Forums / Roleplaying / School of magic

School of magic
20:45:51 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Revenge:

No, theres not
Simple jobs  =]


20:50:00 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Its a librarian... or i could be a knowledge keepers assistant cause every schol has to have a library. and 300 what?

20:57:10 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

300 posts of course

21:04:31 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Revenge:

You can be a Librarians assistant

21:13:13 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

thank you : )

22:07:05 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Killer:


MP - 49/50
- 5
Darkness - 3
Fire - 3
Water - 3
Earth - 3
Wind - 3
Energy - 3
Healing - 25
Mind - 9
Items - Maple wand
Imps/djinni/demons - Level 1 healing imp.
Points left - 0
Job - Farm worker

[Revenge, are you doing the rest of the shape-shifts imps/djinni and demons do, or do you want tme to do them?]

22:13:05 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Revenge:

[[ You can do them ^^ I dont know what im doing where thats concerned
I have never heard of a djinni!  ]]

22:15:16 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[*sighs* Ok. It shouldn't be too hard(just so you know, most of the creatures they shape-shift into aren't real...) give me a couple of days and I'll do them.]

22:15:44 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Revenge:

[[ Thanx man ^^ ]]

22:16:14 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Zryike:


Mp - 50/50
Light - 3
Darkness - 3
Fire - 15
Water - 12
Earth - 15
Wind - 3
Energy - 11
Healing - 3
Mind - 3
Imp/---/- Level 1 Healing Imp
Items - Cherry wand
Points left - 0
Job: Knowledge Keeper Assistant

22:17:08 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Here's a recap!


Level 1 -Light shield(Creates a shield to defend against light) - 5 mp
Level 2 - Light spell, level 1(Creates a small light) - 1 mp
Level 3 - Travelling light spell, level 1(Creates a small light which you can move about, for around 50 metres) - 2 mp
Level 5 - Illusion, level 1(Creates a blurry white outline, isn't very convincing of anything) - 1 mp
Level 10 - Light spell, level 2(Creates a fairly strong light) - 2 mp
Level 15 - Travelling light spell, level 2(Creates a fairly strong light which you can move about the place, for about 200 metres) - 3 mp
Level 20 - Illusion, level 2(Creates an image of one colour, useful for producing ghosts, but flickers a bit) - 3 mp
Level 30 - Light spell, level 3(Creates a strong light) - 3 mp
Level 40 - Travelling light spell, level 3(Creates a strong light which you can move around, for about 500 metres) - 5 mp
Level 45 - Ray of Light, level 1(Creates a fairly strong light which you can aim at an enemy and perhaps temporarily blind them) - 5 mp
Level 50 - Illusion, level 3(Creates a steady illusion with two colours) - 6 mp
Level 60 - Ray of Light, level 2(Creates a strong light which you can aim at an enemy, and temporarily blind them) - 7 mp
Level 65 - Illusion, level 4(Creates a steady image of 3 colours of one or two images, with different shades) - 8 mp
Level 75 - Ray of Light, level 3(Creates a very strong light which you can aim at an enemy, with a slim chance of permantently blinding them) - 10 mp
Level 90 - Illusion, level 5(Creates a steady image of any colour, and up to 10 images) - 20 mp
Level 100 - Blast of Light(Sends a strong blast of light all around you, while protecting you yourself from it, has a chance of permantently bliding any around you) - 15 mp


