly just put myself up as a Hema hate figure for fun and giggles. The entire useless thing that i keep posting is not something that i truly mean. I actually think you guys are doing allright. 

However it all steamed off of Ali leaving Hiv with a skype log of me calling Wilber out as useless. Ali and me laughed abit about it, and Ali explained that he used it all as a motivation factor. I desided to make some fun out of that and instead of just calling Wilber useless i would start calling the entire kd useless. I is the perfect flamebait, considering that Ali secretly to begin with have posted logs off me calling wilber useless on your boards. So it was allready in everyones mind set how i called ppl out as useless. 

On our side i keep telling everyone to not take parts of the flame war at all if ppl cant put themself out of taking things personally. Everyone has to remember that it is just a game and that theese boards are just part of the game as well. 

However it seems to me that some of you ppl are throwing away old friendships over the entire flamebait war. Please everyone take a step back from it and ask yourself if that is what you want to do. It hardly seem worth it when all comes down to it. 

Also i wish everyone a good war and era finnish.


18:06:15 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Razios:

Where's Septim when you need him to lighten the mood around here...

18:14:49 Apr 25th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

When I have I personally attacked anyone? My obvious sarcastic you're straight and Deno is always right?

Meaning you must be accusing me of being homophobic. I'm sure Ez and Gee would disagree with that. I'm sure you know that too from when we used to be "friends."

Apart from that, you have a backwards opinion of personal attacks.

However, keep this quiet guys, but I'm agreeing with Deno here. Lets just have a fun war, I'm sure we've both had some fun on the forum Val, this is my last post.
I would of deleted my first bit of the post, but I wrote it out before someone informed me Deno had posted, so I refreshed and didn't want to put it to waste. So have 1 free flame on me if you wish :P


18:33:20 Apr 25th 10 - Duchess Wadjet:

To ensure perfect aim, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target
The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.
Murphy's Law of Combat: "Never forget that your weapon was manufactured by the lowest bidder"
"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..." - General John Sedgwick (1813-1864), last words
When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
If the enemy is in range, so are you.
Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.
If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
If at first you don't succeed, call in an airstrike.
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy someone else to shoot at.
Professionals are predictable, it's the amateurs that are dangerous.
A Purple Heart just proves that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive.
Everybody looks brave holding a machine gun.
Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror and you wouldn't have been notified.
Remember: The old adage "Fight fire with fire" does not apply to non-metaphorical fires.
Friendly fire - isn't.
When in doubt empty the magazine.
If your attack is going well, you have walked into an ambush.
Clever is getting out alive.
The easy way is always mined.

19:01:07 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Salamon:

lol a few funnie qoutes in there :p... but why the hell is it posted here!?! :P

19:09:04 Apr 25th 10 - Duchess Wadjet:

why not? Its as dead on topic as the flames :P and if not then it can be relevant on how to relate to flames n war XD

19:10:49 Apr 25th 10 - Princess Aisha:

There are some awesome quotes there :D I laughed at many of them :D Awesome :) Yeah, we needed a laugh after all this arguing... Would you stop all that, its getting annoying ^^

20:37:23 Apr 25th 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Now *this* feels more like proper VU... :)

If only i could resist calling Jet the spawn of their local retarded milkman...

... resists... resists... resists...

Erm... blimey. There goes my self-control! Jet, you misbegotten spawn of your local (slightly retarded) milkman, why in gods name do you still bother posting?
Val, put a leash on that chivava, his bark is just too whiney... :->

And btw, Val: Stop being a queen and get yer sexy little behind to the proper side for a change, the crowd you run with is dodgy to say the least... we have Wilbur and semi nude pictures of fratboy parties, what do you have? ;) (Jet? Deno? Really? Cmon...) Take Ez with you, while you are at it, his Karma is wasted in that silly KD of yours...

On a sort-of related issue...  You, the xy FATE chancesomething guy, grow a pair. Put forth a strong retort, i want to feel my teeth rattle from it! You can feel it gathering in your bowels... spew forth and enrich the stew that is VU forums!

Deno: What is your function around here? Beyond the obvious, which is being the butt of every possible joke? I  mean cmon, Wilbur is running circles around you... snap out of it, seriously, it's just embarassing... Even Jet gets less heat then you, and thats saying something, with him being literally unable to post anything resembling a coherent sentence...

