Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 46

Fantasia Era 46
23:52:17 May 3rd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Ignorance is bliss, eh Wraith? :)

23:55:55 May 3rd 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Aye, thats what they say :)

00:09:29 May 4th 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Do i have to wake up with a start...? Or can i just yawn and stretch a bit first? :->

23:44:57 May 4th 10 - Lord Deno:

Fanta News update

The shithole kd of Hema is trying everything they can to be shitty till the end of the era. They manipulated one of our younger members Lord Sky into thinking that it was a great idea that they could open the gates for him, promise not to attack him and let him have all their cities for nothing now that fate is winning against them. 

My personal opinion on this is that if they succeed on their shittyness they will lower us to Hema lvl as well. 


23:56:37 May 4th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Deno once again is in the know!

If everyone else in FEAR was half as retarded as you were, I'd think VU was suddenly the in-game for a mental hospital. Who are you actually crying to, really? Who else gives a fuck what you think?

23:59:50 May 4th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Seems to be fairly accurate judging by the current troop movements of Hema.

00:03:00 May 5th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Oh and the siamese twin/multi/bum-hole licker appears.

It's like you're playing forum (finger-bum) tig.

00:05:53 May 5th 10 - Endless Muggings:

 in other news, I'm farming ;) 


04:13:33 May 5th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Wow someone's got their panties in a twist. Must've hit a nerve or something. :)

04:37:27 May 5th 10 - Endless Muggings:

umm was that directed at me? I'm the only female currently posting in this thread the rest of you are all imposters or wannabes :p

*looks for knots and twists in panties*

04:54:15 May 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

My panties sure aren't twisted.. you know why? Cuz I'm not wearing any! (today) Yesterday I wore the pink lace ones with the bunnies on them. :)

05:12:25 May 5th 10 - Endless Muggings:

there is one word to describe womenz like you Vuggy :p

S __  __  T 


06:09:50 May 5th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Erm, no Jules, not you :p

10:33:44 May 5th 10 - Duchess Wadjet:

 Its a bit sad to say this far away from era end but

, Congrats to FATE and FEAR this era who singelhandedly (if u ever  can be that with 30 something members beat HEMA and HM. Hope u get a balanced war next era :P

to quote something fitting
  " war does not determine who is right. War does not determine who is the best.. War determines who is left."

Thank u FATE for beliving in us so much that u napped GOTF to keep warring us. Im flattered that was needed.

GL all next era

10:46:28 May 5th 10 - Mr. Own Mafia:

Well done FATE. You managed to CW into our core :)

Grats on the war win!

Please just war fear next era! You guys never warring eachother is getting a tad boring!

11:05:17 May 5th 10 - Lord Deno:

Mad 24, Hema 22, Gotf 31, FLL 17, RoC 20, AoA 16, HM 12, Havoc 11. Thats arround 150 players on Fanta against Fate and Fear who in total have what ? 59 players. 

11:16:33 May 5th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Deno you'd have to use advance math here; (e.g. 5 Gotf fought 5 MAD - so 10 players out); I'd hardly believe neither of these KDs fought each other at all

11:21:02 May 5th 10 - Lord Deno:

Gotf and Mad fought eachother for something in the neighbourhood of 4 days or so before they napped up and started facing us. We had 2 players assigned to gotf front when they came for us. that was 2 blockers with 1 player in each blocker against 31 Gotf players. 

Era long Gotf has been the biggest threat to us, especially becuase of our thinned out defense on their front and they allmost got through at some point. However waring Mad didnt hold them down. That is simply just wrong.

11:28:52 May 5th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

If you fought 60 against 150 then that's a great achievements (only Glads can match and/ or exceed that); the example I gave was only for ilustration only - I don't know much about the fights in Fanta

11:35:29 May 5th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Get your head out your ass, Glad. Piece of big headed shite..

Also Deno, I'm not proud of what GotF did so kudos to you guys :)

11:36:14 May 5th 10 - Lord Deno:

History matters were the only kd who tried to play their own game on the map. They were waring Hema and Havod for quite a while. In the end they CF'd Hema though (after Havoc were dead). The rest of the kds did nothing. 

11:48:09 May 5th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Wraith, still a loser since I first met you? Continuous improvement not applicable to you?