Level 1 - Darkness shield(Defends against darkness) - 5 mp
Level 2 - Darkness spell, level 1(It makes everything go a bit dark near you, not much) - 1 mp
Level 5 - Blind, level 1(It creates some darkness around a person, but not very dark) - 1 mp
Level 10 - Necromancy, level 1(You can raise something small from the dead for a very short period of time) - 3 mp
Level 20 - Darkness spell, level 2(It makes everything go fairly dark
 for a range of 100 metres, but can be penetrated by light, electicity and fire spells.) - 3 mp
Level 25 - Blind, level 2(It creates a darkness around a person or two, fairly dark, but can be penetrated by light, electricity and fire spells) - 3 mp
Level 30 - Necromancy, level 2(Raises a dead body about the size of a man for a short period of time) - 5 mp
Level 40 - Darkness spell, level 3(Creates a very dense darkness for a range of 500 metres, and can only be penetrated by strong light spells.) - 7 mp
Level 50 - Blind, level 3(Creates a dense darkness around one or two persons, and can only be penetrated by very strong light spells) - 8 mp
Level 60 - Necromancy, level 3(Raises a dead body up to the size of a bear for a longish period of time) - 10 mp
Level 70 - Necromancy, level 4(Raises up to 5 daed bodies the size of a man for a longish period of time) - 15 mp
Level 75 - Darkness spell, level 4(Creates a dense darkness for a range of 1 km, and can't be penetrated) - 12 mp
Level 85 - Blind, level 4(Cretes a dense darkness around up to 3 people and can't be penetrated) - 14 mp
Level 100 - Necromancy, level 5(Raises up to 5 dead bodies the size of a bear for a long period of time) - 25 mp


Level 1 - Fire shield(Defends against fire) - 5 mp
Level 2 - Flicker of Flame(Creates a small flicker of fire) - 1 mp
Level 3 - Fireball, level 1(Creates a small weak, dying fireball to send at someone) - 2 mp
Level 5 - Increase heat, level 1(Increases the heat by up to 5 degrees Celsius) - 2 mp
Level 10 - Firewall, level 1(Creates a wall of fire around you, 1/2 metre high) - 4 mp
Level 15 - Fireball, level 2(Creates a warm fireball to send at someone) - 5 mp
Level 20 - Increase heat, level 2(Increases the heat by up to 10 degrees Celsius) - 5 mp
Level 25 - Firewall, level 2(Creates a wall of fire around you, 1 metre high) - 5 mp
Level 40 - Fireball, level 3(Creates a hot fireball to send at someone) - 7 mp
Level 50 - Increase heat, level 3(Increases the heat by up to 20 degrees Celsius) - 8 mp
Level 60 - Firewall , level 3(Creates a wall of fire around you, 4 metres high) - 10 mp
Level 70 - Fireball, level 4(Creates a flaming hot fireball to send at one or two people) - 12 mp
Level 80 - Ignite(Makes something go up into flames(Not living things) if it is easily flammable) - 15 mp
Level 90 - Heat wave(A wave of heat is sent out, increasing the temperature by up to 70 degrees Celsius. Be sure to be well protected) - 25 mp
Level 100 - Fireball, level 5(Creates a burning white hot fireball to send out at up to five people) - 20 mp


Level 1 - Water shield(defends against water attacks) - 5 mp
Level 3 - Water squirt, level 1(Squirts a bit of water at someone) - 1 mp
Level 5 - Freezing spell, level 1(Makes it up to 5 degrees colder) - 2 mp
Level 10 - Water squirt, level 2(Squirts some more water at someone) - 2 mp
Level 20 - Freezing spell, level 2(Makes it up to 10 degrees colder) - 4 mp
Level 30 - Water blast, level 1(Blasts some water at someone) - 5 mp
Level 40 - Freezing spell, level 3(Makes it up to 20 degrees colder) - 8 mp
Level 50 - Water bubble(Keeps all water out for a longish time, is burst by dryness) - 10 mp
Level 55 - Water blast, level 2(Blasts water at two people) - 7 mp
Level 60 - Icicle shot(Sends an icicle at someone) - 7 mp
Level 75 - Water blast, level 3(Blasts water at 3 people) - 9 mp
Level 80 - Ice breath(Sends a cold blast of water/ice, making everything it goes past and near 0 degrees celsius. As for living creatures, it just makes their skin/fur cold, but they'll still be quite cold...) - 15 mp
Level 90 - Water blast, level 4(Blasts water at 5 people) - 12 mp
Level 100 - Tidal wave(Sends a huge amount of water all around the place
 at a collosal speed, with no direction, so beware) - 30 mp


