Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 46

Fantasia Era 46
15:52:06 May 2nd 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Eh, coming up with new insults would mean you might pull a brain muscle trying to understand them and then we'd have to find somebody else to pick on so why change a tried and tested method? :)

15:54:47 May 2nd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

If it's too difficult for you, just say so.. It's ok, we won't think any less of you (as if that would be possible anyway..) :)

15:55:36 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Nap whores you suck!!111!!!1!! xD

15:56:48 May 2nd 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Difficult? Not at all!

Time consuming and contrary to the rules dictated by my lazy nature? Definitely :)

16:26:31 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

"ye, if your too pssy to try to play on fant"

Ye getting on Fantasia when you just started playing again is easy.. Love, i have never loved you. but i do say this with love: 'Frustrated?'

17:15:21 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Love:

dude, i am not the guydude that played as love some eras ago, i just took this name, this is actually the first era i play. but no, i m not frustrated, but it seems you are.

and i seriously dont care if u love me or not, and if u start on fant next era, please dont whine to me when i m kicking your ass

17:34:35 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Please make me laugh more, i was sad cause ajax aint dutch champion at soccer. but your doing a good job at cheering me up. I start loving you now ! =D

18:35:56 May 2nd 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

lol, so you basically hope that somehow, in a rather dreamt-up world of yours, people won't notice your utter lack of balls and stop throwing easy taunts at you, just because you wish it so? How very late 60's of you... *shakes head*

To give credit, where credit is due - you do mimic all big KD reps in this game so far to the letter, so nobody can say that you are worse then others, as you are exactly the same...  gj at being blandly unremarkable, well hidden behind the thinly dispersed air of superiority (guess you had to spray it sparsely due to a shortage of Awesome-in-a-can) that only being in a big, properly NAP'd  KD can give... I salute thee, Ademo of Fate! :)


18:36:03 May 2nd 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

wow you should be ban mr love for stealing names

18:46:29 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Love:

lol, how should i know Love was taken some eras ago

18:50:28 May 2nd 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:


well havent fordina enlightened you ?

18:51:34 May 2nd 10 - Mr. Love:

no, he hasnt

22:05:39 May 2nd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

There's a "historical" Love in VU and it certainly is not you penguin -.-

02:34:03 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

just ask Fordi for love!

btw. Nap's is a way of playing. i always wanted to have Carnage get into no relations at all in eras. but its unavoidable most of the time when your spread/big  and vulnerable on multiple fronts.  if you get beaten by diplomacy dont use the usual 'nap nap nap blablabla'  but maybe use the 'if you cant beat em.. join em' kind of way. prove em you can beat them with getting nap's!

I'm just saying!

05:21:42 May 3rd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Oh ok, so it was your astounding abundance of "balls" that drove you to attack FEAR with, what, 15 other KDs at once? Ok, will jot that down "GBing is the only way for hopeless KDs to acheive anything". noted. Thanks for the that info, but we really don't need that particular tip. Is a little enlightening to know how the more pathetic people (and KDs) play tho.

I see you're conveniently not fighting HM, as well? What, your huge balls can't take on more than one KD at once?

These must be some amazing balls you have. In fact, by the sounds of it, they seem to be as big as your over inflated opinion of yourself.

07:20:58 May 3rd 10 - Lord Deno:

Its absolutely hilarious to read that Hema members are now critisising others on how to play. When infact all they did themself was sitting in their little shit hole of a core desperatly trying to fill up blockers. They showed absolutely no inovation at all on how to play the game, no quality vu at all from their side. If just 1 single person in the Hema leadergroup was just a ilttle bit above average we in Fear at least would have been dead a month ago. 

But anyways, good luck on the rest of the era. 20 players to what, 4 blockers ? thats what - 5 man per blocker. I have absolutely no doubt that hema is going to find a way to even fuck that part up. 


11:15:08 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

all this anger... sad world

12:05:04 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

*Throws atomic bomb on fantasia to end the war*

There, all dead.. happy now?

