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New world Europe Vs US
16:59:02 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Angel of Death:

the Dollar may be weak now but if it keeps droppin the other world powers would step in to raise it back up their not about to let our economy go straight to hell it'd screw with everyone's economy that we trade with and would make more than just us suffer.

Americans dont think were invincible we just dont fear death as much were willin to die to defend what we love and believe in with our lives, though even we have our pacifist/anti war people that are against war. Oh and dont say we think were invincible we prefer to take the quick way if possible with the least amount of blood shed but if that option is gone we will fight to the death for what we believe. The second you provoke us by sheding american blood is the second you've siad bring it on to us.

17:05:52 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

dont fear death as much as who? anyway patriotic....ness isnt really a measure of how good a country is, everybody has them 

17:07:36 Nov 26th 07 - Lady Lacewing:

'There wont be any more wars between the western nations as they exist now."

No... I meant the next two wars where US and England interacted in following the war of 1812.

18:05:43 Nov 26th 07 - Lady Lacewing:

Angel of Death, when was the last time America actually went to war?  When was the last time the citizens of America had to interrupt their daily lives, change jobs, contribute to the war effort, worry about the enemy launching a fullscale invasion landing on the east or west coast?  Not since WWII, or maybe the Korean War.  Our generation have never experienced death like since back then.  Who are you to say you don't fear it?

18:45:24 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Might:

Oh Snaps! Double post!

19:44:00 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Killer:

I don't see how the war in Iraq is defensive for America... They have spent something like 1.6 trillion dollars on it, and are just blowing the *beep* out of the Iraqis just to get some oil. Least amount of blood? They clearly could have left Iraq alone, they threw them into turmoil, for no reason apart from for a bit of oil. I, for one, would not like to defend my country to death to be honest. Death is not something to be taken lightly, and you might think differently if it was upon you.

20:39:13 Nov 26th 07 - Lady Lacewing:

Considering a majority of North America and Europe are democracies now anyway, do you really want to give your life when you still possess your basic rights and liberties, just under a different flag?

22:41:00 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Ghoumzter:

Accually Angel, the rest of the world is trying to save the dollar as we speak, our Swedish goverment is selling our gold reserve to buy dollars for example..

Also, how did Nicaragua, Liberia, Vietnam, Chile, Guatemala, the Philipines etc provoke you by spilling your blood?

00:18:44 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Ghoumzter i know the world is tryin to save the dollar as i said their not about to let us crash our economy.

Id answer all other arguements but i dont like argueing thats my opinion and im stickin too it you can have your own i dont care

08:41:04 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

you dont like arguing because you cant? :P

10:20:42 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Ghoumzter:

Sticking with your opinion no matter what sounds very dangerous.

05:55:52 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Mr. Ghoumzter how did the Indians, France, France about 6 more times, Germany, Germany again, Spain about 20 times, Portugal around 3 times, America twice, 99% of Africa...and so on and so forth.

 Deserve to be attacked?

Don't try to paint America as the most  warlike country ever because were not.We get beat out of that tittle by just about every country in Europe . Most of the time we actually want to do some good to help. World War 1 was what Nationalism??? World War 2 was because you guys felt like being jerks to Germany and screw it up. I'd say we have a few better reasons then you to go to war.

18:14:23 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Killer:

I wouldn't quite say the second world war was entirely because of being jerkish to Germany... You couldn't deny Hitler was a mad-man and he must have been a great speaker... World war 1 was because of the Serbian assination of some country's president or something I think... They took it out on Germany though...

19:19:03 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

it was the trown prince of austria a very close nation with germany if i remember right. after wich germany and/or austria started aggresians agains serbia and russia declared war and the rest of the allies joined.

source: ''Western'' history books

19:30:32 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

lol throne

22:57:14 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I wouldn't quite say the second world war was entirely because of being jerkish to Germany... You couldn't deny Hitler was a mad-man and he must have been a great speaker... World war 1 was because of the Serbian assination of some country's president or something I think... They took it out on Germany though...

But Hitler would never raise to power if you guys had taken America's advice and not blamed it totally on Germany, it was everyone in Europe's fault. We wanted everyone to take equal responsibilty but no. Besides there are millions of madmen today but none of them change anything, the reason? The right climate and conditions have to be fufilled and Hitler came in just the right time. He would never have done any of those things if Britian(among others) hadn't lit the spark to start the fire and yes World War 1 was completely nationalism. That assasination happened because of a group of nationalists.