Level 1 - Earth shield(Protects against earth attacks) - 5 mp
Level 3 - Earth strike, level 1(Raises a small amount of earth and hurls it at someone) - 1 mp
Level 5 - Earthquake, level 1(Makes the earth rumble a tiny bit) - 1 mp
Level 10 - Earthwall, level 1(Creates a small mound around you, 1/2 metre high) - 2 mp
Level 20 - Earth strike, level 2(Raises a medium amount of earth and hurls at someone) -  4 mp
Level 30 - Earthquake. level 2(Makes the earth tremor) - 5 mp
Level 40 - Earthwall, level 2(Creates a highish mound around you, 2 metres high) - 5 mp
Level 50 - Earth strike, level 3(Raises a large amount of earth and hurls it at two targets) - 6 mp
Level 55 - Landslide(Moves a hilly area at a slow moving rate) - 8 mp
Level 60 - Earthwall, level 3(Creates a high mound around you, 5 metres high) - 10 mp
Level 70 - Earth strike, level 4(Raises a large amount of earth and hurls it at 5 people) - 9 mp
Level 75 - Mudflow(Moves a hilly area at a fast moving pace) - 12 mp
Level 85 - Mud-bank(Creates a deepish moat, around 5 metres deep around you) - 11 mp
Level 90 - Earthquake, level 3(Makes the earth tremor very noticibly, might damage poorly made stone buildings and wooden buildings) - 15 mp
Level 100 - Earth strike, level 5(Raises a very large amount of earth and hurls it at up to 10 people)


Level 1 - Wind Shield(Protects against wind attacks) - 5 mp
Level 3 - Gentle Breeze(A slight breeze blows) - 1 mp
Level 5 - Tornado, level 1(A spinning coloumn of air, a small one, about the size of an average-szed dog) -2 mp
Level 15 - Strong Breeze(Trees sway slightly) - 4 mp
Level 20 - Tornado, level 2(A spinning column of air, small, about as high as a man) - 4 mp
Level 30 - Gale(Hard to walk against, trees sway a lot) - 5 mp
Level 40 - Tornado, level 3(A spinning column of air, about the size of two men up) - 8 mp
Level 45 - Teleport, level 1(Teleports you to another place, range of 50 metres.) - 7 mp
Level 50 - Storm(impossible to walk against, damage to poorly made buildings) - 9 mp
Level 60 - Tornado, level 4(A spinning column of air, about 10 metres high) - 14 mp
Level 65 - Transport, level 1(Teleports a medium-sized object elsewhere, range of 100 metres) - 10 mp
Level 75 - Teleport, level 2(Teleports you to another place, range of 100 metres) - 11 mp
Level 85 - Transport, level 2(Teleports a large object elsewhere, range of 300 metres) - 13 mp
Level 90 - Teleport, level 3(Teleports you and another(has to be with you though, at fairly near places to each other) to another place, range of 250 metres) - 17 mp
Level 95 - Tornado, level 5(A spinning column of air, about 20 metres high) - 20 mp
Level 100 - Hurricane(Huge gusts of wind, very powerful, damages buildings, uproots trees and causes serious damage) - 30 mp


Level 1 - Energy shield(Protects from energy attacks) - 5 mp
Level 3 - Increase Energy, level 1(Increases energy slightly) - 1 mp
Level 5 - Electric Shock, level 1(Gives another person a tiny electric shock if you touch them) - 2 mp
Level 10 - Electric Conductor(Makes a person more likely to get struck by lightning for a while, so it's easier to use electrical magic on them) - 5 mp
Level 20 - Increase Energy, level 2(Increases energy a bit) - 3 mp
Level 25 - Electric shock, level 2(Gives another person a fairly decent electric shock if you touch them) - 4 mp
Level 40 - Thunderbolt, level 1(Gives a person a number of small electric shocks) - 5 mp
Level 50 - Increase Energy, level 3(Increases energy quite a lot) - 6 mp
Level 60 - Electric Shock, level 3(Gives another person a bad electric shock without touching them) - 6 mp
Level 65 - Thunderbolt, level 2(Gives a person a number of electric shocks) - 7 mp
Level 75 - Increase Energy, level 4(Increases energy by a huge amount) - 8 mp
Level 80 - Mana Regain(Increases your mana by 20, leaving you a bit weak, but you can't cast it more than once a day) - 0 mp
Level 90 - Thunderbolt, level 3(Gives up to 3 people a number of fairly bad electric shocks) - 10 mp
Level 100 - Lightning(Strikes someone with lightning, capable of killing them) - 25 mp