Ford: *lick* For a change i don't feel like flaming you, wait till next era ;)

Frederick: In the hopes of your brain getting a cramp everytime i post about you here and thus forcing you to come check i keep missing you and your excellent duelling skills! COME FORTH! NOW! /deep rumbling voice

Errr... My summoning skills are obviously not what they once were... Sigh...

TBL: Hope dies last... :->

21:02:29 Apr 25th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Raist you know I wither and die if I cant put on the queen outfit on a regular basis and throw a fit. Granted lately it's a bit forced and a tad desperate, but i wont stop, its a lovely hobby.

Jet's magical picture has me truly and utterly enchanted, I'm under his spell! My selfproclaimed mission has always been trying to get the 2 enstranged LGC groups back together and I'll keep working on that.


...granted, I think I might have to work a tiny bit harder after this era, but meh. can't take back what I've said:P

21:53:01 Apr 25th 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Good luck with that ;)
i'll work on just converting the select few to the path of <insert something here>, because it's the only true path of <insert the aforementioned something here>. ;)

22:35:10 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Peace War Suffering And Love:

congrats fate and fear been intresting i certainly lernt alot from that battering.

gl for the rest of the era

greetings pws
top roc

22:44:42 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Sean Elderson:

And to think at one time I tried to hook up Val and Wilbur..... Sheesh.... They argue like they are married now..... Calm down guys.....

P.S. Val come home we miss you.....

22:55:42 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Just wondering because I never read the Fantasia thread are FATE and FEAR at war or not??

00:27:21 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Path:

Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter


12:14:49 Apr 25th 10

Meaning you must be accusing me of being homophobic. I'm sure Ez and Gee would disagree with that. I'm sure you know that too from when we used to be "friends."

Eh?  Met with them during that experimental phase of your life?

Anyhow, I would cut wilber a bit of slack guys.  He is like this after discovering pretty much everyone dislikes him except quietone.  Very angry little boy these days.

00:31:09 Apr 26th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

So... now that Fate and Fear have pretty much locked things up, anyone gonna unleash the dragon?

01:15:33 Apr 26th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

On a sort-of related issue...  You, the xy FATE chancesomething guy, grow a pair. Put forth a strong retort, i want to feel my teeth rattle from it! You can feel it gathering in your bowels... spew forth and enrich the stew that is VU forums!

*yawn* When you say something worth the half a second it would take to forumulate a retort, maybe I'll bother.

01:58:10 Apr 26th 10 - Endless Muggings:

Epic battle of the Alphabet , who will win

F or H?
place your bets now :)
can't forget G.. taking on one 1/2 of F

FateForget Everything and Run

Battles won: 305
Battles lost: 96

Battles won: 234
Battles lost: 135



Battles won: 89
Battles lost: 97


Battles won: 172
Battles lost: 133

03:21:22 Apr 26th 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Fate guy: Didnt you sort of.. erm... formulate one and post it? o,O

03:45:32 Apr 26th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

I meant to the other crap you posted, obviously. That reply was in response to your latest message.. But hey, I can understand with your head up your own arse it must be hard for you to follow the flow of the discussion

06:47:41 Apr 26th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

Mr. Justin


17:14:32 Apr 25th 10
Wilber dont burn the nubs to bad :P
Dreadlord Brent Corrigan


17:22:31 Apr 25th 10

Put on your glasses Justin, there's about as much fire in his posts as in an ice cube.

I lol`d. 
and well our son speaks "truth" for the first time i got to tell ya :) 
/me the backstabber runs from this crappy forums
Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter


18:33:41 Apr 25th 10

"Torsten" (since we're obviously personal now), if thats how your backwards world works, you keep playing with FEAR, you're lost to us. The more you talk, the more you drift away. Then you expect Q to be your friend once you quit/shut up/she quits? Yeah, good luck with that. 

06:51:50 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Justin:

Ooooo cat fight

*sits in recliner and turns up the volume*

07:20:07 Apr 26th 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

Mr. Samual


22:55:42 Apr 25th 10
Just wondering because I never read the Fantasia thread are FATE and FEAR at war or not??

They are napped.

And as the situation on Fantasia looks right now, the farm-party will start in couple of days or 3. The war(s) will be over.

I do hope they (Fate, Fear and most of all Zeta for disconnecting the worlds) will enjoy the last two weeks of activity on Fantasia.

07:30:53 Apr 26th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!

07:55:48 Apr 26th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

They are napped.

And as the situation on Fantasia looks right now, the farm-party will start in couple of days or 3. The war(s) will be over.

