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New world Europe Vs US
07:58:46 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

If the European Union really mattered, they would agree communally on items and stick to them together.  Since this hasn't happened and because it won't due to its components all still being separate countries, I don't really see how they factor in any equation until all of its member nations agree to a common threat or benefit.

It is like the United Nations.  It could be a good idea, but it is still composed of countries that each have their own agendas and priorities.

The USA has never been about perfection, we have certainly made mistakes; for example, we didn't support the Nationalists in China when they were fighting with Mao and his communists.  Believe it or not, in a round about way we are actually responsible for the communist government in place there.  While some things may be serious boo-boos in retrospect, on the whole we do try to perform justly.

14:56:57 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

im offended  bye the last part where you claim to make mistakes but make me feel offended and negative about you..

01:28:36 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

I'd say Everscape got all the points I made into one post pretty well.

12:11:59 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

of all the crual dicators USA installed and all the good leaders u brought down..
u apoligise for not killing your enemy before it was you enemy??

17:09:48 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

The mistakes are usually in retrospect, like I said.  You can only make do with what you know at the time and what you manage to envision for the future.  For example, I think we should have stuck it out in Vietnam.  Instead, we let the communist regime gain another foothold.

It is interesting how the dynamics work in a democracy.  Obviously a lot of winning instills a sense of pride in the population, but the people usually don't comprehend the countless other factors that must be counted, including a vision of the future.

17:41:48 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

I would like what good thoughs was behind the US attempts to put a Nazi in charge of France after WW2 :-) Or how about on how the Philipino war was handeld :-) Or how about Grenada :-) Or how about the millions of indians killed in central america by CIA supported death patrols :-) Or how about the tens of thousands of union workers killed in your own country :-) Should I even mention the Indians in the USA, the bombings in cambodia killed millions and then you supported Pol Pot! And how many coups in other nations? And support for countless of dictators.

04:58:00 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

I think Ghouma just doesnt like the US and I sure hope he gets his facts from liable sources not everything you search for is correct half of it is made up, but thats history the facts get mixed with the lies, and twisted out of truth, but it's human nature so it cant be stopped we believe what we want to believe. Even history itself isnt safe from human nature. You have to search to find the true truth and it is not always obvious. 

Some Governments, for instance, dont like anything bad being taught that they did so they have it cut out of their history books for school or they distort it to make themselves look better. We all have our secrets, and most try to hide them; not accepting that they too have done wrong, but instead blaming another. However, their are the few who accept what they have done, and try to atone for it by doing good.  We have made mistakes as a society not just one nation so quit pin pointing one nation. Yes we in the US made mistakes but we must go forward, and learn from our mistakes.  Hopefully we do so we dont make those same mistakes in the future. "Only time will tell what the future holds."

I have no clue if i quoted anyone that had their saying quoted always did hate that so srry if you see one that should be quoted.

18:43:27 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

what about the CIA's torture of Iraqis ?

You cannot tell me that is a "mistake"

18:45:45 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I think we can do it. They have no rites in the whatever it was pact thingy. They don't even have a uniform.

18:50:44 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

Torture is in violation of the United Nations Convention Against Torture.

Read it yourself.

BTW the convention is not for soliders it is for PEOPLE though that seems to be forgotten in times of war.

18:58:04 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Terrorists don't count as PEOPLE.

19:00:24 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

Terrorists are People, that is just the kind of brainwashing I would have expected from the American goverment.

Let me repeat Terrorists are people, people who made wrong choices yes, but still people.

19:06:24 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

Extraordinary rendition - Media reports, human rights group statements and governmental investigations (including an investigation by the European Union) conclude that the U.S. government has handed suspects over to foreign intelligence services for more intensive interrogation, often including torture by proxy. There has been a lack of denial in official circles of this practice. A US official is reported to have said "If you don't violate someone's human rights some of the time, you probably aren't doing your job."64] The US Government denies that torture is being conducted in the detention camps at Guantanamo Bay.[65] It is alleged that terror suspects are arbitrarily or illegally arrested, then secretly transferred to other countries without trial and without respect of legal rights, there to be interrogated and often tortured. Maher Arar (2002) is an example of this practice.

Sources: Wikipedia

21:35:24 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

Okay first of all Wikipedia's a bad source show me somthing else that doesn't get changed constantly especially considering how often America is targeted for these sort of things.

Second no country is perfect America is most definately not. But lets look at comparison shall we? During the reign of Suddam Hussein there was daily torturing and I mean  torturing not just lights on day and night which is considered torture now a days or using truth drugs (which about 50% of the world uses daily for courts among other things) when prisoners won't tell the truth. Or beatings when they try to escape and hurt a soldier in the process. NO. I'm talking about amputating there arms using knifes and being beaten every day with salt and this is widespread instead of used on a few terrorists who have tried to kill other people. These are just innocent doctors or scholars.