Level 1 - Healing Shield(A shield which slowly heals you(not much) throughout the day, more your energy and strength towards anything else)
Level 3 - Minor Heal, level 1(Heals a small cut or along those lines) - 1 mp
Level 5 - Minor Antidote(Heals from very weak posions) - 1 mp
Level 10 - Mana Revival, level 1(Gets 1 extra mp, can only use once a day) - 0 mp
Level 15 - Minor Heal, level 2(Heals a smallish cut) - 2 mp
Level 25 - Protection Shield, level 1(Defends yourself from any attacks slightly) - 3 mp
Level 35 - Antidote(Heals from stronger posions, but not too strong) - 3 mp
Level 45 - Mana Revival, level 2(Gets 5 extra mp, can only use once a day) - 0 mp
Level 50 - Heal(Heals cuts and cures very minor diseases) - 5 mp
Level 60 - Protection Shield, level 2(Defends yourself from any attacks slightly better) - 6 mp
Level 70 - Major Antidote(Cures from almost all posions) - 6 mp
Level 80 - Mana Revival, level 3(Gets 20 extra mp, can only be used once a day) - 0 mp
Level 90 - Protection shield, level 3(Defends yourself from any attacks a bit better(Even this isn't great, but can stop most weak spells and weak physical attacks)) - 10 mp
Level 100 - Major Heal(Heals almost all cuts and diseases, even internal cuts) - 20 mp


Level 1 - Mind Shield(Protect from mind attacks) - 5 mp
Level 3 - Empathy(Makes you be able to read a persons feelings, nothing more, anger, sadness, fear, etc. You do not experience the feelings yourself) - 1 mp
Level 5 - Telekinesis, level 1(Moves a small object around without touching it) - 1 mp
Level 10 - Aura Reading(Sees a persons aura, telling you how they feel, but better than Empathy as you sort of see a meaure of their feelings...) - 2 mp
Level 15 - Precognition, level 1(Enables you to see near future events. Doesn't work very well) - 3 mp
Level 25 - Telekinesis, level 2(Moves a medium sized object around without touching it) - 4 mp
Level 35 - Mind Control, level 1(Takes control of a very weak mind) - 5 mp
Level 45 - Telepathy, level 1(Sees thoughts of others very faintly) - 6 mp
Level 50 - Precognition, level 2(Enables you to see near future events. Works okily...) - 6 mp
Level 60 - Telekinesis, level 3(Moves a large object around without touching it) - 7 mp
Level 70 - Mind Control, level 2(Takes control of a weak mind) - 8 mp
Level 75 - Telepathy, level 2(Sees thoughts of others faintly) - 9 mp
Level 80 - Precognition, level 3(Enables you to see near future events. Works well) - 10 mp
Level 90 - Telepathy, level 3(Sees thoughts of others strongly) - 10 mp
Level 95 - Telekinesis, level 4(Moves up to three large objects around without touching them) - 13 mp
Level 100 - Mind

22:38:19 Feb 29th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Okay, since Revenge started to run this, it got less fun.

*gets killed by the skeleton army*

00:16:46 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

/me dies becaue of the complicated ness

00:17:20 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Zryike:

i dont get it :P

00:17:24 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Plato:

tht /me only works in chat

00:32:45 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:


MP - 30 / 50
Light - 3
Darkness - 3
Fire - 24
Water - 6
Earth - 3
Wind - 3
Energy - 3
Healing - 10
Mind - 3
Items - apple tree wand
Imps/djinni/demons - level 1 fire imp

1 point remaining                                                                                      Job: farmer

01:41:43 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

@Zryike: NO RLY?!