I do hope they (Fate, Fear and most of all Zeta for disconnecting the worlds) will enjoy the last two weeks of activity on Fantasia.

lol Mcmax, you're acting as if RoC is the last KD standing or something.
Plenty more battles to be fought for the next 3 weeks. Hell it's gonna take me a week or more to waddle my armies over to History. lol

08:32:10 Apr 26th 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

No I'm not Nova.

Mad is nearly out and so is RoC.

GotF are in trouble against FEAR - even though it looks like GotF have no other enemies (your kingdom doesn't attack them, so you probably have a deal). Besides FEAR is only going to be stronger and stronger now after taking their share of RoC.

It can't be long before FATE and FEAR only have History and HM to deal with..... But ok, considering the traveltime for your armies, then I'll raise the 3 days to 5. Giving you only 12 days for farming.


08:57:23 Apr 26th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

Well then we have not a moment to lose. Please hand over your cities peacefully so i can be on my way. =)

09:12:41 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Salamon:

bahha ^^^^ nice reply :)

09:37:16 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. News Network:

you underrate us mcmax.

14:49:47 Apr 26th 10 - Sir Horus VI:

You know, I try to fight back and every city I get is already wrecked...

Whats the deal Fate, don't like anyone's architechural (sic) style except your own?

17:43:10 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Its all just A vs B. and then the rest of the alfabet joins in and they wonder why they cant be 1st!

18:44:19 Apr 26th 10 - Duchess Wadjet:

All I really care about is... who has a dragon? O.o

18:46:57 Apr 26th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

ahhh i forgot sbout dragons :D
who has 1?

18:48:12 Apr 26th 10 - Sir Binh The Miner:

*Binh raised his hand

Lill, I have a dragonite in pokemon games! Does that count? :d

18:50:14 Apr 26th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

depends wht pokemon game it is ;)

19:26:27 Apr 26th 10 - Duchess Wadjet:

hahaha You could prolly get that to work in here, so Im choosing my word carefully :P  *ahem* but  NO, has to be the VU one ^^XD

19:30:12 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Charizard i choose you!

Charizard do your meteor attack!
*Charizard picks up the world of VU and spins it dizzy in the air*

Now i choose you Magikarp!
Magikarp do your splash attack!
*All rulers in the world of VU are absolutely splashed by this fail attack*

Now i choose you 'Next poster!'
Next poster do your spam attack!
*The spam attack is unbelievable, watch below*

19:57:53 Apr 26th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Oh Path. Thank you for the well thought through and decent input into this thread. Please, continue your (obviously) true posts. I look forward to seeing the e-rage.

22:37:07 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Path:

E-Rage?  Is this the latest e-chav vocabulary word?  In case you haven't noticed yet Wilber, I've never even been angry at you, much less "raged".  The best way to describe my relationship with you is that I look upon you with disdain. In fact, if you want to, feel free to join Pathetic Losers.  You can be our mascot. 

I think it would be quite fitting after the last round we played together.  And since you want more (obviously) true statements, how about these concerning that era:
1) You go to fantasia too early and without the kingdom to support.
2) We say, nooo, don't do that, you will get killed.
3) You say, nah, you nubs, ill be fine.... and start farming
4) Your presence makes RVL think we are going for them, when we are in fact not yet ready by any means.
5) They cf GOTF and come for us.
6) Your armies die, then your farmed up fantasia mine gets taken almost unopposed.
7) Rather than admit you were wrong, you say "My great friend Fordius will kill you all because you guys suck."
8) You copy our kingdom chat out to your great friend Fordius
9) You gnash your teeth as your great friend Fordius, in fact, doesn't kill us.
10) You put forth your best effort to prevent us from winning by finishing the age with only 2 troops....and you were still logging in every day the whole time.
11) We win anyhow
12) You lure some of your friends to hema by saying something along the lines of "Q will be there, and everyone!  There will be cake, and lollipops, and the leaves of the trees will be made of cotton candy!" 
13) You then guilt trip the ones who were not going to come.

I know your uneducated mind won't let my words get you down however.  After reading this I'm sure you and Arzun will go back to verbally tossing each other off  by saying how good the other is at the game as you get rolled.  There will of course, be excuses however.....always gotta have a lot of excuses...

22:41:02 Apr 26th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

5) They cf GOTF and come for us.

Yay for mentionz!