America's form of "torture" barely breaks rules in the Geneva Constituions but is blown out of proportion until it seems to be terrible but in context is actually not quite so bad. I'm not saying it's justified but considering who it's used on and to what level it's at.

Not only that but America has actually admitted to it and is planning to tell the world about their "terrible atrocities" which is better then most countries including Britain( Is gonna get flamed so badly for this but most of the players flaming America aren't from America and most Non-American VU players are British so....yea).

Also consider the fact that in every war where America has helped in they have been accused by European countries because of how little they actually know about Americans and feel threatened by them so they blow everything they can out of proportion.


Yeah owned.

When your ready to play with the big kids then we'll talk.

22:57:20 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:

Are you *beep*ing kidding me Sigheart, "baerly breaks the geneva convention"? In Syria they BOIL people alive in American secrets prissons. I dont just dislike America, I dislike all capitalist countries, and some others.

23:18:01 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

Give me the source please.

23:31:00 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

@Sighert, Waterboarding is a terrifying experience that involves placing plastic over a persons face then pouring water over the mouth.This results in in what is know as a gag reflex.

The result ? The body thinking it is going to die releses massive amouts of adreniline, This results in a terrifyingfeeling that over-weelmes the victim in a manner that is so saver that most hardened person would crack in a manner of secounds.

The average for terrorists subjected to this treatment is 30secs.

The average for a CIA officer during traning ? 15secs.

Makes you think.

Sources: "The Mail On Sunday."

BTW. @Sighert could you please supply a server domain that is not American? Thanks ;-)


00:00:25 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

Err sorry It's from World Net Daily. It should work....

Also the CIA has BANNED Waterboarding. It's only been used on 3 terrorist prisoners under the CIA jurisdiction  (one of them is the mastermind behind 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed). Which in my opinion all things considering defeats the point of your arguement.Unless your making a point about the rest of the world in which case I'm not even gonna try to make an arguement for the rest of the capitilist world because it would be way to hard (unless I started making points about comparison which already destroys most arguements).

00:27:13 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

99% of the things mentioned here are things that many Americans complain about their own government. Weird sentence...but you get what I mean. Despite that, it's not as bad as people try to portray it. Media always makes things seem much worse than they are.

As Sigheart mentioned, this whole torture thing is nowhere near as bad as what's used by like half the world (and yes...I do consider making someone feel like they're drowning while inflicting no actual physical harm "less bad" than causing a prisoner permanent physical damage).

Still, I disagree with this whole torture thing. I can insult America as much as I want b/c I'm American. However, you guys don't have that right. What does the torture of some tell you about America? It doesn't say anything about the people since few of them agree with torture. (Ok fine! That is not necessarily a fact! Just most people I know disagree! And the exclamation points are at the person who was gonna ask for my damn sources!) It says something about ONLY the president and a few other top officials who have a say in this matter. Guess what! Many, many, many Americans agree that Bush sucks! The only reason he's in office is b/c of the mass # of *beep*s that say retarded things like "He has a nice family," as their reason for voting on them. (Note: Anyone who votes for Bush based on his stance on issues and stuff is not included under that *beep* title...I mean literally what I said.)

Sorry about the whole rant...but seriously. No matter how much you and I criticize America, it IS an awesome country and I'm proud to be an American! yay! =D

06:08:11 Dec 18th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

"However, you guys don't have that right."

You don't need the right to insult anyone...

"BTW. @Sighert could you please supply a server domain that is not American? Thanks ;-)"

Well that's the thing.  Non-American servers will be accusatory and biased against America.

06:47:12 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

While American Servers will still be biased against America -_-

09:58:36 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Random:

what about australia?
we dominate =]

16:25:17 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

"You don't need the right to insult anyone..."

You are used to a country with laws that protect you :).  In other places, you can be killed for this!

My tough stance against terrorism is because we are working with people who are literally behaving worse than animals.  It is alarming to think of the selfish, monstrous mindset required to take advantage of your own people's ignorance; the suicide bomber has been brainwashed to believe that there is a heavenly reward waiting in return for their slaughter of helpless civilians.

Dealing with such a programmed view has to take beyond-ordinary means because this isn't the typical war.  This is not an enemy that can be reasoned with.

What do you recommend instead of torture?  Do you think that just leaving them be will work?  That's what got us into this mess in the first place.

16:49:44 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

If anything, the world in general (including the European Union) has to stand WITH the U.S. on this threat.  It is simply something that none of us can afford to tolerate.  Warfare may be a part of the culture and way of life in the Middle East, but we have be clear that we don't want a part of it.

Europe (I think it was Spain?) has already had its own terrorist attacks!  It can only get worse if we don't do something about it.  Does it have to hit you personally, or in your own backyard, to make you understand?