02:03:09 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Zryike:

this isnt to complicated so i dont get it

08:05:02 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Its not even complicated....

08:48:45 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

no, its not complicated, if you dont understand it you haven't read it properly or haven't bothered

09:01:18 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Wraith:


MP: 50 / 50
- 6
Darkness - 3
Fire - 15
Water - 3
Earth - 3
Wind - 15
Energy - 15
Healing - 3
Mind - 3
Items - Yew Wand
Imps/djinni/demons - Fire Imp
Job: (I'll pick later)
Points Remaining- 15

(I think thats right)

11:52:55 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Revenge:

[[ You have 6 points left, not 15  ^^ ]]

Nice to have you aboard!

11:52:55 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Revenge:

[[ You have 6 points left, not 15  ^^ ]]

Nice to have you aboard!

11:58:52 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

MP: 50/50

Light - 3
Darkness - 15
Fire - 3
Water - 15
Earth - 3
Wind - 3
Energy - 13
Healing - 3
Mind - 10

Items - Weeping Willow Wand
Imps/djinni/demons - Energy Imp
Job: Evil Dark Lord

Just a recap.

12:14:48 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

lol what a job

13:26:27 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Very well paying, and you really get into your job. It's good really. On the job training as well.

20:30:13 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Wraith:

MP: 50 / 50
- 6
Darkness - 3
Fire - 15
Water - 3
Earth - 3
Wind - 15
Energy - 15
Healing - 4
Mind - 3
Items - Yew Wand
Imps/djinni/demons - Fire Imp
Job: (I'll pick later)
Points Remaining- 2 (I got Healing up a level)

[Sorry, my mistake]

20:34:22 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Revenge, how many points do we get today? And can we summon another imp now, if we so wish, if we have the level to do so?]

21:54:53 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Zryike:

i thought it was 100 a day...

22:02:33 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:


MP - 49/50
- 6
Darkness - 3
Fire - 3
Water - 3
Earth - 3
Wind - 3
Energy - 3
Healing - 28
Mind - 10
Items - Maple wand
Imps/djinni/demons - Level 1 healing imp.
Points left - 3
Job - Farm worker

22:05:51 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer draws out the various designs and lines inside his circles preparing to summon an imp. He finally thought he could summon a better one, and decided on a level 28 healing imp, being the best he could summon. He was in the summoning hall, and all day he worked and studied, apart from eating a bit. He finally thought he was ready, as evening was setting in. He prerpared himself, and recited the incantation, and hoped that it would work...*    (Revenge, you can decide if it worked or not, or if I couldn't summon such an imp, and so would have chosen a weaker one. I suppose I better hurry up with that shape-shifting list now...)

22:06:33 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:


MP - 49/50
- 6
Darkness - 3
Fire - 3
Water - 3
Earth - 3
Wind - 3
Energy - 3
Healing - 28
Mind - 10
Items - Maple wand
Imps/djinni/demons - Level 1 healing imp, Level 28 healing imp(?)
Points left - 3
Job - Farm worker

22:13:19 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Zryike:


light- 3
dark- 3
fire- 15
water- 15
earth- 15
wind- 3
energy- 15
healing- 3
mind- 3
Items - Cherry wand
Imps/djinni/demons - level 1 healing imp
points left - 4
Job - Knowledge keeper's assistant

Zryike starts trying to make his own level 15 energy imp and spend most of the day in his studies. Zryike then starts getting the necessary materials ready and then starts to summon.

(OOC: Revenge you to can decide if i get it)

16:01:26 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

100 again, I'll presume...