22:54:50 Apr 26th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

12) You lure some of your friends to hema by saying something along the lines of "Q will be there, and everyone!  There will be cake, and lollipops, and the leaves of the trees will be made of cotton candy!"  

i lured ali. blame me :)

22:57:47 Apr 26th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Mr. Path


21:37:07 Apr 26th 10 E-Rage?  Is this the latest e-chav vocabulary word?  In case you haven't noticed yet Wilber, I've never even been angry at you, much less "raged".  The best way to describe my relationship with you is that I look upon you with disdain. In fact, if you want to, feel free to join Pathetic Losers.  You can be our mascot. 

I think it would be quite fitting after the last round we played together.  And since you want more (obviously) true statements, how about these concerning that era:
1) You go to fantasia too early and without the kingdom to support.
2) We say, nooo, don't do that, you will get killed.
3) You say, nah, you nubs, ill be fine.... and start farming
4) Your presence makes RVL think we are going for them, when we are in fact not yet ready by any means.
5) They cf GOTF and come for us.
6) Your armies die, then your farmed up fantasia mine gets taken almost unopposed.
7) Rather than admit you were wrong, you say "My great friend Fordius will kill you all because you guys suck."
8) You copy our kingdom chat out to your great friend Fordius
9) You gnash your teeth as your great friend Fordius, in fact, doesn't kill us.
10) You put forth your best effort to prevent us from winning by finishing the age with only 2 troops....and you were still logging in every day the whole time.
11) We win anyhow
12) You lure some of your friends to hema by saying something along the lines of "Q will be there, and everyone!  There will be cake, and lollipops, and the leaves of the trees will be made of cotton candy!" 
13) You then guilt trip the ones who were not going to come.

I know your uneducated mind won't let my words get you down however.  After reading this I'm sure you and Arzun will go back to verbally tossing each other off  by saying how good the other is at the game as you get rolled.  There will of course, be excuses however.....always gotta have a lot of excuses...

Wall of text is obvious rage. I can smell the rage fuming from you. Wana sum it up to me in about 10 words or less, because it's obvious you're just trying to show off your penor size. Which is small, fyi.

I did however read your last paragraph. Why is it everyone always says to other people "you're an uneducated fool" or "you and your uneducated mine" then have epically stupid posts? It boggles my mind. Hypocrisy at it's finest!

23:14:09 Apr 26th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

"you and your uneducated mine" 

Hypocrisy? =P

23:33:57 Apr 26th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Typo, *mind

Happy!?! :P 

I don't bother spending any time on these forums proofreading my posts anymore. People get boners for them anyway. As seen in this thread.

23:48:33 Apr 26th 10 - Guildmaster Woompthereitis:

Dreadlord Brent Corrigan


12:24:27 Apr 25th 10

On a sidenote, how many armies suicided on deno before his army died? I'd say it pretty much did what it was supposed to do:)


For those who dont have LOS down there. A few days ago a HM army was preparing on the hema blocker "Sick spot". All of a sudden armies started flowing out of it en masse, moving for either fluffy bunnies or going north through the core towards talktothenad. Oddly enough HM did not use that opening to devour Hema, instead they walked across the now empty/CWed blocker, through the entire core (allthough they did get stuck on closed gates here and there) to join with Hemas forces at talktothehand.


Now if there's no nap/agreement, a move like that would hardly make sense, so the conclusion is...the two kingdoms have reached some form of agreement. As Doom said, there's no shame in NAPing anybody. Denying it while the proof is plain to see on the map is rather silly though.


Anyway, love my bro's in Hema and still think it's a shame we ended up on opposite sides of the trenches this era. *hugs to you all..and ill add an exposed neck to my special old friend* :)

Never underestimate the invisibilty spell ;)

02:23:37 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Fantasia sounds boring. usual trolls and shit. is it even worth coming back to Fantasia?

05:43:12 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

Not with the current world size its to small; then throw in the race penalty and you got neutered kingdoms running around not liking it so now they are bitching cause of it :P

12:08:01 Apr 27th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Sir Mcmax The Troll


07:32:10 Apr 26th 10

No I'm not Nova.

Mad is nearly out and so is RoC.

GotF are in trouble against FEAR - even though it looks like GotF have no other enemies (your kingdom doesn't attack them, so you probably have a deal). Besides FEAR is only going to be stronger and stronger now after taking their share of RoC.

It can't be long before FATE and FEAR only have History and HM to deal with..... But ok, considering the traveltime for your armies, then I'll raise the 3 days to 5. Giving you only 12 days for farming.

So you are giving GotF just 3 days left against FEAR? Wait no, 2 days left? :P

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