@ Deno - I wonder what would have happened if all KDs besides you and Fate would have fought you and Fate only; you guys control the cream of VU - pretty hard to get you out of the game

11:49:39 May 5th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Lofl, I dont even know who the fck you are :p

Get bent, turd ;) And stop sucking c*ck to look good.. You might give a better impression ;)

11:56:11 May 5th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Wraith, last time I talked to you - you had a girlish behaviour; you are a man now, aren't you? (14ths?); for your failed memory - when I met you, you were licking hardly Cobra's ass in the forums (hope that helps- if not write me on private).

12:46:34 May 5th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Wheres the fun in growing up? ;)

As for being girlie... You have my answer to that :)

13:07:22 May 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Is FEAR 'FEARful' of Fate? Or is Fate Fateful to dominate FEAR and use them as their bitches? I think it's the 2nd option.

13:25:17 May 5th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Fear and Fate have what is called a "relationship based understanding" - their relationship was born out of long term cooperation and mutual respect for over 5 eras already, when Fear was then still known as HIV. The leaders of Fear and Fate have worked together well for the most part, and have been able to overcome whatever hiccups and bumps they faced in their relationship.

That they see fit to renew their ties to one another every era also testifies to VU's known penchant to see mass gangbangs on the strong kingdoms in the game. When facing a possible mass gangbang against you, it gives comfort to have a trusted ally at your side to back you up and support you.

So in short Vuggy aka Silver Dolphin aka He-Who-Is-Only-Next-To-Cobra-As-The-Epitome-Of-Fail, the foundations of Fear's and Fate's relationship are more than a person of your limitations and minutiae can comprehend. Please do everyone a favour and GTFO of this thread, if not, this game.

Seriously... some kids these days should just be swiftly eradicated in order to prevent further corruption and destabilization of the human genome......

13:31:16 May 5th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

yeah someone should ban that idiot TBL from forums.

13:33:18 May 5th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:


Ban me only after I have launched the Tactical Nuclear Penguin :P

13:34:12 May 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Idk who cobra is, but kath probably is down there next to him, not me. I thought my statement was a good joke/truth.. but apparently people need to take this game super seriously and QQ whenever I make a comment. for teh lulz

13:39:52 May 5th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

No, we take securing the fate and long term well-being of humanity seriously, and in order to prevent the next Hitler or Stalin from being born, there seriously should be an eradication program for mentally deformed, deranged, destabilized and retarded children like you, Vuggy. Always nip trouble in the bud, so I say.

But on second thoughts, a retard like you may be the least of humanity's worries anyway...

13:40:20 May 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Hitler is a winner!

13:42:32 May 5th 10 - Mr. Tossed Smiling Midget:

Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp


21:31:16 May 5th 10
yeah someone should ban that idiot TBL from forums.

Who let him out of his cage..?  <3

13:45:12 May 5th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

That's not even funny as a joke, Vuggy.

14:15:29 May 5th 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Oh my, Deno doesn't like the idea that we actually *like* some of FEAR's members as they have displayed courtesy and civility through their actions. Deno, don't worry, we still think you are retarded and in no way does our gesture extend to you.


14:22:33 May 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Who let him out of his cage..? <3

Who DIDN'T let him out of his cage?

14:28:55 May 5th 10 - Lord Deno:

Exept for the fact that your actions has nothing to do with liking or disliking anyone. Your dreams is that you can still manipulate the game mechanics into desiding an era winner even after you lost. 

You proved this to no end last era when you kept farming up endless amounts of big mines for Fordius to take over. and then kept them defenseless on the Fanta map for fast score point gains. I am not sure if Fordius was in on your little idea as most ppl with any sort of morales would stay the hell out of your pocket deals. 

This time you are trying to work against Fate by doing something very similar. 

Both when it works in our favour and against us i am completely against your behaiveur. Your entire kd is completely covered with mud and filth and i want nothing to do with it. 

What you also fail to realise is that i am not speaking for myself, but on behalf of my kd in theese latest statements. I was asked to stand up as a spokesperson, and i am not acting on my own. 

So you can forget all your likes and dislikes and pack it up in whatever world you are going to spawn on next era. 

14:36:38 May 5th 10 - Lady Quietone:

Deno - your preaching seems more in defense of fate rather than fear and one would really have to wonder where your loyalties lay is it with Fate or is it with Fear?  If i was in Fear i would really question your motives and I guess the future will determine that eh?

 But It is clear that you have a great dislike for our kd you have made that evident before we even started playing and you dont know any of us or why we do what we do, but you come here spouting about manipulations and as if you are some holy warrior and you're a joke.  And a jerk i might add- grow up realize that only the people already up your ass give two cents what you have to say-- and continue your quest for Fate love but please spare the rest of us your boring tattle telling rants-- over it already!