MP - 49/50
- 7
Darkness - 3
Fire - 3
Water - 3
Earth - 3
Wind - 3
Energy - 3
Healing - 31
Mind - 10
Items - Maple wand
Imps/djinni/demons - Level 1 healing imp, Level 28 healing imp(?)
Points left - 6
Job - Farm worker

19:11:30 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

MP: 50 / 50
- 6
Darkness - 3
Fire - 19
Water - 3
Earth - 3
Wind - 19
Energy - 18
Healing - 6
Mind - 3
Items - Yew Wand
Imps/djinni/demons - Fire Imp lvl 19
Job: Baker
Points Remaining- 0

*Wraith decides its about time to summon a stronger Imp. He goes and works hard trying to summon a Level 19 Fire Imp. When/If succesful, he goes and gets a job with the local baker.*

21:15:47 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

MP: 50/50

Light - 3
Darkness - 19
Fire - 3
Water - 15
Earth - 3
Wind - 3
Energy - 15
Healing - 3
Mind - 10

Items - Weeping Willow Wand
Imps/djinni/demons - *BZOOOW Level 15 Energy Imp*
Job: Evil Dark Lord

100-14-15=71 energy

71-16-17-18-19=1 darkness

22:37:22 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:


MP - 30 / 50
Light - 3
Darkness - 3
Fire - 30
Water - 6
Earth - 3
Wind - 3
Energy - 3
Healing - 13
Mind - 3
Items - apple tree wand
Imps/djinni/demons - level 1 fire imp, level 30 fire imp(?)

Job: farmer

deathudude summons a level 30 fire imp

16:33:32 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


MP: 50 / 50
- 3
Darkness - 23
Fire - 10
Water - 4
Earth - 6
Wind - 7
Energy - 8
Healing - 3
Mind - 13
Items - Basic Birch Wand
Imps/djinni/demons - None
Job: Carpenter
Points Remaining- 0

Demonsul emerged back into the school. He had been in the detention block for two days, and had subsequently been in the medical rooms for the next periods to speed his recovery from...suddenly, Demonsul remembered whet had caused the injuries in the first place. During his detention periods, his extremely damaged body and depleted strength had made him forget many things. However, it as all flowing back to him now he was fully recovered.
The creature was still on the loose.
He needed to gather a party to track it down. He had already thought up a plan on how to deal with the situation. He made a mental list of who he thought would be useful in his search.

  • Wraith
  • Killer
  • Zryike
  • Deathuelf
He hoped that together they would be enough to confront the creature. So he set off to explain the creature to them, and ask them all for help...

16:56:50 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

A young boy that was in deathuelfs fire class ran up to him in the corriordoor and told him Demonsul was looking for him. deathuelf asked the boy were he was but he had hear it from someone else. Deathuelf when look throught the corriordoors looking for Demonsul.

17:07:13 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Turning a corner, Demonsul ran straight into Deathuelf. Explaining to him how the face that had turned up in dark class had turned out to be an evil creature and that he was recruiting a team to find it, Demonsul hoped that Deathuelf would join the group.

17:11:01 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

Deathelf said yes straight away the classes at the school was geting boreing and when they find it he was skilled in fire magic and a little in healing so he could help.

17:11:49 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*The boy also tells Wraith and Wraith runs over to Demonsul and Deathuelf and listens to what happened.*

[How many points today?]

17:19:20 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul wastes no time in briefing the group about the creature, its strengths (dead, not easily harmed) and possible weaknesses (er, knock it apart?). He also asks Wraith if he wants to come, as he has not verified his position with the group yet.

17:24:35 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Count me in.

[How many points today?!]

17:33:09 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Ehm.. deathuelf, you do know that you have 559 points against Demonsul's 475 and and my 461, and Wraith has 563? This is a very.. erratic.. difference here :P

17:43:43 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I thought we got 100 yesterday so I added those.........

17:45:38 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[475 is the most round number. next level-up, everyone should try and alter how many points they get to match mine (that means yes, veritias, you get bonus)]

17:47:27 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

You should wait for my call, dont go adding your own points

17:47:54 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Sorry. I'll leave mine like that till we get more

17:59:19 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

i will as well and if we did get 100 in the past couple of days then i think we have 560

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