I actually live within an hour of New York City, and it stirs my guts to know that so many people I know were affected directly by the terrorist attacks on 9/11.  Fathers and family never made it home from a usual day at work, and hundreds of brave firefighters perished trying to save those trapped there.  Such a brutal and merciless attack certainly doesn't merit any goodwill towards the terrorists.

Anyway, that was a long rant.  I had to post a second time because I took too long editing the post :D.  The point I have is this:  what solution do you recommend against a force that is bent on your destruction, by any means?  They certainly aren't following any conventions.  It is such a frustrating paradox, trying to balance human rights when the opponents simply don't play fairly.

17:29:21 Dec 18th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

I agree with you when you say America has suffered by the 9/11 attacks but America has been less then cautise when deploying its millitary, You got one sniff of Osama in Afganistan and what do you do ? You go guns blazing into the place and litteraly rip it apart, I have seen newsclips of patiants from the US bombings and let me tell you, They are not Terrorists.

Let me ask you this, Do you find a 4 year old girl so treatining to your people that you must rip out her guts (Yes it showed a picture) but don't think she died stright away, oh no she lived, all night she lived the nurses at the hospital told how they looked after her all night befor she died of blood loss at six o'clock in the morning.

17:38:39 Dec 18th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

Sorry i forgot to run a spellcheck on the above post. ;-)

I agree with you when you say America has suffered by the 9/11 attacks but America has been less then careful when deploying its military, you got one sniff of Osama in Afghanistan and what do you do? You go guns blazing into the place and literally rip it apart; I have seen news clips of patients from the US bombings and let me tell you, they are not Terrorists.

Let me ask you this, Do you find a 4 year old girl so threatening to your people that you must rip out her guts (Yes it showed a picture) but don't think she died straight away, oh no she lived, all night she lived the nurses at the hospital told how they looked after her all night before she died of blood loss at six o'clock in the morning.


20:15:49 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Of course no one wants that.

Unfortunately, however, we are dealing with cowards who would rather hide behind their own people than come out honestly.  Sadly, like all war this is a dirty war...and unfortunately, when it comes down to an "us or them" scenario, our hand is forced.  Pulling out of the area would likely result in another terrorist attack at home again, which would put our own civilians in danger.

The difference between the two sides is that we aren't explicitly targeting their general population, and that we are doing what we can to minimalize the collateral damage as an effect of combat.  It certainly is greatly to our advantage to have the people on our side, after all...because we will need their support to come back home.

Also, you are forgetting that the terrorists in Iraq especially have killed far more of their own people than we have at this point!  The average person may want to live, but the terrorists appear to hold no value in life beyond a tool for chaos!

My father had an amusing suggestion for fighting fire with fire...coat our bullets with pig blood, that way they all "go to hell".  lol :P

20:06:27 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

everscape you talk passionate about what you say but are you even aware of whatt you are saying?
Im haveing dufficulty understanding.
All i can make out is if someone says the CIA killing inoccent people your reaction is dont insult america when someone says military has bomed peopl you say dont insult america those people deserve to be killed they are terrorist (wich sadly doesnt even sound crazy anymore).... Are we not even allowed to stand for the right of humans to live anymore?? And if you really think your country is that what we complain about. like the things killing all those people you are wrong. you say terrorist hide behind their people wich seems ironic since you are the one who is covering for murderers torures and thepeople that couse most misery in the world  becouse its ''insulting america''.

23:06:09 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

everscape im finding your comments a bit disturbing, you condone torture because according to you terrorists are "worse than animals" (when you yourself said they had been brainnwashed by religious propaganda)which would make the torturers - and directly the governments which allow it -  just as bad, if not worse than the terrorists, if i wasnt sure that your replies are all bluster id advise you to see a specialist, ypu seem to be overly keen on sick minded methods of interrogation/ways of dealing with foreign diplomacy.

02:26:56 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I think he was referring to the people who do the brainwashing....not the relatively innocent (very relative....they still very bad) ones who are brainwashed into doing these attacks.

How would you fight a war against people who don't care about anything but themselves? Against people who are nowhere...people who hide amongst innocents.....I am against torturing because it's just disgustingly brutish and cruel. But in rare (very, very rare) situations, there isn't much choice.

It's not like they're just going around torturing people. What would you do if you find a major terrorist leader who has information that could help prevent an attack and locate several terrorist leaders? He's not going to tell you. You can't try to make him feel guilty, he just doesn't care. What would you do? Unless you can think of a good answer to this dilemma, you shouldn't criticize those that have to make this decision.

04:30:24 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Yes, Atreides is voicing where I am going with is a difficult decision, but unfortunately one that I believe should not swing in the terrorist's favor when there are more people at stake.  Especially considering that they cannot be rationalized with; are there other suggestions?

I don't see how the government is worse, when they are actively trying to save people versus the terrorists who are slaughtering innocents.