You think there is some honor code here? You think that when Fear and Fate double team every kingdom on the map-- oh excuse me except for Gotf- and you use your bully numbers to gain ground -- that you are in any way shape or form some how worthy of standing on a holy tower to look down on people? lol you  make me laugh- you have no more honor than the dog poop you step on when you get off the school bus little man...



14:36:49 May 5th 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

You mean last era when we were killed off and forced  to restart in the same place? What *are* you smoking Deno? And where can i get some of that, because it seems to be fun :p

and fyi, youngster, i know plenty of you :) and the dislike isn't really KD oriented. It's more individuals oriented, you could have picked that up by now :->

14:42:31 May 5th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

@TBL: Your speech made my day, thanks :)

14:44:58 May 5th 10 - Lord Deno:

@quietone, in this situation my loyality is with Lord Sky. He is a standup guy and a kick ass kd member. He done everything right in all the eras i have played with him, never set a foot wrong untill several of your members started sending him msgs taunting him that they wouldnt hit him if he went in and took cities. 

Sky is just a kid and you have absolutely no rights to manipulate ppl like that. If he should manage to pull through what you are trying to attempt, then first off he would be flamed to fuck by the entire comunity. But also afterwords he would be embarased. 

Luckily i managed to get him out of your filthy hands allready and start working for Fear and not for whatever you told him to. 

So forget all your loyality crap when you are trying to manipulate kids. 

14:46:58 May 5th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Whats up with all the "Deno's bum" comments, really if you want to tear eachother apart, go ahead. But please reign in your imagination.


14:52:27 May 5th 10 - Lady Quietone:

what we are trying to attempt? for someone that claims to have such a low view of us you sure seem to worry alot over our abilities to manipulate this game.  You told Ford to keep us dead last era and now you try to get your own kingdom to let Fate take towns that your kingdom has fought all era for and you claim that we manipulate the game?  It seems to me your interests are more inline with what is good for Fate not what is best for Fear and if Fear doesnt see that then so be it.   It seems to me that you're the one working so hard to control things in this game not the reverse.

 We obviously didnt stand a chance once Fate jumped in the middle of our war clearly- and if we open a gate to give a chance to the kingdom or player we felt deserved a bit of war gains that is hardly some kind of expert manipulation tatic but its nice you're that paranoid.

val- i'm not on the worry elsewhere k?  I didnt see you singling out anyone when Deno threw our entire kd into the hole now so dont expect any exemptions either

14:55:25 May 5th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Grow up, really just grow up.

14:56:00 May 5th 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Swifty, I'm sorry. You where right all those eras ago.

14:56:57 May 5th 10 - Lady Quietone:


ofc you would go there -

15:08:32 May 5th 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Oi, you two drama queens, take it elsewhere, Deno is trying to bash us here, you are interrupting his train of (clouded, obviously) thought! :p

I have a sneaking suspicion that Deno is worried about something else, not Benjamins unsullied soul... really worried in fact that what happened might be construed as him being in league with us, doing something sinister...

Now why would he be so worried about that, since it's fairly obvious, that we simply msg'd Ben, and told him "the gates are open, come in for a party".

Deno, something there you wanted to share with the group? :->

15:28:32 May 5th 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

Meh deno is a nub he gets in a great kingdom for 3 eras and thinks he's the shit. Delusional much.

15:51:16 May 5th 10 - Dark Prince Damn You Rox:

tbh you all suck

16:26:27 May 5th 10 - Lord Deno:

@Grumpy, when you try to try to figure out any motivation in anything you completely miss out on the obvious. We actually are for real. For the past 3 eras we have avoided any sort of grey zone game play as our friends from Mad so proudly described it back then. 

We ran 2/3 of last era with Path inactive without using hes land for anyone to feed up on. 

We are currently running with a member who have requested us just to kick him but we arent doing it. 

we are a fairly large kd, who dont believe that we need to lower ourself to your lvl of gameplay to obtain our goals. 

So blindingly obvious when you pull the trigger on a land feeding scheme on us and try to drag us down to you, you go completely against the principles that the kd are built on. This is probably common practice in your house and yes, i have seen that your kd have kicked a few members now and then and served them to your members. 

About the entire motivation / loyality discussion you are trying to pull off. What we discussed in our kd last night when i was chosen as spokesperson on that was exactly that you would try and put up some loyality motivation idiocy to try and make me look bad. I was still asked to do it despite that problem and i assured everyone that i dont give a shit about it or whatever any of you can come up with.

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