18:51:26 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

yes those  ''mind scientists'' you took from the nazi's where even more effective then the rocket scientists.

20:34:51 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Aben V:

The one reason for the secound World War was the Treaty or versaille.

Blame the French !!

21:13:37 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

The reason the Treaty of Versailles was so bad was because of European countries.

01:07:22 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

It wasn´t the fault of any of those countries, but because of their leaders... Wars start for geopolitical, historical and economic reasons. Yet, the first and most important factor you need for a war to start is a leader who decides war is a good choice (thus he must hate the enemy country somehow). And the feeling must be in both factions. America isn´t at war right now (a war involves more than one country attacking each other). America is just in plain aggression against some of those Muslim people we on the western side do not like (that again for historical and mostly economic reasons). About the other discussion, the dollar being weak isn´t such a surprise, the U.S. are quickly losing their spot as the most powerful nation in the planet. After all, the Asians are more productive people (because of their culture and education-we all know what is going on in Japan). Once China´s middle class outgrows the American one, all the industries will move their focus point to the east. And that means that our glorified western culture won´t be the one being globalized anymore.

17:15:03 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

yep everyone knows chinas the nnew superpower :)

19:56:51 Dec 1st 07 - Lady Lacewing:

China also still has its sweatshops, child labor, and lack of human rights... these allow it to outproduce other countries that guarantee certain standards.

22:26:13 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

If America  didn't have Labor Laws and the Union then we would be beating China by a lot. It's the problem with morality you always lose some of your production in some way.

23:18:56 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

China is not the new super power....yet. Maybein 30 years or so, but the US still is stronger.

08:26:47 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Sorra:

The US Dollar is done. It has fell so low that Canadas dollar is worth more

China is right now a militray super power and in the coming years will be a economic super power.

The world (hopefully) will be a better place.

12:35:27 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

well actualy the real super powers will stay the same the few elite that are now in US and have all the power and wealth will be (maybe are) long gone to a diffrent country with they entire wealth (or more) bye a phone call and 2 clicks on a computer..
Its the regualr people that are alway screwed in times like this

16:57:57 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Ghoumzter:

Oui, c'est l'Europe, depuis l'Atlantique jusqu'à l'Oural, c'est toute l'Europe, qui décidera du destin du monde.

Or, Yes, it is Europe, from teh Atlantics to the Urals, it is Europe, it is the whole of Europe, that will decide the destiny of the world. -Charles de Gaulle.

17:03:04 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

 Main super powers of the world


18:36:20 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Ghoumzter:

Thats retarded Revenge, in what way do you mean? Economicly? By military?

18:58:36 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

for either one of hose, take Britain off ;)

20:07:36 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

xD considering we have the best trained spec ops in the world so military we might not have quantity but we do have quality

20:42:20 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

I think it would just be America and China (not now, but in the upcoming decades. Anyway, human rights and all that stuff doesn´t have that much to do with China becoming a superpower, the most important reason for its growth is the existence of one sixth of the world´s population inside its borders). You could add there the European Union, but just as a whole. Alone they don´t stand a chance.

20:44:06 Dec 2nd 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

I think the EU could hold surprises, don't count them out as an upcoming superpower. ;-)

00:18:03 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

The EU will never be a strong superpower. The only time the countries are united are on paper when looking at countries GDP. Each and every one of them work completely independantly when it comes to military and economics. Look at Germany they're getting a new tank to take over for all there old ones. Greece on the other hand is getting an entirely different kind. They're trying to pull of another United State's but it's not working.

00:30:12 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

not everyone is tryin to turn into the states you know......thts what were tryin to steer away from

00:38:23 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Kassius what do you think the European Union is trying to do? It's obvious they got the idea off the United States.

00:57:39 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Ghoumzter:

The EU will be a nation sooner or later, of that im convinced. And Kassius, France got about as large Army as England so I dont see why to include Britain but not France.

Really America is so far ahead of all other nations that its silly to even talk of anyone else, they have more then the double military budget then the EU combined. And still they cant control third world nations (even with the help of the mighty superpower England). Irregular warfare seems to be the future of war, and since the major nations cant attack each other because of assured mutual destruction, is the military really a sign on how strong a nation is, or how much money they are pissing down the drain?

03:31:18 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

That'll happen as soon as France, Germany etc. Decide to take themselves off the GDP list. There rivalries run to deep for it to ever become a country.

15:29:37 Dec 3rd 07 - Lady Lacewing:

"The world (hopefully) will be a better place."

With China at the top?  Probably not.