I will reiterate:  put yourself in a position where you are trying to actively stop terrorism.  This isn't about tolerance.

16:55:35 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

well thats where we have differences, i belive torture is wrong in everycase, but i see what you mean although "our bullets with pig blood, that way they all "go to hell"" is what made me think you were sadistic

17:10:56 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

It's no more sadistic than shooting them in the first place, I think...except it has religious connotations for them.

19:51:08 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

no not connotations, just straight racism

21:17:17 Dec 20th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

If you could torture one man and could save 3 people from being kidnapped and executed, would you do it?

What if it were 30 people from a bombing?

What if it were 3000 people from a suicie attack like 9/11?

What if it were 300,000 people from a nuclear detonation?

Would you torture 3 men?  30 men? 3000 men? 300,000 men?

It's easy to say torture is wrong when you're safe.  Where do you draw the lines?

22:27:19 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

everyscape how old are you?

22:53:57 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

no not connotations, just straight racism

No, my's war and that would be a tactical pro, so there is a difference :).  The real problem with that sort of fighting would be how the rest of the Islamic world would probably cry out against it, so in the end it probably wouldn't help.  It's more a matter of weighing advantages and disadvantages.

Oh, I'm 24 years old.  Woohoo.

23:38:35 Dec 20th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

im talking bout you insulting the islamic religion, fair enough you have your veiws but i dont see how saying our bullets with pig blood, that way they all "go to hell is very "tactical" it does nothing but inflame the situation.

and @ luta no i wouldnt torture anyone im not that guy and i wouldnt have it in me, plus when you say "its easy to say torture is wrong" yes it is but its just as easy to say "torture is right" when you wouldnt be the one pulling out the "equipment"

02:00:13 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

@Kassius: Yeah and the Islams are totally innocent of that right? I mean it's not like they've ever burned bibles(they have) tried to kill the pope(they did) or even burned churches(I think you get the picture).

I think I should step in again and own you guys again.

02:11:56 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


02:17:34 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Agent Emann:

The potrayal of any country's government is biased against or for it depending upon the current state of the media. American media in particular has a tendency to blow things out of proportion when it comes to ethics and decision making. Torture occurs all over the world, this is a fact we must accept. However, if&nb*beep*erica chooses to insert itself into world policing, it must also be willing to go above and beyond in its handling of the situation. As in any argument, the person seeking to change the status quo must prove without a doubt that they are correct. If the U.S. resorts to such measures, we compromise not only the main objective of our mission (to make a positive change), but we also compromise the validity of our ethics (choices to agree to Geneva Convention and UN pacts) and our worthyness to do so.

02:20:02 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Everscape:

I'm not insulting the Islamic religion.  I have Muslim friends.  I just know that pigs are a bane in their religion, absolutely forbidden, and that taking advantage of that would make them terrified of our attacks.

Once again, its called a tactical advantage.  Obviously it would inflame the whole Muslim world which makes it a bad option.

It's like taking advantage of someone's belief in luck in various circumstances to gain the optimal ground.  I don't believe in bad luck for walking under a it sounds like a great place to fight if YOU do! :D

12:37:19 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Clone V:

everscape your a good example that general knowlage or knowing people has nothing to do with education in your country.

19:26:57 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Everscape:

That is one helluva confusing sentence :)

19:29:48 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

sigheart if you actually take some real interest in your point of view you would have found out that its muslim EXTREMISTS that are the ones causing havoc, if you look at the quran (cannae mind how to spell it) you will see it forbades violence of this sort every religion has extremists that use their religion as an excuse to meet their own selfish means when in reality they arnt part of the religion at all. that is why i believe that painting the whole religion as bad is a load of bull.

19:33:06 Dec 21st 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Catholic extremists ruled over Europe for hundreds of years. They are not evil, they are just confused about what a religion should be.

20:40:14 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Sorra:

America needs to stop interveening in the Middle east like europe is starting to do. It would make the world a better place and america much safer.


Ridicules how America gives almost unlimited support to Israel when there basically at war with all the Arab and most of the Muslim world and then get pissed when they get attacked.


Just leave the dman region and they will solve there problems themselfs. Everything will balnace it's self out if the X factor (america) stops intervenning.


Watch this video. This is a great man who crush all the warhawk fools and the people who believe that interveening in middle east poltics is right.


Great man




" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">">




" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

21:23:59 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

It Failed!

21:47:43 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Sorra:

oh well, just fallow the link then.

23:05:07 Dec 21st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I've always felt that Hezbollah (or however you spell it) was "good." Israel has never been a fair country imo. The Europeans just stole Muslim land, handed it to the Jewish people, and have helped the Israelis to attack Arab countries. People always think of it as Israelis fighting terrorists...but in fact it is a country, an army, resisting the invading Israel forces. I agree that America is wrong to support Israel.

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