12:25:50 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Osiris:

dude, i am not the guydude  <--- lol that made me smile :D wait till i come back to fant and show you some real epic inactivity <3

12:56:56 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Love:

lol, yeah i know it was a bit of a fail

13:26:49 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I don't even think there are 15 KD's on fant... :o

18:42:34 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Aligreat:

Oh wise and all knowing Deno, please oh please tell us what you would have done different in our shoes.

FLL, HM and FEAR surrounding you and a core as tiny as your penor.
We decided one NAP and warring the 2 stronger kds was what we should do. Would you have simply looked for easy NAP with FEAR or HM? Im sure had we done that, it would have been a very easy era and you can be sure you would have been in here moaning about us not fighting anyone of worth.

Yes we eventually made peace with HM, we had the tiny core all era, and the potential that FATE would get involved forced us into asking for a CF with HM.
Low and behold FATE got involved and with over half our members on negative income, we havent been able to kill them.
Atleast we still managed to hold FEAR outside, what does that say about you guys ;)

Anyways Deno, im intrigued, where would your masterplan have been different?

18:52:00 May 3rd 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

Ali: Deno always has a masterplan. You underestimate him. He planned us falling to FATE all along, we just didn't see through it, after all the days him and his cronies spent loitering around our blockers, twiddling their toes. (Sorry Ben, your attempt wasn't halfassed, i apologize for mixing you up in this convo through generalization).

Ademo: You are right on all accounts. I agree with thee, and once more salute you! Well done little hamster... :-> And since you are wondering - average Joe sized. Thought you noticed it, but then again it was dark, and you were moaning "Deno, Deno..." and i didn't want to ruin your dreams... Plus it felt rather nice, you will make somebody a lucky guy one day...

18:59:07 May 3rd 10 - Lord Deno:

If you would have wanted an easy victory you would have avoided napping FLL who was the weakest link on the south map. They provided free cities to anyone who bothered taking them. By chosing to nap them you gave us the free cities instead of taking them yourself. 

If you had payed any whatsoever attention to your member strenght you would have noticed that Pengu who is your member was the absolute strongest guy in the FLL region. If you had allowed him he could have taken on all of FLL on hes own and proceeded with us. 

But you are so stuck up in your nap mindset that you dont see the opportunities from avoiding napping, any nap opportunity and you go for it. 

When you failed that you could have at least tried to coordinate a better counter attack into our core. The one you made were weak and without any whatsoever sting. 

Pulling 20 ppl into 3 blockers isnt an era acheivement to be proud of as you seem to be, its something you should be ashamed off instead. 

19:10:37 May 3rd 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Sorry we apologise for not hitting FLL in the side, when you guys had set up forward armouries on them. We try to avoid gang-banging people nowerdays.

Deno, please go back to whatever it is you do. We're trying to play our game, it didn't work, we'll try and do some things differently next time.  We've left you to your game, until you came back in here, I ask the same.

19:14:08 May 3rd 10 - Lord Deno:

Oh and P.S.

History matters went straight for the bone on Havoc, fate and Hema,
Fear went straight for Roc, gotf, fll and hema.
Fate went straight for Havoc, History matters, Army of Anubis and Mad

meanwhile shitty Hema napped everything, started whining in their little shit core waiting for potential threats to finnish off the wars they were doing instead of bloddy playing the game like everyone else. 

So stop crying ali and stop blaming everyone else for your failure. You had the same opportunity to start wars and taking cities as everyone else on the map. You killed yourself by naps and therefor though shall forever be second rate. 

19:17:20 May 3rd 10 - Lord Deno:

Oki Dear Wilber, Deno shall bow out again and vanish into the shadows. 