"Anyway, human rights and all that stuff doesn´t have that much to do with China becoming a superpower, the most important reason for its growth is the existence of one sixth of the world´s population inside its borders)."

It plays a role.  Other than raw manpower, China also still has a lot of its natural resources while other countries are beginning to exhaust theirs, or are being heavily pressured to reduce pollution and harm to the environment which in turns hurts profits.

"And still they cant control third world nations (even with the help of the mighty superpower England)."

I would like to see any democratic country try and "control" Iraq.  The reason I say democratic is because it would be all too easy to go in and start shooting everyone and anyone who might pose a threat, or dump a million troops in Baghdad with no armor and insufficient training.  Except America is trying to go the life-saving, expensive, and minimal-troop route which is pretty much what the people of any democratic country would expect.

17:11:56 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

sigheart as i said before incase your ego bloked it out, nobodys tryin to copy the US ghoum i never said anything bout britain having a large army i was talking bout how well trained it was

17:21:54 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Might:

Britan has a well trained army?

18:06:19 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

everyone knows tha SAS pwns all other spec ops unit (

18:45:39 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

sigheart as i said before incase your ego bloked it out, nobodys tryin to copy the US ghoum i never said anything bout britain having a large army i was talking bout how well trained it was

How many other countries do you see that have taken a huge amount of land and then turning it into smaller groups and been succesful about it? The EU has copied the main idea of America's unifacation. They aren't following the details. sorry if I wasn't clear about that. But countries are trying to copy the US economiclly to, there's a big difference between doing everything they have done and following certain succesful points. Also I'm glad you didn't write they have the best trained army because then I would have had to get into a big arguement.

18:49:04 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

True. America has a larger budget, and more troops, but Britain has probably the best troops in the world. Canada's (tiny) army is well, Tiny. However, it is extremely well trained, at about the same level as Britain's army. (Yes, The SAS are still better than any Canadian forces group that I know of...)
America's troop quality and discipline is far behind Britain's and Canada's. Yet they are the military superpower currently, because they've invested huge amounts of money into numbers and vehicles.
China has a huge army, but it is currently outdated, poorly trained and poorly equipped. (The latter will likely be rectified in the next few years, with the former improving slightly over time.)
In the unlikely case that the EU ever joined together, they could be extremely effective.

18:57:45 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Lady Lacewing


12/3/2007 8:29:37 AM

"The world (hopefully) will be a better place."

With China at the top?  Probably not.

"Anyway, human rights and all that stuff doesn´t have that much to do with China becoming a superpower, the most important reason for its growth is the existence of one sixth of the world´s population inside its borders)."

It plays a role.  Other than raw manpower, China also still has a lot of its natural resources while other countries are beginning to exhaust theirs, or are being heavily pressured to reduce pollution and harm to the environment which in turns hurts profits.

Of course natural resources have something to do with it... but natural resources doesn´t have anything to do with human rights (I just don´t get the objection about that comment, I never said anything about resources- one of them being man himself) China should have been the superpower for the last 6,000 years, yet their culture has stopped them from rising into world domination. Would the world be a better place? In my case, the actual superpower does not affect my life too much (good thing I live on "the democratic side of the world"). It wouldn´t be better, just different. The only thing I have to say is that, should America not spend that much money on their military budget, plenty of people throughout the world could live with better conditions. Even the American people would have best lives. Then again, they all say the money is needed for defense. Give people reasons to hate, and you´ll get reasons for needing huge armies to defend yourself.

19:02:45 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

0_o The ignorance in this thread is blowing my mind. Don't you guys know? Israel is the definite best it's been admitted by almost every country you guys have been talking about. While this may suprise people but in terms of best trained The South American army is next and America(thanks mainly to our Seals, Marine's, Airforce) with Britain Close behind or slightly ahead.

01:16:47 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

What South American army??? I´ve never heard of that... Perhaps that is because it doesn´t exist!!! And you call everyone else ignorant?

01:27:41 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Woops I meant South African army.

0_o The ignorance in this thread is blowing my mind. Don't you guys know? Israel is the definite best it's been admitted by almost every country you guys have been talking about. While this may suprise people but in terms of best trained The South African(fixed) army is next and America(thanks mainly to our Seals, Marine's, Airforce) with Britain Close behind or slightly ahead.

There mistake fixed and now that the mistake is fixed yes I can call everyone else ignorant.

01:39:45 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

The best armies on the world are the ones from Switzerland, Panama and Costa Rica.

01:41:14 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Your being sarcastic right? Costa Rica doesn't even have a military.

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