19:49:00 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Love:

please dont vanish in the shadows,
seriously, this is hilarious, please go on

19:50:55 May 3rd 10 - Endless Muggings:

who was FLL? I don't remember even seeing those initials on the KD lists 

19:53:24 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Love:

flame lords legion or something like that,

they got disbanded very early in the era

19:55:17 May 3rd 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Flame Lords Legions

19:59:00 May 3rd 10 - Endless Muggings:

ah, ok. thanks 

*creeps out of thread feeling  m bare azzed ;) *

21:19:10 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Venomz:

*Follows Endless Muggings*

21:32:08 May 3rd 10 - Sir Muzzy The Rapist:

ok this era is/was kinda boring... I expected more resistance from the fant kingdoms... hope map will be bigger and will have more kingdoms next era.

edit: the first 2 weeks were kinda interesting, but that's it...

21:53:20 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

Oh and P.S.

History matters went straight for the bone on Havoc and Hema
Fear went straight for Roc and fll
Fate went straight for Army of Anubis


Also quit calling us all nubs when you only dislike 2 or 3 people in Hema I dislike being called a nub by a complete imbecile.

AoD has spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22:13:38 May 3rd 10 - Lord Deno:

Yeah, look at how cool you are managing to save up 37 milion stone with no income meanwhile your kd is dieing. That clearly isnt what a noob would do. 

.Mr. Slegna Naila, member of Hematolagnia has won 8 battles (42%) and captured 4 cities. He has 3 cities with a total of around 71,000 buildings.

0.96 gold/stone
Total cost:

22:25:43 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

I have been inactive for 3 days idiot some of us have a life that takes our time.

Also this era I played halfling not my race and I sucked at it but at least I tried them out >.>

Oh and yes as you can see my luck for winning this era hasnt been too good anything below 90% I failed.......shoulda went troll!

22:26:00 May 3rd 10 - Endless Muggings:

Fate went for AOA (west) and Havok and HM (south), -- a lill Wadjet got HM into the line up early -- then they went for MAD when AOA was finished off , and now Hema

Deno? you have a stalker cam on him? how'd you get all his stats? O_o

22:31:07 May 3rd 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

Unless he can find my stats for last 3 eras including this one he doesnt have anything on me though with a little searching thats easy I died both eras but I still wracked up over 1.3mil kills each era before going down in flames :)

22:56:19 May 3rd 10 - Endless Muggings:

tell Ali to stop spanking me already, he's bringing my stats down.. 68% bleh 

I still don't know how to find them but somebody sent me mine lol

stats are easy to find :)

Endless Muggings, member of Dont Fear The Paddle has won 28 battles (68%) and captured 40 cities. She has 32 cities with a total of around 358,000 buildings

22:57:43 May 3rd 10 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Murderer :(

23:01:41 May 3rd 10 - Endless Muggings:

unh uh, not me.. I'm giving up spanking for voyeurism .. just need to mug somebody for that stalker cam :D

23:07:22 May 3rd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

Ahh poor Grumpy. Your insults are about as lame as that army of yours you have waddling around there (y'know, the one that doesn't even warrant a freeze as it'll die just as easy in ur city :)).

I found the last line of your posts hilarious btw :) At least you got one thing right in all your ramblings.

23:44:22 May 3rd 10 - Grumpy old Dwarf:

*bows ever-so-slightly*
I live to entertain thee, Ademo of FATE...

But i have to wonder... in all that mess your KD mates created around us... where the heck is anything on your part? Is it the Can of awesome doing all the talking again or are you just fashionably late? :->

23:45:22 May 3rd 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:


23:46:10 May 3rd 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch, member of Fate has won 0 battles (0%) and captured 0 cities. He has 8 cities with a total of around 280,000 buildings.

Lol? xD

23:47:56 May 3rd 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

i thnk :P

23:48:19 May 3rd 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Cranky Biatch:

If you don't already know, then you need to wake up :)

23:49:27 May 3rd 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

You're just so bad nobody's noticed you :)

23:49:51 May 3rd 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

ikno ikno!!!
i rememba you!!!

*calls ademo under his breath*

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